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Aman Tex Limited Products & Services Report

1.1 Introduction:
Garments sector is the biggest and fastest growing sector of Bangladesh. It also currency earning
sector of Bangladesh. Aman Tex Limited is a leading readymade garment industry in
Bangladesh. It is a 100 percent export oriented organization. Aman Tex Limited serves foreign
buyers and does not have any direct consumer outlet or retail shop in Bangladesh. Recent Aman
Tex Limited has 20 buyers. The main customers of Aman Tex Limited are Puma, Gstar, Espirit,
Hugoboss, H&M, BMW and others. Aman Tex Limited does not face much competition in
Bangladesh as very few companies namely, Viyellatex Textile, Beximco Textile as these buyers
usually go to these countries to get their products manufactured. Others factories are located
Gazipur, Its head office is located at Banani in Dhaka.
To select the location Aman Tex Limited considers natural resources because to build a garments
industry natural resources availability are important. To forecast future demand Aman Tex
Limited get idea from previous data latest fashion trend behavior of people, change in taste of the
people, economic situation and their purchasing power. Here economic situation is important
factor, because if world economic situation is not good then it affects garments sector.
1.2 Origin:
This report on products and services of Aman Tex Limited in Bangladesh: A Report on Aman
Tex Limited has been prepared as a partial requirement for the completion of the internship
program for the Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program of Atish Dipankar
University of Science & Technology. For internship purpose, I chose Aman Tex Limited. The
preparation of this report was supervised by Prof. Dr. Md. Ashraf Ali Khan Chairman. This
report on products and services of Aman Tex Limited. A Report on Aman Tex Limited has been
prepared as a partial requirement for the completion of the internship program for the Bachelor
of Business Administration (BBA) program of Atish Dipankar University of Science &
Technology. For internship purpose, I chose Aman Tex Limited.
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1.3 Objectives:
 To know the product class of the SRS.
 To find out the product mix and line of SRS..
 To identify quality of products and services.
 To know about marketing department of Aman Tex Limited.
 To give some recommendations for development of Aman Tex Limited.
 To analyze the Marketing procedure of Aman Tex Limited.
1.4 Scope:
The study will mainly focus on training and development activities of Aman Tex Limited. The
proposed study will cover the procedure & techniques followed by the marketing and finance
department. That means, in this study all the aspects of products and services has been discussed.
Moreover, the problems and proposed solutions of products and services activities also have
been conferred in this study.
1.5 Limitations:
Although I have obtained warm cooperation from employees of First Security Islami Bank
Limited, they were too busy to help me sometimes. I have faced the following problems, which
may be termed as the limitation / short coming of the study:
Most of the primary data were not in the form those can help in writing a study.
Secondary data is also very rare. It is just only the annual study and the website.
Confidentiality of data is another barrier that was confronted during the conduct of this
Lack of comprehension of the respondents was the major problem that created many
confusions regarding verification of conceptual and theoretical perception.
Lack of availability of sufficient data.
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2.1 Methodology:
In order to make the report more meaningful and presentable, two sources of data and
information have been used widely.
• Primary Sources of Data:
 Face to face conversation with the employees, senior officers Manager.
 Aman Tex Limited during my internship program to increase my knowledge.
• Secondary Sources of Data:
 Journals and prospectus of sweater cottage.
 Different websites and blogs.
 Reporting different relevant files like register books etc.
2.2 Type of Research:
The study is based on different type's asset and liability of Aman Tex Limited and the study is a
descriptive type of research.
1. Population Size:
In this case I interviewed six employees.
2. Sources of Data:
The data is collected from the employee from the Aman Tex Limited, Dhaka.
 Brochure of Aman Tex Limited
 Different apparel articles
3. Sampling Technique:
Random Sampling Techniques is used to select the samples for collection of data for the study. This
technique is more convenient for collecting data within a short time.
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2.3 Data Collection:
For preparing this paper, I used both Primary and Secondary data.
Primary data:
Most of the necessary information has been collected by from the personal observation and relevant
officer and one to one discussion with the relevant officials. Throughout the tenure of my internship, I
worked in different departments and that gave me a great opportunity to collect information and learn
2. Secondary data:
Secondary has been collected from relevant officer and daily statement of affaires.
2.4 Data analysis:
Word processing and tabular forms will be done by using MS Word and MS Excel for graphical analysis
and all types of calculation. For this study, the statistical package for social science software will be
utilized as a statistical data analysis tool as it offers greater feasibility in data analysis and visualization.
