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English-Russian Oral Translation Coursebook

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английский язык
Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов
с аудиодиском
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УДК 81.111 (075.8)
ББК 81.2 Англ — 923
С 90
Учебно-методическое пособие издается по решению Редакционноиздательского совета Санкт-Петербургского культурологического
старший преподаватель
Вершинина Т. Г.;
кандидат филологических наук, доцент
А. В. Демина
C 90
Суртаева А. В.
Английский язык. Устный последовательный перевод. Уч. - метод
пособие. / А. В. Суртаева;— СПб.: Изд-во «СПбКО», 2009. — 92 с.
ISBN 978-5-903983-155
Учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов лингвистических
отделений гуманитарных вузов.Цель учебно-методического пособия заключается в
формировании и развитии навыков устного перевода, усвоении лексики по основным
разделам программы обучения.
УДК 81.111 (075.8)
ББК 81.2 Англ — 923
ISBN 978-5-903983-155
© Суртаева А. В., 2009
© ООО «Издательство СПбКО», 2009
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Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для
студентов лингвистических отделений гуманитарных вузов.
Цель учебного пособия заключается в усвоении лексики
по основным разделам программы обучения, выработке
навыков устного перевода, ознакомлении с основными
аспектами и проблемами тем, обозначенных в обязательной
программе. Пособие состоит из трех частей, первая часть
предназначена для студентов третьего курса, вторая –
для студентов четвертого, третья – для студентов пятого
курса лингвистических отделений гуманитарных вузов.
Каждая часть пособия разделена на несколько разделов,
включающих ряд заданий для устного перевода с английского
языка на русский, а так же с русского на английский язык.
Подобное построение учебного материала является наиболее
эффективным, т.к. позволяет легко нарабатывать словарный
запас, получать необходимые фоновые знания, вырабатывать
навыки устного перевода. К учебно-методическому пособию
прилагается диск с записью текстов для устного перевода.
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UNIT 1. Environmental problems .................................... 5
UNIT 2. Modern Industry ............................................... 12
UNIT 3. Mass Media ...................................................... 17
UNIT 4. Political System of the UK ............................... 25
UNIT 5. Political System of the US................................ 30
UNIT 6. The Electoral Systems of the UK and the US .. 33
UNIT 7. International Relationship. Diplomacy............. 44
UNIT 8. Education .......................................................... 48
UNIT 9. Legal System. Crime. ....................................... 58
UNIT 10. Economics.Business Organization. Company
Structure. Products and Markets ..................................... 67
UNIT 11. Lifestyles ........................................................ 72
UNIT 12. Health care ...................................................... 80
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UNIT 1. Environmental problems
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the underlined
The Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement, negotiated in December 1997, by which industrialized nations have committed to making substantial reductions in
their emissions of greenhouse gases by 2012. More than 160
countries have committed to the agreement.
The first observation that human activities contribute to
the greenhouse effect was made one hundred years ago by
а Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius. Since the late 1950s,
measurements made at one of the Observatories in Hawaii
have recorded an increase in carbon dioxide concentrations
within the atmosphere.
Efforts to obtain international agreement on human contributions to global greenhouse gases began many decades
ago. In 1979, the World Meteorological Office, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the International
Council for Science held the first World Climate Conference
in Geneva to address the question of the potential role of human sources of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases
in inducing global climate changes. In 1988, the United
Nations Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC)
established three scientific working groups to study the
problem. Based on their information, the IPCC has concluded that there is evidence that emissions from human sources
are enhancing the greenhouse effect.
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In response to the first report by the IPCC in 1990, the
United Nations General Assembly launched a negotiating
process to establish an agreement among industrialized nations to act to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases. In
1992, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change was adopted. The nations who signed the convention agreed to develop national measures of greenhouse gas
emissions, establish national programs to reduce emissions,
and mitigate climate change. The Convention also required
that the developed countries and countries with economies in
transition, reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to their 1990
levels by the end of 2000, although this was expressed as a voluntary rather than a binding commitment. The convention came
into force in 1994 after 50 countries ratiied the agreement; by
2003, 190 nations, including the United States joined the convention.
During the 1990s, concerns grew that industrialized nations
would not reach the emissions targets agreed upon in the 1992
Climate Change Framework; therefore, members of the Kyoto
Protocol began to develop a new agreement that included legally binding, rather than voluntary, commitments. Negotiations
for this new agreement began in 1995, culminating in a session
held in Kyoto, Japan in December 1997.
There were signiicant disagreements among the parties at
Kyoto and a inal agreement was reached only on the last day.
The most serious disagreement was that a number of large developing nations, including China and India, refused to be included in making binding commitments to reduce emissions.
Other issues included planting forests and other greenhouse gas
and carbon-removal methods rather than on reducing emissions
in order to meet their targets.
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An agreement was inally reached, committing industrialized countries to legally binding reductions in greenhouse emissions between 2008 and 2012. The agreement, called the Kyoto
Protocol, went into effect on February 16, 2005, ninety days
after Russian ratiication and ten years after initial negotiations
began. It also includes provisions to permit emissions among
nations and clean development mechanisms, which encourages industrialized nations to transfer technology to developing
countries that would reduce emissions.
Although the United States signed the Kyoto Protocol, the
treaty has not been ratiied by the U.S. Senate. Ratifying the
Kyoto Protocol would require the U.S. to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions by 7 percent below its 1990 levels by 2012. In July
1999, the US Senators Byrd and Hagel stated that the Senate
would not ratify the Protocol unless rapidly developing countries such as China were included in its requirements to reduce
greenhouse gases. The Clinton Administration announced
it would not send the treaty to the Senate for ratification.
Controversy over the Kyoto Protocol continued to erupt
in the Hague, Netherlands in November 2000. Discussion
was supposed to center around issues left unresolved at
Kyoto, however the talks collapsed when the U.S. and European countries disagreed over the amount of credits that
countries could receive from emissions.
The current Bush Administration has also rejected the
Kyoto Protocol as being too costly for the U.S. economy,
and has proposed its own climate change initiative which
calls for voluntary reductions in emissions, tax credits for
emissions reductions, and increased research and development for new energy technologies. Many individual states
– primarily in the Northeast and the West – have also begun
to adopt their own climate change policies.
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Task 2. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the underlined
The sun and stars are seemingly inexhaustible sources
of energy. That energy is the result of nuclear reactions, in
which matter is converted to energy. We have been able to
harness that mechanism and regularly use it to generate
power. Presently, nuclear energy provides for approximately
16% of the world’s electricity. Unlike the stars, the nuclear
reactors that we have today work on the principle of nuclear
Changes can occur in the structure of the nuclei of atoms. These changes are called nuclear reactions. Energy created in a nuclear reaction is called nuclear energy, or atomic
Nuclear energy is produced naturally and in man-made
operations under human control.
• Naturally: Some nuclear energy is produced naturally. For example, the Sun and other stars make heat and light
by nuclear reactions.
• Man-Made: Nuclear energy can be man-made too.
Machines called nuclear reactors, parts of nuclear power
plants, provide electricity for many cities.
Nuclear Fission: In nuclear fission, the nuclei of atoms
are split, causing energy to be released. The atomic bomb
and nuclear reactors work by fission. The element uranium
is the main fuel used to undergo nuclear fission to produce
energy since it has many favorable properties.
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Advantages of Nuclear Energy
• The Earth has limited supplies of coal and oil. Nuclear
power plants could still produce electricity after coal and oil become scarce.
• Nuclear power plants need less fuel than ones which burn
fossil fuels. One ton of uranium produces more energy than is
produced by several million tons of coal or several million barrels
of oil.
• Coal and oil burning plants pollute the air. Well-operated
nuclear power plants do not release contaminants into the environment.
Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy
The nations of the world now have more than enough nuclear
bombs to kill every person on Earth. The two most powerful nations -- Russia and the United States -- have about 50,000 nuclear
weapons between them. What if there were to be a nuclear war?
What if terrorists got their hands on nuclear weapons? Or what if
nuclear weapons were launched by accident?
• Nuclear explosions produce radiation. The nuclear radiation harms the cells of the body which can make people sick or
even kill them. Illness can strike people years after their exposure
to nuclear radiation.
• One possible type of reactor disaster is known as a meltdown. In such an accident, the ission reaction goes out of control,
leading to a nuclear explosion and the emission of great amounts
of radiation.
• In 1979, the cooling system failed at the Three Mile Island
nuclear reactor near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Radiation leaked,
forcing tens of thousands of people to lee. The problem was
solved minutes before a total meltdown would have occurred.
Fortunately, there were no deaths.
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• In 1986, a much worse disaster struck Russia's Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In this incident, a large amount
of radiation escaped from the reactor. Hundreds of thousands
of people were exposed to the radiation. Several dozens died
within a few days. In the years to come, thousands more may die of
cancers induced by the radiation.
• Nuclear reactors also have waste disposal problems. Reactors
produce nuclear waste products which emit dangerous radiation. Because they could kill people who touch them, they cannot be thrown
away like ordinary garbage. Currently, many nuclear wastes are stored
in special cooling pools at the nuclear reactors.
• The United States plans to move its nuclear waste to a remote
underground dump by the year 2010.
• In 1957, at a dump site in Russia's Ural Mountains, several
hundred miles from Moscow, buried nuclear wastes mysteriously exploded, killing dozens of people.
• Nuclear reactors only last for about forty to ifty years.
The Future of Nuclear Energy
Some people think that nuclear energy is here to stay and we must
learn to live with it. Others say that we should get rid of all nuclear
weapons and power plants. Both sides have their cases as there are advantages and disadvantages to nuclear energy. Still others have opinions that fall somewhere in between.
Task 3. 
Consecutive interpreting skills
Answer the questions:
What do you know about nuclear power? What kind of power is it?
What is the IAEA?
Is nuclear power safe for the ecology?
What are the advantages of using nuclear power? the disadvantages?
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Translate the following words and word combinations:
nuclear ission; to harness sth; a high-proile boost; to stand on
the brink; to inaugurate; low carbon energy policy; vulnerable;
geopolitically uncertain regions; radioactive waste; public
 Interpret the recorded abstract (task number one on the
Task 4.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the text
Загрязнение окружающей среды — одна из важнейших
проблем современной экологии. От загрязнений сильно страдают водные ресурсы планеты. Моря и океаны загрязняются
такими вредными для их жизнедеятельности веществами как
нефть, тяжелые металлы, пестициды. Загрязнение происходит в результате сброса в реки, а затем и в океан сточных вод
различных предприятий. Сколько лесов и полей, обработанных вредными удобрениями и потерь нефти, при ее перевозке в танкерах? Газообразные токсические вещества, такие как
оксид углерода, оксид серы, попадают в морские воды через
атмосферу. Вместе с дождем в моря и океаны попадает 50 000
тонн свинца. Вблизи береговой линии и в районе крупных
городов в морской воде нередко обнаруживается неблагоприятная микрофлора. Степень загрязнения морской воды все
больше и больше увеличивается. Нередко способность морей
и океанов к самоочищению оказывается уже недостаточной.
