Articles The Adoption of Reduced Tillage: The Role of Human Capital and Other Variables Michael R. Rahm and Wallace E. Huffman Key words: a d o p t i o n , a g r i c u l t u r e , c o r n , e d u c a t i o n , h u m a n capital, p r o b i t , r e d u c e d tillage. Although Schultz stresses the self-interest and formation, and experience affect these decilarge stake that farm operators have in their sions? soil resources, few soil conservation studies Numerous agricultural studies support the develop and empirically test models of the hypothesis that investments in formal educamicroeconomic decision to adopt a soil con- tion and extension enhance allocative skills. servation practice such as reduced tillage, t Studies by Huffman and Petzel show that inRecent papers by Kramer, McSweeney, and vestments in schooling and extension improve Stavros; and Lee and Stewart are exceptions. farmers' response to economic disequilibria. A number of published studies are either de- Fane and Khaldi show that farmers who have scriptive or problematic. For example, Soth invested in more years of formal schooling warns of additional soil loss caused by expand- are better cost minimizers. However, few ing U.S. agricultural exports, and Heady and studies of the adoption and diffusion of new Short attempt to quantify this relationship. technologies investigate the effect of human Most of the studies conclude (or imply) that capital investments on adoption behavior, z the lack of mass adoption of soil conserva- Earlier studies by Griliches, Dixon, Mansfield, tion practices such as reduced tillage indi- Globerman, and Romeo place primary emcates either market failure or managerial in- phasis on profitability in explaining differential efficiency. Why do some farm operators rates of adoption. Other studies have emutilize reduced tillage, while others do not? phasized risk and uncertainty, tenure type, What are the key variables determining the and credit constraints. (See Feder, Just, and economic feasibility of such practices; and Zilberman for a recent survey of the literature how do investments in education, health, in- on adoption of agricultural innovations.) Previous agricultural studies of adoption and allocative efficiency generally have employed The authors are an assistant professor of economics and business, aggregate data. Microdata may yield new inMacalester College, a n d a professor of economics, Iowa State formation about adoption behavior because University, respectively. farm-level observations eliminate potential Paper No. J-11442 of the lowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Project 2314. problems with aggregation bias and because The authors wish to thank John Miranowski, T. W. Schuitz, and effects of a wider set of human capital varitwo anonymous referees for helpful comments on earlier drafts of ables (e.g., experience, health, and private the paper. Review was coordinated by Peter Berck, associate editor. and public information) can be investigated. ~ Schultz writes: " W e proclaim to the world that U.S. farmers are second to none in their agricultural achievements. When it comes to soil erosion, the prevailing implicit assumption is that farmers have no perception of the value of their soil resources and that they are indifferent to soil Ioss'" (p. 18). 2 Some of the rural socioiogy literature ~Rogers and Shoemaker) has suggested that adoption depends on the decision makers' education and information. Copyright 1984 American Agricultural Economics Association Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on September 20, 2016 This paper presents a model of adoption behavior and explains differences econometricaily in farmers' decisions to adopt reduced-tillage practices and in the efficiency of farmers' adoption decisions. The empirical results, obtained from microdata, show that the probability of adopting reduced tillage in corn enterprises differs widely across farms and depends on soil characteristics, cropping systems, and size of farming operation. The results also show that farmers' schooling enhances the efficiency of the adoption decision. 406 N o v e m b e r 1984 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. A Model of Adoption Behavior Farmers face outcomes from the adoption of production technologies that are uncertain. In this model, farmers are assumed to make adoption decisions based upon an objective of utility maximization. Denote a technology index by t, where t is equal to 1 for the old technology and 2 for a new or different technology; and denote a utility function that ranks the ith firm's preference for these technologies b y U ( R t i , A , ) . Utility depends on a vector R t of moments that describe the distribution of net returns for technology t, including adoption cost, a n d a vector A t of other attributes associated with the technology. 