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3.1 Literature Review:
1. Product:
Product means the goods-and-services combination the company offers to the target market. In
simplest word, Product is that satisfy customer‟s needs.Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd produces yarn
for RMG (Ready Made Garments) in Bangladeshi garments industry who exports RMG abroad;
because of that Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd is 100% export oriented company. They ensure the
best quality of the products. Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd manufactures not only conventional yarn
but also produces fancy yarn that can satisfy customer‟s needs locally and globally. Beside
conventional cotton yarn, Square concentrate on PIMA cotton yarn (Supima Certified), Organic
cotton yarn (Control Union Certified), CMIA (Cotton made in Africa), Core spun, Slub Compact
yarn and Bamboo yarn. Based on global demand, Square move forward to blended yarn like
Modal (100% or 50+50), Viscose (100% or 50+50), PC (65+35 or 50+50), CVC (60+40 or
80+20) and Melange.
The product range of Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd-
1.100% conventional cotton yarn:
Combed, Carded, Compact, Core spun, Open End (Atuocoro, BT in Cotton 100%, Viscose 100%
in woven, knit & towel standard)
2. Value added cotton yarn:
Pima, CmiA (Cotton Made in Africa), Organic (GOTS and Open End Standard) 100% Combed,
Carded, slub, rotor
Blend with Polyester/ Modal/ Viscose/ Lyocel, Grey Mélange, Cotton
Mélange, & Slub Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) 100% and blend with Polyester, Viscose,
Modal& Mélange etc. USA cotton (for contamination free)
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3. Rayon yarn:
Modal/ Promodal: 100% Modal, Modal + Cotton, Modal Slub
Viscose: 100% Viscose, Viscose + Cotton, Viscose + Polyester, Viscose Slub Lyocel (Tencel or
Excel): 100% Lyocel, Lyocel + Cotton, LyocelSlub Bamboo: 100% Bamboo, Bamboo + Cotton,
Bamboo Slub
4. Fancy Yarn:
Neppy/ dot yarn, NeppySlub
Inject yarn (cotton + polyester/ Viscose), Inject Slub Siro (cotton+ Viscose/ Polyester/ Modal),
Slub (Any specification i.e. normal, short, long, and negative in any composition) S-twist (Any
composition), S-twist Slub
Compact (Cotton, Modal, Viscose, PC, CVC etc.)
4. Two ply/ Multi ply twisted yarn:
Count Range: Ring: NE 06 to NE 60, Rotor: NE 06 to NE 22
5. Polyester:
100% Polyester, Polyester + cotton (PC & CVC), slub, Polyester+ Viscose/ Modal/ Lyocell/
Linen, slub
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6. Recycle Polyester (GRS Standard):
Recycle Polyester + Conventional cotton/ Organic cotton/ BCI/ Modal/ Viscose/ Linen
7. Tri Blend/ Multi blend:
Cotton+ Polyester+ Viscose/ Modal/ Lyocel/ Linen
8. Linen Blend:
Linen + (Cotton/ Polyester/ Viscose/ Lyocel)
9. Mélange:
1. Cotton Mélange (100% Cotton)
2. Gray Mélange (Cotton + Viscose 1% to 50%) PV Melange (Polyester + Viscose)
3. Cotton Modal Mélange (Cotton + Modal)
4. Polyester Mélange (100% Polyester), Poly Cotton Melange (Cotton + Polyester)
2. Price:
The amount of the company charged for a product or service, or the sum of the value that
customer exchange for the benefits of having or using the product or service called price.
The price of the product is determined by the accounts section of Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd. The
account section determines demand by analyzing its previous sales volume. The company market
estimates are helpful in establishing the relationship between its product price and the quality. As
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the company has an objective to stay in the market along possible with this business, it has
adopted the market based price policy.
3. Promotion:
Promotion, the marketing tools, standards for the various activities the company under take to
communicate its product‟s benefits and to pursued target customer by it. In Ananta Apparels
Ltds Ltd, they do not have to take much promotional activities. Because of their reputation that
they never compromise with quality, that is their main promotional tools. In the overseas market
the company promotes its product by-Provide Sample, Brochure, Collection, Attending
international fair, CD supply, Participation in auction over internet, E-mail, Fax, Various Journal,
Cortex, Magazine etc.
4. Distribution/Place:
The strategy structure used to transfer product and service foreman organization to its market.
Generally the company is issued direct channel.GMS Composite Knitting Ind. Ltdgives the order
directly to Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd.At first the companies try to fulfill the buyer demand. If 5%
lower or over production from the order then it will be acceptable by the buyer in according to
contract schedule. On the other hand when tile quality of tile product is not as good as there
requirement or expectation then they canceled it.
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Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd. maintains its own transportation system for delivering product to
their customers.
GMS Composite
Knitting Ind. Ltd
Sales & Marketing
Ananta Apparels
Ltds Ltd.
GMS Composite Knitting Ind. Ltd gives the order to Sales & Marketing Department then
Sales & Marketing Department gives order to factory to produce the product. And then
from the factory product is delivered to the customer.
The extended Service are:
6. People:
People all people who directly or indirectly influence the perceived value of the product or
service, including knowledge workers, employees, management and consumers.
