AP CHEMISTRY SYLLABUS Course Description This AP Chemistry course is the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first year of college. For most that this course, it will enable them to undertake, as a freshman, second year work in the chemistry sequence at their institution or to register in courses in other fields where general chemistry is a prerequisite. This course is structured around the six big ideas articulated in the AP Chemistry curriculum framework provided by the College Board. Emphasis will be placed on the seven science practices, which capture important aspects of the work that scientists engage in, with learning objectives that combine content with inquiry and reasoning skills. AP Chemistry is open to all students that have completed a year of chemistry. Textbook and Resources Chemistry Ninth Edition Zumdahl, Steven and Susan Zumdahl. Belmont CA: Cengage Learning, 2014. The College Board. AP Chemistry Guided Inquiry Experiments: Applying the Science Practices. 2013. Laboratory Experiments for Advanced Placement Chemistry, Guided-Inquiry Edition Sally Ann Vonderbrink, Ph.D. Required Materials Graphing calculator, splash proof goggles, and a carbon capable laboratory notebook LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS The laboratory work is designed to be the equivalent of a college laboratory experience. Because some colleges require proof of the laboratory portion of the course before granting credit, all students will keep a laboratory notebook, provided by the teacher. A minimum of twenty-five percent of instructional time will be spent in the laboratory. Laboratory Program The laboratory activities are “hands-on” labs so the students can accomplish multiple trials and can use statistical analysis to derive conclusions. Students are required to have a bound student carbonless duplicate lab notebook and three ring binders, which will be used as their lab portfolio. For each lab, students complete a lab report that includes replicated data tables and answers to the post lab discussion. These items are collected and graded as part of their lab grade. These reports are returned and stapled into their lab notebooks. Students are required to work in groups of two. The laboratory work requires students to design, carry out, and analyze data using guided-inquiry principles. For all labs, students are required to report the purpose, procedure, all data, data analysis, error analysis, results, and conclusions in a lab report that is submitted for grading. The students collect, process, manipulate, and graph data from both qualitative and quantitative observations. Inquiry is emphasized in many of the experiments that students complete. The labs are all “wet labs.” Ten of the labs are guided inquiry based. Each report in the student’s laboratory notebook has sections on purpose, procedure, equipment needed, data, analysis, questions for the students to answer, and conclusion. Students may be asked to bring lab notebooks as evidence for college credit. Students are required to turn in completed laboratory reports for each lab. Each student is required to communicate their results once per semester using a method of their choice. Laboratory Equipment The school is equipped with glassware (beakers, flasks, burets, test tubes, pipets, etc.), instruments such as analytical balances, centrifuges, ovens, etc., and data gathering probes. All of the students have access to a computer with a full range of MS Office products on them. In addition, all computers have data analysis software to analyze laboratory data. Data can be collected (1) by the students, (2) via computer, or (3) via data gathering handheld units. All data is recorded in their laboratory notebook. Laboratory Report Laboratory Notebook: A laboratory notebook is required for the course. All completed lab reports documenting all lab experiences must be included in the notebook. The notebook is checked every nine weeks with a final check at the end of the course. Advanced Placement Chemistry — The Laboratory Notebook A record of lab work is an important document, which will show the quality of the lab work that students have done with a lab partner. A specific format will be given to the student for each lab. Students must follow that format and label all sections very clearly. AP Chemistry lab reports are much longer and more in depth than the ones completed in the first-year chemistry course. Late labs will not be accepted. Pre-Lab Work Pre-lab work is to be completed and turned in on the day the lab is performed. 1. Title The title should be descriptive. For example, “pH Titration Lab” is a descriptive title. 2. Date This is the date the student performed the experiment. 3. Purpose A purpose is a statement summarizing the “point” of the lab. 4. Procedure Outline Students need to write an outline of the procedure. When the student is doing a guided inquiry lab, they are required to write out the full procedure. 