Uploaded by Shahroz Abbas

How to Be More Masculine: A Self-Improvement Guide

How to Be More Masculine
Thank you for downloading this short book. I hope it serves you well, brother.
The correct title of this book should be "How to Become More Masculine", because
you can't simply "be" more masculine. It requires a process. An effort.
You can't be a banana and act like a tangerine (that's what my father loves to say).
If you are weak, you can't just be strong... You have to become strong.
But enough of that...
What you'll find in this book
Ok, so first I will cover the basics..
The things that you must do in order to "become" masculine.
The entry-level advice you find on the internet.
It's important that we go through this, because as Samuel Johnson said:
“People need to be reminded more often than they need to be instructed.”
And so you need to do things that will help increase your production of testosterone
as much as possible.
In the next section, I will go over the principles of masculinity.
I don't see this mentioned very often and I believe that whenever you understand the
principle behind something, application becomes much easier.
And in the last section, I will show you how the principles and actions are connected
to each other.
Ready? Let's go!
Oh and by the way, please... don't just mindlessly read this. If you want this book to
be useful to you, give it your full attention.
There is a HUGE difference between reading something... and studying it.
What to DO to become more masculine:
1. Resistance training
Notice I didn't say "lifting weights" or "calisthenics".
You can pick whatever you fancy more.
It all works on the same principle anyway – put your muscles and your body under
load/tension that forces neural and muscular adaptation.
When you lift heavy – load
When you do pull ups – load
When you flex your muscles – load
Body under load stimulates production of Testosterone (hormone of masculinity)
"Resistance training in general confers a host of benefits, including increased lean
mass, retention of lean mass during periods of caloric restriction, increased fat
oxidation, and lipolysis, reductions in visceral fat as well as subcutaneous fat,
improvements in body composition"...
blah blah blah
We know it's good for us, right?
But remember, resistance training is also good for the BRAIN.
Flexing a muscle is first a neural matter, and then muscular...
That's why you can get stronger without building muscle.
The neural signal gets stronger over time, resulting in stronger muscle contraction.
And lastly, working out specifically to build muscle and a good looking, aesthetic
physique can do WONDERS for your own self-esteem and confidence.
Just remember that you want your muscles to also be functional.
Big, but useless muscles are, well... useless.
2. Cardio
Some people hate doing cardio for whatever reason.
But any form of cardio (which means getting your BPM above a certain threshold
and maintaining it there for a certain amount of time) is literally ANTI-AGING.
The more you sweat, the more your body can detoxicate itself through your skin, and
it doesn't have to wait for you to pee or take a dump.
The less toxins in your body, the better it can produce testosterone.
Also, cardio exercises your most important muscle – your heart.
3. Diet
To become more masculine, you need to fix your diet.
There's simply no way around it.
You can't pour oil from the deep fryer into your car and expect it to work properly,
can you?
The same applies to your body.
To produce more testosterone, you need an intake of a wide variety of different
vitamins, healthy fats, proteins and carbs. All as unprocessed as possible.
My Healthy Diet 101:
Eat anything that was picked from a tree, pulled out from the soil, hunted and
butchered (and cooked), picked from the sea, etc.
You get what I mean...
To be more specific:
Eat meat, fish, eggs, fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, rice, potatoes, sweet rice,
quinoa, buckwheat, oats...
Simple, eh? Following it is the hard part.
To maximize your testosterone production and your masculine potential, you
should eat only these foods.
But for many people it's unsustainable, because they've got cravings.
If this is your case, then make sure at least 70% of the food you eat daily is
unprocessed, and the rest can be some occasional snacks and sweets.
Then aim to increase the ratio to 80 to 20, 90 to 10...
Good. Now you understand the importance of fueling your body with proper food!
4. (De) Stress
Stress is the main reason your hormones, including testosterone, are NOT released
the way they should be.
Stress is also the cause of many illnesses because it DRASTICALLY weakens your
Therefore you should aim to reduce the amount of stress in your life as much as you
can, and the best thing I know to control stress is...
Deep breathing and meditation.
Let me teach you a quick meditation you can follow (more like a visualization)...
Do this in the morning and in the evening – twice a day, for 5 minutes.
In the morning: You sit down, close your eyes, and breathe slowly, "into your balls".
You start visualizing your day.
You visualize EVERY task that you have planned for the day... and you see yourself
doing it effortlessly, crushing it, and then feeling amazing afterwards... because
you've completed it succesfully.
Pleasures did not distract you from important work.
Do this with every activity in your day, especially work (studying, working a
In the evening: You sit down, close your eyes, and breathe slowly, "into your balls".