People are the opportunities for an organization for developing economic conditions of a
country. So that a textiles industry like Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd. can develop best key
marketing people to do better business by giving them proper training. As a student marketing I
think it will be better for the textiles industry if it is done properly within the organization.
7. Process:
Process is the procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities which lead to an exchange of value.
In Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd. process is under supply chain management. If there any problem in
process then the whole thing will be hampered. For better process for both in factory and also
satisfying the customers Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd. always take proactive action to maintain the
process. For example, Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd‟s own power supplies system.
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8. Physical evidence:
Physical evidence the direct sensory experience of a product or service that allows a customer to
measure whether he or she has received value. Examples might include the way a customer is
treated by a staff member, or the length of time a customer has to wait, or a cover letter from an
insurance company, or the environment in which a product or service is deliver.
The employees of Ananta Apparels Ltds Ltd. are always give priority of their customers. The
company trained their employees to maintain a good relation with customers. They have waiting
room for customers and employees give to do the things in time as per customer‟s requirements.
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4.1 Products and Services Aman Tex Limited:
4.1.1 Yarn manufacturing (Spinning):
Spinning is a major part of the textile industry. It is part of the textile manufacturing procedure
where three types of fiber are converted into yarn, then fabrics, which undergo finishing
procedures such as bleaching to become textiles. The textiles are then fabricated into clothes or
other products. There are three industrial procedures available to spin yarn, and a handicraft
community who use hand spinning techniques. Spinning is the twisting together of drawn out
strands of fibers to form yarn, though it is colloquially used to describe the procedure of drawing
out, inserting the twist, and winding onto bobbins.
Flow Chart of Combed
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4.1.2 Yarn Production:
1. Blow Room: Blow room is the starting of the spinning operation where the fiber is opened,
cleaned, mixed, micro dust removed and evened thus passed to carding machine without
increasing fiber rupture, fiber naps, broken seed particles and without removing more good
fibers. The basic functions of blow room are opening, cleaning, and dust removal, blending
and evenly feeding the material on the card.
2. Carding Machine: Carding is a mechanical procedure that disentangles, cleans and intermixes
fibers to produce a continuous web or sliver suitable for subsequent procedureing. This is
achieved by passing the fibers between differentially moving surfaces covered with card
clothing. It breaks up locks and unorganized clumps of fiber and then aligns the individual
fibers to be parallel with each other.
3. Pre-Comb Drawing: The sliver-lap/ribbon-lap is no longer used in modern mills except in
situations where very fine yarns from extra long staple fibers are produced. The breaker
drawing/lap-forming method is used for most combing preparation. This method is suitable
for a wide range of fiber length from medium to long staple.
4. Lap Former: Lap former is a procedure to prepare finer count yarn. It is the procedure of
ring spinning system. The output products of lap former are feed to the comber. The lap is
obtained by doubling a certain number of slivers (from16 to 32) previously subject to a
drawing passage. The slivers are fed side by side, passing, through rollers and stop motion.
The slivers enter the drafting section and then calendar „section to produce a compact lap.
Finally the lap is wound on to bobbin. In the lap former, the material under goes a light draft
of around 1.5 to 2 times one a drawing aggregate of the type 2 on top of 3 cylinders.
5. Post-Comb Drawing: The main function of the feeding element is to feed the comber lap in
a series of short lengths. The nipper plate grips the fibers as a means of holding long fibers
while the short fibers, naps, and trash are being removed. The combing system consists of
two combs. The firestone is a rotating bottom circular comb that performs the main combing
action. The second one is a linear top comb that completes the function of the bottom comb
through vertical combing movement. The detaching rolls are two pairs of gripping rolls rotate
forward and backward in intermittent fashion to hold and move the combed web for a net
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forward travel. The objectives of combing mentioned earlier are accomplished by a precise
sequence and synchronized series of actions performed by the combing elements. The
following text will review this sequence of actions, or the combing cycle, in a very simplified
manner to demonstrate the function of each comber component.
6. Roving Frame: The input of roving frame is silver that comes from draw frame section
where only parallel of comber sliver. In roving section reduce the linear density of draw
frame silver by drafting. After reducing the linear density the silver is transfer into roving (a
thin form of rope). This is first stage where twist is inserted for making a yarn in spinning
mill. The output of this section is roving which is wind on a bobbin and this is suitable for
further procedure.
4.2 Knitting Section:
Knitting is a method by which thread or yarn may be turned into cloth or other fine crafts.
Knitted fabric consists of consecutive loops, called stitches. As each row progresses, a new loop
is pulled through an existing loop. The active stitches are held on a needle until another loop can
be passed through them. This procedure eventually results in a final product, often a garment.
