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IEEE 15841-2013 - Arc Flash Hazard Calculation

IEEE Guide for the Specification of
Scope and Deliverable Requirements
for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation
Study in Accordance with
IEEE Std 1584™
IEEE Industry Applications Society
Sponsored by the
Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee
3 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10016-5997
IEEE Std 1584.1™-2013
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IEEE Std 1584.1™-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of
Scope and Deliverable Requirements
for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation
Study in Accordance with
IEEE Std 1584™
Petroleum and Chemical Industry Committee
of the
IEEE Industry Applications Society
Approved 11 December 2013
IEEE-SA Standards Board
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Abstract: Guidance for the specification and performance of an arc-flash hazard calculation
study, in accordance with the process defined in IEEE Std 1584™, is provided in this document. It
outlines the minimum recommended requirements to enable the owner or its representative to
specify an arc-flash hazard study, including scope of work and associated deliverables.
Keywords: arc fault currents, arc-flash boundary, arc-flash hazard, arc-flash hazard analysis,
arc-flash hazard marking, arc in enclosures, arc in open air, bolted fault currents, electrical
hazard, IEEE 1584.1™, incident energy, protective device coordination study, short-circuit study,
working distances
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
Copyright © 2014 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published 10 February 2014. Printed in the United States of America.
IEEE is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Incorporated.
ISBN 978-0-7381-8864-5
ISBN 978-0-7381-8865-2
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At the time this IEEE guide was completed, the Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations Working Group had the
following membership:
Daleep C. Mohla, Chair
L. Bruce McClung, Vice Chair
Jim Phillips, Secretary/1584.1 Team Vice Leader
Kenneth S. Jones, 1584.1 Team Leader
Daniel Adjetey
Jean Ayoub
James Babcock
Ilanchezhian Balasubramanian
Pirooz Barkhordar
Louis Barrios
Terry Becker
James Beyreis
Joshua Billman
Waylon Bowers
Rachel Bugaris
Eric Campbell
Ray Catlett
Eva Clark
Craig Clarke
D. Ray Crow
Steve Dittman
Maurice D’Mello
Daniel Doan
Paul Dobrowsky
Mike Doherty
Gary Donner
Ryan Downey
Paul Eaton
Rakan El-Mahayni
Steve Emert
Tim Faber
Mark Fisher
Frank Foote
Robert Fuhr
Tammy Gammon
Tim Gauthier
John Hempstead
Dennis Hill
Robert Hughes
Ben C. Johnson
Dee Jones
Mike Lang
Robert G. Lau
Wei-Jen Lee
Kevin J. Lippert
Albert Marroquin
Larry McGuire
John McQuilkin
Peter Megna
James Mitchem
Roger Morgan
Dean Naylor
Dennis Neitzel
John Nelson
Mike Noonan
Wheeler O’Harrow
Sergio A. Panetta
Tom Papallo
Anthony Parsons
Brian Radibratovic
Bob Ragsdale
Ken Rempe
Dave Rewitzer
Tim Rohrer
Rupeto Sanchez
Vincent Saporita
Todd Sauve
Edwin Scherry
Paul Schroder
Gregory Shirek
Tom Short
Jeremy Smith
Don Sweeney
David Sweeting
Richard Tanner
Marcelo Valdes
Peter Walsh
Craig M. Wellman
Matt Westerdale
Kenneth P. White
Shawn Worthington
Alan Worthy
Alex Wu
The following members of the individual balloting committee voted on this guide. Balloters may have
voted for approval, disapproval, or abstention.
Michael Adams
Ilanchezhian Balasubramanian
Robert Barnett
Thomas Bishop
Frederick Brockhurst
Chris Brooks
Sheila Brown
Rachel Bugaris
John Byrne
Keith Chow
Donald Colaberardino
Jerry Corkran
Alireza Daneshpooy
Glenn Davis
Paul Dobrowsky
Gary Donner
Randall Dotson
Donald Dunn
Marcia Eblen
Carl Fredericks
J. Travis Griffith
Randall Groves
Paul Hamer
Scott Hietpas
Werner Hoelzl
R. Jackson
Ben C. Johnson
Laszlo Kadar
John Kay
Gael Kennedy
Yuri Khersonsky
Royce King
Jim Kulchisky
Saumen Kundu
Ed Larsen
Duane Leschert
Steven Liggio
Kevin J. Lippert
William Lockley
Greg Luri
William Maxwell
John McAlhaney, Jr.
