Project Report
A C program to create the Marksheet of Students
St.Xavier’s College Departmental Research
Submitted By:
Prakriti Acharya (022BIM039)
Srijana Khatri (022BIM055)
Shreskar Bista (022BIM052)
Submitted to:
Er. Rabin Maharjan
Department of Computer Science
May 2023
A C program to create the Marksheet of Students
Prakriti Acharya
Srijana Khatri
Shreskar Bista
Approved by:
1. Head Of Department
The proposed project aims to develop a student marksheet using C programming language to
help educators and academic institutions manage student grades more efficiently. The
software will provide a user-friendly interface to store, update, and calculate student grades,
automate manual tasks, and generate reports to provide insights into student performance.
The project will leverage the advantages of the C programming language to provide a
portable, efficient, and effective solution for educators and academic institutions. The
software's flexibility and scalability will ensure that it can evolve as necessary to meet the
changing needs of educators and academic institutions. The proposed project will simplify
the process of grade management, promote academic success, and enable educators to
provide timely feedback to students and parents.
We would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Ganesh yogi, Head of Department, for his
valuable direction, persistent encouragement, and timely suggestions.
We would also want to thank our teacher, Mr. Rabin Maharjan, for allowing us to undertake
this research. It would not have been feasible to complete this work or the research that
supported it without his extraordinary supervision. He was a huge assistance to us with his
thorough supervision, enthusiastic support, and constructive criticism of this research effort.
His expertise and critical suggestions were important in determining the project's direction
and scope.
Our group would like to express its heartfelt appreciation for presenting us with such a
wonderful experience. Throughout our research, we were able to learn a lot about
programming and gain practical experience with our subject matter.
Finally, this research would not have been possible without the invaluable assistance of our
group members. Their breakthroughs, ideas, and creations were crucial in finishing this job
on schedule. Their efforts and dedication are much appreciated.
Table of Contents
CERTIFICATION................................................................................................................. 2
Abstract ................................................................................................................................ 3
Acknowledgement.................................................................................................................. 4
Chapter 1: Introduction ......................................................................................................... 7
Background .............................................................................................................. 7
Problem Statement .................................................................................................... 7
Motivation ................................................................................................................ 8
Chapter 2: Literature Survey ................................................................................................. 9
Literature Survey ................................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 3: Research Methodology ........................................................................................ 10
3.1. Software: .................................................................................................................... 10
3.2. Programming Language Domain: .................................................................................. 10
3.3. End User Interface: ...................................................................................................... 10
3.4. Evolution Aspect: ........................................................................................................ 10
3.5. Algorithm ................................................................................................................... 10
3.6. Necessary Diagram (Flowchart):.................................................................................... 11
3.7. End User Interface ....................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 4: Result and Analysis ............................................................................................ 14
Output: ............................................................................................................................. 16
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future work ............................................................................... 19
Reference ............................................................................................................................ 20
List of figures
Figure 1: Flowchart representing the operation of marksheet generator .............................................12
Figure 3: Retrieving data from the user .........................................................................................16
Figure 2: Welcome Interface Initial confirmation stage ...................................................................16
Figure 4: Output when the user denies generating a Marksheet .........................................................17
Figure 5: Output when the user accepts generating a Marksheet .......................................................18
Chapter 1: Introduction
The purpose of this project is to create a student marksheet using the C programming
language. This program is designed to allow teachers and academic institutions to manage
their student grades more efficiently. The software is capable of storing, updating, and
calculating student grades, generating reports, and providing insights into student
The project aims to simplify the process of grade management for educators and
administrators by automating manual tasks such as grade entry and calculation. This program
is user-friendly and designed with a simple interface to ensure easy navigation for users.
The project consists of several key components, including a database for storing student
information, a user interface for entering and updating grades, and a set of functions to
calculate student averages and generate reports. The database will be designed to
accommodate a large number of students and their grades, and it will be possible to easily
search, sort, and filter data.
The student marks sheet will provide a comprehensive view of student performance,
including individual subject scores, total marks, grade points, and grade averages. Reports
can be generated for individual students or for groups of students, making it easier for
educators to identify areas where students may need additional support.
In summary, the project aims to create a student marks sheet that will help educators and
academic institutions manage student grades more efficiently. This program will provide an
easy-to-use interface for entering and updating grades, as well as generating reports and
insights into student performance.
Problem Statement
Managing student grades and academic performance manually can be a time-consuming and
error-prone process for educators and academic institutions. The process of grading and
calculating grades can be tedious, and it can lead to delays in providing timely feedback to
students and parents. As a result, there is a need for a more efficient and effective way to
manage student grades and academic performance. Here are the few things that needs to be
The proposed project aims to address this problem by creating a student marksheet
using C programming language.
