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soalan 15 the use of technology

HRD strategy is the process mission and objective of the organization are set and need
to achieve. Describe how conception creates a successful strategy.
Conception could create a successful strategy when the strategy is well planned and
implemented. A plan needs to be constructed firmly and carefully to ensure that no obstacles
or problems occur during the course of the fight. To ensure that the strategy is well built,
prioritize the real objectives of developing the strategy. In fact, implement a strategy plan by
following the planned objectives. While planning, there are many things to consider such as in
terms of the challenges that may occur during the implementation of the plan. Hence to make
sure strategy is successful, it is necessary to always be prepared in the face of any problems
that may occur.
Besides, strategy could be successful if the plan is made with communication which means a
best communication between members could bring the best outcomes in making plan. This
because with communication, ideas are explained clearly so that people will see the
effectiveness of the ideas and plans could give confidence to implement the plan. In order to
make sure plan is successful, motivate team to works towards vision is also necessary to ensure
everyone can work together in ensuring the success of the strategy.