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Effective Caring: Quality of Life & Techniques

Introduction to Effective Caring
Introduction: .................................................................................................................................... 3
Outline the factors required for individuals to have high quality of life. ................................ 3
Describe the key caring techniques. ........................................................................................ 5
Outline the constraints to positive caring. ............................................................................... 7
Conclusion: ..................................................................................................................................... 8
References: ...................................................................................................................................... 9
Caring is the prerequisite to facilitate quality life for every individual of any nation. Effective
caring is meant by the process of providing appropriate care services with all supporting to
needed individuals(Dahlke and Phinney, 2008). This report entails all the factors of ensuring
effective caring for individuals in UK. Additionally, the report has also explained different key
caring strategies for ensuring effective caring to those individuals effectively. However, effective
caring also faces some challenges those have also been described and depicted in appropriate
manner. Citizens of a nation demand for having good quality life by getting all required services
from central or local government effectively.
1. Outline the factors required for individuals to have high quality of life.
Quality of life states the condition at which individual feel good to live with others. This is the
feelings of a person by enjoying good personal life, good physical condition, social relations and
good cultural interactions in a society(Bourke‐Taylor et al., 2010). The quality of life is affected
by means of individual’s physical condition, emotional condition, psychological condition, social
relations and personal beliefs largely. These factors of quality of life have been depicted as
Physical Factors: These include different physical factors such as habit, exercises, food habit,
nutrition, walking, energy and physical comfortability etc. This is noted here that if these factors
are good by a person he will lead quality life forever surely(Berdes and Eckert, 2007). That
means good food habit ensures enough energy and strengths for a person effectively that ensures
good physical health that is the result of quality life. This is also seen that people are deprived
because of their gap of needed nutrition that leads people to worse life style with regular diseases
largely. That means enough energy and enough nutrition are also dependent on the food habit of
a person largely therefore, they are advised to be used to good food habit effectively.
Social Factors: These include different social networks, social relations, family bonding, friends
and relatives. This is also observed that if these factors are good to a person he will lead quality
life largely at everywhere he lives. That means social networks reliefs a personal mental stress by
sharing with friends and family about any pain or worse situation effectively(Morgan et al.,
2002). This is also seen that about 98% persons in the society forget any mental pain by social
relation development. This gives better scope to share own pain and get supports from relatives
to overcome such problems. Therefore, social networks are must to everyone by connecting with
face to face interactions and virtual network development using social apps.
Psychological Factors: These include different positive thinking, minds, feelings, memory,
learning capability and negative thoughts etc. This is observed that people with good feelings
and thoughts are very much happy in real life(Kaplan, 2006). That means with positive mind a
man can think positively about all the factors and uneven events in life that find a better solution
that leads to better lifestyle in the long run effectively. This is also observed by a statistic is that
about 85% people in the society are happy with thinking proactively about all the life facts
largely. That means keeping the mind always cool even if in any unfavourable situations this
gives to relief all mental pain effectively.
Personal Beliefs: These include religious thoughts, views, ideas, ideology, thinking and cultural
thoughts etc. This is noted here that is these factors are good by a person he will lead personally
better life than others(Pelentsov et al., 2015). This is seen by a statistics that with strong religious
views lead to social interactions largely that ensures good thinking with others. That means good
views about others in the society lead to better understanding and reduce the misunderstanding
highly that gives better life with diversified cultures effectively. A person is rich with good
ideology about any facts of life that will give better scope to find best solution of life events
Levels of Independence: These include factors of easy to mobility, work independence,
thinking independence, taking independence and freedom at daily functions. That means a
person should have enough freedom at all the facts of daily life to ensure quality of life in the
long run(Namasivayam et al., 2005). This is seen that individuals face challenge because of less
freedom in sharing of own thoughts in social connection that deteriorates the level of quality life
largely. In addition, this is also seen that if there is no freedom at daily activities of individuals
that will hamper the quality life largely. That means a person should have higher independence
in walking, sleeping and eating for leading a better life but that should be balanced effectively.
Environmental Factors: These include factors of natural calamities, different types of resources
like financial and physical, quality of health system, home condition and other transports
including accommodation condition. That means if a person has these environmental factors with
good efforts he will lead a quality life largely otherwise he will go to poor life style. This is seen
that a place where there is no or frequent natural calamities people lead a better life in that place
largely than others(Pergert et al., 2007). This is also observed that a person containing enough
financial resources also give better quality life style in a place effectively. Individuals with
having all needed supports from national health system feel also better in any danger as they are
cured effective by that rich health system effectively.
2. Describe the key caring techniques.
For a person to overcome the key factors of quality life effectively, there are some tools those are
effectively used. The best tool of caring technique is showing positivity to others for taking all
facts positively and find the best solution and given to needed person to be cared of. The key
strategies are stated below:
Effective communication: This states the process of ensuring good contacts between care
providers and care users in effective manner to make accurate understanding. That means if there
is good and effective communication with care providers by care users then they will share their
real feelings with practitioners appropriately(Petty, 2015). The communication can be developed
by means of effective media like social apps, face to face conversation, over the phones and
other goggle accounts etc. These are very much effective channels for appropriately
communicating with healthcare practitioners from any remote area.
Encouraging: This states the process of inspiring care users by care providers for sharing their
actual problems without any hesitation. Care providers also use this technique internally for
motivating their followers so as to produce appropriate and hard work basis care services for
patients(Reed and Fitzgerald, 2005). This is the best tool for care providers to motivate others in
their works so as to better care services can be entertained to every patients with proactively.
This enables the care providers to explore the real scenario of any patient’s case and ensure
proper care services.
