Cessna 401 - TTA Emergency – Abnormal Checklist 06/08/05 ENGINE INOPERATIVE PROCEDURES ENGINE DRIVEN INJECTOR PUMP FAILURE 1. Fuel Selector -Main Tank 2. Auxiliary Fuel Pump -High 3. Cowl Flap -Open 4. Mixture -Full Rich 5. Land -As Soon As Practical DURING TAKEOFF 1. Throttles -Closed 2. Brakes -As Required AFTER TAKEOFF 1. Mixtures -Rich 2. Props -Forward 3. Throttles -Forward (34.5" MP) 4. Gear -Up 5. Inoperative Propeller -Feather 6. Inoperative Engine –Secure: Throttle - Close Mixture - Idle Cutoff Prop -Feather Fuel Selector -Off Aux fuel pump - Off Magnetos -Off Alternator - Off Cowl flap - close ALTERNATOR FAILURE (indicated by illumination of failure light) 1. Reduce load 2. If circuit breaker is tripped a. Shut off affected alternator. b. Reset affected alternator circuit breaker . c. Turn on affected alternator switch. d. If circuit breaker reopens, turn off alternator. 3. If circuit breaker does not trip a. Select affected alternator on ammeter and monitor output. b. If output is normal and failure light remains on, disregard fail indication and have indicator checked after landing. c. If output is insufficient turn off alternator and reduce electrical load to one alternator capacity . d. If complete loss of alternator output occurs check field fuse and replace if necessary. e. If an intermittent light indication accompanied by ammeter fluctuation is observed -shut off affected alternator and reduce load to one alternator capacity. DURING FLIGHT 1. Inoperative Engine -Secure 2. Operative Engine -Adjust 3. Electrical Load -Reduce LANDING GEAR EMERGENCY 1. Landing Gear Motor C/B -Pull 2. Landing Gear Switch -Neutral (center) 3. Pilot's Seat -Tilt Aft 4. Hand Crank -Extend and Lock 5. Rotate Crank -Clockwise four turns past the point where gear-down lights come on (approximately 54 turns) 6. Gear -Check Down 7. Gear Warning Horn -Check 8. Hand Crank -Push Button and Stow ALTERNATOR FAILURE DUAL 1. Reset over-voltage protector if out 2. If still inoperative, switch to number 2 regulator 3. If still inoperative: (a) Shut off both alternator switches (b) Shut off battery master switch (c) Reduce electrical load to a minimum (d) Turn on emergency power switch (e) Turn on left alternator switch (f) Turn on right alternator switch 4. If still inoperative: (a) Turn off emergency power switch (b) Turn off both alternator switches (c) Turn on battery master switch (d) Prepare to terminate flight OBSTRUCTION/ICING OF STATIC SOURCE 1. Alternate Static Source - Open 2. Maintain Altitude and Airspeed AIR INLET/FILTER ICING 1. Alternate Air Control -Pull Out 2. Props- Increase (2550 RPM) 3. Mixture -Lean as required 1 Cessna 401 - TTA Emergency – Abnormal Checklist 06/08/05 AIRCRAFT FIRE ON GROUND 1. Throttles -Close 2. Brakes -As Required 3. Mixtures -Idle Cutoff 4. Battery -Off 5. Evacuate Aircraft IN FLIGHT CABIN FIRE OR SMOKE 1. Electrical Load - Reduce 2. Isolate Source- Attempt 3. Wemacs- Open 4. Cabin Air Controls – Open 5. Land –Evacuate Aircraft IN FLIGHT WING OR ENGINE FIRE 1. Auxiliary fuel pumps -Off 2. Appropriate Engine -Secure 3. Cabin Heater -Off 4. Evacuate -As Soon As Possible 2