Procedure Flow Chart of Knitting:
Yarn in package from
Place the yarn package in the creel
Feeding the yarn
Set the m/c as per design & GSM
Withdraw the roll fabric and weighting
Roll marking
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Knitting Fabrics
4.3 Dyeing Section:
Dyeing operations are used at various stages of production to add color and intricacy to textiles
and increase product value. Most dyeing is performed either by the finishing division of
vertically integrated textile companies, or by specialty dye houses. Specialty dye houses operate
either on a commission basis or purchase greige goods and finish them before selling them to
apparel and other product manufacturers. Textiles are dyed using a wide range of dyestuffs,
techniques, and equipment. Dyes used by the textile industry are largely synthetic, typically
derived from coal tar and petroleum-based intermediates. Dyes are sold as powders, granules,
pastes, and liquid dispersions, with concentrations of active ingredients ranging typically from 20
to 80 percent.
4.3.1 Dyeing Procedure:
Bleaching and Sourcing
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Bleaching and Sourcing
Singeing Procedure
Lab Dips:
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A lab dip is a swatch of fabric test dyed to hit a color standard. There are different matching
systems followed in Labs such as Tube light matching, Sun light matching, Ultra Violet
matching, Sodium light matching etc.
It is the merchandiser‟s responsibility to get the Lab dips from the procedureing mill and to get
approval from buyer.
There are different matching systems followed in Labs. They are
Tube light matching.
Sun light matching.
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Ultra Violet matching.
Sodium light matching (show room).
4.4 Object of Lab Dip:
The main objectives in lab dip are as follows:
1. To calculate the recipe for sample dyeing.
2. To compare dyed sample with swatch by light Box or Spectrophotometer.
3. To calculate revise recipe for sample dyeing.
4. Finally approved Lab Dip (Grade: A, B, C & D)
4.4.1 Procedure Sequence of Lab Dip:
Lab dip plays an important role in Dyeing Procedure. Bulk dyeing procedure completely depends
on the lab dip development work. Lab dip is completely managed as the following sequence.
Lab Dip Requisition from buyer
Entry in the computer
First recipe is given by swatch/pantone number
First correction
Second correction
Grading of sample (A, B, C, D)
Yarn and knit sample send to buyer
Approved by buyer
Order for bulk production
Production card with approved sample and recipe send to production section.
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4.5 Fabric Mercerize:
Mercerization, the treatment of cotton with a strong caustic alkaline solution in order to
improve the luster, hand and other properties, was names after its discoverer, John Mercer.
4.5.1 Purpose of Mercerizing:
• A more circular fibre cross-section
• increased lustre
• increased tensile strength, a major factor for technical textile fabrics
• increased apparent colour depth after dyeing
• improved dyeability of immature cotton (greater uniformity of appearance)
• increase in fibre moisture regain
• increase in water sorption
• improved dimensional stability.
4.6 Slitting Procedure:
Slitting is a procedure of cutting larger width coils into narrower width coils with repetitive
accuracy at a high speed. The procedure begins with the fitting of large steel coils onto an
uncoiler drum whereby it is uncoiled and fed through a leveler to be flattened. Subsequently, the
sheets are fed through a slitter to slit the sheets into strips of specific width. After slitting, the
strips are relayed through tension pads or synchrony-wind rolls to provide tension prior to the
recoiling procedure. The tensed strips are then recoiled using a recoiled to form slitted coils.
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4.7 Dryer:
1. To dry the fabric
2. To control the vibration which increase the G.S.M.
4.8 Setter:
Functions of Setter machine
To dry fabric
Shrinkage control
Heat setting
Width control
Loop control
4.9 Compacting:
1. Control G.S.M and Dia
2. Shade control of fabric
4.10 Sample Making Section:
4.10.1 Embroidery:
Types of Embroidery Stitch:
 Satin
 Tatami
 Run stitch
 Zigzag stitch
 Steam stitch
 Motif stitch
 Programme stitch
 Coil stitch
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Flow Chart of Embroidery
Sample hard paper (DPD or Merchandiser)
Wilcom 65 design software (design development)
Sample machine for sample making
Development from buyer for approval
Order production conform
Embroidery machine for production
Quality control
4.10.2 Pricing Factors of Embroidery:
The pricing of the embroidery depends on the following factors such as –
Design size
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Spray gum
Bobbin thread
Embroidery thread
4.10.3 Embroidery Fault:
Broken stitch
Not properly sealed
Wrong tension
Skipped stitch
Wrongly placed
Not properly attached
Backing not removed
4.11 Printing:
Printing is a procedure for reproducing text and image, typically with ink on paper using a
printing press. It is often carried out as a large –scale industrial procedure, and is an essential part
of publishing and transaction printing. The development of printing was preceded by the use of
cylinder seals in Mesopotamia developed in 3500Bc, and other related stamp seals. Printing is
the production of a design or motif on a substrate by the use of colorant and other reagents in
paste from in a predetermined pattern. Printing may be regarded as localized area of dyeing.
