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University of Windsor Graduate Student Annual Report Form

Faculty of Graduate Studies and Office of Quality Assurance
T 519 253 3000 (2109)
Annual Report: Due May 31
(To be completed by all graduate students)
Part I (to be completed by the student)
Family name
First name
Program: ☐ Masters
☐ Doctoral
Student Number
Select Program
This section is to be completed by students in the major paper, thesis, or disseration stream
Title of project:
Provide a summary of the progress made in your project in the past year:
Outline your plans for the coming year:
This section is to be completed by students in the coursework stream only
Plan for completion of coursework:
This section is be completed by all students
Scholarships, Research stipends, GA, Publications, Conference presentations, Exhibitions for the last year:
When do you anticipate you will complete your graduate program?
Part II (to be completed by advisor, or graduate coordinator for students enrolled in a coursework Master’s)
Please comment on the student’s report above, indicating whether or not your are satisfied with the progress made:
Signature of Advisor (if applicable)
Signature of Student
Signature of Graduate Coordinator