1 2 Since 1997 About Eti is a training and consultancy provider, founded in Muscat- Sultanate of Oman at 1997. Efficiency Training Institute We pride ourselves on the high quality principles that we operate by. International Certifications Eti has a range of accredited international certifications programs through our partners International Experts Eti comprises qualified and experienced trainers and facilitators who come from a variety of professional backgrounds and settings. 3 Our Service International Certifications Mini-MBA Diploma Tailored Short Courses Administration Consultancy Certified by JMU-USA Certified by ICPM-USA Certified by CIPS-UK Certified by GAFM-USA Certified by AAPM-USA Mini-MBA in Business Administration Mini-MBA in Accounting and Finance Wide range of short courses in Management, Accountant, Information technology Project management HR Consultancy Services Training Need Analysis Training & Development Quality management Branding & Image Building 4 Our International Partners G A F M James Madison University - USA GLOBAL ACADEMY OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT ICPM-USA GAFM - USA GAFM - USA CIPS-UK RisXcel - UK RisXcel - UK A A P M TM THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT Approved Training Provider AAPM - USA 5 Our Featured Clients 6 7 MCIPS is recognized worldwide as the standard for procurement professionals. Throughout the world CIPS qualifications are recognized as driving leading edge thinking and professionalism in procurement. MCIPS is recognized worldwide as the standard for procurement professionals. 8 Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply The Chartered Institute of Procurement & Supply (CIPS) is the leading independent global body representing the Procurement and Supply profession. CIPS has a global community of over 115,000 in over 150 countries, including senior business people, high-ranking civil servants and leading academics. 9 CIPS Qualifications CIPS offer 5 qualifications to support professional development in procurement & supply. Certificate Advanced Certificate In Procurement and Supply Operation In Procurement and Supply Operation Diploma In Procurement and Supply Advanced Diploma Professional Diploma In Procurement and Supply In Procurement and Supply 10 1st Entry level No prerequisite Duration: 5 Weeks Exams: 5 Exams 2st Entry level 3st Entry level 2 Years Experience Bachelor+ 2years exp. Duration: 6 Weeks Exams: 6 Exams Duration: 16 Weeks Exams: 8 Exams CIPS Diploma Duration: 16 Weeks Exams: 8 Exams CIPS Adv. Diploma Duration: 16 Weeks Exams: 7 Exams 11 Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations L2M1: Introducing Procurement and Supply L2M2: Procurement and Supply Operations L2M3: Stakeholder Relationships L2M4: Systems Technology L2M5: Inventory, Logistics and Expediting 12 Certificate in Procurement and Supply Operations Typical job titles: assistant • Administrative • Purchasing assistant ContractsProcurement administrator L2M1:• Introducing and Supply Stock controller L2M2:• Procurement and Supply Operations • Merchandiser L2M3: Stakeholder Relationships L2M4: Systems Technology L2M5: Inventory, Logistics and Expediting 13 Advanced Certificate in Procurement & Supply Operations L3M1: Procurement and Supply Environments L3M2: Ethical Procurement and Supply L3M3: Contract Administration L3M4: Team Dynamics and Change L3M5: Socially Responsible Procurement L3M6: Socially Responsible Warehousing & Distribution 14 Advanced Certificate in Procurement & Supply Operations Typical job titles: • Administrator • Assistant buyer Assistant contract officer L3M1:•Procurement and Supply Environments Contract analystand Supply L3M2:•Ethical Procurement StockAdministration / inventory controller / planner L3M3:•Contract L3M4: Team Dynamics and Change L3M5: Socially Responsible Procurement L3M6: Socially Responsible Warehousing & Distribution 15 Diploma in Procurement and Supply L4M1 Scope and Influence of Procurement & Supply L4M2 Defining Business Need L4M3 Commercial Contracting L4M4 Ethical and Responsible Sourcing L4M5 Commercial Negotiation L4M6 Supplier Relationships L4M7 Whole Life Asset Management L4M8 Procurement and Supply in Practice 16 Diploma in Procurement and