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Boundary Conditions, Poisson & Laplace Equations Lecture

Lecture ( 11 )
Boundary Conditions , Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equation
3.7 Boundary Conditions
Boundary conditions is the condition that the field must satisfy at the interface separating the
The boundary conditions at an interface separating:
– Dielectric and dielectric
– Conductor and dielectric
– Conductor and free space
To determine the boundary conditions, we need to use Maxwell’s equation:
Decomposing the electric field intensity E into orthogonal components
are, respectively, the tangential and normal components of E to the interface of interest
1. Dielectric – dielectric boundary conditions
E1 and E2 in media 1 and 2 can be decomposed as
Applying Maxwell’s equation to the closed path ( abcda )
As ∆ℎ−> 0 , equation ( 1 ) becomes
is said to be continuous across the boundary
Since D =
, eq. (2) can be written as
is said to be discontinuous across the interface
Applying the Gauss’s law , we have
Allowing ∆ℎ−> gives
If no free charges exist at the interface , so
is continuous across the interface , since
,eq. ( 1 ) can be written as
The normal component of ( E ) is discontinuous at the boundary
2.Conductor – dielectric boundary conditions
Applying Maxwell’s equation to the closed path ( abcda )
As ∆ℎ -> 0,
Similarly, by applying the Gauss’s law to the pillbox and letting ∆ℎ → 0, we have
because D =
= 0 inside the conductor, so
Thus under static conditions, the following conclusions can be made about a perfect conductor:
1. No electric field may exist within a conductor
2. Since E = -
= 0, there can be no potential difference any two points in the conductor
3. The electric field E can be external to the conductor and normal to its surface
3. Conductor – free space boundary conditions
This is a special case of the conductor – dielectric condition. Free space is a special dielectric for
which = 1
Thus the boundary conditions are
3.8 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equation
A useful approach to the calculation of electric potential is to relate that potential to the charge +density which gives rise to it . The electric field is related to the charge density by the divergence
E : electric field , ρ : charge density , εo : permittivity
And the electric field is related to the electric potential by a gradient relationship
= −∇
Therefore the potential is related to the charge density by Poisson’s equation
∇ .∇
= ∇
In a charge – free region of space , this becomes Laplace’s equation
Tis mathematical operation , the divergence of the gradient of a function , is called ( The
Laplacian ) . Expressing the Laplacian in different coordinate systems to take advantage of the
symmetry of a charge distribution helps in the solution for the electric potential ( V ) . For
example , if the charge distribution has spherical symmetry, use the Laplacian in spherical polar
Potential of a Uniform Sphere of Charge
The use of Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation will be explored for a uniform sphere of charge.
In spherical polar coordinates , Poisson’s equation take the form
But since there is full spherical symmetry here , the derivatives with respect to ( θ ) and ( φ )must
be zero , leaving the form
density ρ
Total charge
Examining first the region outside the sphere , Laplace’s law applies.
Solution of form
Since the zero of potential is arbitrary , it is reasonable to choose the zero of potential at infinity ,
the standard practice with localized charges. This gives the value ( b = 0). Since the sphere of
charge will look like a point charge at large distances , we may conclude that
So the solution to Laplace’s law outside the sphere is
Now examining the potential inside the sphere , the potential must have a term of order ( r 2 )to
give a constant on the left side of the equation, so the solution is of the form
Substituting in to Poisson’s equation gives
2 +4 =
Now to meet the boundary conditions at the surface of the sphere , r = R
The full solution for the potential inside the sphere from Poisson’s equation is