William McBride
Benjamin McClung
L. Bruce McClung
Larry McGuire
John McQuilkin
John Merando
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John Miller
James Mitchem
Daleep C. Mohla
Daniel Mulkey
Paul Myers
Daniel Neeser
Dennis Neitzel
Arthur Neubauer
Michael Newman
Charles Ngethe
Wheeler O’Harrow
T. Olsen
Lorraine Padden
Richard Paes
Sergio A. Panetta
Donald Parker
David Parman
Antony Parsons
Christopher Petrola
Jim Phillips
Iulian Profir
Nicholas Rafferty
Charles Rogers
Vincent Saporita
Bartien Sayogo
Edwin Scherry
Robert Seitz
Gregory Shirek
Suresh Shrimavle
Gil Shultz
James Smith
Jeremy Smith
Jerry Smith
Gary Stoedter
Peter Sutherland
Wayne Timm
James Tomaseski
Luis Vargas
John Vergis
Craig M. Wellman
Yingli Wen
Kenneth P. White
Tamatha Womack
John Yale
Jian Yu
When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this guide on 11 December 2013, it had the following
John Kulick, Chair
David J. Law, Vice Chair
Richard H. Hulett, Past Chair
Konstantinos Karachalios, Secretary
Masayuki Ariyoshi
Peter Balma
Farooq Bari
Ted Burse
Stephen Dukes
Jean-Philippe Faure
Alexander Gelman
Mark Halpin
Gary Hoffman
Paul Houzé
Jim Hughes
Michael Janezic
Joseph L. Koepfinger*
Oleg Logvinov
Ron Petersen
Gary Robinson
Jon Walter Rosdahl
Adrian Stephens
Peter Sutherland
Yatin Trivedi
Phil Winston
Yu Yuan
*Member Emeritus
Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
Richard DeBlasio, DOE Representative
Michael Janezic, NIST Representative
Julie Alessi
IEEE-SA Content Publishing
Lisa Perry
IEEE-SA Technical Community Programs
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This introduction is not part of IEEE Std 1584.1-2013, IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable
Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in Accordance with IEEE Std 1584™.
This guide has been developed by the Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations Working Group to support
application of IEEE Std 1584™.
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1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 1
2. Normative references.................................................................................................................................. 2
3. Arc-flash study general guidelines ............................................................................................................. 2
3.1 Scope of the arc-flash study ................................................................................................................. 2
3.2 Working distances ............................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Shock hazard analysis .......................................................................................................................... 3
3.4 Results and recommendations ............................................................................................................. 3
4. Complexity of system ................................................................................................................................. 3
4.1 Simple system (single mode of operation)........................................................................................... 3
4.2 Complex system (multiple modes of operation) .................................................................................. 4
5. Data collection ............................................................................................................................................ 4
5.1 Responsibility of data verification ....................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Data assumptions ................................................................................................................................. 5
5.3 Owner-supplied information ................................................................................................................ 5
6. Short-circuit study ...................................................................................................................................... 6
6.1 Verification of system.......................................................................................................................... 6
6.2 Number of calculations (scenarios) needed ......................................................................................... 6
6.3 Equipment evaluation .......................................................................................................................... 6
7. Overcurrent device clearing times/protective device coordination study ................................................... 7
7.1 Verification of existing study .............................................................................................................. 7
7.2 Complexity of system .......................................................................................................................... 7
7.3 Optimization of settings ....................................................................................................................... 7
8. Arc-flash hazard calculation location considerations ................................................................................. 7
9. Equipment labels ........................................................................................................................................ 8
9.1 Label content ....................................................................................................................................... 8
9.2 Label format ........................................................................................................................................ 8
10. Report, results, and recommendations ...................................................................................................... 9
10.1 Arc-flash study report ........................................................................................................................ 9
10.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 9
Annex A (informative) Bibliography ............................................................................................................11
Annex B (normative) Task matrix of work items for arc-flash analysis........................................................12
Annex C (normative) Equipment label checklist ...........................................................................................14
Annex D (normative) Deliverables for arc-flash study..................................................................................15
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IEEE Guide for the Specification of
Scope and Deliverable Requirements
for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation
Study in Accordance with
IEEE Std 1584™
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1. Overview
1.1 Scope
This document provides guidance for the specification and performance of an arc-flash hazard calculation
study, in accordance with the process defined in IEEE Std 1584™. 1 It outlines the minimum recommended
requirements to enable the owner or its representative to specify an arc-flash study, including scope of work
and associated deliverables.
