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Writing Revision Notes: Reviews, Narratives, Reports

Writing Revision
Questions would be either T/F or MCQ
- A review is a writing form that tends to criticize a movie or a book.
- We call the reviewer a critic.
- Criticizing is not only about mentioning the bad side of what is being reviewed. It should be
written objectively, which means in an unbiased way.
- In order for a review to be logical, it should be based on evidences and not only emotional
statements. Personal opinions are legitimate, but they must be following certain standards.
- Books reviews and movies reviews are slightly different from each other.
- Books reviews include a literary section that involves the writing style and the words and
expressions used to present something.
- Movies reviews include a performance section that deals with actors and actresses techniques
and qualifications.
- A narrative writing is the retelling of a story or a certain event.
- Narratives are noted for the existence of characters and a setting.
- A setting is the time and place of an event or incident.
- A good Thesis Statement helps in understanding the main idea/s and the purpose of the essay.
- A good report should start with a paragraph showing the purpose behind writing the report.
- Even if you are writing an Informal e-mail, there is a great need to have all your language and
spelling correct.
- Ending a report may include writing a list of recommendations.
- When writing a film review, it is not necessary to highlight positive points without mentioning
any of the negative ones.
- Writing an informal letter allows the use of abbreviations and contractions, writing a formal
letter does not allow that.
- In both forms of letters, one should stick to the standard form of letters. This includes writing
emails, as well.