4.12 Washing Section:
Garment washing is normally done after stitching. According to fashion trend and customer
demand buyers ask for garment washing. For the washing apparel buyers mention exactly what
types of washing they need for the order. For example, Tom Tailor buyer asked for washes like –
Vintage wash, Cloud wash, softener wash or Acid wash. Each wash has different types of
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appearance on the fabric surfaces. Wash types mainly depends on the product types. For denim
product heavy enzyme is required where for knitted Tee light softener wash may be okay.
Garment washing
4.12.1 Garments wash:
The garment is constructed and then washed to soften the fabric and minimize shrinkage.
Procedure of industrially washing garments after they have been manufactured to remove sizing
it also softens and pre-shrinks. Grommet - an eyelet of firm material to strengthen or protect an
opening. Gusset –triangular inserts in sleeve seams to widen and strengthen.
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Flow Chart of Washing:
Garments from store house
Quality check
Hydro extractor
Quality check
4.13 Cutting Section:
Cutting section is one of the most important sections for manufacturing garments in Factory.
There is a procedure or sequence which is strictly followed in the cutting section of a garment
manufacturing industry.
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4.13.1 Cutting Section:
Work flow Procedure –Cutting:
Received fabrics
Store in warehouse relax fabrics
Cut fabrics
Bundling (put number sticker)
Inspect cut panel 100%
Inspect printing/Embroidery panel 100%↓
Pair and Bundle
Issued to sewing
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4.14 Sewing:
Sewing or stitching is the fastening of cloth, leather, furs, bark, or other flexible material, using
needle and threads. Its use is nearly universal among human populations and dates back to
Palaeolithic times (30,000 BC). Sewing predates the weaving of cloth. Sewing is used primarily
to produce clothing and household furnishing such as curtains, bedclothes, upholstery, and table
lines. It is also used for sails, bellows, skin boats, banners and other items shaped out of flexible
material such as canvas and leather. Most sewing in the industrial world is done by machines.
Pieces of garments are often first tacked together. The machine has a complex set of gears and
arms that pierces thread through the layers of the cloth and semi-securely interlocks the thread.
In short, the procedure of joining of fabric by the use of needle and sewing thread or by other
techniques is called sewing.
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4.14.1 Work Aids in Sewing:
Experiment has proved that operators spend about 20% of their total time and rest 80% time is
spent for fabric handling i.e. fabric folding, positioning, cut threads, bundle transferring, etc.
Scientists invented some components to reduce the fabric handling time, which is called work
aids in sewing.
4.14.2 Functions of these components used as work aids:
 To help operation to work easily.
 To improve the quality and productivity.
 To improve the production
Guide, compensation foot, specialized pressure foot, stitching jig, rack guide, light, folder,
4.15 Finishing Section:
Finishing means the finish any work /order effectively. But before that we should do the work
according to the Buyers such as folding, poly bagging, assorting, packing or carton.
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Procedure Flow Chart of Garment Finishing
Finishing input (style, color and size wise)
Initial quality check
Spot Removing
Hang tag
Get up change
Bar code (buyer wise sticker)
Metal check
Final inspection by buyer
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4.16 Marketing Department:
Effective Marketing means having the right product, in the right amount, in the right place, at the
right price, at the right time, all the time.
4.16.1 Major responsibilities of a merchandiser given below:
1. Order sourcing/supplies
2. Negotiation
3. Production
4. Calculating Yarn/Fabric consumption
5. Calculating costing of the product
6. Monitoring Quality aspect
7. Product development
8. Liaison with Buyers consumer and factory
9. Factory scheduling
4.16.2 Quality of a products and services:
Good knowledge about fiber, yarn, fabric, dyeing, printing, finishing, dyes, color
fastness, garments production, etc.
Clear conception of the usual potential quality problems in the garments manufacturing.
Good knowledge of the usual raw materials inspection systems & garments inspection
Knowledge of the quota system used in each of the production countries, duty rates,
custom regulation, shipping and banking documentation etc.
Right consumption knowledge of various goods
Costing knowledge of raw materials
Order getting ability
Sincere& responsible
Hard worker
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4.16.3 Function of products and services:
1. Developing new samples, execute sample orders
2. Costing
3. Programming
4. Raw materials / Accessories arrangement
5. Production scheduling (or) route card drafting
6. Approval of various Procedure, Pattern and size set
7. Pre production follow up
8. Meet Inspection Agencies
9. Production controlling
10. Identifying shortages and make arrangement for the shortages
11. Following quality assurance procedures, quality control procedures
12. Monitoring the in-house, sub-contractors and junior activities
13. Buyer communication
14. Communication with sub-contractors, procedureing units & other 3rd parties
15. Proper reporting
16. Highlighting to the management
17. Record maintenance
18. Developing samples
19. Placement of orders to suppliers
20. Taking measures for consistent production
21. Taking preventive action to maintain the targeted performance in all areas of activities
22. Attending meeting with superiors and furnishing the required details about Marketing
4.16.4 Buyer liking and disliking factor of merchandiser:
1. Good presentation: Calculation, paper, and scale etc.
2. Manner: Manner should be polite, good Behavior, smart talking
3. Time Awareness: You should be punctual and sincere
4. Knowledge: About product, your company and about buyers
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4.16.5 Buyer disliking factor:
1. Poor sales presentation
2. Unacceptable manner
3. Time wasting
4. Un-smart appearance
5. Poor knowledge
4.16.6 Purpose of Marketing:
1. To collect order from the buyer
2. To shipment the order in time
3. To follow up the working of worker
4. To determine the actual price of the product
5. To improve the quality of the product
4.16.7 Marketing management:
Marketing Management program prepare for positions in management, Marketing, inventory
control, sales promotion, public relations, or human resources. This field offers a wide variety of
career opportunities with retailers, manufacturers, marketing research firms and product
information services. In a global, diverse, and fast paced, competitive environment,
merchandisers are involved in market analysis, product planning, sourcing, procurement, pricing,
distribution and visual presentation of apparel and textile products to satisfy consumer needs.
4.16.8 Objects of Marketing:
Marketing denotes all the planned activities to execute and dispatch the merchandise on time,
taking into consideration of the 4 Rs to replenish the customer.
Right Quantity: To dispatch right quantity of product what buyer ordered.
Right Quality: It should be with right quality as accepted both parties.
Right Cost: Everybody wants more from what they are paid.
Right Time: No one wants to wait idle even in a Restaurant. Keeping delivery schedule is
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4.17 Marketing department:
Closely related to marketing is Marketing, which attempts to maximize sales and profitability by
inducing consumers to buy a company‟s products. In the standard definition of the term,
Marketing involves selling the right product, at the right price, at the right time and place, to the
right customers. Fashion merchandisers must thus utilize marketers‟ information about customer
preferences as the basis for decisions about such things as stocking appropriate merchandise in
adequate but not excessive quantities, offering items for sale at attractive but still profitable
prices, and discounting overstocked goods. Marketing also involves presenting goods attractively
and accessibly through the use of store windows, in-store displays, and special promotional
events. Marketing specialists must be able to respond to surges in demand by rapidly acquiring
new stocks of the favored product. An inventory-tracking computer program in a department
store in London, for example, can trigger an automatic order to a production facility in Shanghai
for a certain quantity of garments of a specified type and size to be delivered in a matter of days
4.18 Definition of negotiation:
A strategic discussion that resolves an issue in a way that both parties find acceptable. In a
negotiation, each party tries to persuade the other to agree with his or her point of view.
In advance of the negotiation, participants learn as much as possible about the other party's
position and what the strengths and weaknesses of that position are, and are prepared to defend
their positions and counter the arguments the other party will likely make to defend their
4.18.1 Merchandisers negotiate reasons:
Merchandisers negotiate reasons
1. To secure an order from the buyer or place an order to a supplier
2. To fix a cost/price of the product for mutual benefit
3. Need to require lowering the cost or increase price of the product
4. Need to fix production and shipment plan
5. Merchandiser must determine payment terms and condition mutually profitable or acceptable
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4.18.2 What to Say and Do during a Negotiation:
Step 1: Receive the Offer:
Thank the person who extended the offer and express enthusiasm for the position. Reiterate how
important this decision is and ask for some time to think it over. If it is a verbal offer only, ask
when you can expect to receive the offer in writing.
Step 2: Evaluate the Offer:
If you have any questions about salary, benefits, etc., ask to whom you should direct your
questions for clarification. Evaluate the compensation package based on the elements listed
Step 3: Negotiate:
After evaluating and researching the offer, you are ready to negotiate. It is important during this
phase to:
ask questions about how the salary was determined
be realistic about what you want
state your evidence clearly and succinctly for why you feel your salary should be higher
If the compensation is non-negotiable, you have to make a decision based on the current offer, or
request to negotiate a different aspect of the offer (such as a higher signing bonus, early
performance review, etc.).
4.19 Receiving order from buyers:
Companies normally receive order from buyer through worksheet. A worksheet is a document
where every details of the specific garment product are included. As soon as the worksheet at
hand the manufacturing company may go for booking order for fabrics, trims accessories as well
as making production and shipment plants.
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4.20 Stages of sampling department:
Tech pack receiving: This is the first stages of the sampling procedure in this stages tech pack
or technical pack is received from the buyer via merchandiser and DPD concern tech pack
contain all the specification to produce of the garments.
4.20.1 CAD & Pattern making:
In this stages pattern is made through CAD. Sometimes pattern is made by manually but CAD is
more popular and easy. Computer aided design is the use of computer technology for the design
of object real or more computer aided geometric design. However CAD often involves more
Sample making: sample making is the ultimate goal of this department after making the pattern
the sample is made by using the pattern set.
