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Bullying & Cyberbullying Advocacy Plan: Awareness & Support

Did you know that bullying and cyberbullying is one of the most popular issues that youths are
currently struggling with? Research has shown that 1 out of 5 students are struggling with
bullying and 3 out of 10 students are experiencing cyberbullying. Bullying and cyberbullying are
two of the most pervasive and damaging forms of abuse that children and young adults face
today. Bullying is defined as the use of power or influence to intimidate, hurt, or control another
person. Cyberbullying is the use of technology, such as the internet, social media, and text
messaging, to harass, threaten, or embarrass another person.
Bullying and cyberbullying are major problems facing young people today. According to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bullying is defined as repeated, intentional
aggression that involves an imbalance of power or strength (CDC, 2020). Cyberbullying,
specifically, involves the use of technology to harass, intimidate, or otherwise harm others
(Smith et al., 2008). Both forms of bullying can have serious and long-lasting consequences for
the well-being of victims, including increased risk for depression, anxiety, and other mental
health problems (Nansel et al., 2001).
As a student, I am passionate about advocating for an end to bullying and cyberbullying.
Bullying and cyberbullying are serious issues that can have a lasting impact on the lives of those
affected. Bullying and cyberbullying can lead to physical and emotional harm, as well as longterm psychological damage. It is important that we take action to prevent bullying and
cyberbullying from occurring in our schools and communities.
My advocacy plan focuses on raising awareness of the issue of bullying and cyberbullying, as
well as providing resources and support for those affected. I plan to work with school
administrators, teachers, and parents to create a safe and supportive environment for students. I
will also work to educate students on the dangers of bullying and cyberbullying, and how to
recognize and respond to it. Additionally, I will work to create a network of support for those
affected by bullying and cyberbullying, and provide resources for those in need.
I believe that by working together, we can create a safe and supportive environment for all
students. We can create a culture of respect and understanding, and ensure that everyone is
treated with dignity and respect. By taking a proactive approach to bullying and cyberbullying,
we can create a better future for our students and our communities.