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HRM Prelim Exam: BS Entrepreneurship, AY 2022-2023

Diversion Road, San Miguel
Calasiao, Pangasinan
Email Address: senortesorocollege.2018@gmail.com
2nd Semester, AY 2022-2023
Prepared by: Dino Soriano Dizon, CHRA, MRIBM
Name:_____________________________________ Score:____________________
Student No.: _______________
(General Instructions: (1) Use only black or blue pen. No friction pen. (2)
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dealt with accordingly. (5) No permit, No exam. )
Multiple Choice
1. Establishing and administering personnel policies allows the company to handle
problematic situations more fairly and objectively than if it addressed such incidents
on a case-by-case basis.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
2. The vast majority of HRM professionals have a college degree.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
3. An individual who is actively seeking employment is a part of an organization's
external labor market.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
4. It is generally seen that worker performance and learning suffer heavily as a result
of aging.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
5. Most organizations are looking for educational achievements to find employees who
can handle a variety of responsibilities, interact with customers, and think creatively.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
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D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
6. Managers and economists traditionally have seen human resource management as
a source of value to their organizations.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
7. The concept of "human resource management" implies that employees are
interchangeable, easily replaced assets that must be managed like any other
physical asset.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
8. Human resources cannot be imitated.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
9. No two human resource departments will have precisely the same roles and
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
10. Today, greater concern for innovation and quality has shifted the trend in job design
to an increased use of narrowly defined jobs.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
11. An organization makes selection decisions in order to add employees to its
workforce, as well as to transfer existing employees to new positions.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
12. In the context of performance management, when the person evaluating
performance is not familiar with the details of the job, outcomes tend to be easier to
evaluate than specific behaviors.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
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13. The pay and benefits that employees earn play an important role in motivating them,
except when rewards such as bonuses are linked to the individual's or group's
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
14. Maintaining positive employee relations includes preparing and distributing
employee handbooks that detail company policies and, in large organizations,
company publications such as a monthly newsletter or a Web site on the
organization's intranet.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
15. The use of employee empowerment shifts the recruiting focus away from general
cognitive and interpersonal skills toward technical skills.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
16. Virtual teams rely on communications technology such as videoconferences, e-mail,
and cell phones to keep in touch and coordinate activities.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
17. The traditional role of HRM as primarily an administrative function has gradually
given way to a new role—that of strategic partner.
A. True
B. False
C. Somewhat True
D. Somewhat False
E. No Answer
18. Managing cultural diversity involves:
A. forming different pay structures for various groups.
B. creating separate career tracks for employees with families.
C. avoiding the use of affirmative action policies.
D. reducing cultural diversity by selective hiring.
E. encouraging career development for women and minorities.
19. Which of the following skills are more actively sought by U.S. employers today?
A. Physical strength
B. Mastery of particular machinery
C. Mathematical skills
D. Ability to perform routine tasks
E. Ability to work with a tool
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20. Today's employees must be able to handle a variety of responsibilities, interact with
customers, and think creatively. To find such employees, most organizations are
looking for:
A. basic psychomotor skills.
B. employees in competitors' work locations.
C. highly experienced employees.
D. older employees.
E. educational qualifications.
21. Which of the following describes organizations with the best possible fit between their
social system and their technical system?
A. Optimal production systems
B. Holistic management systems
C. Optimal service systems
D. High-performance work systems
E. Total quality management systems
22. Which of the following is a trend that is seen in today's high-performance work
A. Mismatches in technical system and social system
B. Employee empowerment in decision making
C. Increase in individual assignments
D. Centralized decision making
E. Reduced reliance on knowledge workers
23. How has the requirement for creating high-performance work systems changed?
A. Customers are demanding cheaper, standardized products.
B. Employees prefer implementation of 40-hour work weeks.
C. Competitors are looking for ways to standardize prices in their
respective industries.
D. Employers are looking for ways to tap people's creativity and
interpersonal skills.
E. Customers are demanding standardized products over
customized products.