3 The variables Rti and A t i a r e unobserved and unavailable, but a linear relationship is postulated for the ith firm between the utility derived from the tth technology a n d a vector of observed firmspecific characteristics Xi (e.g., soil type, cropping system, farm size) a n d a zero mean random disturbance term et: (1) Uti = Xio~t + e,, t = 1, 2; i= 1,...,n. Farm operators are assumed to choose the technology that gives them the largest utility. The ith firm adopts the new technology if Uzi 3 Higher moments and other attributes may be important factors affecting the decision to adopt reduced tillage. For example, the impact of reduced tillage on the variance of yields and aesthetic preferences for neatly tilled and clean-looking fields may inhibit some farm operators from adopting reduced tillage. exceeds Uli, and the qualitative variable Di indexes the adoption decision: (2) Di = I if Uli < Uzi, new technology is adopted and replaces old technology, IL O if Uli >- U2i, old technology is continued. The probability that Di is equal to one can be expressed a s a function of firm-specific characteristics: (3) Pi = P r ( D i = 1) = P r ( U l i < U2i) = P,.(Xioq + eli < Xiol2 -~- e2i) = Pr[eli - e2i <~ Xi(og2 - 0~1)] = P , . ( ~ < Xifl) = F ( X i f l ) , where P~(.) is a probability function, /~ = eli - e2i is a random disturbance term, /3 = a2 - ~~ is a coefficient vector, and F(Xi/3) is the cumulative distribution function for evaluated at Xi/3. Thus, the probability of the ith firm adopting the new technology is the probability that the utility of the old technology is less than the utility of the new technology or the cumulative distribution function F evaluated at X~q The exact distribution for F depends on the distribution of the random term ~ = e~i - e2i. If p~ is normal, then F is a cumulative normal; and if/.~ is uniform, then F is triangular. 4 The marginal effect of a variable Xi on the probability of adopting the new technology is aPi/axij = f(x,/3) 9 where f(.) is the marginal probability density function of ~ . Clearly, the direction of the marginal effect is determined by the sign of/3j, but q represents coefficient differences %j oqj. Thus /3j is expected to be positive (negatire, zero) if o~zj is positive and greater than (less than, equal to) cq~. Human capital variables are not included in X, because adopting the new technology is not always economically feasible. For a given soil type and cropping system, increasing a farmer's schooling is not expected always to increase the probability of adopting reduced tillage technology. Human capital variables, however, are expected to increase the proba4 See Takeshi Amemiya for a broad survey of qualitative response models and economic applications. Jamison and Lau also employ a similar model for explaining the adoption of chemical inputs by Thai farmers. Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on September 20, 2016 The objectives of this paper are (a) to present a model of adoption behavior and (b) to explain differences econometrically in farmer's decisions to adopt reduced-tillage practices and the efficiency of farmers' adoption decisions. The empirical results, obtained by fitting the model to microdata for Iowa farms, show that the probability of adopting reduced tillage in Iowa corn enterprises differs widely across farms and depends on soil characteristics, cropping system, and size of farming operation. In addition, these results show that investments in farmers' formal schooling and continuing education enhance the efficiency of the adoption decision. The paper is organized as follows: section 1 presents the adoption model; section 2 presents the empirical analyses of the tillage decisions of Iowa farm operators; and the final section presents conclusions of the analysis. Rahm and Huffman firm, (4) Ei - I D , - P~I = g(Z~~, + e4), g' > O. Efficient adoption decisions imply adopting new technology (Di = 1) when Pi is large or nonadoption (Di = 0) when P, is small. In both situations, the indicator of efficiency Ei is relatively small. 6 Grossly inefficient adoption decisions imply adoption when the predicted probability is small or nonadoption when the predicted probability is large. For both of these situations, the indicator of adoption efficiency is relatively large. Thus, larger values of E, are assumed to signal greater inefficiency in the adoption decision. Efficiency of the adoption decision is hypothesized to be related to characteristics that indicate allocative skills of farm operators and a zero mean random disturbance ~. Following human capital theory, allocative skills are assumed to be acquired or learned rather than innate. In particular, farmers' investments in schooling, experience, information, and health are expected to enhance allocative skills and to increase the efficiency of adoption decisions. If this proposition is correct, farm operators who have invested in these activ- 5 In this adoption model, the actual net return for technology t is uncertain. Utility of technology t is stochastic