1.2 Purpose
This document defines the recommended minimum guidelines for performing a detailed arc-flash hazard
calculation study (arc-flash study) based on IEEE Std 1584™. Use of this document should enable persons
such as facility owners, contractors, equipment manufacturers, operations, safety, and electrical personnel
as well as those responsible for the specification and/or the performance of the study to understand the
Information on references can be found in Clause 2.
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
minimum scope of work and deliverables required. Additionally, by providing a detailed list of deliverable
items, accurate proposals can be obtained.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document (i.e., they must
be understood and used, so each referenced document is cited in text and its relationship to this document is
explained). For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments or corrigenda) applies.
IEEE Std 1584™, IEEE Guide for Performing Arc-Flash Hazard Calculations. 2,3
3. Arc-flash study general guidelines
The arc-flash study calculation procedure should be in accordance with IEEE Std 1584™, and any
amendments including IEEE Std 1584a™ and IEEE Std 1584b™-2011. It is assumed that the equipment in
the study is installed, operated, and maintained in accordance with manufactures’ instructions or industryrecognized standards. Three-phase ac circuits outside the range of IEEE Std 1584™ may be analyzed using
other industry-accepted methods such as the Lee equations, which are also defined within IEEE Std
1584™. Other equipment not covered by IEEE Std 1584™ such as direct current, and overhead
transmission and distribution systems, must either be excluded from the study or analyzed based on other
industry-recognized methodology. Calculations can be run for single-phase equipment using IEEE Std
1584™, assuming it has three-phase service that will yield conservative results. This guideline is for
existing systems, the expansion and modification to existing systems, and new construction.
3.1 Scope of the arc-flash study
For each piece of equipment under study, the analysis is used to determine the estimated short-circuit and
arcing currents, incident energy, and arc-flash boundary (AFB). As a minimum, the arc-flash study should
encompass all equipment likely to require service or inspection while energized from the customer-owned
service entrance equipment down through end user equipment rated 208 V nominal. IEEE Std 1584™
should be consulted for requirements for equipment rated less than 240 V (line-to-line).
NOTE—Consult the latest edition of IEEE Std 1584™ for guidance. 4
The results of the arc-flash study may also be used to develop recommendations such as changes to
protective device settings in order to reduce the incident energy at locations where the incident energy level
is deemed too high by the owner’s representative. Prior to the start of the study, it is recommended that the
lead investigator interview all the stake holders to obtain a snap shot on the health of the electrical system.
These individuals should include owners, facility engineers, electrical superintendents, and line foremen.
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this standard.
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
3.2 Working distances
Determine the working distance based on site practices and task to be performed. Default values in IEEE
Std 1584™ may be used only if the owner does not have any requirements. If default values are used, this
should be identified in the report as basis of calculations.
3.3 Shock hazard analysis
Shock hazard analysis results are not required on the label according to NFPA 70E [B6]. 5 Specific shock
hazard analysis information may be put on the label if required by the owner.
3.4 Results and recommendations
Provide the results of the arc-flash analysis based on calculation(s) of the incident energy and AFB at each
piece of electrical equipment under study. These values may be used to determine the appropriate levels of
personal protective equipment required by qualified personnel working on or near the equipment, in
keeping with the requirements of NFPA 70E, facility safety policies, and other applicable standards. In
addition, the results are used to provide equipment labeling that contains information that can be used by
the qualified person to perform the hazard risk assessment as required by the latest edition of NFPA 70E.
The arc-flash study should be performed by, or under the direction of, a qualified person with the necessary
knowledge about power system analysis and arc-flash hazard analysis or experience in performing power
system analysis and arc-flash hazard analysis. It is recommended that engineers who are new to performing
the studies obtain peer or third party reviews from a more experienced engineer in this specific subject.
