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Elementary Education Exam - SLSU

Catanauan, Quezon
1st Sem A.Y. 2021-2022
A. Encircle the letter of the best answer.
1.The Commission on ___________ shall have the investigations from its own or on complaint
by any party?
A. Human Rights
B. Constitution
C. Law
D. Government
2. It is an institution or a system made of a group of people that takes care or manages a
country or a state?
A. Constitution
B. Government
C. Human Rights
C. Law
3. It is a norms that aspire to protect all people everywhere from severe political, legal and
social abuses?
A. Constitution
B. Government
C. Human Rights
C. Law
4. Spaniards converted from what religion?
A. Hinduism
B. Islam
C. Catholicism
D. Iglesia ni Cristo
5. He wrote 2 novels which is the Noli me tangere and El filibusterismo?
A. Juan Luna
B. Andres Bonifacio
C. Jose Rizal
D. General luna
6. Many American teachers were sent to the Philippines in a ship called _____ and they
did increase literacy?
A. Thomas
C. Thomasian
B. Rhomas
D. Mentors
SLSU Catanauan
7. If you are a parent, a boss, a teacher, or anyone with the responsibility of oversight, you've
probably been in the situation of offering a reward or bonus to grow your business. What it
A. Basic Economics
B. Incentives
C. Supply and Demand
D. Cost and benefits
8. It explains the basic economics problem that the world has limited or scarce, resources to
meet seemingly limited wants?
A. Scarcity
B. Economic
C. Supply
D. Demand
9. It is the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and introduces
students to their economic rights and obligations as Filipino citizens?
A. Basic economics
B. Simple economics
C. Supply
D. Demand
10. It is defined to mean “the redistribution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to
farmers and regular farm workers who are landless.?
A. Basic economics
B. Taxation
C. Agririan
B. Economic
11.These may be expressed indirectly by paraphrasing them?
A. Family planning is “the ability of individuals to attain their desired number of children.
B. Family planning is “the ability of individuals and couples to anticipate
C. Family planning not use of contraceptive methods.
D. Family planning used of treatment of involuntary infertility.
12. A family unit of family consisting a couple and their children?
A. Happy Family
B. Extended Family
C. Conjugal family
D. Nuclear Family
13. A family unit only the husband the wife and unmarried children who are not of age?
A. Extended Family
B. Nuclear Family
C. Step Family
D. Conjugal family
14. A form of marriage that one man marry two or more women?
A. Polygamous
B. Monogamous
Gerence U. Trivino, LPT
SLSU Catanauan
C. Matriarchy
D. Polyandrous
15. A form of marriage that one man marry one woman?
A. Patriarchy
B. Polygamous
C. Monogamous
D. Polyandrous
16. It is one in which a married couple lives with or very near to the man’s parents?
A. Bilocal
B. Neologal
C. Patrilocal
D. Matrilocal
17. It is the study of validity of human knowledge?
A. Metaphysics
B. Epistemology
C. Logic
18. It indicates movement, created by the careful placement of repeated elements in
a work of arts to cause a visual tempo or beat?
A. Harmony
B. Rhythm
C. Movement
D. Emphasis
19.It is achieved by using different shapes, sizes and or colors in a work of art?
A. Emphasis
B. Rhythm
C. Proportion
D. Variety
20. It refers to actions or activities of the individual?
a. General Psychology
b. Psychology
c. Behavior
d. Human Behavior
21. The following are goals of psychology EXCEPT:
A. To learn
B. To control
C. To predict
D. To explain
Gerence U. Trivino, LPT
SLSU Catanauan
22. _____________ is the foundation of studying science of psychology that deals with basic
A. General Psychology
B. Psychology
C. Behavior
D. Human Behavior
23. He formulated a theory of mind-body interaction?
a. St. Augustine
b. John Locke
c. Rene Descartes
d. Wilhelm Wundt
24. They believed that the mind is made up of building blocks in the various types of sensation
and perception. What is this approach to psychology?
A. Structuralism
B. Functionalism
C. Behaviorism
D. Purpovism
25. What approach to psychology was founded by John B. Watson?
A. Structuralism
B. Functionalism
C. Behaviorism
D. Purpovism
26. It examines how we process, store and use information and how this information
influences what we notice, perceive and remember?
A. Psychobiological Approach
B. Cognitive Approach
C. Behavioral Approach
D. Cross-Cultural Approach
27. It is the most important and occupies the center stage of educational system?
A. The learner
B. The teacher
C. The policy maker
D. The teaching learner process
28. This is the point of view held by Wundt and Tetchier. - They contend that experienced are
mental states are made of sensations images or ideas and feelings as well as analysis of
these elements, their attributes and their combinations?
A. Functionalism
B. Behaviorism
C. Structuralism
D. Gestalt
29. It is the acquisition of knowledge, skills and attitudes that make man do better?
A. Foundation
B. Education
C. history
D. Physics
Gerence U. Trivino, LPT
SLSU Catanauan
30.Develop decision-making skills and want a voice in their choices?
A. Cognitive-intellectual
B. Social-interpersonal
C. Moral
D. Emotional
Good luck!
Prepared by
Checked by
Razel C. Tulod, PhD
Gerence U. Trivino, LPT