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6GR Welder Qualification Discussion

6GR welder Qualified
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Topic General / Shop Talk / 6GR welder Qualified
By danang Date 05-22-2007 06:43
Hi, I'm new member of this forum. I'd like to raise a question regarding the welder position qualified.
Actually, this is related to 6GR qualification range. Based on the AWS D.1 Ed 2006 Table 4.10, 6GR position
welder will qualified for all position with certain notes in the table.
If we have some joints which is CJP joint between plate to tubular connection (2G) having groove angles
greater than 30 Deg, is it possible to utilize the 6GR welder to weld this joint? can we consider the joint as T
What is the explanation of "backing" in the note (d) table 4.10, is it related to backing plate or backing weld?
What is the definition of T,K,Y joint on the structural and mock up joints? is T,K,Y joints always identical to
tubular joints how about the other joints? Thanks for the response.
By marcon Date 03-21-2008 10:28
Regarding note d, 6GR qualification has the restriction like in Production Pipe Welding Qualified ButtGroove (CJP). Meaning qualified 6GR welder can only proceed to do a welding in one side if somebody
provide the root pass (backing) i.e. 6G qualified welder and mandatory backgouging if welded in two sides
by 6G qualified welder.
Topic General / Shop Talk / 6GR welder Qualified
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