В основном области загрязнений формируются в прибрежных
водах крупных промышленных центров и узких рек, а также
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в районах интенсивного судоходства и добычи нефти. Очень
быстро загрязнения распространяются течениями и оказывают вредное воздействие на зоны, наиболее богатые животными и растительностью, наносят серьезный ущерб состоянию
морских экосистем.
К числу наиболее вредных химических веществ относят
нефть и нефтепродукты. В связи с ростом добычи, транспортировки, переработки и потребления нефти расширяются
масштабы загрязнения природы.
Растворимые компоненты нефти являются очень ядовитыми. Присутствие их в морской воде приводит к гибели их
Мировая продукция удобрений и пестицидов достигает больших масштабов. Относительная химическая устойчивость многих из этих соединений, а также характер распространения, способствовали их поступлению в моря
и океаны. Постоянное накопление в воде хлорорганических
веществ представляет серьезную угрозу для жизни людей.
UNIT 2. Modern Industry
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the underlined
In Russia, the irst set of oil wells was drilled in Kuban in
1864. In 1866, one of the wells produced a petroleum fountain
with a volume of more than 1,300 barrels per day. Then, the extraction of petroleum was conducted by the main monopolies that
were dependent on foreign capital. At the beginning of the 20th
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century, Russia occupied the irst place in the production of petroleum.
The main areas of oil extraction in the irst years of the Soviet
regime in Russia were Baku and Northern Caucasus.
The Russian oil and gas industry has undergone dramatic
changes since the collapse of the Soviet empire. The state monopoly gave way only to a small number of powerful oil companies.
Today Lukoil is the largest Russian oil business group and one of
the world’s leading oil and gas companies.
In recent years Russian oil production has surged. Yet, while
Russia possesses enormous onshore oil ields, many of these ields
have been producing for some time and are becoming depleted.
There are, of course, many potential new discoveries to exploit.
Deposits in the Arctic and in the Caspian Sea are noteworthy, and
reserves in the northwestern Russian Arctic are estimated to hold
well over four billion bbl of oil.
The bulk of Russian gas production comes from three supergiant ields that are now in decline at a rate of 20 bcm/year. Gazprom, Russia’s state-run natural gas monopoly, holds more than
one-fourth of the world’s natural gas reserves, produces nearly
90% of Russia’s natural gas, and operates the country’s natural gas
pipeline network.
The potential growth of both oil and natural gas production in
Russia is limited by the lack of modern western technologies for
exploration, development, and production as well as government
In his 1999 study of the offshore oil and gas industry, ecologist Stanislav Patin gives details of hydrocarbon reserves in
around 90% of offshore areas within Russian jurisdiction, covering some ive to six million square kilometres in total. Recover- 13 -
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able reserves were in the early 1990s estimated to be up to 100
billion tonnes of oil equivalent (btoe), with 80% in the form of
natural gas.
In the western Arctic there are two massive hydrocarbonbearing basins on the shelves of the Barents and Kara Seas in
western Siberia, holding 50 to 60 btoe. In the Far East and eastern Siberia there are 1.5 million square kilometres of interest,
concentrated mostly in the Sea of Okhotsk near Sakhalin, and
the Bering and East-Siberian Seas.
Owing to disputes with Japan and a number of oil spills, Sakhalin is the most widely reported Russian offshore development.
The Sakhalin shelf is estimated to contain around 6.5 btoe, or
nearly twice the remaining reserves in the North Sea.
Smaller-scale developments exist in the Caspian and Baltic
Seas and in the Sea of Asov. The shallow shelf of the Caspian Sea
is the most productive of these, and has recoverable reserves estimated at two to three btoe, with oil itself accounting for 70%.
Dominating the scene is Russia’s state-controlled gas producer
and distributor Gazprom, with a 16% share of the world’s gas reserves, 20% of global production and more than 90% of the domestic market. Gazprom exports to 32 countries and the company is
valued at around €220 bn.
Together with a number of other irms, Gazprom is currently
building a 1,200 km gas pipeline running through the Baltic Sea
from Vyborg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany.
Due to come onstream in 2010, the Nord Stream pipeline will
eventually be fed largely from the Shtokman ield, which lies around
550 km north of Murmansk. French irm Total was recently chosen
by Gazprom as partner for the initial phase of the development.
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Despite its name Gazprom is also involved in the oil business,
and the company’s acquisition of Sibneft in 2005 makes it the ifthlargest player in the Russian oil market in terms of production.
“The Sakhalin shelf is estimated to contain around 6.5 btoe, or
nearly twice the remaining reserves in the North Sea.”
Russia’s two leading oil companies are Rosneft and Lukoil,
each with activities ranging from exploration and production of oil
and gas to retail sales and the manufacture of petrochemical products. Rosneft is valued at €61bn and Lukoil €54bn.
Lukoil controls about 1.3% of global oil reserves and 2.1% of
production, and its share of the Russian domestic market is 18% of
oil production and 18.3% of reining capacity. State-owned Rosneft
is involved in a number of offshore projects, and acquired the bulk
of Yukos’ assets following political and inancial scandals that led to
that company’s liquidation in September 2006.
Sakhalin Energy, a consortium led by Royal Dutch Shell, is responsible for hydrocarbon resources around Sakhalin Island in the
northern Paciic Ocean. The Sakhalin II project is the most international in scope of all Russian offshore developments, with licences
held by ExxonMobil and Shell amongst others.
Task 2.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the text
Проблема энергообеспечения является одной из основных
как для каждой страны в отдельности, так и для всего мира в
целом. Непосредственное отношение к ней имеют страныэкспортеры нефти, среди которых можно выделить группу,
оказавшую огромное влияние на развитие как нефтяной промышленности, так и всего энергетического комплекса мира.
Это страны ОПЕК (организация стран-экспортеров нефти),
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возникшей в 1960 г., в состав которой входят: Венесуэла, Алжир, Иран, Ирак, ОАЭ, Ливия, Кувейт, Саудовская Аравия,
Мексика, Габон, Нигерия, Индонезия. Впервые эти страны
заявили о себе в 1971 — 1973 гг., в период нефтяного кризиса,
когда ситуация на мировом рынке нефти кардинально изменилась в их пользу. Начало 70-х годов можно охарактеризовать как «поворотный пункт» в истории борьбы стран-членов
ОПЕК за свою экономическую независимость против господства международного нефтяного картеля.
В последующие годы странам-членам ОПЕК удалось достичь цели, поставленной ими при создании данной организации, т. е. им удалось: прекратить практику одностороннего снижения цен на нефть нефтяными компаниями; возвратить активы от иностранных компаний в свою собственность.
Страны, входящие в ОПЕК, принадлежат к разным группировкам.
К радикальной группировке относятся Ирак, Иран, Ливия и Алжир.
Они традиционно выступают за установление цен на возможно более высоком уровне. Остальные страны можно отнести к умеренной
группе, которая соответственно выступает за умеренную политику.
Периоды, в течение которых участникам этой организации удавалось проводить единую рыночную политику, чередовались с резким ослаблением дисциплины в рамках ОПЕК, когда многие страныучастники наращивали уровень добычи и экспорта для удовлетворения текущих финансовых нужд, нарушая согласованную политику
квот и цен и не считаясь с опасностью дестабилизации рынка. Отражением такого положения являлось то ослабевающее, то усиливающееся воздействие ОПЕК на рынок и связанные с этим колебания
цен в широких пределах. Таким образом, проблемой этой организации является несогласованность действий. Ключевым фактором,
определяющим ситуацию не только в ОПЕК, но и на мировом рынке
нефти в целом, остается политика Саудовской Аравии — крупнейшего в мире продуцента и экспортера жидкого топлива.
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Task 3. Consecutive interpreting skills
Translate the following words and word combinations:
to brush aside arguments; preservationists; CEO; to hail the project;
akin; to stir weeks of debate; to come under attack; potential challenges;
to challenge the project in court; the prosecutor general; to violate budget
rules; city zoning ordinance; lawmakers; to rank among sth; an ally; to inject revenues into.
 Interpret the recorded abstract (task number two on the disc).
UNIT 3. Mass Media
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the underlined
Mass Media
By Jennifer Akin
“Mass media” is a simple term encompassing a countless
array of institutions and individuals who differ in purpose, scope,
method, and cultural context. Mass media include all forms of information communicated to large groups of people. There is no
standard for how large the audience needs to be before communication becomes “mass” communication. There are also no constraints on the type of information being presented. A car advertisement and a U.N. resolution are both examples of mass media.
Because “media” is such a broad term, it will be helpful to
focus on a limited deinition. In general usage, the term has been
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taken to refer to only “the group of corporate entities, publishers,
journalists, and others who constitute the communications industry and profession.” This deinition includes both the entertainment and news industries. Another common term, especially in
talking about conlict, is “news media.” News media include only
the news industry. It is often used interchangeably with “the press”
or the group of people who write and report the news.
The distinction between news and entertainment can at
times be fuzzy, but news is technically facts and interpretation
of facts, including editorial opinions, expressed by journalism
professionals. Which facts are included, how they are reported, how much interpretation is given, and how much space or
time is devoted to a news event is determined by journalists
and management and will depend on a variety of factors ranging from the editorial judgement of the reporters and editors,
to other news events competing for the same time or space, to
corporate policies that reflect management’s biases.
Mass communicated media saturate the industrialized
world. The television in the living room, the newspaper on
the doorstep, the radio in the car, the computer at work, and
the fliers in the mailbox are just a few of the media channels
daily delivering advertisements, news, opinion, music, and
other forms of mass communication.
Because the media are so prevalent in industrialized
countries, they have a powerful impact on how those populations view the world. Nearly all of the news in the United
States comes from a major network or newspaper. It is only
the most local and personal events that are experienced firsthand. Events in the larger community, the state, the country,
and the rest of the world are experienced through the eyes of
a journalist.
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Not only do the media report the news, they create the
news by deciding what to report. The “top story” of the day
has to be picked from the millions of things that happened
that particular day. After something is deemed newsworthy,
there are decisions on how much time or space to give it,
whom to interview, what pictures to use, and how to frame
it. Often considered by editors, but seldom discussed, is how
the biases and interests of management will impact these determinations. All of these decisions add up to the audience’s
view of the world, and those who influence the decisions influence the audience.
