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Steve Jobs Biography Simplified

Steve Jobs
Biography simplified
•Steve Jobs was a famous American inventor
and businessperson. He co-founded Apple
Inc., a big company known for making
computers and other cool gadgets. He was
born on February 24, 1955, in San Francisco,
• Famous- popular- a lot know him
inventor- makes things, he made the iPhone
• Businessperson- a person who buys and sell things
• Example – tong buys 100 water bottles
tong sells it 20 bhat a piece or each
if she sells all of it she has 2000 bhat
Co founded- one of the person who made or discovered
Gadgets- electronic devices- example – headphones, computer,
phones, ipod and more
•In 1976, Jobs started Apple with his friend
Steve Wozniak. They made their first
computer, called the Apple I, in Jobs'
parents' garage. Apple became very
successful because of Jobs' ideas and how
he sold the products.
• Garage- a room for your vehicle (motorcycle, car,
truck, bus, train, plane)
• Sold- teacher ian is selling a car
• pinpu buys the car
• Teacher ian sold the car
•Jobs made many amazing things. In 1984, he
showed the world the Macintosh computer,
which was the first computer to have
pictures on the screen that you could click
with a mouse. This made computers easier
for people to use.
•But Jobs had some problems too. In 1985,
he had a fight with the people in charge of
Apple and had to leave the company. He
then started another computer company
called NeXT. Later on, Apple bought NeXT,
and Jobs came back to Apple.
• Problems-
• Math problem- 1+1+ ?
• My feet hurts, I cant walk
• I don’t have money
• I have a money problem
• People in charge at school
• Director, administration, human resource
• People in charge is the one making rules or managing
•When he returned, Jobs made many new
and exciting things. He created (make,
made) the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and iPad,
which were all very popular and changed
the way people use technology.
• Returned- come back again
wait I will come back
• I will return in 5 minutes
•Jobs was very good at paying attention to
small details and making things look nice.
He believed in making technology simple
and easy for everyone.
•Sadly, Jobs passed away (died) on October
5, 2011, because of cancer. People still
remember and admire (like) him for the
things he did for the technology world.
1. When and where was Steve
computer company Steve Jobs
Jobs born?
started after leaving Apple?
2. What is Steve Jobs famous for? 8. How did the technology from
3. Who did Steve Jobs start Apple NeXT help Apple?
Inc. with?
9. When did Steve Jobs come
back to Apple?
4. What was the first computer
made by Apple?
10. Can you name some of the
cool things Steve Jobs made at
5. What was special about the
Macintosh computer?
What were some of Steve
6. What happened to Steve Jobs in 11.
Jobs' special qualities?
12. When did Steve Jobs pass
7. What was the name of the