The software will provide a centralized database to store all student grades, automate
manual tasks such as grade calculation, and generate reports to provide insights into
student performance.
The program will be user-friendly and designed with a simple interface to ensure easy
navigation for users.
The proposed project will help educators and academic institutions to manage student
grades more efficiently and effectively, saving valuable time and effort, and
promoting academic success for students.
In today's academic environment, managing student grades and academic performance has
become an increasingly challenging task for educators and academic institutions. The manual
process of grade management is time-consuming, prone to errors, and can lead to delays in
providing timely feedback to students and parents.
Creating a student marksheet using C programming language will simplify the grade
management process and help educators and academic institutions to keep track of student
performance effectively. This program will provide a centralized database to store all student
grades, making it easier to access and update them as necessary.
By automating manual tasks such as grade calculation, educators can save valuable time and
effort, allowing them to focus on providing better education to their students. Additionally,
the software will provide insights into student performance, making it easier to identify areas
where students need additional support.
The proposed project will offer a user-friendly interface, which will make it easier for
educators to navigate and input data, and the software's report generation capabilities will
provide a comprehensive view of student performance. This will enable educators to provide
timely feedback to students and parents and to identify any areas of concern.
In summary, creating a student marksheet using C programming language will provide an
efficient and effective solution to manage student grades and academic performance. The
software's automation of manual tasks, user-friendly interface, and report generation
capabilities will help educators to focus on providing better education to their students and to
promote their academic success.
Chapter 2: Literature Survey
Literature Survey
Byron Gottfried in his book "Programming with C” introduces the basic concept of c
programming language where he describes the basic structure of the whole program the basic
structuralism of the program is based on the this concept describing the basic elements of c.
“The C Programming Language" by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie It provides a
clear and concise introduction to the language, covering everything from basic syntax to more
advanced concepts like pointers and memory management. [2]
"C: How to Program" by Deitel and Deitel is a comprehensive guide to learning the C
programming language. The book covers everything from basic concepts such as variables
and control structures to more advanced topics like file handling and dynamic memory
allocation. [3]
"A Book on C" by Al Kelley and Ira Pohl is a comprehensive guide to learning the C
programming language. The book covers all the essential topics in C programming, from
basic concepts such as Variables, Control Structures, Functions, Pointers, Arrays, Memory
Management. [4]
Chapter 3: Research Methodology
3.1. Software:
Integrated development environment (IDE) software was used to write, debug, and test the
code for the marksheet generation system. Dev-C++ is a open-source lightweight and easyto-use IDE software for C programming that includes features like code highlighting and
debugging tools. Dev-C++ is the IDE software used for this project. The incorporation of
technology like as integrated source control, debugging tools, and a user-friendly interface
made the development process more efficient.
3.2. Programming Language Domain:
The project will be developed using C programming language, which is widely used for
developing software solutions for the education sector. The language will be used to create a
centralized database to store all student grades, automate manual tasks, and generate reports
to provide insights into student performance.
3.3. End User Interface:
The software will be designed to provide a user-friendly interface to ensure easy navigation
for users. The program will have a simple and intuitive design to allow educators and
academic institutions to input and update student grades quickly.
3.4. Evolution Aspect:
The proposed project will be developed with the ability to evolve and scale as necessary. The
software will be designed with the flexibility to accommodate future changes and upgrades.
Additionally, the software will be developed with the option to integrate with other systems,
providing further flexibility and scalability.
3.5. Algorithm
Here is an algorithm of the marksheet generation process in C:
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Do you want to create a mark sheet?
{If yes, GOTO Step 3
If No GOTO Step 11}
Step 3: Enter yours personal details
Step 4: Ask for marks of different subjects
Step 5: If marks >0 and marks <100
{Yes, GOTO Step 6
No, display invalid and GOTO Step 4}
Step 6: Store marks
Step 7: Do you want to create a mark sheet?
{Yes, go to Step 8
No, GOTO Step 11}
Step 8: Total = sum of marks
Step 9: Percentage= Total/ no of subjects
Step 10: Display mark sheet
Step 11: Stop
3.6. Necessary Diagram (Flowchart):
A flowchart is a graphical representation of a program's control or logic flow. It displays the
order of actions and key decision points in the marksheet generating process, makes it simple
to understand the fundamental structure and flow of the marksheet. The program’s logic's
possible flaws or bottlenecks can also be found using this technique. The flowchart to
represent the operation of the marksheet generator is presented in the following page:
Display if you
want to create a
Ask for personal details
Ask for marks in
different subjects
If marks >0 and
marks <100
Store Marks
Display invalid
Display if you want to
create a marksheet?