NOTE—Engineering licensing requirements of individual jurisdictions (states and/or provinces/nationalities) may
require the analysis to be performed by, or under the direction of, a registered professional engineer.
4. Complexity of system
The scope and level of detail of the arc-flash study are dependent on the complexity of the power
distribution system under study. The levels of complexity and some typical characteristics are defined
4.1 Simple system (single mode of operation)
A simple radial system is generally defined as a utility-owned service substation and/or transformers.
Generally, the nominal secondary voltage is 600 V or less.
Examples: Office buildings, commercial facilities, small industrial, and institutional systems.
Reference: IEEE Std 141™-1993, Figure 2-1.
The numbers in brackets correspond to those of the bibliography in Annex A.
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
4.2 Complex system (multiple modes of operation)
A complex system is generally defined as a customer-owned service transformer and/or secondary selective
(double ended) substation. The system may include standby generators to provide power upon loss of
utility service. Generally, the nominal service voltages are above 600 V and may include protective
relaying, network systems, customer-owned primary substations, and customer-owned generation.
Examples: Midsized industrial, institutional and large commercial facilities, systems with multiple
secondary substations or delivery points, industrial complexes, data centers, hospitals.
Reference: IEEE Std 141™-1993, Figure 2-5.
5. Data collection
The arc-flash study must be based on accurate, up-to-date information. A single-line diagram is the
preferred method of documentation of a power system. It generally represents existing conditions and
equipment nameplate data for the portion of the system within the scope of the arc-flash study. This may
require the person performing the study, or the facility’s owner, or owner’s representative to:
Obtain any existing single-line drawings of the facility. Most software programs will create a
simple diagram as data is entered.
Verify and update existing single-line diagram to existing conditions.
Verify and resolve any equipment labeling (naming) issues.
Gather other system documentation, including transformer nameplate and test data, breaker or relay
test reports, motor or generator data sheets, switchgear control drawings, copies of previous power
system studies, conductor sizes types and lengths, etc.
Obtain relay settings, current transformer ratios, circuit breaker trip unit settings and sensor sizes,
fuse types and ampere ratings, and medium voltage motor equipment characteristics.
Obtain generator short-circuit characteristics. Obtain wire and cable sizes, material of construction
(aluminum or copper), cable construction (single or multi-conductor), raceway type, and length.
Verify nomenclature to be used for equipment and all devices in the study with the owner. This
includes abbreviations, etc. This should ensure proper naming convention before creation of the
drawings, reports, and labels.
Field inspections will likely be required to obtain and verify the required arc-flash study
information. Where possible, it is usually helpful to work with personnel familiar with the facility’s
power system.
All site work should be performed in accordance with applicable facility safety requirements and
applicable electrical work safety standards [B6]. In some cases, a partial or full system shutdown
may be required to gather some information for safety reasons.
There may be other portions of the electrical power system at the facility to be studied that are not included
in the scope of work; however, these portions of the system may affect the results of the system under the
scope of the arc-flash study. When a facility is not performing an arc-flash study on its entire system, it will
be necessary to obtain the available short-circuit currents and X/R ratios for sources of supply not included
in the scope of the project at the terminals or buses where the project begins. It may also be necessary to
obtain large motor short-circuit contribution data for large motors not included in the scope of the project at
the appropriate terminals that are part of the project.
5.1 Responsibility of data verification
Determination of which party(s) is to be responsible for verification of one-lines, creating one-lines, and
other site data collection must be determined prior to the quoting of the arc-flash hazard study.
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
If the facility owner does not provide facility data to the study engineer, the owner should provide qualified
personnel to guide those responsible for the site data collection to the equipment locations to assist as
required, and to open necessary equipment doors, locks, etc. to collect nameplate data and protective device
Switchboards, motor control centers (MCCs), panelboards, and distribution boards should be evaluated to
determine if either the main internal overcurrent device or an upstream separately located device should be
used for the calculation of the incident energy at these buses. Manufacturers should be encouraged to
provide specific information upon request to aid in this evaluation. Responsibility for assessment of
adequate segregation of main breakers from load buses or breakers in the same equipment to allow their use
for arc-flash calculations must be clearly addressed in the scope of work for the study.