Size setting: After making the sample, size is sate according to the tech pack .If there any fault
the sample is redone.
Pre production meeting: After the buyer has inspected the sample a production meeting is
called in this meeting buyer or his agent, merchandiser, sample manager all remain present.
Grading of sample: After finalizing the sample grading is done. There are may be several
grades of a single design the grading is done to separate the sample and patterns from each
Marker: After grading the sample the design is inputted into the marker software this software
specifies how to set the pattern in the actual fabric by using the marker making software
efficiently fabric can be saved.
Cutting: After making the pattern is delivered to the cutting unit and the fabric is cut for final
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4.20.2 Development Sample:
The sample made by the manufacture, with their own Designs, to bring new orders for their
organization. This is the first sample, in the initial stage. The development can be made by
substitute fabric &accessories.
A. Fit Sample:
Fit sample are made in one of the size which come at the middle Of the export order size. For
example: It will be “M” (medium size if the order size are “S” “M” & “L” or “S” “M” “L” &
“XL”. the fit sample is made after the order is confirmed & it is made to check whether the
fittings of the garment is ok or not. Fit sample can be made in substitute fabric & accessories.
B. Size Set Sample:
Size set sample, consisting of sample, covering all size in that export order .Samples can be
made either of original fabric & accessories or substitute fabric& accessories.
C. Pre- Production Sample:
This sample is made before going to bulk production in the production floor. This sample
represents the original production garment which needs to export. This sample is made with
original fabric & accessories, as pre the export order, with correct styling & measurement & with
no defect quality problem in that sample. The exporter will go to bulk production, once he gets
approval from Buyer on P. P sample
D. Sales man Sample:
Sales man samples the Buyer require showing it in their store, to inform their Customer. This is
with original fabric & accessories.
E. Production Sample:
This sample the manufacture send to buyer, represent the original production pieces in the
production floor. This samples covering all size & all colors, taken from the production floor. In
case of big export order, where the export quantity is high for particular style, For example: in
Wal-Mart order, the production sample is send to Buyer, three times during, the bulk production.
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After completion of 20% - 30% of the order, after completion of 50% - 60% of the order, after
completion of 70% - 80% of the order.
F. Shipment Sample:
This sample contains all size & all colors & style were exported to Buyer. These samples are
reference, the manufacture with him for his record. In needed for future reference, if any claim
come from Buyer.
G. Calculate costing:
Costing is a very complex procedure, with set patterns and guidelines followed by the industry,
and it is difficult to find out costs for every procedure there are some inbuilt costs while costing.
Garment costing includes all the activities like purchase of raw materials and accessories,
knitting fabrics, procedure and finishing of fabrics, sewing and packing of garments, transport
and conveyance, shipping, over heads, banking charges and commissions, etc.
H. Credit collection:
Before negotiation vendor check buyer market reputation. They collect information from those
buyers whose are already works with the buyers. In case of payment L/C and TT is acceptable
but deferred payment try to avoid because it is risky for the company.
4.21 Letter of credit:
L/C, A binding document that a buyer can request from his bank in order to guarantee that the
payment for goods will be transferred to the seller. Basically, a letter of credit gives the seller
reassurance that he will receive the payment for the goods. In order for the payment to occur, the
seller has to present the bank with the necessary shipping documents confirming the shipment of
goods within a given time frame. It is often used in international trade to eliminate risks such as
unfamiliarity with the foreign country, customs or political instability.
There are mainly two types on L/C
1. Irrevocable L/C
2. Revocable L/C
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4.21.1 How to open L/C:
Opening Bank
Advising Bank
advising Bank
Buyer Bank
(BNP paribus
cedex, France)
France Bank
New York
HSBC Bank,
Citi Bank,
chartered Bank
Sellers Bank
4.22 Performa Invoice:
In the simplest terms, a Performa invoice outlines how much a certain number of goods or
services will cost. Because the customer may not yet have agreed to, or even seen, these numbers
a Performa invoice is designed to give the customer an idea of how much what they‟re asking for
will cost them. Performa invoices are also sometimes referred to as estimates or quotes, and the
latter (quotes) is used to describe such documents in cash Flow.
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5.1 Findings:
The findings of the study have been stated below:
1. Poor Marketing technique. When strategy is inappropriate and implementation poor,
implementation shortcomings may mask problems with the strategy; not only is failure the
probable result, but such failures will be especially challenging to control because of the
difficulty in identifying the cause of the problem.
2. For purchasing raw materials Aman Tex Limited should not follow acquisition procedure
3. They should not determine yearly inventory cost like ordering cost, carrying cost acquisition
procedure strictly
4. Aman Tex Limited should not develop Marketing system and strictly. They should determine
optimum level of inventory
5. Cost control system must not be implemented at every stage in the organization
6. Increased customers – Visual Marketing can increase the amount of customers who notice
and enter your retail business. Marketing should start outside where customers first see your
premises (eg signage).
