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Hindi teachers will work on the term
12:00 to 12:30 - Read one lesson along with
the respective curriculum developer( Vidhya
and roshini) and skim the lesson plan for one
session after the orientation.
Other teachers carry on with the same work
12:30 to 1:00 - Lunch
1 to 5 - Surf for the welcome badges,
activity for first Saturday and the ice
breaking session. (Note: If they are ready
with the plan teachers can sit along with
coordinators to get finalised with the
Tamil teachers- Prepare one lesson plan.
Hindi teachers - Sample specimens on how
to prepare lesson plan, DAR, weekly plan
will be given. Go through the documents
and try to prepare one plan.
5 to 2:30- Break
2:30 to 3:45 - Curriculum orientation by
Mrs. Sumithra for classes Ill & IV Social
teachers and Mrs. Suganya for classes I & Il
Maths teachers.
Sumithra - Dhaniya, Sowndarya, Farin,
Jemi. Suganya- Kiruba shiny, Annie rose,
Kalpana devi, Swathi, swetha, sowndarya,
Kavya Mrs. Marina and Mrs. Surya can work
on the lesson plans.
Patricia and Manju will work on the term
Tamil and Hindi teachers report to Cc about
their work done - term planner (for one
class) and lesson plan for one session 3:45
to 4:30 - Reflection of the day through
stand up meeting and DAR
4:30 to 4:45- Coordinators report to CC's
4:45 to 5:00- CCs report to Principal.