Creation of Beliefs: In healthcare sectors, there is highly needed to ensure higher confidentiality
of care users’ cases and information effectively. This is best tool for taking every case of patients
without any negligence appropriately(Tronto, 2013). This enables care practitioners for ensuring
good medical services to patients and they are open minded to share anything they face in
physical and mental health. In addition, by this care technique care providers show higher
confidentiality of patients services and they are satisfied highly.
Distractions: This states the process of decreasing the level of mental pain and anxiety of an
individual effectively. By this tool, care practitioners distract the individual from any reason or
case by which he feels bad effectively and gradually the person start to forget such uneven case
of his life. That means if a man keep away from the problem which creates pain then he will lead
a better life effectively in the long run. Care practitioners help suspected person to distract from
the case of mental dissatisfaction largely by the tool application in caring process.
Social Bonding Creation: This states the process of creating social interactions and bonding
between care users effectively. This is another effective tool to decrease mental stress of patients
through sharing of minds and views with others(Wiklund Gustin and Wagner, 2013). The care
practitioners use this tool to enhance social bonding with other people in the society so as to they
feel better by sharing own views and opinions. This enables patients to gossip with others that is
effective to relief any mental pain very soon.
Observation: This states the process of applying of visual and medical observation of every case
of patients in healthcare organizations. The care practitioners use this tool to critically observe
every real case of patients for enhancing quality care for recovering of their problems
properly(Wolfe et al., 2002). The medical observation is highly effective for care practitioners
for giving proper medical services like prescriptions and medicines in effective manner.
Disengagement: This states the process of breaking the connection between care users and care
providers for a very minimal time. This enables a care practitioner to keep away them from
hassle of frequent contacts by care users. Sometimes, this is seen that care users bore care
practitioners for getting helps and by this way care practitioners take relief from such irritating
process effectively.
Physical Relations: This states the process of providing care by catching hand and touching
arms of patients to really understanding the problem(Berdes and Eckert, 2007). This enables care
providers to explore the real problem as touching is effective to understand temperature and
pulse rate of patients. Care providers also use this technique to help patients in walking and
moving from one place to other places appropriately.
Confirmation of safety: This states the process of ensuring security and safety of care users in
healthcare organizations. This enable care providers to take concern of patients appropriately as
they feel safe to share anything and stay in healthcare seats until they are recovered from the
problem(Bourke‐Taylor et al., 2010). This also is useful to care providers to understand the real
care needs of patients as they cannot feel shy to ask any demand from them.
3. Outline the constraints to positive caring.
Constrains are meant by those factors which prevent a success from occurring effectively.
Positive and better care services are expected by all but that is prevented by some barriers those
are stated below:
Lack of resources: Resources are meant by the required assets from financial, human and
physical aspects for developing positive care to users. But healthcare organizations face this lack
of resource problem largely that prevents from positive caring(Dahlke and Phinney, 2008). That
means for providing care services there is needed to have enough seats to admit patients and
financial resources to acquire such assets effectively. But the fund of healthcare organizations is
very minimum that cannot cover the cost of developing positive cares.
Lack of skills: Skills are the abilities of healthcare practitioners for providing of positive cares
effectively. But this is seen that no higher skilled nurses are available in large numbers at
healthcare organizations to ensure better care to patients. This prevents the better understanding
of patients primarily to take the case positively. In addition, care users cannot have instant and
proper services from these unskilled nurses and doctors.
Lack of better communication: This states the process of ensuring good contacts between care
providers and care users in effective manner to make accurate understanding. That means if there
is good and effective communication with care providers by care users then they will share their
real feelings with practitioners appropriately(Kaplan, 2006). By not using updated
communication media by both users and providers, effective communication cannot be
developed and caring is affected highly in real cases.
Language barriers: Different languages are seen between care users and care providers that
create problem of better understanding of accurate cases. That means care providers cannot
understand the real case of care users’ explanation and cannot able to provide needed cares to
them effectively. This is because of languages differences between doctors and patients. For this
reason, appropriate prescription of doctors is not understood by patients to know the root cause
of health issues.
Cultural barriers: This is another challenge of healthcare process in providing care as some
people come from different religious views and thoughts. This cannot enable healthcare
practitioners to provide all types of care to all types of patients(Morgan et al., 2002). That means
different cultural oriented patients are needed different care that cannot be developed
appropriately for all cultural people separately by one healthcare organization.
Discrimination: This states the process of discriminating patients based on their gender
differences, racial differences and cultural differences. This is seen that healthcare organizations
want to take more cases from males than females(Namasivayam et al., 2005). In addition, this is
also seen that the black skin patients are not given proper care services by healthcare
organizations in comparison to white skin patients.
Less diversification: This states the process of not accepting all the differences of healthcare
practitioners and care users diversified ways. That means the care providers take some common
cases of patients by ignoring all the different cases that prevent positive caring to all kinds of
patients(Pergert et al., 2007). This also prevent from caring by patients those are with
problematic by several health cases and mental cases.
The quality of life is affected by means of individual’s physical condition, emotional condition,
psychological condition, social relations and personal beliefs largely. The best tool of caring
technique is showing positivity to others for taking all facts positively and find the best solution
and given to needed person to be cared of. Lack of resources, Lack of skills, Lack of better
communication, Language barriers and Cultural barriers are main barriers to positive caring. This
is also seen that people are deprived because of their gap of needed nutrition that leads people to
worse life style with regular diseases largely. That means enough energy and enough nutrition
are also dependent on the food habit of a person largely therefore, they are advised to be used to
good food habit effectively. The care practitioners use this tool to enhance social bonding with
other people in the society so as to they feel better by sharing own views and opinions. This
enables patients to gossip with others that is effective to relief any mental pain very soon.
Different languages are seen between care users and care providers that create problem of better
understanding of accurate cases. That means care providers cannot understand the real case of
care users’ explanation and cannot able to provide needed cares to them effectively.
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