Dr. D.Y. Patil Unitech Society’s Dr. D.Y. Patil Arts Commerce and Science College Pimpri Class:- F.Y.B.Sc.(Computer Science) Subject: - Advanced C Programming Question Bank Q.I. Answer the following:1. Define Pointer 2. Give syntax of Pointer 3. Give syntax of Pointer to Pointer 4. What is Address and Dereferencing Operator? 5. List pointer arithmetic operations 6. List the dynamic memory allocation functions 7. Give syntax and use of malloc() 8. Give syntax and use of calloc() 9. Give syntax and use of realloc() 10. Give syntax and use of free() 11. Define function pointer give syntax 12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pointer? 13. How to initialize pointer 14. What is Array of pointers? Give syntax 15. List the types of pointer 16. Define String 17. List string standard library function 18. Give syntax and use of strlen, strcpy, strcat, strrev, strcmp 19. How to initialize a string 20. What is \0 21. What is Array of string give syntax? 22. Give syntax of declaring string 23. Define structure 24. Define nested structure 25. Give syntax of declaring structure 26. Define Union give syntax 27. Define File 28. List file operations 29. Give syntax and use of fopen(), fclose(), fread(), fwrite() 30. List the types of macro 31. Explain fgetc(), fputc(),fgets(), fputs(), rewind, fseek() 32. List the modes of file 33. What is command line argument? 34. Define Macro 35. List the types of files. Q.2. Answer in brief:1. Give difference between structure and union 2. What is Array of Structure Explain? 3. Give difference between Macro and function 4. What is Array of string give syntax and example? 5. What is Array of pointer explain with example. 6. Write a note on DMA 7. Explain different string library functions 8. Explain passing structure to function 9. Write a note on Macro preprocessor 10. Explain fprintf() and fscanf() with syntax 11. Difference between static and dynamic memory allocation 12. Write a note on pointer arithmetic 13. Explain passing pointer to function with example 14. Explain returning pointer from function with example. Q.III. Answer the following. 1. WAP to swap 2 nos using pointers 2. WAP using standard library function to:i. Find length of string ii. iii. iv. Copy one string to other Concat two strings Compare two strings 3. WAP using user defined function to:i. ii. iii. iv. Find length of string Copy one string to other Concat two strings Compare two strings 4. WAP to read a text file and display the contents of the file. 5. WAP to copy the contents of one file to other 6. WAP to copy the contents of one file to other (using command line argument) 7. WAP to create a structure of employee having empno, name and salary accept and display detals of 10 employees 8. WAP to find max of 2 nos using macro 9. Write a C program to find the area of a circle by using PI as macro. 10. Define a macro EQUALNUM to compare two numbers x and y which gives 1 if they are equal and 0 otherwise. Use this in main 11. Write a C program to accept and display details of one student (roll number, name, percentage) using structure. 12. Create a structure employee (id, name, salary). Accept details of n employees and find the details of employee having maximum salary. 13. Write a program to allocate memory dynamically for n integers. Accept the elements and calculate their sum and average. 14. Write a program to compute sum and average of all elements in an array using pointer 15. WAP to count number of uppercase and lowercase letters in strings (Also read programs done in Practical)