The media, therefore, have enormous importance to conflict resolution because they are the primary—and frequently
only— source of information regarding conflicts. If a situation doesn’t make the news, it simply does not exist for most
people. When peaceful options such as negotiation and other
problems are not covered, or their successes are not reported,
they become invisible and are not likely to be considered or
even understood as possible options in the management of a
The news media thrive on conlict. The lead story for most
news programs is typically the most recent and extreme crime or
disaster. Conlict attracts viewers, listeners, and readers to the media; the greater the conlict the greater the audience. It is often in
the media’s interest to not only report conlict, but to play it up,
making it seem more intense than it really is. Long-term, on-going
conlict-resolution processes such as mediation are not dramatic
and are often dificult to understand and report, especially since
the proceedings are almost always closed to the media. Thus conlict resolution stories are easily pushed aside in favor of the most
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recent, the most colourful, and the most shocking aspects of a
conlict. Groups that understand this dynamic can cater to it in order to gain media attention. Common criteria for terrorist attacks
include timing them to coincide with signiicant dates, targeting
elites, choosing sites with easy media access, and aiming for large
numbers of casualties. Protesters will hoist their placards and start
chanting when the television cameras come into view. It is not
unusual for camera crews or reporters to encourage demonstrators
into these actions so they can return to their studios with exciting
footage. The resulting media coverage can bestow status, so television coverage naturally becomes one of the planned strategies
and top priorities. The “30-second sound bite” has become a familiar phrase in television and radio news and alert public igures
strategize to use it to their advantage.
In most parts of the industrialized world, the news has to
“sell,” because the handful of giant media conglomerates that
control most of the press (media outlets) place a high priority on
proitable operations. Media companies face tight budgets and
ierce competition. Reporters with pressing deadlines may not
have time to ind and verify new sources. Instead they tend to
rely on government reports, press releases, and a stable of sources,
which are usually drawn from “reliable” companies and organizations. Most overseas bureaus have been replaced by “parachute
journalism,” where a small news crew spends a few days or less
in the latest hotspot. These same media outlets are also dependent
upon advertisement revenue, and that dependence can compromise their impartiality. Many newspapers and television stations
think twice before reporting a story that might be damaging to
their advertisers, and will choose to avoid the story, if possible.
According to a survey taken in 2000, “...about one in ive (20
percent) of local and (17 percent) (of) national reporters say they
have faced criticism or pressure from their bosses after producing
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or writing a piece that was seen as damaging to their company’s
inancial interests.”
The news that is reported in the West comes from an increasingly concentrated group of corporate- and individually-owned
conglomerates. Currently, the majority of all media outlets in the
United States and a large share of those internationally are owned
by a handful of corporations: Vivendi/Universal, AOL/Time
Warner (CNN), The Walt Disney Co. (ABC), News Corporation
(FOX), Viacom (CBS), General Electric (NBC), and Bertelsmann.
These companies’ holdings include international news outlets,
magazines, television, books, music, and movies. Many of these
companies are the result of recent mergers and acquisitions.
In addition to the control exercised by owners, there are also
government controls and self-censorship. The United States, governed by a constitution where the First Amendment guarantees
freedom of the press, has one of the most free presses in the world,
and is one of the few countries where the right to free speech is
expressly written into the constitution. Yet even the U.S. government exerts control over the media, particularly during times of
war or crisis. In many other countries around the world, especially
emerging nations and dictatorships, governments impose tight restrictions on journalists, including penalties ranging from ines to
imprisonment and execution.
Without the media, most people would know little of events
beyond their immediate neighborhood. The further one goes outside of one’s circle of friends and family, the more time-consuming and expensive it becomes to get information. Very few, if any,
individuals have the resources to stay independently informed of
world events. With the news, however, all one has to do is turn on
a television or turn to the Internet. Even when it is biased or limited, it is a picture of what is happening around the world.
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The more sources one compares, the more accurate the picture that can be put together. In addition to the media conglomerates, there are also a range of independent news outlets, though
they have a much smaller audience. Some of these provide an alternative view of events and often strive to publish stories that
cannot be found in the mainstream media. Technological advances
in many industrialized (primarily Western) countries make it possible to read papers and watch broadcasts from around the globe.
While language skills can be a barrier, it is possible to live in the
United States and watch Arab-language broadcasts from the Middle East, or to get on the Internet and read scores of Chinese newspapers. Having access to these alternative voices limits the power
of monopolies over information.
Another important beneit of a functioning mass news media is that information can be relayed quickly in times of crisis.
Tornado and hurricane announcement can give large populations
advance warning and allow them to take precautions and move
out of harm’s way. In a country suffering war, a radio broadcast
outlining where the latest ighting is can alert people to areas to
avoid. In quieter times, the media can publish other useful announcements, from trafic reports to how to avoid getting HIV. It
is a stabilizing and civilizing force.
Along the same lines, the news media allow elected and other
oficials to communicate with their constituents. Frequently, the
delegates at a negotiation will ind they understand each other
much better over the course of their discussions, but that understanding will not reach the larger populations they represent without communications effort.
Theories of Journalism
Any discussion of media and conlict eventually leads to the
purpose and responsibilities of journalists. A Western audience ex- 22 -
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pects objectivity of its news reporters. While most citizens take
this for granted, objective reporting has not been the historical
norm. The concept of objectivity itself has often been the focus
of debate.
In response to the drawbacks of ‘objective’ journalism, some
journalists have begun advocating for alternative models, such as
“peace journalism” and “public journalism.” Peace journalism advocates the belief that journalists should use the power of the media to help resolve conlict rather than report it from a distance.
Public journalism seeks to explore issues affecting a community and stay with those issues long enough to give the community
enough information to understand the conlict and get involved.
This, however, often requires a long-term commitment by the journalist and news media to follow a story over the course of the conlict. If the story is of continuing high importance to the readers —
such as a war that involves local troops, such coverage is common.
If the story is not deemed continuously “newsworthy,” however, it
takes a committed journalist to continue to write about it.
Task 2. Consecutive interpreting skills
Discuss the following:
Describe the types of media you know. Speak about each
type’s audience.
Speak on the connection between the commercial media and
Translate the following words and word combinations:
incompatible; participatory media; favourable coverage;
threatening reprisals; pervasive; fostering insecurity; free market;
state control; censorship; vital; bias; coverup; misleading
perspectives; give eye-opening accounts.
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Interpret the recorded abstract (task number three on
the disc).
Task 3.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the text
В настоящее время в России зарегистрировано более
45 тысяч периодических печатных изданий, в том числе:
25 800 газет, 16 600 журналов. При сегодняшних темпах роста
к 2008 году общее количество зарегистрированных печатных СМИ в стране составит приблизительно 4 748 тысяч.
Для сравнения: к примеру, в США в настоящее время издаются около 1500 газет, включая местные региональные издания, при этом газетный рынок считается насыщенным. У нас
же ежедневно в среднем открывается 10-15 новых изданий.
При этом, если общий тираж периодики медленно увеличивается, то по отдельным изданиям наблюдается обратная тенденция. Издания поддерживаются «на плаву» искусственно.
В результате сложилась ситуация, когда лишь 10-15% издательских проектов являются экономически состоятельными,
большинство же дотируется из бюджетов различного уровня
или за счет частного капитала. При этом надо признать, что
рекламные доходы между издателями распределены крайне
неравномерно, а прибыль от продаж не может покрыть издержек на производство и распространение.
В развитых странах оборот рынка прессы исчисляется многомиллиардными цифрами. В этом смысле в России,
хотя в сумме доходы издателей от продаж и от рекламы сопоставимы с оборотами всего рынка периодики, говорить
о рынке СМИ как о бизнесе пока преждевременно, так его
объем занимает очень незначительную часть в ВВП страны.
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Поэтому надо исходить не из экономических показателей
нашего бизнеса, а его социальной роли и гражданской ответственности перед обществом.
Совершенно очевидно, что рынок современной российской прессы сталкивается с целым рядом проблем. В настоящее время в России существует недостаточное количество
розничных точек по продаже прессы. Даже в Москве отставание от европейских норм является весьма ощутимым. Если
в Польше, лидирующей по этому показателю, одна розничная
точка приходится на 500 жителей, в Германии – на 650-700,
в среднем по Европе – это одна точка на 1000 жителей, то
в Москве – одна точка уже почти на 3000 человек, а в среднем
по России этот показатель еще ниже.
Однако необходимо отметить большую положительную
роль правительства Москвы и федеральных органов, регулирующих отношения в сфере СМИ, которые на начальном
этапе зарождения рынка прессы в России сумели обеспечить
возможность построения цивилизованного рынка на принципах свободной конкуренции.
UNIT 4. Political System of the UK
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the underlined
The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been the
oficial title of the British state ever since 1922.
The UK is а constitutional monarchy. This means that the oficial head of state is the monarch, but his or her powers are limited
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by the constitution. The British constitution is not written in any
single document. Only some of these rules are written down in the
form of ordinary laws passed by Parliament at various times.
Parliament is the supreme law-making body in the country. It
consists of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. British parliamentary system is one of the oldest in the world, it developed slowly during the 13th century after King John’s signature of
Magna Charta in 1215.
The Commons has 650 elected and paid Members of Parliament. The Lords is made up of hereditary and life peers, two archbishops and 24 bishops of the Church of England.
The House of Lords is also the inal court of appeal for civil
cases in the United Kingdom and for criminal cases in England,
Wales and Northern Ireland. Only the Lords of Appeal (Law
Lords) - of whom there are 12 employed full-time - take part in
judicial proceedings.
The major part of Parliament’s work is revising the Government’s work. From Monday to Thursday all ministers must answer
MPґs questions for one hour, the Prime Minister must answer their
questions two days a week.
Another important parliamentary task is law-making. A bill
(a proposal of a new law) must pass through the Houses and then
is sent to the Queen for Royal Assent.
General elections to choose MPґs are held every ive years.
Voting is not compulsory and is from the age of 18. In 1997 won
the Labour Party headed by Tony Blair.
The Government is formed by the party which has the majority in the Parliament and the Queen appoints its leader as the Prime
Minister. The Prime Minister appoints a team of main ministers as
the Cabinet (about 20 people).
The second largest party form the oficial opposition with its
own leader and “shadow cabinet”. At present it is the Conserva- 26 -
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tive Party headed by John Major. The third party represented in
the Parliament are the Liberals.
British national lag is called “Union Jack”. It symbolises
the Union of England, Scotland and Ireland and dates back from
1801. The lag is made up of the crosses of the patron saints of
England (St George’s red cross on a white ield), Ireland (St Patrick’s red diagonals on a white ield) and Scotland (St Andrew’s
white diagonals on a blue ield). Wales is not represented because
when the lag irst appeared it was already united with England.
The design and colours have been the basis for a number of other
lags including other Commonwealth countries and their constituent states or provinces, as well as British overseas territories.
National anthem is “God Save The Queen”. Each part of the
UK has its own symbol:
• England - red rose
• Ireland - shamrock
• Wales - leek, daffodil
• Scotland - thistle
Task 2. Consecutive interpreting skills
Answer the questions:
What is the form of government in the UK?