5. Pre-Lab Questions Students are given some questions to answer before the lab is done. They are required to either rewrite the question or incorporate the question in the answer. When a college professor looks at a student’s lab notebook, they should be able to tell what the question was by merely looking at their lab report. It is important to produce a good record of lab work. 6. Data Tables Students will need to create any data tables or charts necessary for data collection in the lab. 7. Data Students record all their data directly in their lab notebook. Do not record data on a separate lab sheet. Label all data clearly and always include proper units of measurement. Students should underline, use capital letters, or use any device they choose to help organize this section well and space things out neatly and clearly. Post-Lab Work 8. Calculations and Graphs Always show how calculations are carried out. Title the graphs, axes need to be labeled, and units need to be shown on the axis. To receive credit for any graphs, they must be at least ½ page in size. 9. Conclusions This will vary from lab to lab. Students will be given direction as to what to write, but it is expected that all conclusions will be well thought out and well written. 10. Post Lab Error Analysis Questions Follow the same procedure as for Pre-Lab Questions. Course Outline: Big Idea / Science Practices This course follows the six big ideas and seven science practices as designated by the College Board. Big Idea 1: The elements are fundamental building materials of matter, and all matter can be understood in terms of arrangements of atoms. Big Idea 2: Chemical and physical properties of matter is explained by the structure and the arrangement of atoms, ions, or molecules and the forces between them. Big Idea 3: Changes in matter involves the rearrangement and recognition of atoms and the transfer of electrons. Big Idea 4: Rates of chemical reactions determines the details of the molecular collisions. Big Idea 5: The laws of thermodynamics are the essential role of energy and explain as well as predict the direction of changes in matter. Big Idea 6: Bonds or intermolecular attraction that can be formed can be broken. These two processes are in dynamic competition, sensitive to initial conditions and external forces. Science practices Science Practice 1: The students use representations and models to communicate scientific phenomena and solve scientific problems. Science Practice 2: The students use mathematics appropriately. Science Practice 3: The students are engaged in scientific questioning to extend thinking or to guide investigations. Science Practice 4: The students plan and implement data collect ion strategies in relation to a particular scientific question. Science Practice 5: The students perform data analysis and evaluation of evidence. Science Practice 6: The students work with scientific explanations and theories. Science Practice 7: The students are able to connect and relate knowledge across various scales, concepts, and representations in and across domains. GUIDED INQUIRY LAB: Students are given the materials to conduct various procedures. They construct a procedure for each of the eight changes to be observed, have their procedures approved by the instructor, and then carry out the procedures. Guided-inquiry (10) labs require two days of work or two double labs periods: 1.Determination of the Formula of a Compound 2.Finding the Ratio of Moles of Reactants in a Chemical Reaction 3.Progressive Precipitation 4.Hess’s Law 5.Relationship Between the Spectrum and Absorbance of Light 6.Conductivity of Solids & Metals 7.Factors that affect reaction rates, and determining reaction rates and reaction mechanisms 8.Equilibrium Position 9.Hydrolysis of Salts 10.Electrochemical Cells Tests: A chapter test is assigned for each chapter. A comprehensive, standardized semester exam is administered at the end of 1st semester and a final exam at the end of the year. AP Exam Review: The final ten full class days before the AP Chemistry Exam are used for exam review and practice tests using old AP Chemistry exam materials. Students work in cooperative groups to solve a packet of free response problems from previous exams. Students practice net ionic equations and are quizzed on their progress. Several practice AP Exams are administered as part of the two-week review prior to the AP Chemistry Exam. OVERVIEW Unit 1: Chemical Foundations (10 days) Scientific Method Units of Measurement Significant Figures Solve problems systematically Dimensional Analysis Temperature and Density Matter Labs: Safety/Lab Skills/Lab Preparation Ion Chromatography Kool Aid Chromatography Fractional Distillation Activity: Based on the Kool Aid Chromatography lab, students write an analysis on the GRAS (generally regarded as safe) requirements, the use of, the chemical structure of, and problems associated with certain food dyes. Unit 2: Atoms, Molecules, and Ions (8 days) History of Chemistry Chemical Laws Dalton’s Atomic Theory Characterize Atoms and Atomic Structure Molecules and Ions and Periodic Table Naming compounds Labs: Determination of Avogadro’s Number Unit 3: Stoichiometry Counting and Weighing Atomic Masses Solving problems % composition of compounds Determine the formula of a compound Balance Chemical Equations Stoichiometric Calculations Limiting Reactants Labs: Guided Inquiry: Determination of the Formula of a Compound Guided Inquiry: Finding the Ratio of Moles of Reactants in a Chemical Reaction Chemical Reactions of Copper and Percent Yield Activity: Use data from synthesis or decomposition of a compound to confirm the