and depends upon moments of the net-return distribution and attributes of the technology. Furthermore, decision makcrs arr assumed to behave as if they know with certainty the parameters of the utility function. Although some decision makers are actually misinformed, the bulk of decision makers are assumed to be informed about the q after the early adoption phase. Thus, on average, they make correct optimizing decisions by adopting new technology when Uu < U2~. Because Pi = F(X~~)is a function of parameters of the utility functions and they (B's) are estimated consistently, the size of the predicted probability P~ = F(X~B) is information about correct behavior, conditional on X~. For ah alternative optimizing model that is applied to adoption decisions, see Jensen. 6 An absolute-value function is only one of several symmetric functions that could be employed. 407 ities will be better informed about the existence and general performance of different technologies, will make more accurate assessments of differences in farm-level performance, and will make more efficient adoption decisions. Empirical Analysis The empirical specification of the adoption model is employed to investigate the corn tillage decisions of Iowa farmers. Corn is the leading row crop in terms of acreage planted nationally and in Iowa. The reason for concentration on Iowa, and not on other major cornproducing states, is the availability of a high quality microdata set that was coUected in 1977. Evaluation of Reduced Tillage Historically, farmers prepared soils for row crops with the aid of a moldboard plow. This implement digs deeply and "turns over" the soil, burying old crop biomass and exposing the subsoil. This tŸ practice facilitated the preparation of a fine, firm seedbed and the mechanical control of weeds, but ir increased the erosion susceptibility of the soil. In recent years, reduced-tillage technology has been replacing the moldboard plow. Full-width reduced-tillage technology refers to tillage by a set of nonmoldboard plow implements, such as chisel plows, primary tillage discs, and field cultivators. Such irnplements stir up and level the soil and may cut up old crop biomass. However, old crop biomass remains on the soil surface. A second type of reduced tillage technology is a ridge-plant, or till-plant, systeta. Other reduced-tillage technologies include no-till, where the seed is knifed into the soil without any general seedbed preparation. Reduced tillage may affect the mean, variance, and higher moments of the yield distribution as well as the optimal factor proportions used in crop production. Because reduced tillage retains crop residues on the soil surface, the technologies have the potential to decrease soil losses from wind and water erosion and to increase soil moisture by improving water infiltration and decreasing evaporation. While decreases in soil and moisture losses may improve yields, the moist residue Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on September 20, 2016 bility of farmers making the economically " c o r r e c t " adoption decision. Human capital variables may enhance the efficiency of adoption decisions. The actual outcome of the adoption decision is indexed by D~; and the predicted probability of adopting new technology, conditional on Xi, can be obtained from equation (3) by replacing/3 with a consistent estimator /3, Pi = F(Xi[3). This predicted probability measures the typical or normal effect on P~ of variables that have homogenous effects on the adoption decision. 5 This study proposes to use the absolute difference between D~ and P~ as an indicator of efficiency of the adoption decision for the ith Adoption of Redued Tillage 408 November 1984 Amer. J. Agr. Econ. cover also affect root mass, root size, and rooting patterns. Roots concentrate near the soil surface with reduced-tillage technologies. Finally, reduced-tillage systems increase both soil aggregation and soil density. Highly aggregated and compacted soils restrict root growth and water movement. Minoru Amemiya and Griffith et al. discuss potential production problems. 8 This definition of reduced tillage permits farmers to use a moldboard plow on some of their farm's c o m acres, for example, to bury biomass that accumulates with no-till technology and a crop rotation including meadow. Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on September 20, 2016 cover and shallow tiUage may cause other of the farm operators had adopted the techproduction problems. 