Who is the head of state?
What are the monarch’s powers nowadays?
Who represents the executive branch of power in the UK? the
legislative branch the judicial branch?
Who is the current Prime Minister of the UK?
What is the Cabinet? Who are its members?
Translate and explane the following words and word
combinations: the principle of Parliamentary sovereignty; to dis- 27 -
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solve Parliament; the ‘unwritten constitution’; to give a bill Royal
Assent; to exercise powers; patronage to appoint ministers; role
restricted by convention; to declare war; the Crown in Parliament;
to downplay; discretion; free from the eddies of the party policies;
to swear an oath of allegiance to smb; to make up the Government; the government is drawn from and answerable to Parliament; a successful vote of no conidence; whips; to detain suspects; the Shop Hours Bill; Governments with a small majority;
coalition government; to resort to extreme measures; “to wheel
in” sick MPs; to be swept into power; dissent within the party;
factions within the party; backbench MPs; Secretary of State;
civil service; senior civil servants; Permanent Secretary; Whitehall; Parliamentary constituency; the Boundary commission; the
Marquess of Salisbury; the First Past the Post electoral system;
to be conducive to doing sth; a commission from the monarch; to
indicate conidence in the new government; the Speech from the
Throne; a hereditary chamber; Lords Spiritual; descendants; to
review legislation formed by the House of Commons; to propose
amendments; to delay legislation; to overturn the use of veto; the
inal court of appeal; a small subset of the House of Lords; Law
Lords; to hear judicial cases; the Lord Chancellor; magistrate; on
behalf of the Sovereign; to fall into all the three arms of state.
Interpret the recorded abstract (task number four on
the disc).
Task 3.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the text
Больше ста лет назад королева Виктория провозгласила,
что монархия не переживет ее больше, чем на 20 лет. Сейчас
этот прогноз кажется слишком пессимистичным. Похороны
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королевы-матери в апреле 2002 года показали, что монархия еще очень популярна среди простых британцев. Как бы
то ни было, смерть королевы-матери послужила своего рода
водоразделом в истории современной британской монархии.
Хотя сторонники республиканского строя находятся
в Британии в явном меньшинстве, даже многие консервативные монархисты считают, что давно настало время перемен.
Что же необходимо изменить в королевской власти Британии? Каждый по-своему видит ответ на этот вопрос. Некоторые говорят, что пора отделить англиканскую церковь,
главой которой является королева, от государства. Предлагается и отменить закон о престолонаследии 1701 года, согласно которому наследник престола не может жениться на католичке, а наследница престола, соответственно, быть замужем
за католиком. Есть люди, которые возмущаются тем, что королева не платит налогов. Они требуют, чтобы Елизавета II,
как обычный гражданин страны, заплатила налог на наследство, причитающееся ей после смерти матери. В повестке
дня, вероятно, стоит и сокращение публичной роли членов
королевской семьи — многим надоели постоянные скандалы, которые сопровождают некоторых членов августейшей
фамилии. Поговаривают, что в какой-то момент Елизавету
II, которая стала королевой в 1952 году после смерти отца
Георга VI, могут убедить отречься от престола, чтобы правление сына было не слишком коротким. Республиканское
меньшинство британцев убеждено, что этого недостаточно, поэтому требуют полной отмены монархии. Возможно,
однако, что разговоры о кардинальных реформах, которые
ведутся уже давно, ни к чему не приведут, и все перемены
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сведутся к тому, что наследник престола, принц Уэльский
Чарльз, наконец, женится на своей давней любовнице Камилле Паркер-Боулз.
50 лет Елизавете II удавалось сохранять любовь и уважение подданных, какая бы партия ни находилась у власти,
и какой бы премьер ни правил — консерватор-империалист
Уинстон Черчилль или умеренный лейборист Гарольд Уилсон. Британская монархия, по мнению многих, выжила потому, что подстраивалась под привычки и настроения времени. Скорее всего, семья Виндзоров и в будущем сохранит
за собой место на британском троне, которое ее представители занимают с 1714 года.
UNIT 5. Political System of the US
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the underlined
The Political System of The United States
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights
The United States of America irst operated under an agreement called the Articles of Confederation (1781). This loose
agreement was not working well. The central, federal government was too weak. In 1787 delegates from the states met in
Philadelphia to revise the Articles, but they did more than that.
They wrote the Constitution , which was inally adopted by the
thirteen states by 1790. The Constitution is still in force. It sets the
basic form of government: three separate branches, each one having
powers (’checks and balances’) over the other. The three parts:
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-the executive branch (the President)
- the legislative branch (the Congress)
- the judicial branch (the Supreme Court)
The irst ten Constitutional Amendments (the Bill of Rights )
are about the fundamental rights of any American: the freedom of
religion, speech, and the press, the right of peaceful assembly, and
the right to petition the government to correct wrongs, etc.
The irst ten amendments were made almost at once in 1791.
They are an extension of the original Constitution.
The First Article of the Constitution provides for the establishment of the Congress, and deines its powers. The second does the
same with the President, and there is also a provision for a system of
federal courts. The Fifth Article lays down the procedure for amendment, allowing either the states or Congress to take the initiative.
The President is elected every four years to a four-year term,
no more than two full terms allowed. He is elected directly by voters and not by the party with the most Representatives and Senators.
This means that the President can be from one party, and the majority of those in the House of Representatives or Senate ( or both) from
Within the Executive branch there are 13 departments---the
head of each department is the Secretary--- and the Attorney General
(concerned with legal questions). There are the departments of State,
Treasury, Defense, Justice, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor,
Health and Human Resources, Housing and Urban Development,
Transportation, Energy, and Education. The Executive Ofice of
the Presidency is set up to help carrying out in presidential decisions,
and it includes the White House . The Vice-President takes the power if
the President dies. The Congress is based on a bicameral legislature. It is
made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate has
100 Senators, two from each state. One third of the Senators are elected every two years for six-year terms of ofice. The Senators represent all of the
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people in a state. The House of Representatives (representing the people)
has 435 members. They are elected every two years for two-year terms.
The number of Representatives from each state is based on its population.
There is no limit to the number of terms a Senator or a Representative may
The third branch is the judicial branch or in other words The Federal Judiciary . The main instrument of the judicial branch is the Supreme
Court. It determines whether or not the laws and acts of the other
two branches are in accordance with the Constitution. The Supreme Court consists of a chief justice and eight associate justices.
They are nominated by the President but must be approved
by the Senate. Once approved, they hold ofice as Supreme
Court Justices for life. The Supreme Court has the power of
’judicial review’: it can declare laws and actions of the federal,
state, and local governments unconstitutional.
Task 2. Consecutive interpreting skills
Answer the questions:
What is the form of government in the US?
Who is the head of state?
What are the president’s powers?
Who represents the executive branch of power in the US?
the legislative branch? the judicial branch?
Translate and explane the following words and word
combinations: presidential republic; two-party legislative
and electoral system; federal government; state government;
the Supreme Court; the executive branch; Congress; the Senate; the House of Representatives; judicial power; the power is
exercised by; federal courts; the US Constitution; the federal
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laws; the American Civil War; separation of powers; the wide
scope of power; the federal entity; governing bodies; municipality; to grant sth (power); inherent powers; a provision of
the Constitution; to be popularly elected; bicameral legislature;
sanitary codes; health regulations; housing; boroughs; county
(in the US) .
Interpret the recorded abstract (task number ive on
the disc).
UNIT 6. The Electoral Systems of
the UK and the US
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text
What is First-Past-the-Post?
First-Past-the-Post (FPTP), the system currently used to elect
members of the House of Commons, is renowned for its simplicity.
FPTP voting takes place in single-member constituencies. To
vote under FPTP, the voter simply puts a cross in a box next to one
candidate. The candidate with the most votes in the constituency
wins. All other votes count for nothing.
Also known as:
• Simple majority voting.
• Plurality voting.
• Furthest past the post.
• Winner-takes-all.
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FPTP is the second most widely used voting system in the
world, after party lists. In crude terms, it is used in places that are,
or once were, British colonies. Like America. The use of FPTP
used to be even more widespread, but many countries that used
to use it have since switched to something else. Of the many
countries that use FPTP, the most commonly cited are the UK,
the US, India and Canada.
Some arguments used in support of FPTP
• It's simple to understand and thus doesn't cost much
to administer.
• It doesn't take very long to count all the votes and
work out who's won, meaning results can be declared a handful of hours after polls close.
• The voter can clearly express a view on which party
they think should form the next government.
• It tends to produce a two-party system, which in turn
tends to produce single-party governments, which don't have
to rely on support from other parties to pass legislation.
• There is a close geographical link between voters and
their member of parliament.
• People are often fearful of change and slow to adapt,
thus as we've got it now, so we may as well keep it.
Some arguments used against FPTP
• It encourages tactical voting, as voters vote not for
the candidate they most prefer, but against the candidate
they most dislike.
• FPTP in effect wastes huge numbers of votes, as votes
cast in a constituency for losing candidates count for nothing. In 2005, 70 per cent of votes were wasted in this way
– that's over 19 million ballots.
• FPTP severely restricts voter choice. Parties are coalitions of many different viewpoints. If the preferred-party
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candidate in your constituency has views with which you don't
agree, you don't have a means of saying so at the ballot box.
• Rather than allocating seats in line with actual support,
FPTP rewards parties with 'lumpy' support, i.e. with just enough
votes to win in each particular area. Thus, losing 4,000 votes in
one area can be a good idea if it means you pick up 400 votes in
another. With smaller parties, this works in favour of those with
centralised support. For example, at the 2005 general election, the
DUP won nine seats on 0.9 per cent of the vote, yet the Greens
won no seats, despite polling almost 16,000 more votes than the
• FPTP rewards organised minorities, deals ineffectively
with the most disliked parties, ignores (and thus fails to deal
with) views that don't look like challenging at the polls and can
make certain areas feel neglected by the big political parties.
Until 2009 Euro Elections it was the only electoral system in
the UK to have elected representatives from extremist parties.
A party can be despised by 49 per cent of an electorate and still
• Encouraging two-party politics can be an advantage, but
in a multi-party culture, third parties with signiicant support can
be greatly disadvantaged. In the 1983 general election, the Liberal SDP alliance won 25 of the vote, but gained only 3 per cent
of the seats.
• Because FPTP restricts a constituency's choice of candidates, representation of minorities and women suffers from
'most broadly acceptable candidate syndrome', where the 'safest'
looking candidate is the most likely to be offered a chance to
stand for election.
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Other things to consider
FPTP forces parties to become coalitions in themselves,
rather than forming coalitions with other parties later. This is
seen as a positive because it lets the voters know about the coalition before the vote. However, this can be seen as a negative,
as it obscures what voters are actually voting for, as candidates
from the same party can stand for radically different things, thus
a voter has no way of expressing which side of the party they
Task 2. 
