RUTHIMITU GIRLS SECONDARY SCHOOL FORM 1 COMPUTER STUDIES CAT II NAME: STREAM: ADM. NO: DATE: 1. a) What are turnaround documents? (1 marks) (b) Name any two data capture techniques that make use of turnaround documents. (2 marks) 2. Give an example of a: (3 marks) i) Device that reads data. ii) Pointing device. iii) Voice input device. 3. (a) what are computer scanning devices? (1 mark) (b) Name the type of scanner used: (2 marks) i) To capture prices of goods at points of sale terminals in supermarkets and superstores. ii) To grade multiple choice examination 7. Briefly describe how each of the following I/O devices work. i) Tracker ball. (3 marks) ii) Touch screen. (3 marks) iii) Light pen. (3 marks) iv) Graphic (Digitizing) Tablet. marks) (3 v) MICR. (3 marks) vi) OCR. (3 marks) vii) Speech (voice) recognition device. (3 marks)