conservation of matter and the law of definite proportions. The students present problems to the class in which they demonstrate how to find the empirical formula of a compound from data on the percent composition by mass. Unit 4: Types of Chemical Reactions and Solution Stoichiometry (11 days) The Universal Solvent (water) Nature of Aqueous Solutions (Strong and Weak) Composition of Solutions Types of Reactions Precipitation Reactions Reactions in Solution Precipitation Reactions Acid-Base Redox Reactions (Balancing)(Equations) Labs: Use of a Primary Standard — KHC8H4O4 Reduction of Permanganate Guided Inquiry: Progressive Precipitation Unit 5: Gases (9 days) Pressure Gas Laws: Boyle, Charles, Avogadro Ideal Gas Law Gas Stoichiometry Kinetic Theory of Gases Effusion and Diffusion Real Gases Chemistry of the Atmosphere Labs: Investigating Graham’s Law Ideal Gas Law The Determination of the Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid Unit 6: Thermochemistry (10 days) Nature of Energy Enthalpy and Calorimetry Hess’s Law Enthalpy of formation Present sources of energy New energy sources Labs: Guided Inquiry: Hess’s Law Heat of Combustion of Magnesium Activity: Students relate temperature to the motions of particles, either via particulate representations, such as drawings of particles with arrows indicating velocities, and/or via representations of average kinetic energy and distribution of kinetic energies of the particles, such as plots of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution. Students are accountable for answering homework questions about particle motions and kinetic energies of a sample at different temperatures while viewing a Podcast. The podcast begins with particulate animations and the narrator interprets the animations to show how kinetic energy distributions can explain the effect of temperature on the rate of a chemical reaction. The questions lead to the interpretation of activation energy on the distribution curve and eventually the refining of collision theory. Unit 7: Atomic Structure and Periodicity (10 days) Electromagnetic Radiation Nature of Matter Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen Bohr Model Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom Quantum numbers Orbital Shapes and Energies Electron Spin Pauli Principle Polyelectronic Atoms Aufbau Principle Atomic Properties Properties of a Group Alkali Metals Labs: Guided Inquiry: Relationship Between the Spectrum and Absorbance of Light Poison in the Kool Aid-A Spectroscopic Inquiry Beer’s Law Activity: Justify with evidence the arrangement of the periodic table and apply periodic properties to chemical reactivity. Students are given several elements pairing them by families or by period and are asked to rationalize the change in electronegativity of each group based on the electronic structure of the atom Unit 8: Bonding: General Concepts (9 days) Types of chemical bonds Electronegativity Bond polarity and Dipole moments Ions: Electron configuration and size Energy effects in binary compounds Partial ionic character of covalent bonds Covalent bond energies and chemical reactions Localized electron bonding model Lewis structure Exceptions to the Octet Rule Resonance VESPR Model Lab: Molecular Geometry Guided Inquiry: Conductivity of Solids & Metals Activity: Use Lewis diagrams and VSEPR to predict the geometry of molecules, identify hybridization, and make predictions about polarity. Students construct balloon models of the arrangement of pairs of electrons around a central atom. Students draw 2D pictures of these arrangements and apply these to predicting the shapes of molecules. Unit 9: Covalent Bonding: Orbitals (9 days) Hybridization and localized electron model Molecular Orbital Model Bonding in Homonuclear Diatomic molecules Combining localized electron and molecular models Photoelectron spectroscopy Lab: Determination of the Formula of a Hydrate Unit 10: Liquids and Solids (8 days) Intermolecular forces Liquid state Structures and types of solids Structure of bonding metals Carbon and Silicon and network atomic solids Molecular solids Ionic solids Vapor pressure and changes of state Phase diagrams Labs: The Structure of Crystals Enthalpy of Vaporization of Water Unit 11: Properties of Solutions (8 days) Solution composition Energies of solution formation Factors affecting solubility Vapor pressures of solutions Boiling point elevation and freezing point depression Osmotic structure Colligative properties of electrolyte solutions Colloids Lab: Freezing Point Depression Winter of Tomis http://chem.lapeer.org/Chem2Docs/APChem2Manual. html#tomis Unit 12: Chemical Kinetics (12 days) Reaction rates Rate laws Determining the form of rate laws Reaction mechanisms Integrated rate law Model for chemical kinetics catalysis Labs: Reaction Rates Rate Law Determination: Crystal Violet Reaction Guided Inquiry: Factors that affect reaction rates and determining reaction rates and reaction mechanism Activity: Translate among reaction energy profile representations, particulate representations, and symbolic representations (chemical equations) of a chemical reaction occurring in the presence and absence of a catalyst. Students create energy diagrams to explain why catalysts and raising the temperature can increase the rate of a chemical