Background reading
Read the text
What Is Proportional Representation?
Proportional representation (PR) voting systems are used by
most of the world’s major democracies. Under PR, representatives are elected from multi-seat districts in proportion to the
number of votes received. PR assures that political parties or candidates will have the percent of legislative seats that relects their
public support. A party or candidate need not come in irst to win
In contrast, in the United States there are “winner-take-all”
single seat districts, where votes going to a losing candidate are
wasted, even if that candidate garners 49.9% of the vote. This
leaves signiicant blocs of voters unrepresented. Voters sense this,
and so often people do not vote for a candidate they like, but rather
the one who realistically stands the best chance of winning.
What Are The Advantages of PR?
Greater voter turn-out (typically 70-90%) because there are
more choices for voters—third, fourth, ifth parties and more from
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diverse perspectives including more women and minorities
This leads to:
• more diverse representation
• cleaner campaigns run on the issues, not mud-slinging
• reduced effects of big money
“Winner-take-all” is still used in France, Great Britain, and a
few of Britain’s former colonies that inherited it: the United States,
Canada, and India.
In April 1994 South Africa became the latest nation to switch
to PR. In 1993 New Zealand, Japan, Russia and Mexico adopted
a form of PR.
Has PR Been Tried In The U.S.?
Various forms of PR are used today to elect the city
councils of various cities and counties in Alabama and Texas,
the community school boards in New York City, the Democratic presidential primaries, various corporate boards, and
the finalists for the Academy Awards.
So How Does PR Work?
There are many different types of PR, because it is a
flexible system that may be adapted to the situation of any city,
state or nation. Here are a few of the most common:
• List System — by far the most widely used form of
PR. The voter selects one party and its slate of candidates to
represent them. Party slates can be either “closed” or “open,”
allowing voters to indicate a preference for individual candidates. If a party receives 30% of the vote, they receive 30% of
the seats in the legislature, 10% of the vote receives 10% of the
seats, and so on. A minimum share of the votes can be required
to earn representation; typically a 5% threshold is used. This
type of PR is ideal for large legislatures on state and national
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• Mixed Member System (MM)—This PR hybrid elects
half the legislature from single-seat, “winner-take-all” districts
and the other half by the List System. Mixed-member smoothly combines geographic, ideological and proportional representation.
• Preference Voting (PV)—the voter simply ranks
candidates in an order of preference (1,2,3,4, etc…). Once a
voter’s first choice is elected or eliminated, excess votes are
“transferred” to subsequent preferences until all positions are
filled. Voters can vote for their favorite candidate(s), knowing that if that candidate doesn’t receive enough votes their
vote will “transfer” to their next preference. With preference
voting, every vote counts and very few votes are wasted.
Preference voting is ideal for non-partisan elections like city
councils. This method is also called “Single Transferrable
Vote” or “STV”.
What About The President?
There are several ways for electing officials such as
president, mayor, or governor than what we use today:
• Majority preference voting (MPV)—related to preference voting. Like preference voting, the voter simply ranks
candidates in an order of preference. The candidate with
the least number of first place votes is eliminated, and their
votes are “transferred” to their 2nd choice until a candidate
has a majority.
• Approval—Voters are allowed to vote for all candidates they approve. For example, Bush-Yes Perot-No Clinton-Yes. The candidate with the highest number of “yes”
votes wins.
• Condorcet’s Method — Like preference voting and
majority preference voting, the voter simply ranks candi- 38 -
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dates in an order of preference (ex. 1. Perot 2. Clinton 3.
Bush). Unlike majority preference voting though, several
two-way races are simulated using the ballots, determining
who would win a Perot/Clinton race, who would win a Perot/Bush race, and who would win a Bush/Clinton race. The
one who wins all of the pairwise elections wins.
Task 3. 
Background reading
Read the text about the elections in the UK and give
Russian equivalents to the underlined expressions
When Parliament is dissolved every seat in the House
of Commons becomes vacant and a general election is held.
Each constituency in the UK elects one MP (Member of
Parliament) to a seat in the House of Commons. The political party that wins a majority of seats in the House of Commons usually forms the Government.
How often are general elections held?
General elections are held at least every five years although not all Parliaments run for the whole five year period.
How does it work?
MPs are elected from a choice of candidates by a simple
majority system in which each person casts one vote. The
candidate with the most votes then becomes the MP for that
Candidates may be from a political party registered with
the Electoral Commission or they may stand as an ‘Independent’ rather than represent a registered party.
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Where do people vote?
Most voting takes place in polling stations but anyone
eligible to vote can apply for a postal vote. British citizens
living abroad are also entitled to a postal vote as long as they
have been living abroad for less than 15 years
A by-election takes place when a seat in the House of Commons
becomes vacant between general elections. If there are several vacant
seats then a number of by-elections can take place on the same day.
Reasons for by-elections
A seat becomes vacant during the lifetime of a Parliament either
when an MP resigns from Parliament, for example to take up a job
which by law cannot be done by an MP, or because an MP has died.
The law also allows a seat to be declared vacant because of a Member’s bankruptcy, mental illness or conviction for a serious criminal
offence. A by-election does not automatically take place if an MP
changes political party. Until a new MP is elected, constituency matters are usually handled by an MP of the same party in a neighbouring
‘Moving the Writ’
Traditionally the Chief Whip of the political party whose MP
held the vacant seat will begin the procedure for a by-election. This
is known as ‘moving the Writ’ and takes the form of a motion in the
House of Commons.
By-election timetable
A new Writ is usually moved within three months of the vacancy
occurring. There have been a few instances of seats remaining vacant
longer than six months before a by-election was called, and seats have
also been left vacant towards the end of a Parliament to be illed at the
general election instead.
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Parliamentary constituencies
The UK is currently divided into 646 parliamentary constituencies, each of which is represented by one MP in the House of Commons. Although constituencies vary widely in area, the average number of voters in each constituency is approximately 68,500.
Constituency breakdown
There are currently 529 constituencies in England, 59 in Scotland, 40 in Wales and 18 in Northern Ireland.
Boundary Commissions
Constituency boundaries are kept under review by four permanent Boundary Commissions, one each for England, Scotland, Wales
and Northern Ireland. The Commissions make reports at regular intervals recommending any necessary changes due to population change
or changes in local government boundaries.
On completion of the current (ifth) general review, the functions
of the Boundary Commissions will be transferred to the Electoral
Task 4.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the text
Сегодня в Великобритании проходят выборы в парламент.
Депутатом Палаты общин законодательного собрания, по существующему здесь законодательству, становится кандидат,
набравший простое большинство голосов в округе. При этом
параллельно проводится подсчет процентного соотношения
голосов, набранных в совокупности представителями каждой
партии, однако он служит для статистики и наглядного представления о расстановке сил.
Выборы проходят в 645 округах из 646 на всей территории Соединенного Королевства. В одном из округов — Южном Стаффордшире — проведение выборов было отложено
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в связи с кончиной одного из кандидатов — 53-летней Джо
Харрисон от Либерал-демократической партии. На избирательных участках в Лондоне явка пока не высока. Как ожидается, большинство избирателей на выборах в парламент
будет голосовать во второй половине дня. Между тем, уже
около 10-12% избирателей, а в некоторых округах и больше,
сделали свой выбор с помощью голосования по почте.
Оно организовано для тех, кто по тем или иным причинам не сможет лично явиться на избирательные участки.
На места в нижней палате британского парламента
претендуют представители около 20 партий, а также независимые кандидаты. Однако ключевая борьба развернется между членами Лейбористской, Консервативной
и Либерал-Демократической партий. Лейбористов традиционно поддерживают избиратели крупных городов
королевства, за партию “тори” голосуют в небольших
городах и сельских районах Англии, а либеральные демократы пользуются поддержкой в Корнуолле, Уэльсе и
Право голоса в Великобритании имеют все подданные старше 18 лет, кроме членов Палаты лордов, заключенных и лиц, уличенных в махинациях с проведением
выборов в последние пять лет. Что касается членов королевской семьи, то избирательное законодательство не
запрещает монарху и членам его семьи принимать участие в выборах. Однако по традиции, королева и члены
ее семьи воздерживаются от голосования.
На основной территории Соединенного Королевства
подсчет голосов начнется сразу же после закрытия избирательных участков в 22 часа по британскому летне- 42 -
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му времени. Результаты выборов станут известны утром
6 мая.
Task 5.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the text
Праймериз в Пенсильвании 22 апреля вновь не выявили
безоговорочного лидера в президентской гонке среди демократов, и все взоры теперь устремлены на Северную Каролину. Это
последний крупный штат, который будет представлен на съезде
Демократической партии более чем ста делегатами. По данным
опросов, победу там имеет все шансы одержать Барак Обама.
Пока демократы Хиллари Клинтон и Барак Обама подсчитывают очки, полученные или потерянные на праймериз в Пенсильвании во вторник, все помыслы сотрудников их штабов уже
вовсю устремлены на Северную Каролину, где праймериз пройдут 6 мая. Этот штат – последний оставшийся американский регион, который отправит на августовский национальный партсъезд
в Денвере больше 100 делегатов, за голоса которых борются оба
выдвиженца. Пока что все данные опросов, отмечают аналитики
исследовательского центра Survey USA, говорят о том, что этот
штат «во всем станет противоположностью» Пенсильвании, где
с 10-процентным преимуществом выиграла Клинтон. За три месяца, что компания регулярно проводила опросы в этом штате,
позиции Обамы среди демократических избирателей оставались неизменно высокими. По данным последнего исследования, проведенного 19–21 апреля, за две недели до праймериз,
сенатор от Иллинойса может рассчитывать на поддержку ровно половины избирателей, в то время как его соперница – 41%.
При этом Обама пользуется одинаково высокой популярностью и у мужчин, и у женщин: половина избирателей и изби- 43 -
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рательниц Северной Каролины готовы проголосовать именно
за него. Так что на этот раз вопрос половой принадлежности
кандидата роли играть, скорее всего, не будет. О расе такого сказать не получится: чернокожего сенатора собираются
поддержать 83% афроамериканцев и, что отличает Северную Каролину от в большой степени испаноязычных штатов
юга, за него же готовы отдать голоса и 81% граждан латиноамериканского происхождения. Обаме также не прочь помочь
и те избиратели, что не хотели бы ассоциировать себя ни
с демократами, ни с республиканцами. 59% «независимых» избирателей, решивших принять участие в демократических праймериз, собираются голосовать за него.
Клинтон, в свою очередь, может рассчитывать на WASP’ов – «белых американцев англо-саксонского происхождения, придерживающихся протестантизма», – и на незначительное большинство
пожилых активистов Демпартии. Ее, как ожидается, поддержат
порядка 56% белых и 51% жителей штата старше 65 лет.