7. Increased sales – Effective visual Marketing can have a clear and positive effect on retail
sales. Clear pricing, well-stocked shelves, simple displays and prominent sale signs can help
drive profits while improving the shopping experience for your customers.
8. Maximizing the potential of your retail space – A creative approach to Marketing can help
you to get more out of your space without the need for expansion or renovations. The layout
should flow easily and direct customers to important items and displays you want to
highlight. Your customers will begin to associate your clear and attractive.
9. Getting the most value out of products – If you have products that are difficult to sell, clever
visual Marketing could help you to market them without having to reduce their price.
Similarly, you can place low-priced items in less prominent spots to encourage the sale of
high-margin items.
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6.1 Recommendations:
Garments sector plays a very important role to earn foreign exchange to our country. A large
amount of foreign money comes from the exporting of garments. However a large number of
workers maintain their live on this sector, so government should take special attention in textile
sector .some points are given to overcome the problem of Marketing of this sector.
The authority should gather adequate knowledge about Marketing.
1. They should follow appropriate Marketing technique
2. Adequate training facilities provided for personnel for development. Should follow a specific
inventory costing method, in the context of rising trend in raw materials price
3. They should determine yearly inventory cost like ordering cost, carrying cost acquisition
procedure strictly
4. For purchasing raw materials Aman Tex Limited should follow acquisition procedure strictly
5. Aman Tex Limited should analyze the balance sheet through various ratios for determining
efficiency, profit earning capacity, financial solvency etc
6. Aman Tex Limited should develop Marketing system and strictly. They should determine
optimum level of inventory
7. Changing layout and space – You may be required to spend time rearranging aisles, shelves,
display fixtures and the general layout of the interior retail space.
8. Increased demands on staff – The success of your visual Marketing techniques may mean
you have to handle more daily customers, more sales and more deliveries. There may also be
more customer service issues, longer hours and the need for more staff.
9. Expense – If you install new fixtures, create new signage or improve the appearance of your
retail space, costs can quickly add up. However, overcoming the challenges of planning and
managing visual marketing can lead to profitability and increase customer loyalty.
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6.2 Conclusion:
Today s garment fully depend on Marketing. A good merchandiser can develop the quality of
product and increase the sales of the product. Marketing is a big job and is a complex one. It is so
much important in our garments industry. The study Marketing system of Aman Tex Limited.
revealed that garments of Bangladesh are fully depending on Marketing. It may an honorable
professional for educated person. For developing garment sector Marketing management system
will have to focuses on modern system. For the development of Marketing there are many factors
involved. Marketing plays an important role. The result of the study showing that there is lot of
step for Aman Tex Limited to improve their Marketing management has certain implications for
the business community as well as national Marketing planners the study Marketing management
of Aman Tex Limited revealed that merchandiser is most valuable human resources for the
progress of the organization. For the development of these valuable resources there are many
factors involved to increase the productivity of an organization effectively efficient merchandiser
will have to develop. Preparation of future business managers should provide for the
development of managerial skills relating to merchandiser function, colleges and universities
offering business administration curriculum would do well to evaluate their courses as they relate
to the findings of this study. This direct study indicates the potential value that could be derived
from undertaking more comprehensive investigations covering only Marketing management of
Aman Tex Limited. There are consequent developments of newer knowledge can definitely
contribute increase the efficiency of b business management and this in turn will increase as the
satisfaction of all interested buyer parties which will be the ultimate goal of business
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1. David W. Cravens & Nigel F. Piercy, Strategic Marketing 8th Edition, Inc, Singapur,
2. Philip Kotler, Marketing Management 11th Edition,Inc, USA, 2003.
3. Philip Kotler, Principles of Marketing 13th Edition, Inc, USA, 2005.
4. M .A.Kasem, Garments & Technolo Granthanir Publishers, 4th Edition (2006)
5. J.E McIntyre, Textile Terms & Definition 10th Edition (1997)
6. A.J.S.M. Khaled, Quality Management in Apparel Industry, 1st Edition (2004)
1. http://www.scribd.com/doc/2179I869/Marketing-product-services-squaretextiles6ltd,retrieved on 12/04/2023 at 11.57 pm
2. http://www.assignmentpoint.com/ Marketing- product-services--beximco-textiles-ltd,
retrieved, on 30/04/2017 at 10.17 am
3. Sales Strategy : URL-http://smallbusiness.chron.com/sales-strategy-629.html
Marketing Strategy URLhttp://marketing.about.com/cs/sbmarketing/a/smbizmrktseg.htm
5. http://www.cnbc.com/id/45669286
6. Marketing Strategy URL-http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/businesstheory/marketing/marketing-strategy.html#axzz2OiQT2VyX
Company Overview, URL-http://www.inflack.com
Industry Overview , URL-http:// www.basis.org.bd
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