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Steam Utilisation Course Guide

Guide Notes
Welcome to the Spirax Sarco Steam Utilisation Correspondence Course. This guide is
intended to provide you with information about the course and how you might organise the
way you study.
Who is it for?
Evidence of the importance of steam to our everyday lives is literally all around us. Steam
is no longer mainly used for motive power, it is more commonly employed today as a
carrier of heat in the processing of raw materials and in the vital job of providing absolute
It can be wasted through inefficient planning, installation, control and use and even more
relevant today, the waste of the fuel used to generate the steam. So by making the best
use of steam, plants can be made more efficient, costs reduced and fuel - hence energy saved.
This course will benefit anyone whose work brings them into contact with steam.
What is it about?
Basic Steam Engineering Principles
This first section covers the basic theory of steam and how it applies to steam systems. It
is important to grasp these basic principles as they will be applied and referred to
throughout the course.
Steam Traps and the Removal of Condensate
The correct choice of steam trap can greatly affect steam using plant performance. This
section deals with the available steam trap types and their correct choice and application.
Correct Steam Trapping
The correct choice of steam trap will not guarantee efficient operation and this section
deals with other considerations, such as waterhammer, frost, trap sizing and trap
Practical Energy Conservation in Steam Systems
Steam and condensate systems must be carefully designed and maintained to ensure
that unnecessary energy wastage is kept to a minimum. This final section deals with that
Studying tips
Before you commence work on the course you should work out your timetable and
arrange to set aside a regular period of time for studying. Try to set yourself a target date
for completion to help maintain momentum. There is a log sheet in the assessment book
which should help you to keep a check on your study times if required.
Work through all four sections, one at a time and in a logical sequence. Complete the
individual self assessments, using the model answers to check your progress. Queries
may be submitted via email to training@uk.spiraxsarco.com.
I’ve completed the course – what next?
The pass mark is 70% for the final assessment however should you not achieve the pass
mark we will ensure you get appropriate feedback and an opportunity to re-submit your
test paper.
To obtain the Steam Utilisation certificate you must complete and return the Final Course
Assessment to Keith Roberts at the UK Steam Technology Centre (UKSTC) by email to
training@uk.spiraxsarco.com or post to:
Spirax Sarco
Chalrton House
Cirencester Road
GL53 8ER
If you haven’t achieved the pass mark then we will let you know and you will be given the
opportunity to retake the test.
Best of luck!
More information
Spirax Sarco UKSTC also provide a range of training courses in steam, delivered at our
state-of-the-art facility offering a fully working boiler house, demonstration and practical
areas which allow delegates the change to get hands on and put the theory into practice.
For the latest information and virtual tour please visit our website at