You start feeling your body, you start being grateful that you were alive to experience
this beautiful day.
You are grateful for the amount of work you did, and you are grateful even if you
didn't do any.
Because tomorow is another day, and you'll have another chance... to do your best.
5. Combat sports
This one is special, my friend.
Mainly because I have been doing Muay Thai and Kickboxing for nearly a decade.
Had over 70 fights.
And trust me... there's nothing more effective at making you truly masculine...
Nothing screams masculinity more...
Than fighting another man and WINNING.
Back in the day, if you had an argument with another man, and he decided to
fight you... if he fucked you up, nobody would care that you were right.
You win by staying calm and avoiding violence, but if that fails, you need to have the
capacity to fight... and win.
I understand not everyone fancies getting punched in the face...
I understand not everyone has the guts to go sparring or have a fight in the ring...
But what if someone wants to hurt you... and a person you deeply care about is there
with you?
What if you're unable to save your woman from being raped, because you were too
much of a pussy to learn fighting in a controlled environment where it's safe?
What if your younger sister ends up all bloody and black-eyed, just because you
were unwilling to get a black eye yourself so as to not be laughed at by other people?
Personally... If I didn't do everything in my power to be ready for such a moment...
I would regret it for the rest of my life.
I hope nothing like this ever happens to you, my friend.
But this is life.
Literally ANYTHING can happen, and you'd better be prepared.
If you're unwilling to go through all that discomfort and pain for your own sake...
Do it for the sake of the ones you love.
To be more masculine, acquire the capacity to do evil... but choose to do good.
The principles of masculinity
1. Discipline
This is the founding principle of masculinity.
It's simply about doing the things you know MUST be done, no matter how you feel
at that given moment.
Anyone can do the hard things when they feel good...
But the top 1% do them EVEN when they feel SHITTY.
And the more work you can do, the more you will achieve.
Being able to disconnect from your current emotions in order to complete a task is a
superpower, especially in this world filled with instant gratification...
Master it.
If you struggle with discipline, I'll leave you with a little discipline hack:
You need stronger internal motivation. Stronger "why" you do something.
2. Leadership
Leading others is masculine simply because OTHER MEN respect you and see you
as an authority.
But first, to gain the ability to lead others, you must learn to...
By becoming disciplined.
Those who cannot lead themselves will be lead by others (you)
To become more masculine...
Become a LEADER.
3. Responsibility
Very simple – becoming responsible for yourself and the trajectory of your life will
automatically make you more masculine (because you will most likely start making
better life choices)
But some people have trouble doing that, because they don't give a fuck about
And unless they will, the only thing that can save them...
Is having responsibility for another human being.
That ties in with the principle of leadership.
If you lead people, you are responsible for them ----> MASCULINE
And so men who were irresponsible before... suddenly become more masculine,
because they decided to take responsibility for somebody else – usually their
girlfriend/wife and perhaps children.
Real masculinity is about caring, providing, and protecting the feminine.
Where there is feminine, there is masculine.
The more masculine you are, the more feminine women you'll attract.
The more feminine you are, the more masculine women you'll attract.
4. Disagreeability
Masculine man knows when to say no. He has priorities.
He knows when to stand up for his truth.
But remember: know WHEN.
It works the other way around as well.
When you start doing these things, you will become more masculine.
5. Vulnerability
Probably didn't expect this one, did you?
What I mean by vulnerability is...
Accepting the always present possibility that you're wrong.
Nothing speaks strength more than the bravery to admit you've made a mistake.
And nothing speaks lack of character more than the unwillingness to do so.
You can't always be right. You can't do everything right.
Don't be afraid to take an ego hit. You'll come out wiser and more competent.
6. Destruction
Being dangerous and having the capacity to destroy is the core of masculinity.
You can't achieve peak masculinity if you're harmless.
That's why men are naturally stronger.
They're better at destroying, and women are better at creating.
Yin and Yang. Our world is filled with polarity, and polar opposites attract each other.
If you're not dangerous, you'll only attract men or masculine women.
But don't go running around destroying shit, ok?
That's not what this is about.
It's about having the CAPACITY.
Being able to harm animals or other people if you wanted to = strong.
Actually doing it = weak.
Being able to cheat on your wife if you wanted to = strong.
Actually doing it = weak.
If you're in danger or need to hunt, OK.
If you're unhappy with your marriage, fix it or get a divorce.
But flexing your power to please your ego and destroying things just for the sake
of it... is lame.
7. Honesty
I can't stress this enough...
Don't call yourself masculine if you lie or deceive others.
