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Past Simple

Past Simple
What’s the difference between the sentences?
I go to school every day.
I went to school yesterday.
My mother cooks dinner every
My mother cooked tasty dinner
two days ago.
My father didn’t wash his car
last week.
Did you go to the library last
My father doesn’t wash his car
every week.
Do you often go to the library?
What’s the difference between the sentences?
I go to school every day.
I went to school yesterday.
My mother cooks dinner every
My mother cooked tasty dinner
two days ago.
My father doesn’t wash his car
every week.
My father didn’t wash his car
last week.
Do you often go to the library?
Did you go to the library last
What’s the difference between the sentences?
I go to school every day.
I went to school yesterday.
My mother cooks dinner every
My mother cooked tasty dinner
two days ago.
My father doesn’t wash his car
every week.
My father didn’t wash his car
last week.
Do you often go to the library?
Did you go to the library last
Past Simple
cook – cooked
go – went ( X not goed)
wash – washed
run – ran (X not runned)
play - played
buy – bought (X not buyed)
walk - walked
take - took (X not taked)
Where is Past Simple in each sentence?
We wrote a test last week.
I saw my best friend yesterday.
I did my homework on Saturday.
My family visited Italy last summer.
The criminal stole all the money from the bank.
The detectives tried to find the criminal.
Where is Past Simple in each sentence?
We wrote a test last week. V2
I saw my best friend yesterday. V2
I did my homework on Saturday.V2
My family visited Italy last summer. Ved
The criminal stole all the money from the bank. V2
The detectives tried to find the criminal. Ved
S + Ved (V2) + ...+ time expression
She went to school yesterday. (When? Yesterday)
My brother found a snake in our garden 3 days ago.
(When? 3 days ago)
Mary finished her presentation at 2 pm. (When? At 2
Past Simple – Questions
Did + S + V + (time expression)?
Did she go to school yesterday?
Did your brother find a snake in your garden 3 days
Did Mary finish her presentation?
Past Simple – Questions
Who/What/How/When/Where… + did + S + V?
Where did she go yesterday? (To school)
What did your brother find in your garden 3 days
ago? (A snake)
When did Mary finish her presentation? (At 2 pm)
Past Simple - Negative
S + didn’t + V+ ...+ time expression
She didn’t go to school yesterday.
My brother didn’t find a snake in our garden 3 days
Mary didn’t finish her presentation a minute ago.
Past Simple - Negative
S + didn’t + V+ ...+ time expression
She didn’t go to school yesterday.
My brother didn’t find a snake in our garden 3 days
Mary didn’t finish her presentation a minute ago.
Past Simple – TO BE
I was
I was ill last week.
You were
You were in Spain last summer.
He/ she/ it/ John/ my
mum, etc. was
My mum was very happy on her
We were at a restaurant
yesterday evening.
They were tired after the party.
We were
They were
Past Simple – TO BE - Questions
I was
Was I ill last week? (Yes, I was)
You were
He/ she/ it/ John/ my
mum, etc. was
Where were you last summer?
(In Spain)
Was your mum happy on her
birthday? (Yes, she was)
We were
They were
Were we at that restaurant
yesterday evening? (Yes, we
Were they tired after the party?
(Yes, they were)
Past Simple – TO BE - Negations
I wasn’t
I wasn’t ill last week.
You weren’t
He/ she/ it/ John/ my
mum, etc. wasn’t
You weren’t in Spain last
My mum wasn’t very happy on
her birthday.
We weren’t
They weren’t
We weren’t at a restaurant
yesterday evening.
They weren’t tired after the
Time expressions used with
the Past Simple
Last night/week/month/year
A week/month/year ago
Two days ago
In 2003
When, etc.