5.2 Data assumptions
If data is not available or accessible for protective devices such as protective relays, current transformers
(CTs), circuit breakers, and fuses, but reasonable assumptions can be made as to the device type or
characteristics, these assumptions may be used. Care should be taken to ensure that the assumptions do not
lead to under-reporting of available incident energy at downstream equipment. An alternate to this is to use
the next overcurrent device upstream to define the clearing time where the data is known.
NOTE—It is assumed that devices are installed and maintained per their manufacturers’ recommendations, are in good
working order, and will trip according to their published time-current characteristic curves. The owner should inform
the engineer responsible for the analysis if this is known to be untrue for any devices to be considered in the analysis.
These devices should not be considered in the arc-flash study until they are in proper working order.
If actual utility fault current cannot be obtained from the utility company, then alternate scenarios should be
modeled considering minimum and maximum values of utility fault current. These scenarios will provide a
range of utility fault contributions that the study can be based on to account for potential changes in the
utility system, and allowing for calculation of worst-case arc-flash levels inside the facility.
Actual equipment data of bus gaps should be used if available to provide accurate results of the expected
incident energy. Utilize default values provided in IEEE Std 1584™ only if actual values are not available.
Document that the study is based on default values because actual bus gaps were not available.
5.3 Owner-supplied information
The facility owner should provide to the qualified person(s) performing the arc-flash study the following
data in writing:
Electric utility company contact information. In many instances the owner may have to request the
utility company data because utility companies may not provide that information to third parties
without the owner’s permission. This information may include nominal voltage; normal, minimum,
and maximum three-phase and single line-to-ground short-circuit currents; system X/R ratios;
utility-provided overcurrent protection; or grounding configuration. Depending on the utility
service configuration, transformer size, winding configuration, and impedance for utility-owned
transformers may be needed.
Modes of operation and system configuration.
Existing single-line diagrams, if available.
Relay and circuit breaker diagrams and test reports, if available.
Past short-circuit, coordination, and arc-flash studies, including software data files, if available.
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
6. Short-circuit study
The arc-flash study should be based on an up-to-date short-circuit study that reflects existing conditions,
alternate system configurations, and operating scenarios where applicable. In addition, minimum and
maximum short-circuit current conditions should be evaluated to determine the effect on protective device
clearing times and incident energy exposures.
6.1 Verification of system
If an existing short-circuit study is available and is to be used for arc flash study, it must be verified by the
owner that it accurately represents present conditions including utility short-circuit contributions, feeder
sizes, types, and lengths, transformer sizes and impedances, motor and generator contributions, and system
modes of operation. If a short-circuit study is not available, it should be performed based on applicable
codes and standards.
6.2 Number of calculations (scenarios) needed
For simple systems, two sets of calculations are needed. One is for the maximum available fault current
from the utility with all large motors running. The second is the minimum available fault current from the
utility with no large motors running. Utilities should be asked to provide the maximum and minimum
number based on an up-to-date study of their system.
For complex systems (multiple modes of operation), alternate switching scenarios must be selected and
modeled to determine a set of possible available short-circuit currents. These results are then used to
evaluate the effect on the overcurrent device clearing times and to determine the worst case arc-flash
incident energy at each bus. Some locations in the system will exhibit the highest incident energy at high
fault currents, while lower fault currents will result in higher incident energy values at other locations.
Examples of modes of operation include alternate sources and paralleled sources switched in or out, double
ended substation with tie open or closed, and standby generators running or shut down. The higher
available fault current calculations should be based on all simultaneously operating large motors (greater
than or equal to 50 hp) turned on, and the lower calculations should be based on no large motors running.
Multiple incident energy calculations per bus are common, but engineering judgment should be applied to
get an appropriate set of calculations for each bus. The modes of operation should be decided upon between
the owner and the study provider.
6.3 Equipment evaluation
While an arc-flash analysis requires that short-circuit levels throughout the power distribution system be
calculated, evaluating the available short-circuit current compared to interrupting ratings of distribution
equipment is recommended. In the course of gathering system information for the arc-flash study,
information required for such evaluation of equipment is typically collected. The arc-flash study, therefore,
presents a convenient opportunity to perform a full short-circuit analysis including evaluation of equipment
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
7. Overcurrent device clearing times/protective device coordination study
The arc-flash study requires up-to-date information regarding the clearing time of overcurrent protective
devices that are under review and included in the scope of work of the study. This information can be
obtained from the time-current curve of each device or from an up-to-date protective device coordination
study (coordination study) that reflects existing conditions, alternate system configurations, and operating
scenarios where applicable. The circuit breaker opening time should be added to the protective relay
operating time for most medium- and high-voltage situations.