7 nology to reduce soil loss, while 24% of the Most research indicates that the net impact farm operators had adopted the technology to' on yield is related directly to the soil charac- decrease field-time requirements at critical peteristics, annual rainfall, cropping system, and riods. other management practices. Griffith et al. report results of tillage experiments in the east- The Data and Empirical Specification ern Com Belt. The research indicates that re- of the Model duced tillage likely will increase corn yield on well-drained and poorly structured soils, on The model is fitted to a sample of Iowa farms. poorly drained soils when corn follows any- These farms are a random sample of all Iowa thing but corn, and in areas with longer grow- farms in 1976 having farm sales or value of ing seasons. Minoru Amemiya reports results production greater than or equal to $2,500 of tillage experiments in the western Corn (Hoiberg and Huffman). The farm operator is Belt. Iowa experiments indicate that reduced identified as, and defined to be, the individual tillage significantly increased yield during who was the primary farm-business decision water-deficient years. Under favorable weath- maker in 1976. The statistics laboratory at er conditions, yield differences among tillage Iowa State University designed the survey and systems were insignificant. interviewers collected detailed information Reduced-tillage systems require less labor about the farm business and household. and machinery hours per acre, especially at The operational definition of reduced tillage critical planting time; but most systems re- is the nonuse of the moldboard plow for prequire greater quantities of herbicides and fun- paring farmland for planting a row crop. gicides for weed and pest conrol. The reduc- Farmers are classified as adopters of reducedtion in the cost of producing a given level of tillage corn technology if they did not use a output resulting from a change in optimal fac- moldboard plow to prepare all of their corn tor proportions depends upon input prices and acreage for planting in 1976. 8 Employing this change in input usage. This factor proportion definition, 58% of the sample farms utilized or allocative impact, however, seems to be reduced tillage. less important than the technical impacts on The empirical definition of farm-specific the mean and variance of yields. variables that are expected to influence utility, Iowa farmers used reduced tillage (non- and thus determine the probability of adopting moldboard plow technologies) on less than reduced-tillage corn technology, are: 500,000 acres in 1968, but by 1977 they utilized reduced tillage on 9.1 million acres, or more (5) Pi = P r ( D i = 1)= F /3o + /~~ª , than one-third of the state's crop acreage (Erj--1 bach, Lovely, and Ayres). Soil maintenance is the primary reason given by Iowa farm where Xi is ACRES, acres of corn planted in operators for the adoption of reduced tillage. 1976; X2 is ACRESQ., (ACRES)2; X3 is Results from a 1976 U.S. Department of Ag- SBRATIO, ratio of soybean acreage to corn riculture survey of Iowa farm managers who acreage in 1976; X4 is SBRSQ, (SBRATIO)2; had adopted reduced tillage indicated that 52% X5 is RAINFALL, normal annual rainfall (20year average annual precipitation for U.S. Weather Bureau District closest to the farm); 7 The moist residue cover provides an excellent germination X6 is SEASON, length of normal growing seaenvironment for weeds, insects, and other pests; may impede herbicide and pesticide effectiveness; and may decrease soil temson (average number of growing-degree days peratures 3~ to 6~ in the early growing season. In addition, the between spring and fall dates of less than 50% cooler and wetter soils may reduce the availability of important frost probability); X7 is TENURE, ratio of nutrients such as copper, zinc, boron, and manganese, and it may also lengthen the time required for seed germination (thus shortencropland acreage rented-in to total cropland ing the effective growing season). Also, because reduced tillage acreage; and X8-X26 is SDk, soil association systems do not incorporate fertilizers to the depths of convendummy variables (k = I, . . . , 19). tional tillage systems, fertilizer utilization and soil acidity may be affected by the type of tillage system. Tillage depth and residue A discussion of the expected signs for the Adoption of Redued Tillage Rahm and Huffman 9 The cropping systena of a farm is assumed to be unaffected by choice of tillage practices. This seems to be a reasonable assumption given the importance of other factors such as the expected crop and livestock prices and past cropping patterns in determining the farm enterprise mix. erosion susceptibility. Based on the discussion of the soil and moisture-conserving properties of reduced tillage, the probability of adopting reduced tillage is expected to be greater for operators who farm hillier, lighter, and better-drained soils than for operators who farm flatter, heavier, and poorly drained soils (Griffith et al.). Because reduced-tillage systems decrease evaporation and increase infiltration, the profitability, and thus the probability of adopting reduced tillage, is expected to be greater on those farms that receive less than the state average annual precipitation (32 inches per year). In addition, because reduced-tillage systems conserve on field work during the critical