UNIT 7. International Relationship.
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the underlined
The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons,
also referred to as the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT),
obligates the ive acknowledged nuclear-weapon states (the Unit- 44 -
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ed States, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, France, and China) not to transfer nuclear weapons, other nuclear explosive devices, or their technology to any non-nuclear-weapon state. Nonnuclear-weapon States Parties undertake not to acquire or produce
nuclear weapons or nuclear explosive devices. They are required
also to accept safeguards to detect diversions of nuclear materials
from peaceful activities, such as power generation, to the production of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. This
must be done in accordance with an individual safeguards agreement, concluded between each non-nuclear-weapon State Party
and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Under these
agreements, all nuclear materials in peaceful civil facilities under
the jurisdiction of the state must be declared to the IAEA, whose
inspectors have access to the facilities for periodic monitoring
and inspections. If information from routine inspections is not suficient to fulill its responsibilities, the IAEA may consult with
the state regarding special inspections within or outside declared
facilities. The Treaty was opened for signature on 01 July 1968,
and signed on that date by the United States, the United Kingdom,
the Soviet Union, and 59 other countries. The Treaty entered into
force on 05 March 1970. China acceeded to the NPT on 09 March
1992, and France acceded on 03 August 1992. In 1996, Belarus
joined Ukraine and Kazakhstan in removing and transferring to the
Russian Federation the last of the remaining former Soviet nuclear
weapons located within their territories, and each of these nations
has become a State Party to the NPT, as a non-nuclear-weapon
state. In June 1997 Brazil became a State Party to the NPT.
The NPT is the most widely accepted arms control agreement. As of early 2000 a total of 187 states were Parties to the
NPT. Cuba, Israel, India, and Pakistan were the only states that
were not members of the NPT.
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In accordance with the terms of the NPT, on May 11, 1995
more than 170 countries attended the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference (NPTREC) in New York. Three decisions and
one resolution emanated from NPTREC. First, the NPT was extended for an indeinite duration and without conditions. Second,
Principles and Objectives for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament were worked out to guide the parties to the treaty in
the next phase of its implementation. Third, an enhanced review
process was established for future review conferences. Finally, a
resolution endorsed the establishment of a zone free of weapons
of mass destruction in the Middle East.
There is no conirmed instance of State Party governmental
transfers of nuclear weapon technology or unsafeguarded nuclear
materials to any non-nuclear-weapon state. However, some nonnuclear-weapon states, such as Iraq, were able to obtain sensitive
technology and/or equipment from private parties in states that are
States Parties to the NPT. South Africa conducted an independent
nuclear weapons production program prior to joining the NPT.
However, it dismantled all of its nuclear weapons before signing
the Treaty. In 1994, the United States and North Korea signed an
“Agreed Framework” bringing North Korea into full compliance
with its non-proliferation obligations under the NPT. North Korea
afirmed its NPT member status and committed to allow implementation of its IAEA safeguards agreement.
Task 2.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the article
США и Чехия должны во вторник подписать соглашение
о размещении на чешской территории радиолокационной системы в рамках программы США по созданию своей системы
противоракетной обороны в Европе.
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Вашингтон утверждает, что система ПРО США в Европе, которая также предполагает размещение до 10 ракетперехватчиков в Польше, необходима для защиты от потенциальной угрозы ракетных атак со стороны Ирана, направленных против Европы и США.
Проект пока не получил одобрения в Польше и ждет непростого процесса парламентской ратификации в Чехии, где
против него выступает более чем две трети общественности.
Россия также не согласна с планами США, считая, что они
угрожают ее безопасности.
Ниже приводятся детали проекта (на основании данных
Агентства по противоракетной обороне США, Пентагона
и Центра оборонной информации).
*Генерал Генри Оберинг, глава Агентства Пентагона по
противоракетной обороне, говорил, что американская разведка предполагает, что к 2015 году Иран может последовать
примеру Северной Кореи и создать ракеты дальнего радиуса
действия, способные нанести удар по США.
*В 2004 году США ввели в эксплуатацию элементы противоракетного щита на Аляске и в Калифорнии, стремясь обезопасить себя от потенциального нападения со стороны Северной Кореи. Объекты в Чехии и Польше должны дополнить
эту систему.
Вашингтон старался развеять опасения Москвы по поводу того, что создание системы ПРО в Европе угрожает России, подчеркивая, что ракеты, входящие в эту систему, предназначены исключительно для обороны и не сопоставимы
с ядерным арсеналом РФ.
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Task 3. Consecutive interpreting skills
 Translate and explane the following words and
word combinations: jetliners; to highjack; the Twin
Towers; the Pentagon; subsequently; to compile a list; to
mastermind the operation; to produce evidence; the focal
points of the attack; the perpetrators; toxic smoke inhalation;
to witness first-hand; emergency responders; in the vicinity
of; the FBI; to take leaves of absence; twisted remnants;
blood donations; see a surge; in the aftermath of; alQaeda; to harbor terrorists; to increase global surveillance;
intelligence sharing; a joint session of Congress; relief
funds; harassment and hate crimes; Sikhs; turbans; verbal
abuse; mosques; a Hindu temple; assaults on people; to
denounce; crimes against humanity; stock markets; stock
market index; biggest-ever one-day point decline (about
stock market index).
 Interpret the recorded abstract (task number
six on the disc).
UNIT 8. Education
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the underlined
Education is important in England, as it is in Wales and
Scotland too.
British children are required by law to have an education
until they are 16 years old.
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Education is compulsory, but school is not, children
are not required to attend school. They could be educated at
1996 Education Act of the UK
Section 7 of the 1996 Education Act states:
“The parent of every child of compulsory school
age shall cause him to receive eficient full-time education suitable-(a) to his age, ability and aptitude, and
(b) to any special educational needs he may have, either by regular attendance at school or otherwise.”
Education is free for all children from 5 to 16. Full-time education
is compulsory for all children aged between 5 and 16 (inclusive) across
England. This can be provided by state schools, independent schools, or
About 94 per cent of pupils in England, and the rest of the UK,
receive free education from public funds, while 6 per cent attend independent fee paying schools or homeschooling.
All government-run schools, state schools, follow the same National Curriculum.
The school year runs from September to July and is 39 weeks long.
For many areas the year is divided into six terms:
• September to October
• October to December
• January to February
• February to March
• April to May
• June to July
(Some counties in England still follow the traditional three terms a
The dates for school terms and holidays are decided by the
local authority or the governing body of a school, or by the school
itself for independent schools.
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The main school holidays are:
• Christmas- 2 weeks
• Spring - 2 weeks
• Summer - 6 weeks
There are also one week holidays:
end of October
mid February
end of May
Children normally start primary school at the age of four
or ive, but many schools now have a reception year for four
year olds.
Children normally leave at the age of 11, moving on to
secondary school (High school).
British children are required to attend school until they are
16 years old. In England, compulsory schooling currently ends
on the last Friday in June during the academic year in which a
pupil attains the age of 16.
At the age of 16, students in England, Wales and Northern
Ireland take an examination called the GCSE (General Certiicate of Secondary Education). Study of GSCE subjects begins
at the start of Year 10 (age 14-15), and inal examinations are
then taken at the end of Year 11 (age 15-16).
In state schools English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education and Physical Education are studied during
Key Stage 4 (the GCSE years of school); in England, some
form of citizenship must be studied and, in Wales, Welsh must
be studied. Other subjects, chosen by the individual pupil, are
also studied.
In Scotland, the equivalent of the GCSE is the Standard
The education stages are:
● Nursery Schools 3-4 years old
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● Primary Schools 5-11 years old
● Secondary Schools 12-18 years old
After completing the GCSE, students will typically study
in either the Sixth Form of a School, a Sixth form college, or
a further education college. These courses can also be studied
by adults over 18. This sector is referred to as Further Education.
A sixth form college is an educational institution in England, Wales, Northern Ireland where students aged 16 to 19
typically study for advanced school-level qualifications, such
as A-levels.
In England and Wales, education is only compulsory until
the end of their fifth year, the school year in which the pupil
turns 16 (although this is changing in September 2013). In the
English and Welsh state educational systems, those wishing
to continue may either stay on at a secondary school with an
attached sixth form, transfer to a local sixth form college, or
go to a more vocational further education college, although,
depending on geographical location, there may be little choice
as to which of these options can be taken. In the independent
sector, sixth forms are an integral part of secondary schools
(public schools).
Students at sixth form college typically study for two years
(known as Years 12 and 13, Years 13 and 14 in Northern Ireland
and/or lower sixth and upper sixth).
Students normally enter University from 18 onwards and study
for an Academic Degree. Apart from a single private university, all
undergraduate education is largely state inanced, and UK students
are generally entitled to student loans for maintenance.
The typical irst degree offered at British universities is the Bachelor’s degree (typically three years). Many institutions now offer an
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undergraduate Master’s degree as a irst degree, typically lasting four
years. During a irst degree students are known as undergraduates.
The difference in fees between undergraduate and traditional postgraduate Master’s degrees makes taking an undergraduate Master’s
degree as a irst degree a more attractive option, although the novelty
of undergraduate Master’s degrees means that the relative educational
merit of the two is currently unclear.
Postgraduate education
Students who have completed a irst degree are eligible to
undertake a postgraduate degree, which includes:
• Master's degree (typically taken in one year)
• Doctorate degree (typically taken in three years)
Postgraduate education is not automatically inanced by the
State, and so admission is in practice highly competitive.
Specialist qualiications
• Education: Postgraduate Certiicate in Education (PGCE),
Certiicate in Education (Cert Ed), Bachelor of Education (BA
or BEd), most of which also incorporate Qualiied Teacher Status
• Law: Bachelor of Laws LL.B.
• Medicine: Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery studied at
Medical school (United Kingdom)
• Business: Master of Business Administration MBA.
Task 2. 
Background reading
Read the text
Pre-school education embraces all formal and informal education before the age of six (when compulsory schooling starts). It
includes tots and toddler programmes, play school, nursery school
(collectively known as pre-kindergarten) and kindergarten.
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Attendance at school for children under six isn’t compulsory,
and the provision of schools for children under six varies according to the inances and circumstances of local communities. Most
public elementary schools provide a pre-school kindergarten (K)
year for ive-year-olds, which is usually the irst year of elementary school.
The school system starts with twelve years of primary and secondary school education which the Americans have to follow. A secondary school (“high school”) diploma or certiicate is a compulsory requirement for the student to be able to enter college, university,
vocational, secretarial or other professional and technical schools.
Primary School normally begins at around six years of age for the U.S.
children and the term of the primary schooling is ive to six years.
Secondary School is the next step. This may be of 6 or 7 years
durations consisting of either two three- year programs, or a threeyear and a four-year program. Schools at this level are known as
Middle School or Junior High School and High or Senior High
Completion of this stage is called Twelfth Grade. International students are advised to find out which level of
education in their country corresponds to the twelfth grade
in the U.S.A.