7.1 Verification of existing study
If an existing coordination study is available, it must be verified that it represents existing conditions. If a
coordination study is not available, it must be conducted based on applicable industry standards.
NOTE—It is typically assumed that devices are in good working order and will trip according to their published timecurrent coordination curves. The owner should inform the engineer responsible for the analysis if this is known to be
untrue for any devices to be considered in the analysis.
7.2 Complexity of system
For simple systems (simple radial feed), the arc-flash incident energy information can be derived manually
from individual time-current curves or from commercially available software or spreadsheets. For complex
systems (multiple modes of operation or larger radial systems) it is recommended that this arc-flash
incident energy analysis is conducted with commercially available software.
7.3 Optimization of settings
Since the information that is required for the coordination study is typically collected as part of the arcflash study data collection, the arc-flash study presents a convenient opportunity to perform the more
detailed coordination analysis.
If a full coordination study is performed, the study engineer should seek to identify areas where arc-flash
incident energy reduction can be achieved through modification of existing device settings, particularly if
coordination among devices can be maintained. In such cases, both the existing and recommended settings
and the arc-flash levels based on the “before” and “after” settings should be documented in the study.
Process continuity requirements for safety should be evaluated in the consideration of reduced arc-flash
hazard levels thru faster overcurrent protective device functions.
8. Arc-flash hazard calculation location considerations
It must be understood that a protective device can be counted on only to limit incident energy downstream
from its source of supply and in a separate compartment or enclosure from the protective device. For
example, a main circuit breaker in an MCC may or may not limit incident energy in the cubicle of the main
circuit breaker because an arc-flash in that cubicle could escalate to a line side fault. Only the upstream
protective device can be counted on to provide protection for that cubicle. The main circuit breaker could
protect employees from an arc-flash in downstream sections of the MCC, switchboard, or control panel if
the MCC, switchboard, or control panel construction has barriers to isolate the main breaker section. Using
the same logic, main circuit breakers in switchboards and panelboards generally are not considered to
provide arc-flash protection for their switchboard or panelboard because there is normally no complete
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
barrier between their line side connections and the possible location of an arc-flash in their enclosures. A
qualified person with skills and knowledge of electrical equipment construction should make the
determination of which overcurrent device is used for arc-flash incident energy calculations for a particular
device. Reported results and the protective device they are based upon should take equipment configuration
and construction into account.
9. Equipment labels
As required by codes and regulations, labels should be created and affixed to electrical equipment that is
defined in the scope of the study. This equipment should include as a minimum: switchgear, switchboards,
panelboards, industrial control panels, meter socket enclosures, adjustable speed drives, machine control
panels, and motor control centers. The scope may also include equipment such as, but not limited to,
busway(s), bus plugs, fused and non-fused disconnect switches, and motor terminal boxes (not normally
The responsibility for creation and installation of equipment labels must be clearly specified in the scope of
the study.
NOTE—Transformers (utility company and customer owned) are required as information to perform an arc-flash
study; however, even though transformers do present an arc-flash hazard, they are not generally serviced while
energized and thus they are not generally labeled.
9.1 Label content
The label information required by NFPA 70E should be included on the label. See Annex C for options.
9.2 Label format
Equipment labels should comply with the facility’s safety policies and with the requirements of the local
authority having jurisdiction. They should be made of durable material suitable for the environment where
they are to be applied. Labels for outdoor equipment should be UV resistant. Refer to ANSI Z535-4 for
Information on labels should be based on worst case arc-flash incident energy data when there are multiple
modes of operation. If different modes of operation yield significantly different levels of incident energy,
two labels may be printed (normal and standby generation modes, or normal and maintenance modes
involving different relay settings). Labels should depict the incident energy of the equipment at the time of
the study. If changes to the system are recommended to lower incident energy, the labels reflecting these
changes should not be installed until the changes have been implemented and verified. Temporary system
or protective device setting changes (used by maintenance or engineering personnel to lower incident
energy levels during maintenance activities) require administrative controls to be developed and integrated
into the overall safety policy.