pre-plant and post-harvest periods, the probability of adopting reduced-tillage technology is hypothesized to be larger on those farms where the growing season is shorter, a~ Finally, the ratio of acres of cropland rented-in to total acres of cropland is included to test the hypothesis that tenure affects the probability of adopting reduced tillage (Lee and Stewart). Tillage choices for renters versus owners may reflect a shorter planning horizon or greater risk aversion, which might discourage them from adopting new technology. EŸ narrowly defined human capital variables are hypothesized to determine the efficiency of adoption decisions: 11 8 (6) In Ei = In [ D i - Pi[ = 3'0+ ~ yjZª + ~, j=i where ZI is EDUCATION, years of formal schooling completed by farm operator; Z2 is EDDUMI, dichotomous variable, 1 if farm operator obtained vocational training in high school and 0 otherwise; Z3 is EDDUM2, dichotomous variable, 1 if farm operator completed an agricultural major in college (e.g., agronomy, animal science, agricultural business) and 0 otherwise; Z4 is CONTINUED, dichotomous variable, 1 if farm operator or spouse attended short courses, conferences, and meetings on Iowa State University campus, and 0 otherwise; Z5 is EXTENSION, dichotomous variable, 1 if farm operator attended (frequently or sometimes) meetings, t o However, some of savings in time may be lost because additional surface biomass could also cause a colder seedbed and slower seed germination. 1~ By defining the dependent variable in equation (6) as In Ei rather than Et, the disturbance terna ei will be distributed between +oo and - ~ . Furthermore, the loge transformation led to estimated coefficients that had generally larger t-ratios than the level specification. Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on September 20, 2016 coefficients of regressors ente¡ equation (5) foUows. The change in mean net farm income resulting from adopting reduced tiUage is the product of the change in expected per acre net returns and the com acreage of the farm. For a given per acre net return, the total expected return from adoption is proportional to the size of the com enterprise. Farm firms with larger com enterprises have a greater absolute incentive to adopt and utilize more efficient tillage technologies than farm firms with smaller corn enterprises. Thus, the probability of a farm operator adopting reduced tillage is hypothesized to be positively related to the number of com acres planted on his farm, other things equal. The marginal effect of ACRES on the probability of adopting reduced tillage, however, is expected to decline as ACRES increases because the probability of adoption cannot exceed one. Per acre profitability is expected to depend on the cropping system, soil characteristics, and weather. The cropping system variable is the ratio of soybean-to-corn acreage. 9 Because soybean root systems break up the soil naturally and because the threshed soybean plant leaves a small amount of plant material on the soil surface, farm operators can make an excellent seedbed for com by applying reduced tillage to soybean stubble. The economic advantage of reduced tillage is less when other crops precede com in a cropping system. Assuming static cropping systems for farms, a large ratio of soybean-to-corn acreage indicates a potential economic advantage of reduced tillage over moldboard tillage for preparing a corn seedbed. Thus, the probability of adopting reduced tillage is hypothesized to be greater for managers of farms with larger ratios of soybeans to com acreage than for managers of farms with smaller ratios. This variable is expected to have a diminishing marginal effect on the probability of adoption. Soil association dummy variables categorize soil characteristics. The state of Iowa is classified into twenty-one geographical soil associations (Cooperative Extension Service). The classification is based upon parent material (loess, glacial till, and alluvium) and topology. These characteristics determine the soil's natural fertility, drainage characteristics, and 409 410 November 1984 The Empirical Results The results from fitting the two-stage model of reduced-tillage adoption are presented and assessed. Linear and probit probability specifications of the adoption equation are fitted to data for 869 sample farms. If the error term is uniformly distributed with a zero mean, the linear specification is appropriate and the ort 2 if asset transfers to succeeding generations are important, then additional expe¡ need not imply a shorter planning ho¡ zon. Table 1. Descriptive Statistics for Variables of Adoption Model, Iowa Farm Operators, 1976 Variable Name Adoption equation (N = 869) D (1-0) ACRES SBRATIO R A I N F A L L (inches) S E A S O N (growing degree days) T E N U R E (1-0) Adoption efficiency (n = 797) E E D U C A T I O N (years) E X P E R I E N C E (years) EDDUM1 (1-0) EDDUM2 (1-0) C O N T I N U E D (1-0) E X T E N S I O N (1-0) MGSERVICE (1-0) H E A L T H (1-0) Mean Standard Deviation .58 145.1 .51 31.1 2,951.5 .58 136.2 .52 2.40 149.0 .38 11.3 22.9 .20 2.2 13.0 .25 .06 .1 i .32 .12 .21 dinary least-squares estimator is unbiased and inexpensive to obtain, but it is statistically inefficient. Alternatively, if/,q is normally distributed, as it will be if el~ and e2~ of equation (3) are normally distributed, then probit--a maximum likelihood estimation procedure-yields a consistent, efficient, and asymptotically normal estimator. 