Total= sum of marks
Percentage = Total / no of
Display marksheet
Figure 1: Flowchart representing the operation of marksheet generator
3.7. End User Interface
The end user interface is be designed to be simple and intuitive, with clear input fields. It
includes a welcome screen, data input section and the marksheet generation confirmation
section making it an interactive and easy to use interface. The output section will display the
relevant information in a clean and easy-to-read format.
Welcome Screen: When a user launches the game code, the welcome screen will be
the first screen they view. It will show the game's title, how to play instructions, and
some more messages.
Data Input Section
Name: Text field for student's name
Personal Details: Text field for student's parent’s name and school name
Roll Number: Text field for student's roll number
Class: Text field for student's class
Subjects: Dropdown list or text fields for subject names (e.g., Math, Science, English,
Marks Obtained: Text fields for marks obtained in each subject
Marksheet Generation Confirmation Section
Confirmation statement
Output Section
Total Marks Obtained: Text field displaying the total marks obtained by the student
Percentage: Text field displaying the percentage obtained by the student
Overall Grade: Text field displaying the overall grade obtained by the student
Overall Division: Text field displaying the overall division obtained by the student
Chapter 4: Result and Analysis
Our project mainly aims to create a marksheet in an efficient way to help educators and
academic institutions manage student grades more efficiently. The program provides a userfriendly interface to store, update, and calculate student grades, generate reports, and
provide insights into student performance. The development of a marksheet generator using
C programming language provides the following outcomes:
1. Reliable
The project is results in a reliable, efficient, and user-friendly marksheet generator
that can calculate and generate marksheets for a large number of students. It is equally
secured and can easily store data on a large scale.
2. Time Efficient
Time is a crucial matter to waste, even more crucial for educational institutions. Thus
this project aids to reduce the time and effort required to generate marksheets,
resulting in increased efficiency for educational institutions.
3. Accuracy
The accuracy of the mark sheet generator in calculating and generating the mark
sheets for each student is found to be accurate according to the provided data and the
algorithm it is based on.
4. Maintainability
The program can be continuously improved with identification of potential areas for
improvement in the marksheet generation process. The feedback can be addressed and
be considered as per the demand.
The marksheet generation project in C programming can help educational institutions
streamline their administrative processes by automating the process of calculating grades and
generating marksheets. The user-friendly interface of the project can improve the overall
experience of generating marksheets for both administrators and students, reducing the
likelihood of errors or confusion in the process. It can reduce the potential for human error
and increase accuracy and consistency of grades. It can be further improved by incorporating
features such as data validation, error handling, marksheet printing and data storage
Overall, the marksheet generation project in C programming can provide significant benefits
to educational institutions by improving the efficiency and accuracy of their administrative
processes, and enhancing the overall experience of generating marksheets for both
administrators and students.
Figure 2: Welcome Interface Initial confirmation stage
Figure 3: Retrieving data from the user
Figure 4: Output when the user denies generating a Marksheet
Figure 5: Output when the user accepts generating a Marksheet
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Future work
Overall, the marksheet generation project in C programming language is an efficient and
user-friendly solution for educational institutions to generate marksheets for their students.
The software will leverage the advantages of the C programming language to provide a userfriendly interface, automate manual tasks, and generate reports to provide insights into
student performance. By automating the calculation of grades and providing a simple and
intuitive interface, the project can significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of the
marksheets generation process. The software's flexibility and scalability will ensure that it
can evolve as necessary to meet the changing needs of educators and academic institutions.
Future Work:
Although the marksheet generation project is functional, there is still room for improvement
and future work. Some potential future work includes:
Integration with a database: The project could be integrated with a database to store
student information and marksheets for easier retrieval and analysis.
Advanced features: Advanced features such as data validation, marksheet printing,
error handling, and advanced printing options can be incorporated into the project to
enhance the user experience and increase the overall functionality of the project.
User authentication: Implementing user authentication could enhance the security of
the application and ensure that only authorized users can generate marksheets.
Overall, the marksheet generation project in C programming language has significant
potential for future improvements and extensions. By continuing to develop and refine this
project, it can continue to provide educational institutions with an efficient and user-friendly
solution for generating marksheets.
[1] Byron Gottfried: "Programming with C,” Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill Education.[23 rd
February, 2023]
[2] Brian W. Keringhan, Dennis M. Ritchie, The C programming Language, Second
Edition, PHI Publication. .[25th February, 2023]
[3] Deitel, & Deitel, “C: How to Program”, Ninth Edition, Pearson Publication.[3rd March,
[4] Al Kelley, Ira Pohl: "A Book on C", Fourth Edition, Pearson Education.[6th March, 2023]
[5] Yeshvant Kanetkar, “Let Us C”, 17 th Edition, BPB publication, 2020. 4. Herbert Schildt,
C.[10th March, 2023]