24. The Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that between 2008 and 2018, most new
jobs will be in:
A. service occupations.
B. the primary sector.
C. agriculture.
D. the secondary sector.
E. manufacturing.
25. According to data published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which of the following
occupations is projected to add the most number of jobs before 2018?
A. Office clerks
B. Registered nurses
C. Pilots
D. Retail salespersons
E. Production workers
26. Skilled knowledge workers:
A. would have less power in the organization.
B. would suffer the most in a slow economy.
C. cannot be replaced easily.
D. never work directly with customers.
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E. rarely have a college degree.
27. The reliance on knowledge workers also affects organizations' decisions about the
kinds of people they are recruiting and selecting leading them to emphasize on:
A. specific job skills.
B. foundation skills.
C. arithmetical skills.
D. general cognitive skills.
E. operative skills.
28. Employee empowerment is defined as:
A. the movement of women and minorities into managerial positions.
B. providing increased salary and benefits to the employees.
C. leading employees by the strength of one's charisma.
D. the act of continually learning and improving one's skills and
E. giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions.
29. What effect does the use of employee empowerment have on recruiting?
A. It has created an international labor market.
B. It has substantially enhanced employment opportunities for
women and minorities.
C. It has shifted the focus away from technical skills to general
cognitive and interpersonal skills.
D. It has significantly reduced recruiting costs.
E. It has made the recruitment process less time consuming than
30. How can HRM practices help employee empowerment?
A. Jobs must be designed such that managers have control over
business processes.
B. Mangers should encourage employees to communicate with staff
throughout the organization.
C. Pay and other rewards should reflect employees' loyalty to the
D. Managers should provide feedback only during the employee
performance review.
E. Employees' roles and responsibilities must be narrowed.
31. Teamwork is:
A. the assignment of work to groups of employees with various skills
who interact to assemble a product.
B. giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions
regarding all aspects of product development.
C. having the best possible fit between an organization's social
system and technical system.
D. a companywide effort to continuously improve the ways people,
machines, and systems accomplish work.
E. providing employees the opportunity to grow, thereby achieving
organizational goals.
32. Teams that rely on communications technology such as videoconferences, e-mail,
and cell phones to keep in touch and coordinate activities are referred to as:
A. associate teams.
B. electronic teams.
C. virtual teams.
D. self-managed teams.
E. technological teams.
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33. Increasingly, HR professionals are being viewed as:
A. legal compliance officers.
B. an administrative unit or function.
C. experts in designing and delivering HR systems.
D. recruitment officers.
E. strategic partners.
34. The policies, practices, and systems that influence employees' behavior, attitudes,
and performance constitute:
A. supply chain management.
B. materials management.
C. human resource management.
D. labor laws.
E. equal employment opportunity.
35. The concept of "human resource management" implies that employees:
A. are interchangeable.
B. are easily replaceable.
C. are a necessary expense.
D. can add economic value to the organization.
E. are not crucial to the company's success or failure.
36. As a type of resource, human capital refers to:
A. the wages, benefits, and other costs incurred in support of HR
functions in an organization.
B. executive talent within an organization.
C. the tax-deferred value of an employee's 401(k) plan.
D. employee characteristics that add economic value to the
E. the total budget allocated to the HR department in an organization.
37. Human capital includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A. training.
B. profitability.
C. relationships.
D. intelligence.
E. insight.
38. When an organization is better than competitors at something and can hold that
advantage over an extended period of time, it is said to have a(n):
A. differentiated focus.
B. sustainable competitive advantage.
C. core competency.
D. low-cost competitive advantage.
E. optimum efficiency frontier.
39. The text implies that human resources that are valuable, rare, inimitable, and hard
to replace contribute to an organization achieving:
A. only short-term success.
B. low employee turnover.
C. low client retention rates.
D. low recruitment costs.
E. a sustainable competitive advantage.
40. Human resources provide an organization with a sustainable competitive advantage
A. highly skilled and knowledgeable employees are commonly
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B. the organization can easily duplicate the success of competitors'
human resources.
