MODERN PHYSICS Lesson 1: Special Theory of Relativity A. Postulates 1. The Relativity Postulate. The laws of Physics is the same in all inertial reference frames. No one frame is preferred over any other. 2. The Speed of Light Postulate. The speed of light in vacuum has the same value, c in all directions and in all inertial reference frames. B. Consequences of the two postulates 1. The relativity of simultaneity. If two events are in relative motion, they will not in general agree as to whether two events are simultaneous. Simultaneity is not an absolute concept, but rather a relative one depending on the motion of the observer. 2. The relativity of time. The time interval measured in the inertial reference frame is the proper time, to. Time interval measured from any other inertial reference frame are always greater (relativistic time. 5. The relationship between momentum and energy. (classmech) E = 1/2 mv2 and p = mv Therefore, Substituting K, Considering relativistic definitions, E = ymc 2 2 2 2. When light is emitted or absorbed by an object (matter), this emission or absorption occurs in the atom. and p = ymv p2 = y2m2v2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 p c = ymv c = ymv 2 2 2 2 π£2 c4 π 2 4 2 2 2 2 4 1 = y m v c (1 − π¦2 ) 4 p c = ym c - m c Since Thus, E = ymc2 2 2 2 2 Mathematically: hf = hf’ + K K = mc2 (Σ― - 1) Where y = Lorentz factor E = hf (photon energy) h = 6.63 x 10 -34 J.s = 4.34 x 10 -15 eV·s π2 E = 2π Then, Summary: 1) the quantum of a light wave with frequency, f has the energy, 4 p c = E - m c Particles without mass are a special case E = pc 3) When light of frequency f is absorbed by an atom, the photon energy hf is absorbed by that atom. The photon vanishes and the atom absorbs it. hf = hf’ + mc2 (y - 1) Substituting c/λ for f, π 4) When light frequency f is emitted by an atom, the amount of energy hf is transferred by the atom to the light. The photon appears and the atom is said to emit it. π = π π’ + mc ( y - 1 ) Applying law of conservation of momentum π B. Photoelectric Effect If you direct a beam of light of short enough wavelength onto a clean metal surface, the light will cause electrons to leave the surface. = π 0 = π π’ cos Ζ + y mv cosΠ€ ( x-axis) π π’ sin Ζ + y mv sinΠ€ ( y-axis) To find Δλ= ( π − ππ ) by eliminating v and Π€ . ′ 3. The relativity of length. The length of an object measured in the rest frame is its proper length. Measurement of the length from any reference frame that is in relative motion parallel to that length are always less than the proper length. Lorentz Transformation equations relate the space and time coordinates of two systems moving at a constant velocity relative to each other. They formally express the relativity concepts that space and time are not absolute; that length, time, and mass depend on the relative motion of the observer, and that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant and independent of the motion of the observer or the source. DERIVATION OF LORENTZ TRANSFORMATION x = x’-vt length x is different for S’ x’ = y (x-vt) (eq 1) In reference frame S, the length is x = y (x’-vt’) (eq 2) E and pc can also be written: E = ymc2 and p = ymv Δλ = The only way we can reconcile these last two definitions with E = pc is to set the velocity to c. Massless particles must travel at the speed of light. As we will learn later on, light itself is composed of particles (photons). To travel at the speed of light, these particles must be massless. The quantity wavelength. General Theory of Relativity A. Principle of Equivalence states that gravitation and acceleration are equivalent. - one cannot tell whether he is at rest on Earth or accelerating through interstellar space at 9.8 m/s2. - there would be no experiment that will discern the difference between the effect of gravity and effect of acceleration. Notable results: 1. K max = eV stop this is Lorentz transformation factor 2. Curvature of Space If light beam can follow a curve path, then space is curved due to the gravitational mass. And we learned that space is entangled with time, so it follows that space-time is curved due to gravitational mass. 3. To let the electron escape from the target surface, the electron must pick up a minimum energy, Π€, which is, the property of the target material called work function. If the energy hf transferred to the electron can exceed the work function, the electron can escape the target. B. Consequences of Lorentz Transformation Equations 1. TIME - If two events occur at the same place in S’ (thus Δx = 0) but at different times ( Δt’ = 0 ), the equation reduces to Δt = yΔt’ ( events in the same place S’) Δt = yΔt0 (time dilation) 3. Black Holes Since space-time is curved near massive bodies. in Einstein’s theory, force of gravity is not acting on body, but instead bodies and light rays move as they do because space-time is curved. Einstein summarized the result s of the experiment with the equation: hf = Kmax + Π€ (photoelectric effect equation) 2. LENGTH The Schwarzschild radius is sometimes called as the event horizon; the surface beyond which no signals can ever reach us, and thus inform us of events that happen. 2πΊπ R = πΆ2 π− π π π³= √1− 2 π π³π π ( length contraction) 3. MOMENTUM π₯π₯ p = mv = m π₯π‘ ( classical mechanics) To find relativistic momentum, redefine that π₯π₯ p = m π₯π‘0 Using time dilation equation, tr = p=m ππ ππ ππ√π− π π π‘π π£2 √1− 2 π = ymv (relativistic momentum) 4. A New Look at Energy. The special theory of relativity defines the relation of mass and energy. This I believed has been explained in nuclear reaction. The relation is Eo = mc2 (mass energy or rest energy) When the object is moving it has additional kinetic energy thus, E = Eo + KE = mc2 + K Relativistic energy can be also written as E = ymc2 Particle Properties of Waves Key Ideas: 1) An electromagnetic wave is quantized, and the quanta are called photons. 2) When light of high enough frequency illuminates a metal surface, electrons can gain enough energy to escape the metal by absorbing photons in the illumination. 3) Although it is massless, a photon has momentum, which is related to its energy, frequency and wavelength. π π= π A. The Photon, the Quantum of Light -quantities are in minimum (elementary) amounts or multiple of it. -These quantities said to be quantized and the elementary mount associated with this quantity is called the quantum of that quantity. - Einstein ,in 1905, proposed that light, an electromagnetic radiation, exists in elementary amounts called photon. ( 1- cos Ζ ) ( Compton Shift) B. Consequences 1. Bending of Light. The principle of equivalence suggests that light ought to be bent/deflected due to the gravitational force of a massive body. In principle of equivalence, an upwardly accelerating reference frame is equivalent to a downward gravitational field. Thus, gravity is expected to bend a beam of light out of its straight path. x = ct and x’ = ct’ (eq 3 and 4) Multiplying eq. 1 and 2, xx’ = y2 (xx’ + xvt’ - x’vt - v2 tt’) Substituting equation 3 and 4, c2tt’ = y2 (c2tt’ + vctt’ - vct’t - v2 tt’) Cancelling tt’ π 1 ᡧ2 = ππ Or, ᡧ = π£2 π ππ ; where is e is the elementary charge 2. Observations show that photoelectric effect does not occur if the frequency is below a certain cutoff frequency f o or the wavelength is below the cut-off wavelength, λo no matter how intense the incident light is. Vstop = β π f - Π€ π C. Photons and Momentum P = ππ π = π π (photon momentum) Compton Effect - The result of the experiment showed that although there was only single wavelength in the incident x-ray beam, scattered x-rays contain a range of wavelength with two prominent intensity peaks as shown. 1. The direction of travel of x-ray changed, the electron must have recoiled which means that the electron gained kinetic energy; and 2. The energy of the scattered photon must be less than that of the incident beam because of energy conservation. π ππ = π. πππππ−ππ π is constant called Compton