For equipment with multiple sections or where rear or side access is possible, multiple labels may be
required to ensure consistent understanding of the arc-flash risk at all possible access points. For plug-in
busways, labels may be required at regular intervals along the length of the busway run (interval to be
determined) or on the busway plugs themselves.
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
10. Report, results, and recommendations
The results of the arc-flash study should be incorporated into an organized report outlining the
methodology, results, and recommendations of the study.
10.1 Arc-flash study report
The arc-flash study report should include the following information as a minimum (see Annex D for
deliverables checklist with options):
Executive summary.
Narrative describing the scope and results of the study and the methodology used.
Description of modes of operation (power system) and details of the scenarios evaluated.
Results of short-circuit analysis listing equipment that is applied above its short-circuit current
rating, and recommendations if appropriate.
Results and recommendations of time-current analysis, including time-current curves.
Arc-flash spreadsheet: A tabulated form including a listing of all equipment that had arc-flash
hazard values calculated as part of the study. This listing should include the calculated three-phase
bolted fault current, arcing fault current, identity of overcurrent protection device with its opening
time, working distance, arc-flash protection boundary, and incident energy.
A tabulated form showing the worst case incident energy calculated for each bus and the associated
mode of power system operation. Report may include incident energy calculated for each bus for
each mode of operation.
NOTE—This may be part of the arc-flash spreadsheet.
Documentation of all study input data, including utility available fault currents; cable sizes, types,
and lengths; motor data; breaker types and settings; fuse sizes and types; etc.
Up-to-date single-line diagram(s). Optionally, further detailed single-line diagrams including small
motors, and 208 V/240 V panelboards may be included for use by maintenance personnel.
Documentation of the software manufacturer, exact version of software used, and configuration
settings used to do the study.
List of assumptions that were made for cable lengths, CT ratios, transformer impedances, etc.
Additional information may be included where it enhances understanding of the electrical system
and arc-flash study.
Advisory statements covering the impact of changes to the power system, including overcurrent
protective devices or system operation and potential impact on arc-flash incident energies.
10.2 Recommendations
Recommendations should be made to reduce the arc-flash incident energy where reasonably possible.
These recommendations can be categorized into three groups based on complexity and cost. The three
groups could include:
Simple: Low cost options such as overcurrent device setting changes or fuse size/type changes.
Moderate: Moderate cost solutions such as additional overcurrent protection.
Detailed: Higher cost options such as installing new distribution equipment or retrofitting circuit
breakers with new trip units or specialty relay control schemes to reduce arc-flash hazards.
Moderate and detailed recommendations do not need to be complete but only address a probable
approach to reduce the incident energy exposure. Detailed design is not able to be approximated at
the time of specification and therefore cannot be expected to be complete until additional decisions
are resolved by the owner and engineer.
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IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
Where inadequate overcurrent device ratings (interrupting ratings) and equipment ratings (short-circuit
current ratings) are reported, the study should provide recommendations on achieving proper overcurrent
device and equipment ratings.
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IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
Annex A
Bibliographical references are resources that provide additional or helpful material but do not need to be
understood or used to implement this standard. Reference to these resources is made for informational use
[B1] ANSI Std Z534.4, Product Safety Signs and Labels. 6
[B2] CSA-C22.1, Canadian National Electric Code Part 1. 7
[B3] CSA-Z462, Workplace Electrical Safety Standard.
[B4] IEEE Std 141™-1993, IEEE Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial
Plants. 8
[B5] NFPA 70®, National Electric Code®. 9
[B6] NFPA 70E, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace.
ANSI publications are available from the Sales Department, American National Standards Institute, 25 West 43rd Street, 4th Floor,
New York, NY 10036, USA (http://www.ansi.org/).
CSA publications are available from the Canadian Standards Association, 5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100, Mississauga, Ontario,
Canada, L4W 5N6 (http://www.csa.ca/).
IEEE publications are available from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854,
USA (http://standards.ieee.org/).
NFPA publications are available from Publications Sales, National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, P.O. Box 9101,
Quincy, MA 02269-9101, USA (http://www.nfpa.org/).
