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Dictionaries in Translation: A Comprehensive Guide

The role of dictionaries in
Reporter:Ra'no Sarvinoz Nilufar
03 Overall
Main body
04 Conclusion
Definition for
word dictionary
A book, optical disc, mobile device, or
online lexical resource (such as
Dictionary.com) containing a selection
of the words of a language, giving
information about their meanings,
pronunciations, etymologies, inflected
forms, derived forms, etc., expressed in
either the same or another language;
lexicon; glossary. :
Print dictionaries of various sizes, ranging
from small pocket dictionaries to
multivolume books, usually sort entries
alphabetically, as do typical CD or DVD
dictionary applications, allowing one to
browse through the terms in sequence. All
electronic dictionaries, whether online or
installed on a device, can provide
immediate, direct access to a search
term, its meanings, and ancillary
A reference source in print
or electronic form
containing words usually
alphabetically arranged
along with information
about their forms,
pronunciations, functions,
etymologies, meanings,
and syntactic and
idiomatic uses
A convenient and valuable source of linguistic
information is a standard dictionary. It is easy to use, and,
if used intelligently, very informative. Essential to any study
of words is the effective use of dictionary. Far from being
a dull dry reference book, the dictionary is a vast
storehouse of interesting information about an infinite
number of useful word tools. It is endlessly intriguing when
it is properly used, and it is invaluable to any vocabulary
student. As you learn how to use dictionary properly, you
will find your efforts bring a rich harvest of new ideas and
words. The bilingual dictionary is useful when to have
exact equivalence of a word in Malayalam. A dictionary
contains important facts far beyond simple definitions and
guides to pronunciation and spelling.
Term-based dictionary
Glossier are here included l
Termins of
Thay are the logo of
There are main 2 parts of
dictionary we can get into the
An electronic dictionary is a
dictionary whose data exists
in digital form and can be
accessed through a number
of different media
Paper based
dictionary ex:
vocabulary books
Main body
Main body
Translators should focus on studying monolingual
dictionaries first and only once they have fully
understood a word from the perspective of the
speakers of a given language ought they turn to a
bilingual dictionary to get a list of possible
translations. As a translator, my first reference tool
will always be a monolingual dictionary, and I use it
not only when I have a query about a specific word
but any time when I want to learn more about the
source languages I translate from. It’s the one book
that can be read over and over again and yet still
offer new and useful information.
If the students learn how to use a dictionary effectively, then
the dictionary can be a very helpful resource for their
studies. Training in the proper use of a
dictionary will be of help in selecting the meaning that is
appropriate to a given
context. The most important basic skill in using a dictionary
is to fınd a word or expression one has in mind. Then, one
has to fınd out the meaning of the word,
however, there is a problem of choosing of appropriate
meaning to the given
context when several meanings are define. For instance,
we can identify many senses of the word "see" by means
ofa dictionary exploitation.
ı) I can't see Lydia anywhere. (perceive with the eye)
2) The security guard asked to see our passes. (inspect)
3) Can you ~ what I mean? (understand)
4) We are going to see a film tonight. (be a spectator at)
5) I could see that you were having an argument with
him. (perceive
with the eye)
6) I'd like to see the manager please. I have a complaint.
(have a
meeting with)
Another important factor to consider is the students' unawarenesss of
the information that a dictionary contains. A dictionary generally
contains at
least the following information about each word which can be used
by the
foreign language learners.
ı. Its spelling
2. The standard pronunciation
3. Definitions to represent the words one or more meanings
4. Parts of speech, such as noun, verb or preposition
5. Example sentence in which the word used
6. Synonym
7. Antonym
Other information may be included, such as the etymology or history of
the word and whether the word is "non-standard" or "absolute". The
history of
a word is usually given at the beginning of the entry and often give
information about the way the word has developed its current
meaning. Placing a word's etymology before its definitions enables the
reader to see where the fırst meaning of the word come from. Many
people, however, want to know what the most common current
meaning of a word is, and they expect to find that meaning given first
In recognition of this fact, some dictionaries now place the ecymology
at the end of each entry, after the definitions. A dictionary may be
more than a reference book about a word; it can contain biographical
geographical knowledge as well as lists of weights, measures, symbols
and so on.