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Case Study Analysis: Concert Promotion & Ethical Decision-Making

In this assessment you will apply the tools and concepts you have learned and developed
the first half of the course to analyse a business case. Tutorial activities in Weeks 1 – 7
provided an opportunity for you to practice the skills needed to complete this assignment.
The case and questions are released at 4pm (AEDT) on Friday, 17 March 2023.
The assessment is due at 6pm (AEDT) on Friday, 31 March 2023.
1000(+/- 10%) words excluding references.
You do not need a cover page and you do not need to copy the questions into your response.
Everything above your reference list will count towards your final word count. This includes
words in tables, graphs, and diagrams.
You are expected to include five references and use Harvard Referencing.
(*You will not be penalised for using more than five references. The five references could
include the resources we have already provided you with)
Submission is via the Turnitin link on Moodle under Assessments.
Your submission must be in either PDF or Word format.
Save your file as [Your zID][Your Name] Case Study Analysis COMM1100
Read the following instructions carefully.
There are 6 pages in this document. Read all 6 pages.
There are four questions.
No resubmissions are allowed.
This is an individual assessment. Any evidence of collusion at any point after the release
of the case study will result in an Academic Integrity investigation.
You have to watch the Academic Integrity Reminder video before submitting your Case Study
This is the case study analysis marking rubric that markers will use to assess your work.
It is a useful tool to check your work and to ensure that you have addressed the
questions in full.
Failure to comply with the overall word limit will reduce the score by one mark for Criterion 5 if it
exceeds 10% and by two marks if it exceeds 25%.
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allow yourself enough time to upload your assignment.
Submission for the assessment will incur a penalty of 5% per day or part thereof (including
weekends) from the due date and time. The assessment will not be accepted after 5 days (120
hours) of the original deadline unless special consideration has been approved. For further
information please refer Policies and Support
If your assignment is late due to technical difficulties, you will have to apply for Special
Consideration and provide evidence - including time stamps - of the issues you experienced and
the actions you took to resolve these issues.
Please refer the Assessment Guide for more detailed information on this assessment
If you have further questions, post them in the Discussion Forum on Moodle.
Case description
Frankie Devine is an aspiring concert promoter with a modest track record.
She has been offered the extraordinary chance to host from March 31 to April 23 the
latest incarnation of hedonistic show Blanc de Blanc Encore which earlier in the year,
after its record-breaking world premiere at the Sydney Opera House in 2019, and soldout standing ovations Australia-wide, returned to Sydney to continued extra-ordinary
Blanc de Blanc Encore | City of Sydney - What’s On
(nsw.gov.au) Once again Blanc de Blanc Encore will feature a tightly
success. See
choreographed two-hour cheeky and edge-of-the seat show (plus intermission) with half
a dozen internationally known aerial and other artists, music, and wordplay; it’s
guaranteed to be a unique experience that has no close competition in Sydney during
that time.
The show will put Frankie on the map in a highly competitive industry that has been hit
hard by Covid restrictions over the past three years. The data from earlier in the year (in
the same venue) show that demand for tickets is somewhat inelastic in the range from
$85 (general admission) - $135 (ringside VIP) and that shows almost always sell out.
(Note that even though location is different for those with general admission and those
ringside, they all consume essentially the same product – the Blanc de Blanc Encore
show. Assume that there are equal amounts of seats for each location.)
The data from earlier in the year have shown that Mondays and Tuesdays are dead days
and that one show per evening for the remainder of the week is optimal, with the exception
of Saturdays where two shows are likely to be sold out.
Ms Devine can hire the whole package (the artists, sound-engineer, light-engineer,
stagehands, and upfront choreography) for $12,500 per show, with each additional show
costing the same as the first. The performers are independent contractors and are not
viewed as employees by Frankie or the venue where the shows will be hosted. This
means that they will only be paid if the shows go ahead. This also applies to the staff that
she will have to contract to check tickets, serve drinks, and guide patrons into the venue.
The staffing cost to cover these services is $1,000 per show but is covered through the
net sales of various drinks. Many of these contract workers are university students who
have worked with Frankie previously.
The only appropriate, and fitting venue, for the show is The Grand Electric, a new and
unique performance space on the edge of Surry Hills, which Ms Devine can rent for four
weeks from March 29 to April 25, at a fixed cost of $195,000. This price includes the
setting up of the venue but does not cover organizational costs associated with enforcing
a Covid safety plan such as checking vaccination records, additional security to enforce
mask mandates and additional staff to facilitate and monitor social distancing if
necessary. These costs are estimated to be an additional $2,000 per show.
Events are the Grand Electric are held in accordance with NSW Health direction which is
updated via website, social media, and direct communication with ticket buyers. When
purchasing a ticket or attending Blanc de Blanc Encore, buyers agree to the ticketing
terms and conditions. Currently, vaccinations are not mandated to attend Blanc de Blanc
Encore, however, The Grand Electric strongly encourage full vaccination and booster
shots to stay in line with any NSW Government and Department of Health directives that
may arise.
The Grand Electric can accommodate 200 tightly packed paying customers at maximum
capacity with no social distancing. The following Terms and Conditions of Entry apply to
all ticket holders, and are mentioned in the advertisement to the show:
1. Patrons entering The Grand Electric venue must have a valid Event ticket.
2. Covid-19: Ticketholders are encouraged to be fully vaccinated; proof of vaccination
might be required upon entry if current NSW Health advice changes.
3. By entering this venue, ticketholders acknowledge there is a heightened risk of
contracting COVID-19 and the Event Organisers do not guarantee that it is or will
remain a COVID-19 free area. The ticketholder assumes all risk for any loss or
damage caused in this regard while in or around The Grand Electric venue.
After much deliberation and analysis, Frankie decides to go ahead with the shows as
planned because she believes that NSW Health advice is unlikely to change any time
soon. She has decided for herself that, if it does, she will not check vaccination status nor
enforce mask-wearing and social-distancing stipulations under the assumption that this
non-compliance would not draw a penalty.
Please answer the questions below. Do not repeat the questions in the text.
Question 1 (+/- 200 words)
Who are the key stakeholders who affect and/or are affected by the
decision to go ahead with the show?
a) Describe at least four stakeholders and
b) rate each of them (e.g., most, moderate, least) in terms of how they
affect and are affected by the decision
Question 2 (+/- 300 words)
What are the most relevant economic considerations of the decision to go
ahead with the show?
Question 3 (+/- 300 words)
In choosing to assume that there would be no change in NSW Health
advice, what laws does Frankie risk breaching? If NSW Health advice
changed and the show went ahead, would Frankie’s conduct be either
legally or ethically unconscionable?
Question 4 (+/- 200 words)
Based on your analysis, would you have made the same decision as
Frankie Devine? Why or why not?
Use a utilitarian approach in explaining your answer.
1. What is a concert promotor
2. Academic writing support - Moodle Resources
3.Unconscionable Conduct - this is available as a case study resource in the
assessment hub.