In America, higher education starts at the age of 18 after
the completion of twelve years of primary and secondary
Undergraduate Study or Bachelors:
A candidate who has successfully completed class XII
is eligible for the Bachelors Programme or Undergraduate
Study in the USA.
The bachelors degree or undergraduate study usually
lasts for 4 years. In some cases an accelerated Programme
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can be completed in three years, while some professional
fields require five years.
A student receives a Bachelor’s degree or undergraduate degree when (s)he finishes around 40 courses in different
subjects within the span of four years.
1st year students are called Freshmen, 2nd years Sophomores, 3d years Juniors and the 4th or last year students
are referred to as Seniors. The decision of the major’s to be
taken is necessary only after the 2nd or Sophomore year. Deciding the majors is termed ‘Declaring a Major’ in the US.
Many colleges give an Associate degree after the sophomore year or second year of a Bachelor’s degree. It is the
degree awarded after either a college transfer or a ‘terminal’, One to three year programme providing training for a
specific occupation.
Graduate Study:
In the US, higher studies after taking a degree or Bachelor’s is termed Graduate study.
A candidate who has successfully completed four years of
Bachelors Programme or Undergraduate Study is eligible to apply for the Master’s Degree in the US.
Masters degree is the irst Graduate degree in the liberal
arts and Sciences and certain professional ields requiring 30
credit hours of full-time study within a year or 2 years. You
can get your Master’s degree by taking 8 courses of subjects with 3 credits each plus a thesis of 6 hours credit or 10
courses of subjects with 3 credits each without the thesis.
Some Universities have a final exam. Usually masters degree include M.S and M.A degrees.
It is not particular that you continue with the same
majors that you chose for undergraduate study in graduate
study. But if you change the majors, you will have to take
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additional basic courses for the new subjects. These courses
are called Pre-requisite courses. You have to get a pass in
these courses.
Research (Doctoral Degree) - The highest degree
awarded in research-oriented academic disciplines, usually
requiring 3 to 6 years of full time study besides the Bachelor’s degree as preparation for University level teaching
and research.
The main criteria for admission is the applicants interest
in the particular subject of research.
First Professional Degree — The degree required to
be academically qualified to practice in certain professions,
such as law, medicine etc usually requires a total of at least
six years of study. It must have as a prerequisite at least two
years of college credit.
Universities are larger institutions that include several
undergraduate colleges, graduate schools, and professional
Graduate school involves 1 or 2 years of study and offers advanced programs in arts and sciences which gives
master’s degrees like M.A or M.S, Doctor of Philosophy
(Ph.D) etc.
Professional schools are institutions which specialize in a
single ield of study such as medicine, pharmacy, business administration , law etc.
Junior College or Community Colleges:
These colleges award only Associate Degree of Arts (A.A)
and Sciences (A.S) which involves 2 year of study. After receiving
Associate Degree, students must join a 4 years college or University to complete the Bachelor’s Degree.
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Vocational and Technical Institution:
These institutes specialize in training for the skilled trades
and technical ields of employment. Duration of the courses depends on the particular subject. After completion, they will be
awarded a certiicate of completion and they can straight away
join for a job.
Classes in USA
Usually, for most Universities and colleges the year begins
in late August or early September and ends in May or June. The
academic year is divided into semesters, trimesters or quarter depending on the institution. The semester system divides the year
into 2 equal terms of 16 weeks. Each semester is 4 months. Trimester system has three equal terms of 16 weeks each, including a
summer term. Quarter system divides the year into 3 equal terms
of 11 weeks each.
Each student will be assigned an ‘advisor’ who is a member of the faculty. This advisor will help the students to select the
courses to be taken in each semester, plan the whole program and
monitor the students progress. The students register for the particular courses with the permission of the advisors.
Class Size
The average class size at the undergraduate level, in most
universities is 100-150 for introductory courses. Advanced level
classes will be smaller in size. Master’s degree classes have an
average of 20 students and Doctoral classes have an average of
only 10 students.
Each semester has an average of 4 tests. Test range in style from
multiple choice (objective type) format designed to gauge your knowledge of the subject and reasoning ability to essay or problem-solving
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type tests. There are 3 kinds of tests - open book tests, closed books
tests and take home tests. In the 1st type, you can refer notes, text book,
reference material etc during the test. 2nd one is usual tests that we
have in Russia. In the 3rd one you take the question paper home and
answer at your convenience before the dead line set by the professor.
Take home tests often have essay-based questions.
• In American Universities, they give grades instead of ranks or
classes for courses. The grades are A, B, C, D, E, F, I. A is the highest
grade. Grades from A to D is considered as pass. Grade I-incomplete.
• Marks between 100-90- A Grade (Excellent)
• Marks between 89-79- B Grade (good)
• Marks between 78-68- C Grade (Average)
• Marks between 67-57- D Grade (Below)
• Below 57- F or fail.
Each grade has points. 4 points for A grade, 3 for B and 2 for C.
The average points taken for all the courses taken together is the GPA
(Grade Point Average). It is the general score on a scale of 1.0 (lowest)
to 4.0 (highest). It is dificult to get admission for graduate study if you
don't have at least a G.P.A of 3.0. G.P.A is computed using a unique
formula by the university's administration. The grades are ixed by the
professors who teach the subjects based on the performance of the students.
Task 3. Consecutive interpreting skills
Answer the questions:
What do you know about the educational system in the US? Is it
the same as in the UK?
Translate and explane the following words and word combinations:
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practitionals; academics; doctorates; Ph. D; service academy; staff
college; public university (USA); student body; tribal college; secular,
religious education; Lutheranism; Mormonism; seminary; the clergy;
tuition; stipend; service commitment in the armed forces; scholarship;
student loans; grants; endowments; coeducational universities; the
Common Application.
 Interpret the recorded abstract (task number seven on
the disc).
Task 4. Consecutive interpreting skills
Translate and explane the following words and word
the SAT Reasoning Test; the College Board; Educational Testing
Service; critical thinking skills; grade point average; the ACT; class
rank; extracurricular activities.
 Interpret the recorded abstract (task number eight on
the disc).
UNIT 9. Legal System. Crime.
Task 1.  Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the underlined
Death Penalty
An estimated 14,000 Americans have been executed since the
inception of the death penalty dating back to colonial times. The
sanction of death for the punishment of a murder in the United
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States has declined in recent years. In 2006, the number of death
sentences was 114, the lowest level in 30 years. Still, the United
States remains the only advanced Western democracy that fails to
recognize capital punishment as a profound human rights violation and as a frightening abuse of government power.
The U.S.’s capital punishment process:
(1) is fraught with error;
(2) discriminates on the basis of socioeconomic status, race,
and geography;
(3) is arbitrary and capricious, including its use against the
mentally ill and defendants who did not kill anyone and did not
intend that anyone be killed;
(4) costs taxpayers far more than life imprisonment without
(5) does nothing to protect people from crime;
(6) seriously harms the survivors of homicide victims;
(7) is plagued by cheap legal representation - the worst, not
the best, of American lawyering; and
(8) greatly diminishes the worldwide stature of the United
States and its ability to work to end human rights violations in
other countries.
The Impact of the Death Penalty
The Death Penalty Kills the Innocent:
Since 1976, 123 death-row prisoners have been released because they were innocent. In addition, at least seven people have
been executed since 1976 even though they were probably innocent. Wrongful convictions often result from false confessions,
which are frequent among people with mental retardation, mistaken eyewitnesses, jail house snitches, junk science and prosecutorial abuse.
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The Death Penalty is Racially Biased and Punishes the
Poor: Most defendants are poor and are forced to depend on
incompetent or token representation. Some lawyers have slept
or appeared drunk during trials. Those who kill white people are
far more likely to get the death penalty than those who kill black
The Death Penalty is Unfair: The death penalty has never
been applied fairly across race, class, and gender lines. Who is
sentenced to die often depends on the attitudes of prosecutors,
where one is tried, the prejudices of judges and juries, and the
abilities and commitment of defense attorneys.
The Death Penalty Cost More than Life in Prison:Prosecuting
a death penalty case is extremely expensive for a state and drains
money that could be used for education and social programs.
Capital punishment costs more than sentencing a prisoner to life
without parole. The most comprehensive death penalty study
in the country found that the death penalty cost North Carolina
$2.16 million more per execution over the costs of sentencing
murderers to life imprisonment. The majority of these costs occur at the trial level. In its review of death penalty expenses, the
State of Kansas concluded that capital cases are 70% more expensive than comparable non-death penalty cases, including the
costs of incarceration.
The Death Penalty is Not a Deterrent to Crime:
Since 1977 over 80% of all executions have occurred in the
South, the region with the highest murder rate. The Northeast,
the region with the lowest murder rate, has accounted for less
than 1% of the executions. Although the issue of deterrence has
been studied extensively, there is no credible evidence that capital punishment deters murder or makes us any safer.
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Task 2. 
Background reading
Study the text
A 15-year-old high school freshman whose threats about taking a gun to school were apparently shrugged off as not serious
opened ire at his campus in this San Diego suburb this morning,
the authorities said, killing 2 fellow students and wounding 13
other people in the worst episode of school violence since the
shootings at Columbine High School in 1999.
The authorities said the teenager used a .22 caliber pistol,
and surrendered on his knees in a school restroom, saying, “It’s
only me.”
Under a California law that leaves no discretion in such
cases, oficials said the young man would be charged as an adult
with murder, assault and weapons possession, though they said
his status as a juvenile barred the release of his name.
“I know in your minds is the overriding question: `Why?’
“District Attorney Paul Pingst said at a news conference this
afternoon. “The suspect has made statements. I will not share
the contents of the statements with you at this time, but there is
no real answer. I am not sure in any real way we will ever know
Witnesses described pandemonium and panic as the 1,900
students of Santana High School in this bedroom community of
58,000 people about 20 miles northeast of downtown San Diego led the campus after the shootings shortly before 9:30 a.m.
Within minutes, sheriff’s deputies and police oficers, including
an off-duty oficer who was registering his daughter at the school,
were on the scene and cornered the suspect in the bathroom.
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The dead students were identiied as Brian Zuckor, 14, and
Randy Gordon, 17. The authorities said Randy’s sister, Kirschner Gordon, was injured.
A school security guard and a student teacher were among
the wounded. Another youth who witnessed the shooting was
treated for injuries he received in a car accident as he led the
Friends and fellow students painted a sketchy, divergent
portrait of the accused gunman, whom they identiied as Charles
Andrew Williams. Some described the young man, who is known
as Andy, as a skinny outsider who was mocked as a nerd, but others said he was sunny and well-liked. Several said that he had
joked as recently as the weekend about taking a gun to school,
but that he had insisted he was only kidding and no one took him
Shannon Durrett, 15, was in the women’s restroom next to
the men’s room when the shooting started, and “I heard the taptap-tap, tap-tap-tap.” She ran outside and saw a school security
guard dragging himself along the ground using a food cart as a
shield, unable to use his foot. “A few minutes later I saw Andy
taken away in handcuffs,” she said. “I never thought Andy would
do this. He was nice and funny. I never saw him get picked on.”