Supply Typical job titles: - Buyer - Procurement/Purchasing Executive L4M1 Scope and Influence of Procurement & Supply - Procurement Specialist L4M2 Defining Business Need - Contracting Officer L4M3 Commercial Contracting - Supply Chain Analyst Sourcing L4M4 Ethical and Responsible L4M5 Commercial Negotiation L4M6 Supplier Relationships L4M7 Whole Life Asset Management L4M8 Procurement and Supply in Practice 17 Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply L5M1: Managing Teams and Individuals L5M2: Managing Supply Chain Risk L5M3: Managing Contractual Risk L5M4: Advanced Contract and Financial Management L5M5: Managing Ethical Procurement and Supply L5M6: Category Management L5M7: Achieving Advantage Through the Supply Chain L5M8: Project and Change Management L5M9: logistics Management L5M10: Advance Negotiation 18 Advanced Diploma in Procurement and Supply Typical job titles: • Senior Buyer/ Chief Buyer Category L5M1:•Managing Teams Manager and Individuals L5M2: Managing SupplyManager Chain Risk Contract • Logistics L5M3: Managing Contractual Risk Manager • L5M4: Advanced Contract and Financial Management Chain Executive L5M5: Managing Ethical Procurement and Supply • Supply L5M6: Category Management L5M7: Achieving Advantage Through the Supply Chain L5M8: Project and Change Management L5M9: logistics Management L5M10: Advance Negotiation 19 Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply L6M1: Strategic Ethical Leadership L6M2: Global Commercial Strategy L6M3: Global Strategic Supply Chain Management L6M4: Future Strategic Challenges for the Profession L6M5: Strategic Program Leadership L6M7: Commercial Data Management L6M8: Innovation in Procurement and Supply L6M9: Supply Network Design L6M10: Global logistics strategy 20 Professional Diploma in Procurement and Supply Typical job titles: - Senior procurement manager L6M1: Strategic Ethical Leadership - Senior category manager L6M2: Global Commercial Strategy - Supply chain Supply manager L6M3: Global Strategic Chain Management L6M4: Futureof Strategic Challenges for the Profession - Head logistics & operations manager L6M5: Strategic Program Leadership L6M7: Commercial Data Management L6M8: Innovation in Procurement and Supply L6M9: Supply Network Design L6M10: Global logistics strategy 21 22 The 2 Friends سنة رابعة دراسة سنة عمل 10أسابيع دراسة سنة ثالثة دراسة سنة عمل 10أسابيع دراسة سنة ثانية دراسة سنة أولى دراسة سنة عمل 10أسابيع دراسة سنة عمل 5أسابيع دراسة 23 The 2 Friends بكالوريوس خريج جديد كلف على األقل 20الف لاير عماني يبحث عن عمل سنة رابعة دراسة سنة ثالثة دراسة سنة ثانية دراسة سنة أولى دراسة دبلوم احترافي يساوي بكالوريوس بدرجة الشرف خبره اربع سنوات حصل رواتب ما يقارب 25الف لاير عماني انفق 12الف على الدراسة سنة عمل 10أسابيع دراسة سنة عمل 10أسابيع دراسة سنة عمل 10أسابيع دراسة سنة عمل 5أسابيع دراسة 24 CIPS مالحظات على شهادات وعاطل عن العمل فيCIPS ال يوجد ابدا من يحمل شهادة.1 بل ال يخلو شهرا من االعالن عن وظائف،كل السلطنة CIPS لحملة شهادة الطالب المسجلين في الدبلوم.2 • بشكل مجموعات من شركات البترول والغاز واالتصاالت والكهرباء والمياه والشركات التصنيع ذات المخازن الكبرى • موظفون حملة البكالوريوس والماجستير يتطلعون للوظيفة في شركات البترول والغاز او شركات االتصاالت الطلبة المسجلين في الشهادة.3 • موظفين صغار في اقسام الشراء والتوريد يرغبون في . والترقي مستقبال،الحفاظ على وظيفتهم • باحثين عن عمل وعلموا بأهمية الشهادة والطلب عليها Notes on CIPS Qualifications 1. There is never one who holds an CIPS certificate and is unemployed in the whole of the Sultanate. Rather, a month is not devoid of the announcement of jobs for CIPS certificate holders 2. Students enrolled in the diploma level • In the form of groups of oil, gas, electricity, telecommunications and water companies, and manufacturing companies with large warehouses • Employees with Bachelor's and Master's degrees are looking for a career in oil, gas and telecom. companies 3. Students enrolled in the certificate Level • Young employees in the purchasing and supply departments want to maintain their job, and be promoted in the future. • Looking for work and they know the importance of certification and the demand for it 25 Contact us 24613152 / 24613153 96064808 Phone NUmber +968 24613152 +968 24613153 -968 96064808 Mail info@etioman.com etioman2020@gmail.com