Because if you do that, chances are... you also lie to yourself.
And that is the worst thing that can happen.
Imagine the "body positivity" movement...
I will hardly trust an obese man who says he loves his body.
Because he's lying to himself.
Anyone who truly loves his body won't hesitate to make sure his body is healthy.
Whatever it takes.
I can literally see when people are bullshitting themselves.
Because I've learned to see when I am trying to do the same.
We humans are not so different from one another, my friend.
Being honest with yourself is where it starts...
Staying true to yourself is where it ends.
When you believe something is right, defend your belief.
Stand by it.
Changing your opinion when it's being challenged makes you look weak.
If what you believe happens to be wrong, you can always change your opinion later...
and admit that you were wrong.
Most mentally strong, masculine men live by a code.
And usually it's as simple as:
Being on time.
Keeping your word.
Being on time:
If you have to meet someone at 9:30, be there 9:30. Not 9:35.
It's disrespectful towards others. Don't make them wait.
It may seem insignificant but trust me, they'll notice.
Keeping your word:
When you say you do something, you do it.
Unless there's a fire in your house or something, obviously.
Do not make promises you cannot keep.
If I tell someone "I promise that I will do x..."
I fucking MEAN IT.
8. Accountability
Similar to responsibility.
To be more masculine, you have to hold yourself accountable...
You are responsible for most of the things that happen in your life, if not ALL of
If your life is not the way you want it to be, there is nobody else to blame for it
other than yourself.
Make the decision to make it the best it can be, and then...
Hold yourself accountable to make it happen.
If you struggle with this, then let others hold you accountable.
Do you remember when I did the frontflip for reaching 5 000 subs?
I was fucking scared.
And if I didn't announce it beforehand... I'd probably talk myself out of it.
Connecting principles to actions
1. Resistance training, Cardio, Diet:
Being HONEST with yourself means that you take RESPONSIBILITY for your
health and the fitness of your body. You know that only YOU can fix yourself.
You are DISCIPLINED enough to push through short term pain and discomfort to
create a better future for yourself and your body.
You understand it must be done and you do it, regardless of how bad your day was.
You LEAD yourself in the search for knowledge and you hold yourself accountable.
You get stronger through physical exercise, and that makes you more dangerous.
2. Stress:
Being HONEST with yourself means you know what things are in your control and
can be changed...
And you also know when something is out of your control, and worrying about it is
You are VULNERABLE, and so whenever you are unsure about something, you're
not afraid to go and find out the truth.
Even if it means you'll have to ask someone and look like a fool... because whenever
you are uncertain, it creates stress.
We need less of it, so do your best to reach clarity in your life.
LYING to yourself makes you stressed, because your subconscious always knows the
It knows when you are bullshitting yourself.
You LEAD yourself in a quest for a better life and you take RESPONSIBILITY.
That allows you to choose your stress.
You can be stressed about having nowhere to live...
Or you can be stressed about making only $10 000 a month...
Which is no fucking real stress, is it?
And lastly, you might be tempted to deal with stress through DESTRUCTION.
Have the DISCIPLINE to release stress in a way that doesn't hurt anybody,
or doesn't really destroy anything.
Personal tip: punching bag, lifting weights, meditation
3. Combat sports:
Same as resistance training, cardio and diet...
Well, self explanatory. You have the capacity for evil and you can crush anyone who
dares to hurt you or your loved ones.
When someone is being bullied or you need to protect them, you say NO to that
situation, and you have the capacity to alter that reality.
Practicing, sparring and fighting hurts, and getting beat up every session destroys
your ego. But you know it helps you grow, and you welcome it.
Finishing thoughts
I am sure that I've missed something when connecting the actions to principles,
so that is where YOU come in.
If you understand the principles, you should be able to make your own connections.
Also, I didn't mention how your income makes you more masculine.
Many people think that obsessing about money is shallow, and that money doesn't
buy happiness.
They couldn't be more wrong.
Money buys freedom.
Freedom means "free from stress".
Increasing your income feels like winning.
Winning RAISES your testosterone – the hormone of masculinity.
So do not make the mistake I did, thinking my whole life that money isn't important.
It is.
That's it, my friend...
If I had to simplify all my advice from this book into just one sentence, it would be:
Win more, stress less, be kind.
Oh and by the way...
Make sure to read my emails.
I am working on something amazing, and I know you'll love it.
That's it, brother.
My short book.
The first I've ever created.
Open it whenever you need.
Let it help you again and again.
Because what gives my life meaning right now...
Is knowing I have perhaps changed someone's life for the better :)
Take care and see you soon.