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Design Methodology Homework: Problem Solving Skills

Design Methodology
Homework 2
Rati Akhalshenishvili
Group 9102
“Do you agree that there is a UMD for all design categories?” To be
honest I want to agree with this statement, that would be a great relief
to know that there is a universal method to solve any problem in any
design category, but unfortunately there is no such thing. Yes there
may be some problems that can be fixed by one method, but not all.
Instead there are group of skills that can really help solving the exact
complex problems, that’s why in many cases there is a group of
designers collaborating for one project, because every single individual
has his own skill. Such as model-making, drawing, technical realization
of ideas and etc.
These skills help you determine why an issue is happening and how to
resolve that issue. You may ask where does problem solving start and
that’s the hard part it starts by identifying the problem and therefore
are these skills to help you guide your way to it. Such as:
Formulating, Representing, Moving, Bringing problems and solutions
together, Evaluating, Reflecting.
In my case, I decided to become an interior designer/architect. I believe
that without these skills I would never make it as a professional or let’s
say a skilled designer. But acquiring these skills doesn’t come overnight.
Let’s make a five step guide how to slowly acquire them in my opinion.
1. Identifying and understanding the problem.
Good problem solving requires you to firstly understand the real
problem you need to solve before you attempt to come up with
any solutions. Often, the minute you identify the correct intent of
the problem, a solution more easily follows.
2. Research the systems and practices behind the problem
Don’t think that you know everything, make researches, by
computer or in my opinion the best way is to ask relevant people
in the same area of work that underlines the problem.
3. Visualize the problem
In some cases and in my case also, visualization really helps me to
understand the problems or just helps me identifying what I’m
dealing with.
4. Brainstorming creative ideas
I think that as many ideas you have as many percent of chance
you have to solve the problem. With many ideas comes the real
solution. So don’t be afraid to think, even useless ideas may guide
you to the right solution.
5. Identify the best answer/solution
After the brainstorming, writing down the ideas you may find the
best fit, best solution to make it work, make some changes and
make it useful.