reaction. Unit 13: Chemical Equilibrium (11 days) Equilibrium condition Equilibrium constants Equilibrium expressions Heterogeneous Equilibria Applications for Equilibrium constants Solving Equilibrium problems Le Chatelier’s Principle Labs: Guided Inquiry: Equilibrium Position Equilibrium Constant Determination Equilibrium of Ethyl Acetate Activity: Given a set of experimental observations regarding physical, chemical, biological, or environmental processes that are reversible, the student is able to construct an explanation that connects the observations to the reversibility of the underlying chemical reactions or processes. Students view the NO2/N2O4 Equilibrium simulation available on the General Equilibria Animations and verbally report and discuss their answers to teacher supplied questions regarding the number of reactant and product molecules present at a particular point in the equilibrium process, the breaking and forming of bonds during the process, and how the reactant and product molecules are changing in order to illustrate the dynamic nature of equilibrium. Unit 14: Acids and Bases (11 days) Nature of acids and bases Acid strength The pH scale Calculating pH strong acids Calculating pH weak acids Bases Polyprotic acids Acid-base properties of salts Effect of structure of acid-base properties Acid-base properties of oxides Lewis acid-base model Strategy of solving acid-base problems Labs: Ka Prelab Determination of Dissociation Constant of Weak Acids Guided Inquiry: Hydrolysis of Salts Determination of Vitamin C and Aspirin Content Students are provided the opportunity to engage in a minimum of 16 hands-on laboratory experiments integrated throughout the course while using basic laboratory equipment to support the learning objectives listed within the AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework. The laboratory investigations used throughout the course allow students to apply the seven science practices defined in the AP Chemistry Curriculum Framework. At minimum, six of the required 16 labs are conducted in a guided-inquiry format. The course provides students with opportunities outside the laboratory environment to meet the learning objectives within Big Idea 4: Rates of chemical reactions. The course provides students with opportunities outside the laboratory environment to meet the learning objectives within Big Idea 6: Equilibrium. . Unit 15: Applications of Aqueous Equilibria (16 days) Solutions for acid-base with common ions Buffer solutions Buffer capacity Titrations and pH curves Acid-base indicators Labs: Acid-Base Titration Titration of a Diprotic Acid Titration Curves of Strong and Weak Acids and Bases Determination of a Solubility Product Constant Buffered Solutions Unit 16: Solubility and complex ion equilibria (10 days) Solubility equilibrium and product Precipitation and qualitative analysis Equilibrium involving complex ions Labs: Determination of Soluble Chloride Percentage Calcium in Calcium Supplements Unit 17: Spontaneity, entropy and free energy (11 days) Spontaneous process and entropy Entropy and second law of thermodynamics Effect of temperature on spontaneity Free energy Entropy changes in chemical reactions Free energy and equilibrium Free energy and work Dependence of free energy on pressure Labs: A Chemical Activity Series Corrosion Electroplating Guided Inquiry Electrochemical Cells Unit 18: Electrochemistry (8 days) Balancing oxidation-reduction equations Galvanic cells Standard reduction potentials Cell potential electrical work and free energy Dependence of cell potential on concentration Batteries Corrosion Electrolysis Commercial electrolysis process Lab: Using Conductivity to Find an Equivalence Point Unit 19: The Nucleus: A Chemist View Nuclear stability and radioactive decay Kinetics of radioactive decay Nuclear transformations Detection and uses of radioactivity Thermodynamic stability of the nucleus Nuclear fission and fusion Effects of radiation Unit 20: Representative Elements Survey of representative elements Group 1A elements Chemistry of hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus Group 2A to 8A elements Labs: Percent Sulfate in a Mixture Unit 21: Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry Transition metals first row metals Coordination compounds Isomerism Bonding of complex ions: electron model Crystal field model Biological importance of coordination complexes Metallurgy and iron steel production GREEN CRYSTAL LAB A series of labs completed over a 4-week period. Students work at their own pace in pairs. The goal of this lab is to determine the empirical formula of a ferro-oxalato crystal. It includes the following experiments: Experiment 1: Synthesis of the crystal, Experiment 2: Standardization of KMnO4 by redox titration, Experiment 3: Determination of % oxalate in crystal by redox titration, Experiment 4: Standardization of NaOH by acid/base titration, Experiment 5: Determination of % K+ and Fe3+ by ion exchange chromatography and a double equivalence point titration, Experiment 6: Determination of the % water in the hydrated crystal. UNIT 22: Organic and biological molecules Alkanes and saturated hydrocarbons Alkenes and alkynes Aromatic hydrocarbons Hydrocarbon derivatives Polymers Natural polymers Lab: Polymerization Organic Molecule Models