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Curriculum Development Module: Key Figures & Design Principles

Curriculum Development Module 3
Question Research:
1. What is significant contribution do these people identified below have in curriculum design.
a. Lev Vygotsky – he created the two categories for Human Development: which is Zone of
Proximal Development and Sociocultural Theory. He proposed that children develop most
effectively and efficiently when they are engaged in task that are within their zone of
proximal development. He believed that social forces set limit of development.
b. Daniel Goleman – is a science journalist and psychologist. However, in double role,
SEGMENT OF SOCIETY. Through his element of emotional intelligence, educators now
recognize that emotional intelligence in every bit as important to learning as intellectual
powers or IQ. As the result ten thousand of schools throughout the world currently
incorporate ‘ social and emotional learning ‘ in their curricula.
c. William Kilpatrik- expanded the project method into a philosophy of education. His device is
child-centered and based in progressive education. For him, the purpose of education is
child development, growth, and social relationship. He also introduced the used of small
group interaction and project method in which the teacher and students plan together.
Thus, it is called as CHILD-CENTERED CURRICULUM. Both approaches are used by the
teachers worldwide to this day.
d. Hilda Taba- She is curriculum theorist, curriculum reformer and teacher educator. She
contributed to the theoretical and pedagogical foundations of concept development and
critical thinking in social studies curriculum of education for diverse student population.
e. Ralph Tyler- he believes that curriculum is a science and an extension of schools’ philosophy.
It is based on students needs and interest. To Him, curriculum is always related to
instruction. Subject matter is organized in terms of knowledge, skills and values. THE
PROCESS EMPHAISZES PROBLEM SOLVING. The curriculum aim to educate generalist and
not specialist.
f. John Dewey-he is the founder of philosophical movement as pragmatism. He also known as
the father of modern education. He advocated for an educational structure that makes a
balance between the child and the curriculum, that is say, delivering knowledge while also
taking into account the interest and experiences of the student.
He believed that the core curriculum should encompass the students’ interest. His approach
education with a hand on cohesive philosophy, rather than teaching isolated topics which
prevented learners grasping the whole knowledge.
g. Abraham Maslow- Maslow primary contribution to psychology is his Hierarchy of human
Need which always presented in pyramid. He developed a theory of human behavior to
explain why we behave the way we do.
h. Carl Rogers-Contributed his idea about the person -centered approach. His own unique
approach to understanding the human relationship, found wide application in various
domain such as psychotherapy and counseling (client-centered therapy) education (student
centered learning ) organization and other group setting.
Franklin Bobbitt- he presented curriculum as a science that emphasizes on students need.
Curriculum prepares students for adult life. His objectives with corresponding activities
should be grouped and sequence. This can only be done if instructional objectives are
j. Alvin Toffler- he is American writer, teacher and futurist, known for his work discussing the
digital revolution and corporate revolution. His work focused on technology and its impact.
And he moved to examining the reaction of and changes in society.
2. What are the 10 principles in curriculum designing according to Peter Olivia?
Answer: The 10-principle curriculum in designing according to Peter Olivia Are:
Curriculum change is inevitable, necessary, and desirable
Curriculum both reflects and is a product of its time
Curriculum changes made at an earlier period of the time can exist concurrently with
newer curriculum changes.
 Curriculum changes depend on people to implement the change
 Curriculum development is cooperatively group activity
 Curriculum development is a decision-making process in which choices are made from a
set of alternatives
 Curriculum development is an ongoing process
 Curriculum development is more effective if it is a comprehensive process, rather than a
piecemeal process.
3. What are the element of curriculum design? Describe each.
Aim- One sentence (more or less) description of overall purpose of curriculum, including
audience and the topic.
Goals and objectives- List of the learning outcomes expected from participation in the
curriculum. This section includes a discussion of how curriculum support national, states,
and Local standard.
Subject matter- Designation of what area of content, facts, arena of endeavor, that the
curriculum deals with, (This is further elaboration of topic in the Aim
Materials- List of materials for successfully teaching of the curriculum. Include the webpage.
, materials that needed in teaching the subject matter.
Plan for assessment and evaluation: Includes plan for assessing learning and evaluating the
curriculum as a whole. May include description of a model project, sample exam questions.
Or other element of assessment. Also, should include plan for evaluating the curriculum as
4. When I borrowed one of lesson plan of a teacher, I observe that her lesson plan well organized
and the element of curriculum design had applied in her lesson plan. He used Detailed lesson
plan in which the possible students response is also there in her lesson plan as well as to the
are organized and its relevant or connected to the goal and objectives of what he topic he
taught in that day.