C. after financial resources, human resources are the most
committed to an organization.
D. high-quality employees provide a needed service as they perform
many critical functions.
E. employees can be easily trained, motivated, and developed to
care about customers.
41. Which of the following terms describes an organization in which technology,
organizational structure, people, and processes all work together to give an
organization an advantage in the competitive environment?
A. Low-involvement work system
B. Optimal production system
C. Balanced score-card system
D. Environmental work system
E. High-performance work system
42. According to the text, administrative services and transactions, business partner
services, and strategic partner, all constitute:
A. activities usually outsourced by large organizations.
B. the responsibilities of HR departments.
C. tasks carried out by supervisors in most companies.
D. functions of the top management in large companies.
E. HR activities usually carried out by line managers in large
43. Which one of the following responsibilities is specifically associated with the HR
function of employee relations?
A. Conducting attitude surveys
B. Work analysis
C. HR information systems
D. Human resource planning and forecasting
E. Job design
44. Which of the following responsibilities is specifically associated with the HR function
of support for strategy?
A. Discipline
B. Human resource planning and forecasting
C. Wage and salary administration
D. Developing employee handbooks and company publications
E. Developing an HR information system
45. Which of the following refers to the process of getting detailed information about
A. Job design
B. Workflow analysis
C. Job analysis
D. Work study
E. Job review
46. Job design is the process of:
A. defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given
job requires.
B. the process of getting detailed information about jobs.
C. the process by which the organization attempts to identify suitable
candidates for jobs.
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D. enabling employees to learn job-related knowledge, skills, and
E. presenting candidates with positive and negative information
about a job.
47. At Smartech, a company dealing in software products, employees often complain
about lack of clarity regarding the tasks they are required to perform. Specifically
which HR function, it would appear from this information, has been performed
inefficiently at Smartech?
A. Compliance with laws
B. Analysis and design of work
C. Compensation and benefits
D. Maintaining employee relations
E. Recruitment and selection
48. The external labor market in an organization refers to the:
A. contracted workers in the organization.
B. laid-off employees of the organization.
C. individuals who are actively seeking employment.
D. employees who have direct contact with customers.
E. employees of the immediate competitors of the organization.
49. Which of the following statements best explains the term "labor force"?
A. All the permanent employees of an organization.
B. All those who have contracted to work for the company.
C. All the adult members of a population.
D. All the temporary workers of an organization.
E. All the people willing and able to work.
50. The fastest growing segment of the labor force is expected to be between the ages
A. 16 to 24.
B. 25 to 35.
C. 36 to 45.
D. 46 to 54.
E. 55 and older.
51. Which of the following statements about the composition of the U.S. labor force
during the next decade is true?
A. The labor force is expected to grow at a greater rate than at any
other time in U.S. history.
B. The largest proportion of the labor force is expected to be in the
16- to 25-year age group.
C. For the first time ever, the number of workers under 40 years of
age will exceed the number of workers 40 years of age or older.
D. Despite a small increase in the number of young workers, the
overall workforce will be aging.
E. The total cost of labor in the United States would considerably
52. Which of the following is a major problem associated with aging?
A. Older workers present challenges related to costs of health care.
B. Older workers are not capable of learning new technology.
C. Older workers do not want to work.
D. The learning process suffers due to aging.
E. Worker performance suffers due to aging.
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53. Which of the following form the majority of the U.S. labor force?
A. African-Americans
B. Whites
C. Hispanics
D. Asians
E. Europeans
54. Which of the following is the fastest growing category in the U.S. labor force?
A. African-Americans
B. Australians
C. Whites
D. Asian and other groups
E. Europeans
55. Employers' support for immigration to the United States can be attributed to the fact
A. there is lack of adequate technology in the country.
B. regulation is not strong enough to control undocumented
C. qualified technical workers are scarce in the United States.
D. there is increased support from the government also.
E. U.S. workers are not open to innovation.
Reviewed and Checked by:
OIC, Academic Director
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