13 Table 2 presents ordinary least squares and probit estimates of the adoption equation to facilitate comparisons. The signs of the estimated coefficients are consistent with expectations, t4 At sample mean values of variables, the estimated coefficients of ACRES and ACRESQ imply that the marginal effect of a farm' s corn acreage on the probability of adopting reduced-tillage technology is positive and diminishes as the farm's corn acreage increases. Similarly, the marginal effect of the ratio of a farm' s soybean acreage-to-corn acreage on the probability of adoption is positive and diminishes as SBRATIO increases. The coefficients of RAINFALL, SEASON, and TENURE have expected signs, but they are not significantly different from zero at conventional levels. The soil association dummy variables have coefficients that are generally consistent with expectations. The Clarion-Nicolett-Webster soil ~3 A third alternative is a logit probability model. Takeshi Amemiya and Pindyck and Rubinfeld note that empirical results using probit and logit will generally be very similar. ~4 Because the dependent variable is dichotomous, the R2 of. 18 for the linear probability specification seems respectible (Takeshi Amemiya, p. 1504). Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on September 20, 2016 field days or demonstrations sponsored by the extension service, and 0 otherwise; Z6 is MGSERVICE, dichotomous variable, I iffarm operator (frequently or sometimes) utilized media sources of information published or marketed by private information and management firms, and 0 otherwise; Z7 is EXPERIENCE, number of years since farm operator first began farming independently; and Z8 is HEALTH, dichotomous variable, 1 if farm operator had a health condition limiting the amount and type of work, and 0 otherwise. The variables EDUCATION, EDDUM1, and EDDUM2, represent the quantity and type of schooling received by the farm operator. The variables CONTINUE, EXTENSION, and MGSERVICE are indicators of information sources currently utilized in making decisions on adopting new farm technology in general. The sources, however, may be heterogenous in information-quality respects and are not limited to reduced tillage information. Each of the preceding six variables is expected to have negative coefficients or to increase the efficiency of adoption decisions. Farming experience can have two opposing effects on adoption efficiency. First, additional experience, holding the planning horizon length constant, is expected to increase efficiency. Additional experience, however, might be associated with a shortened planning horizon over which returns can be captured from investing in new technology. 12 Thus, the net effect of EXPERIENCE on adoption efficiency is a priori uncertain. Because poor health may shorten the planning horizon and impede normal decision making, poor health of the operator is expected to decrease the efficiency of adoption decisions. Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for the empirical measures of variables entering equations (5) and (6). Amer. J. Agr. Econ. Rahm and Hufjman Adoption o f Redued Tillage Table 2. Estimates of Linear and Probit Probability Models, Adoption of Reduced Tillage Practices by Iowa Farm Operators, 1976 Table 3. Frequency Distribution for Probability of Reduced Tillage Adoption and for Adoption Efficiency Number of Farms Probability Model Linear a Independent Variable lntercept Probit b Estimate t-ratio Estimate t-ratio Scale [Pi, Ei] .5130 .0018 -.87E-6 .3785 - .0834 -.0141 .73E-5 - .0057 .2991 .1920 .1844 - .0862 - .0555 .2071 .1566 .0564 .1116 .0352 .2720 .0979 .1399 .1911 -.1329 .2220 .2546 .1867 .3240 -8.61 -4.81 6.97 - 5.06 - 1.34 .03 - . 