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
Annex B
Task matrix of work items for arc-flash analysis
Data sheets for all data needed should be provided by the analysis provider. Data may be provided on
marked-up single-lines or on data sheets. Use this task matrix to indicate who is to gather the data in the
field and the quantity of each in the study. Refer to one-line if data is shown on the drawing.
Contractor or
analysis provider
General information
Utility information—
Short-circuit currents (both minimum and
maximum based on utility operations), X/R
Utility protective device for service,
including mfgr., type, model, ratings, and
Utility transformer or service entrance
transformer (supply) with
primary/secondary voltages, rating in kVA,
% impedance, grounding, configuration
Level of incident energy to initiate
mitigation recommendations (see 10.2)
Determination of the suitability for the
potential use of main overcurrent devices
located internal to MCCs, PDPs, switchgear,
etc. for arc-flash calculations
Single-line diagrams
Available drawing number(s)
Do they show relays/CTs and
ratios/breaker/fuse mfgr/type/sizes/SC
rating/ settings?
Do they list wire material (Al or Cu), cable
construction (1/C,3/C), sizes (AWG),
raceway type (metallic or non-metallic),
conductor lengths?
Do they list motor ratings (for use in shortcircuit and arc-flash info)? Only those to be
included in study need be shown.
Verification that single-line diagrams are
Power factor correction capacitors or filters
Equipment to be studied and labeled
Above 600 V:
Switches, fused cutouts, and circuit
Motor control centers
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IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
Contractor or
analysis provider
Power factor correction
capacitors or reactors
600 V down through 240 V equipment
Transformers (not commonly labeled)
Distribution panels
Lighting panels
Misc. power panels
UPS (uninterruptable power supplies)
ATS (automatic transfer switches)
Adjustable speed drives
Plug-in busways
Separately mounted fused switches or
circuit breakers
Motor local disconnect switches (not
commonly studied or labeled)
Motor terminal boxes (not commonly
studied or labeled)
Utility meter boxes
208 V equipment to be studied
Distribution panels
Plug-in busways
Lighting panels
Misc. power panels
Study data gathering tasks
Fuses: size, manufacturer, model
Circuit breakers: size, manufacturer, model,
Protective relays: manufacturer, model,
settings, and CT ratings
Wire information: material (Al or Cu), cable
construction (1/C,3/C), sizes (AWG),
raceway type (metallic or non-metallic),
conductor lengths
Transformer: type, size in KVA, %
Motor ratings: FLA, LRA, SF, starting
Arc-flash analysis
Calculations from commercial software
Label printing
Indoor labels (Yes-No)
UV resistant labels (Yes-No)
Busway labeling
Label on busway at intervals
Labels on busway plugs
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IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
Annex C
Equipment label checklist
Label information required by NFPA 70E
The following information may be included:
Study date
Study project number (if applicable) or other identifying information
Name of firm or person performing study
Equipment name
Label location
Upstream overcurrent device providing the arc-flash hazard protection. (Optional)
NOTE—This is not necessarily the point to provide equipment lockout.
Approach boundaries as defined by NFPA 70E
Category of voltage rated gloves and related PPE
Other information
NOTE—Labels should be provided to comply with the applicable electrical safe work practices standard.
NFPA 70E is used above as an example.
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IEEE Std 1584.1-2013
IEEE Guide for the Specification of Scope and Deliverable Requirements for an Arc-Flash Hazard Calculation Study in
Accordance with IEEE Std 1584
Annex D
Deliverables for arc-flash study
This table can be used to determine required reporting options and who is performing tasks.
Executive summary
Study methodology narrative
Arc-flash spreadsheet
Separate listing of incident energy
values for each mode of system
operation studied
Worst case listing of incident energy
values by system operation
Report of as found and as
Documentation of study input data
Electronic copy only
Paper copy
Documentation of software
including version and library
List of assumptions
Single-line diagrams
Listing of project scope only
Added detail level for maintenance
Equipment label
Labels provided by
Labels installed by
Equipment evaluation report
All devices listed
Only devices applied above their
short-circuit rating, voltage rating, or
other criteria as agreed upon
Overcurrent device coordination
New facility: Recommended settings
Existing facility: Existing settings
Existing facility: Recommended
Overcurrent device settings
tabulation sheets
New facility: Recommended settings
Existing facility: Existing settings
Existing facility: Recommended
Other items
Contractor or
analysis provider
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