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Financial Development & Economic Growth: Macro Analysis

ECON7074 Macroeconomic Analysis
How Important is Financial Development
for Economic Growth and Development?
▪ Jiaqi Liu (u7588965)
▪ Yuchao Wang (u7604743)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
1. Basic Concepts
2. FDI Data
1.1. Finance
1.2. Finance
2.1. 6 Categories → 20 Indices
3. Methodology:
3.1. Normalization &
Treatment of Outliers
4. Result of
4.1. Correlation between FDI
& Per Capita GDP
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
1.3. Finance Development Index
2.2. Data
3.2. Functional Form of the
Aggregator & Weights
4.2. Conclusion
3.3. Putting it
all Together
4.3. Financial Functions
in Economy
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
PART 1: Basic Concepts
1.1. Finance
1.2. Finance
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
1.3. Finance
Development Index
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
1.1. What is Financial System
Figure 1: Financial System Structure
Source: Suomen Pankki. (2019). Financial system. Suomen Pankki.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
1.2. Concept of Financial Development
Figure 2: Financial Development
Source: Svirydzenka, K. (2016). Introducing a New Broad-based Index of Financial Development;
by Katsiaryna Svirydzenka; IMF Working Paper WP/16/5; January 2016.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
1.3. Financial Development Index
Figure 3: Financial Development Index
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
PART 2: FDI Data Sources
2.1. 6 Categories → 20 Indices
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
2.2. Data Observations
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
2.1. 6 Categories → 20 Indices
6 Categories:
20 Indices
• FID: 4 Indices
• FIA: 2 Indices
• FIE: 6 Indices
• FMD: 5 Indices
• FMA: 2 indices
• FME: 1 indices
Table 1: Data Sources
Source: Svirydzenka, K. (2016). Introducing a New Broad-based
Index of Financial Development; by Katsiaryna Svirydzenka;
IMF Working Paper WP/16/5; January 2016.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
2.2. Data Observations
Table 2: Percent of Countries and Years with Data Availability
Panel Data
❖ Time Series: 1980-2013
❖ Coverages: 183 Countries
AM: Advanced Markets
= High income Countries
EM: Emerging Markets
= Middle-income Countries
LIDC: Low-income Developing
Source: Svirydzenka, K. (2016). Introducing a New Broadbased Index of Financial Development; by
Katsiaryna Svirydzenka; IMF Working Paper
WP/16/5; January 2016.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
PART 3: Methodology: Three-Steps
3.1. Normalization &
Treatment of Outliers
3.2. Functional Form of the
Aggregator & Weights
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
3.3. Putting it all
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
3.1. Step 1: Normalization and Treatment of Outliers
Figure 4: Min-Max Normalization
❖ Avoid the impact of outliers
❖ Treatment of variables with negative correlation
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
3.2. Step 2: Functional Form of the Aggregator & Weights
Figure 5: Aggregator
Weighted Linear Average
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
Weights – The Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Table 3: Share of Variance Explained by PCA Components
Source: Svirydzenka, K. (2016). Introducing a New Broad-based Index of Financial Development; by Katsiaryna Svirydzenka;
IMF Working Paper WP/16/5; January 2016.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
3.3. Step 3: Putting it all Together
Table 4:
Summary Statistics of the
Financial Development Index
Source: Svirydzenka, K. (2016). Introducing a New
Broad-based Index of Financial
Development; by Katsiaryna Svirydzenka;
IMF Working Paper WP/16/5; January 2016.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
3.3. Step 3: Putting it all Together
Figure 6: Financial Development through Time
❖ 1. FDI of AE and EM has progressed
❖ 2. Minimal FDI progress in lowincome countries.
❖ 3. Higher financial development
higher income level.
Source: Svirydzenka, K. (2016). Introducing a New Broad-based
Index of Financial Development; by Katsiaryna Svirydzenka;
IMF Working Paper WP/16/5; January 2016.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
PART 4: Result of Analysis
4.1. Correlation between FDI
& Per Capita GDP
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
4.2. Conclusion
4.3. Financial Functions
in Economy
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
4.1. Correlation between FDI & GDP per capita
Figure 6: Financial Development through Time
Source: Svirydzenka, K. (2016). Introducing a New Broad-based Index of
Financial Development; by Katsiaryna Svirydzenka; IMF Working
Paper WP/16/5; January 2016.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
Figure 7: GDP per capita through Time
Same Coverages
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
4.2. Correlation between FDI & GDP per capita
Table 5: Pearson Correlation Analysis
Table 7: FDI & GDP Per Capita Linear regression
There is highly significant positive correlation between FDI and GDP per capita.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
4.2. Conclusion
1. Financial development (FDI)
significant positive correlation
economic development (GDP per capita)
2. Generally, countries with high financial development also have higher
income level.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
4.3. Financial Functions in Economy(Extension)
① Producing Information &
Reducing Information Costs
Functions of
Financial Development
② Allocating Capital
③ Monitoring Firms
④ Exerting Corporate Governance
⑤ Risk Amelioration
⑥ Mobilization & Pooling of Savings
⑦ Facilitating Exchange
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
Caveats & Limitations to the FD index
▪ Data coverage side:
• Hard to find sufficiently extensive country and time period data on some institutions
and activities (Svirydzenka, 2016).
▪ Conceptual side:
• Not include their underlying drivers (such as the institutional, regulatory, and legal
frameworks) or outcomes (financial stability measures) (Svirydzenka, 2016);
• Some of the measures that the index uses may overstate the true level of financial
development (Svirydzenka, 2016).
• Higher FD ranking may not necessarily be a good thing, but may instead indicate
that a country’s financial system is stretched beyond it structural and regulatory
capabilities, with negative implications for growth and stability(Svirydzenka, 2016).
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
Arestis, P., Demetriades, P. O., & Luintel, K. B. (2001). Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Role of
Stock Markets. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 33(1), 16. https://doi.org/10.2307/2673870
Bloch, H., & Tang, S. H. K. (2003). The role of financial development in economic growth. Progress in Development
Studies, 3(3), 243–251. https://doi.org/10.1191/1464993403ps063pr
Dawson, P. J. (2008). Financial development and economic growth in developing countries. Progress in Development
Studies, 8(4), 325–331. https://doi.org/10.1177/146499340800800402
Hassan, M. K., Sanchez, B., & Yu, J.-S. (2011). Financial development and economic growth: New evidence from
panel data. The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 51(1), 88–104.
Suomen Pankki. (2019). Financial system. Suomen Pankki. https://www.suomenpankki.fi/en/financial-stability/the-
Svirydzenka, K. (2016). Introducing a New Broad-based Index of Financial Development; by Katsiaryna
Svirydzenka; IMF Working Paper WP/16/5; January 2016.
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)
How Important is Financial Development for Economic Growth and Development?
ECON7074 Macroeconomic Analysis
Thank you for your listening.
▪ Jiaqi Liu (u7588965)
▪ Yuchao Wang (u7604743)
©Jiaqi Liu & Yuchao Wang (Master Program, ANU)