14 1.91 1.65 1.73 - .65 - .30 1.86 1.84 .43 1.72 .48 2.36 .52 1.62 2.05 -.56 2.44 3.06 2.47 1.66 .0469 .0055 -.26E-5 1.0785 - .2460 -.0410 .35E-4 .0053 .8818 .5780 .5305 - .2255 -.2094 .6351 .4727 .2150 .3173 .1112 .7846 .2841 .4113 .5374 -.3139 .6524 .7394 .5633 .9657 .05 8.14 -4.64 6.43 - 4.17 - 1.34 .05 .05 1.89 1.66 1.69 - .57 - .33 1.90 1.89 .54 1.67 .52 2.28 .52 1.61 1.99 -.47 2.36 2.95 2.48 1.62 0-0.10 0.11-0.20 0.21-0.30 0.31-0.40 0.41-0.50 0.51-0.60 0.61-0.70 0.71-0.80 0.81-0.90 0.91-1.00 a n = 869, R ~ = .18, F = 6.90. b n = 869, Iog likelihood: -507.4, chi square: 166.8. association is the reference soil type that is included in the intercept of the equation. This soil association is located in north central Iowa and is composed of flat, heavy, and poorly drained soils. Thus, the positive and frequently significant coefficients for the other soil association variables, e.g., SD19 which represents the Shelby- Sharp sburg- Macksburg soils, is consistent with our hypothesis that the probability of adopting is larger on rolling, lighter, and better drained soils. Column one of table 3 displays the predicted probabilities of adopting reduced-tillage corn technology for the 869 sample farms. The predicted probabilities are calculated from the probit estimate of the adoption equation. The frequency distribution is a distorted bell shape and has a median of 0.62. The frequency distribution of Ei, the measure of adoption efficiency [column (2) of table 4 ], obtained by using probit predictions also has a distorted bell shape and a median of 0.38. Predicted Probability o f Adoption Adoption Efficiency 4 33 73 78 111 144 168 141 90 36 40 107 161 170 151 93 76 48 21 2 Equation (6), which explains tillage adoption efficiency, is fitted by OLS to data for 797 sample farms. Seventy-two observations were lost because of missing data. Three regression equations are reported in table 4. Regression equation (1) includes all the human capital variables, and regression equations (2) and (3) contain a reduced set. Because the information variables might be jointly determined with adoption efficiency, the variables CONTable 4. Estimate of Equations Explaining the Efficiency of Reduced Tillage Adoption Decisions by Iowa Farm Operators, 1976 Independent Variables EDUCATION EDDUM1 EDD UM2 (1) -.035 (-2.72) (2) -.037 (-3.11) (3) -.044 (-3.78) - .018 (-.31) .062 (.55) CONTINUED - .212 ( - 2.73) EXTENSION -.050 ( - .97) MGSER VICE - . 230 (-3.15) EXPERIENCE -.003 ( - 1.35) -.002 ( - 1.08) -.003 ( - 1.29) HEALTH .087 (1.39) .088 (1.40) .090 (1.43) lntercept - .567 ( - 3.60) - .616 ( - 3.89) - .550 ( - 3.49) R2 F .05 4.61 - .221 ( - 2.94) .03 6.311 .02 5.49 Note: The dependent variable is In E~ = In ID~ - P~I; t-ratios are in parentheses; sample size is 797. Downloaded from at Penn State University (Paterno Lib) on September 20, 2016 ACRES ACRESQ SBRATIO SBRATIOSQ RAINFALL SEASON TENURE SD1 SD2 SD3 SD4 SD6 SD7 SD8 SD9 SDIO SD12 SD13 SD14 SDI5 SD 16 SD17 SD18 SD19 SD20 SD21 411 412 November 1984 Conclusions This paper has presented a model of adoption and econometric evidence about determinants of reduced tillage adoption and of adoption efficiency. The empirical results show that soil characteristics, the cropping system, and the scale of operation significantly affect the probability of adopting reduced tillage in Iowa corn enterprises. The predicted probability of adopting differs widely across sample farms. When adoption is not always economically feasible, the results show that human capital variables enhance the efficiency of the adoption decision. Other variables undoubtedly affect the efficiency of adoption decisions, but they can be explored in future research. HEALTH. [Received February 1983; final revision Although the R 2 for the regression equations received April 1984. ] in table 4 may seem small, this is expected. Recall that Ei is approximately the absolute value of the residual remaining after removing effects of variables expected to have homogenous effects on the probability of References adoption. It undoubtedly also includes some measurement error because broad soil associ- Amemiya, Minoru. "Conservation Tillage in the Western ation type classifications and regional weather Corn Belt." Conservation Tillage: Problems • Potentials. Ankeny lA: Soil Conservation Society of data were employed rather than farm-level inAmerica, 1977. formation on these variables. The small R 2 means that a small share of the variance in this Amemiya, Takeshi. "Qualitative Response Models: A Survey." J. Econ. Lit. 29(1981):1483-1536. measure of adoption efficiency is explained by Cooperative Extension Service. "Highway Guide of Iowa variation in the included human capital variSoil Association," Pm 389. Ames lA: Iowa State ables. This does not mean, however, that University, 1977. these variables have no significant effect. A Dixon, R. "Hybrid C o m Revisited." Econometrica 48 test of the joint null hypothesis of no effect of (1980): 1451-61. human capital variables on efficiency of the Erbach, Donald R., Walter G. Lovely, and George E. Ayres. "Conservation and Conventional Systems for adoption decision can be rejected. Employing Continuous Corn." Iowa State University Agr. Exp. regression equation (2), table 4, the sample Sta. Misc. Bull. 14, 1980. value of the F-statistic is 6.3 and the critical value of the tabled F with 4 and 790 degrees of Fane, George. "Education and the Managerial Efficiency of Farmers." Rey. Econ. and Statist. 57(1975):452freedom at the one percent significance level is 61. 3.32. Thus, these results provide evidence that Feder, G., R. E. Just, and D. Zilberman. 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