Another student, a 13-year-old who dated Mr. Williams for
a month last year, also said, “Andy is real nice.” The girl, whose
mother would not let a reporter use her name, added: “He’s very
popular. I hung out with him and we talked about normal kid
stuff. He wore the same goofy yellow shirt every day. He was
just over at my house Saturday night.”
Friends and neighbors said Mr. Williams, whose parents are
divorced, had moved here about a year ago from Maryland with
his father, Charles Jeffrey Williams, known as Jeff. His mother,
Linda Wells, lives in South Carolina, and when told by a reporter
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today that her son was in custody in the killing, she burst into
Ms. Wells said her son was a normal, good-natured boy.
The authorities said tonight that they believed the shootings were indiscriminate and that no victims were singled out.
Witnesses reported Mr. Williams was smiling as he fired, and
oficials said he stopped at least once to reload his revolver.
Though at least one of the victims had a Hispanic surname
and though some students said the overwhelmingly white school
had been the scene of some racial tension, Sheriff William Kolender and other oficials discounted any suggestion that the
shootings had any racial motivation.
Christopher Reynolds, whose girlfriend, Karen Stevens, is
the mother of one of Andy Williams’s closest friends, told CNN
that Mr. Williams “got picked on a bit” but was a sociable young
man. Mr. Reynolds said that some of Mr. Williams’s friends said
he had made some sort of veiled threat over the weekend and
that perhaps a dozen of his fellow students were discussing the
Mr. Reynolds said that he had questioned Mr. Williams on
Sunday night, but that Mr. Williams denied he had any intention
of violence.
“No one believed him,” Mr. Reynolds said of Mr. Williams’s
supposed threats. “Everyone can’t believe he actually did it.”
He added: “I do regret that I didn’t do something. That’s going to be with me for a long time.”
The attack was the nation’s deadliest school shooting
since the April 1999 bloodbath at Columbine High outside
Denver, where two teenagers killed 12 fellow students and a
teacher before committing suicide.
In Washington, President Bush called the shooting “a disgraceful act of cowardice”.
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Task 3.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the article
20 апреля 1999 года. Бойня в американской школе
Страшная кровавая бойня в учебном заведении произошла в средней школе Колумбина в городке Литлтон,
штат Колорадо 20 апреля 1999 года.
Двое юношей, Эрик Харрис и Дилан Клиболд, ворвались в школу Колумбина с оружием в руках. Ужасная бойня длилась четыре с половиной часа. За это время юные
террористы ранили десятки учащихся и убили двенадцать соучеников и одного учителя, после чего покончили
с собой. Школа нынче отремонтирована и внешне ничто
не напоминает о недавней трагедии.
Расследованием занимались восемьдесят следователей. Они собрали десять тысяч вещественных доказательств и допросили тысячу четыреста свидетелей. Комментаторы попытались разобраться, как могла произойти
такая бессмысленная бойня, — иными словами, как предотвратить повторение этого кошмара с помощью логического мышления, научно-технических достижений, энергичных действий и добрых намерений?
Таким образом, страна смогла познакомиться с двумя
ныне покойными мальчиками-подростками, которые все
это устроили.
Оба были “изгоями”: в спорте не блистали, обаянием
не отличались, любовью одноклассников не пользовались.
Носили длинные черные плащи. Играли в кровавые компьютерные игры. Слушали композиции рок-групп, изысканными словами воспевающих ненависть. Они были помешаны на нацистах - их преступление, безусловно, было
приурочено ко дню рождения Гитлера. Их воображение
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возбуждала смерть: не подлинная смерть, но смерть как
таинственная, загадочная сила, которой наделен всякий
обиженный, капризный, озлобленный ребенок.
“Родители подростков должны были предвидеть случившееся”, — говорили некоторые. Да и полиция должна
была предвидеть — мальчиков уже арестовывали раньше. Как-то раз отец соученика даже предупредил властей
о том, что мальчики грозились убить его сына и взорвать
кучу народу; он нашел в Интернете сайт, где один из них
вывешивал инструкции по изготовлению бомб и злобные угрозы: “Я скоро доберусь ДО ВСЕХ ВАС, и приду я
с оружием. БУДУ стрелять на поражение”. На сайте имелся список “Что я ненавижу” длиной в три с половиной
страницы. Будущий террорист ненавидел занятия в школе. Ненавидел брехунов. Ненавидел фанатов “Звездных
Два мальчика из обеспеченных, стабильных, приличных семей, белые дети из среднего класса, учившиеся
в красивой школе в ухоженном пригороде. Как в подобном месте мог случиться такой кошмар? На этот вопрос
у американских психологов есть только один, не оченьто конструктивный ответ: судя по фактам, такие кошмары
случаются исключительно в подобных местах.
Еще до этого, наиболее чудовищного случая, по Соединённым Штатам прокатилась целая волна убийств, совершённых детьми-подростками в школах. До трагедии
в Колумбине в школах было убито четырнадцать человек
и десятки ранены.
После бойни в Литлтоне по всем США зазвучали
угрозы взорвать школы. Администрация учебных заведений пыталась принимать практические меры. Убийцы из
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Колумбины носили черные плащи-френчи — и во многих
школах запретили носить длинные черные плащи. Сумки
и рюкзаки теперь проверялись, или разрешались только
прозрачные, или вообще запрещались. В школах появились новые высокотехнологические устройства: охранные
системы, громкая связь и домофоны, видеокамеры наблюдения.
Тем не менее в отеле, где проходил выпускной бал
одной флоридской школы, была найдена самодельная
бомба из отрезка трубы, набитого гвоздями. Другая “самодельная бомба” обнаружилась в школьном туалете
в маленьком оклахомском городке. Неподалеку от Детройта пришлось срочно закрыть одну школу: вначале
снаружи была обнаружена бомба, затем выяснилось, что
четверо учеников — двое четырнадцатилетних, один тринадцатилетний и один двенадцатилетний — готовят массовое побоище.
20 мая, ровно через месяц после трагедии в Колумбине, в пригороде Атланты пятнадцатилетний мальчик, вооруженный ружьем 22-го калибра и револьвером 357-го
калибра, застрелил в школе шестерых соучеников, после
чего, весь дрожа, упал на колени, засунул дуло револьвера себе в рот и позволил себя связать. Он жил в большом
доме с обширным зеленым газоном. Он играл в бейсбол
и был бойскаутом. Осталось неясным, любил ли он Бога,
но, как выяснили репортеры, по воскресеньям этот ребенок ходил в церковь. Спустя три с половиной часа после
этого теракта Сенат США впервые одобрил относительно
суровый закон о контроле над оружием.
Еще несколько раз после 2001 года в школах США
психически неуравновешенные школьники открывали
стрельбу, но не в таких масштабах.
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UNIT 10. Economics.Business Organization. Company Structure.
Products and Markets
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the
underlined expressions
Business organization
Internal structure
The structure of business organisations depends on the nature of their activities. A manufacturing irm may have a different structure from one providing a service. Two common ways
of organising irms internally are dividing by:
• Functions (departments)
• Products
A manufacturing irm may divide its operations up by product, as it probably produces a range of products.
Most large companies have departments or functions as their basis for internal structure, for example: Production, Finance, Marketing and Personnel. The head of each area is called a director.
The chain of command is the formal line of communication
from that starts with the Board of Directors and the Managing Director, who make the irm’s decisions. Below them are the department
managers, then the section heads and inally to the shop loor or ofice
staff. This is a hierarchical structure.
The chain of command is a typical pyramid shape. At each stage
in the chain, one person has a number of workers directly under them,
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within their span of control. This person directly responsible for a
group of workers is called their line manager.
The private sector
In the private sector, most businesses are sole traders, partnerships or limited companies. Other types of ownership include
franchises and co-operatives.
Big companies make agreements for private individuals
to buy the right to sell their goods, for example fast-food outlets like Burger King. The franchisee runs a private business,
buying products from the company franchisor that is given a
percentage of the proits. In return, the franchisee can use the
company’s logo and have the shop itted out in the company
style. The franchisee beneits from specialist training and the
company’s own national advertising. The franchisor can expand without inancial risks.
There are two main categories of co-operatives:
Worker co-operatives
Sometimes groups of workers buy out their company if it
is in inancial dificulties. By co-operating with each other, they
can share expertise, buy more expensive equipment, and gain
economies of scale. The members of the co-operative invest
their own capital, and share the proits. The management of
the irm is usually run on democratic lines. Examples of businesses run as worker co-operatives include printing, engineering
and textile enterprises.
Retail co-operatives
The Co-operative Retail Societies (the Co-op) has wider
aims than most other business organisations, for example, sponsoring Labour MPs, since it has political and social, as well
as inancial, objectives. Anyone can join, by buying shares for
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Ј1.00, but these cannot be bought or sold on the Stock Market.
All members share the proits and have an equal vote to elect the
Size of organizations
A irm may want to expand for a number of reasons. The
main one is that it can beneit from economies of scale. A bigger
irm will probably have a larger market share and a wider range of
products than if it remains small.
A large irm can borrow more cheaply. Its chances of survival
are increased, as is its ability to make a proit. The larger it becomes, the more power and status it will have. This gives it a good
negotiating position, if it wishes to expand still further.
The most powerful companies may want to diversify still further, and take control of other companies. If they buy the majority
of shares in another company (at least 51 % of them), this is called
a takeover, with the board of directors of the smaller irm unable
to prevent it.
If two companies agree to merge, it usually means a complete
restructuring of the combined companies. This is called a merger.
The advantages of these forms of integration are that they can expand more quickly, and diversify into other areas of production.
This increases the chances of growth, and reduces the risks.
A irm’s size can be measured in different ways: through its
turnover, net proit, and number of employees.
Task 2.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the article
22 ноября 2005 года состоялось торжественное открытие
фабрики «Нестле Кубань» — первой в России фабрики полного цикла по выпуску растворимого кофе NESCAFE Classic.
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Новая фабрика, расположенная в городе Тимашевске (Краснодарский край), станет 12-м предприятием группы компаний «Нестле» в России. Стоимость проекта в ходе всего строительства фабрики составит около 120 миллионов долларов
Планируемый объем производства в 2006 году составит
около 12 тысяч тонн, что позволит компании заместить импорт кофе NESCAFE Classic.
Выбор Краснодарского края для строительства фабрики
был обусловлен инвестиционной привлекательностью этого
региона, а также конструктивными деловыми отношениями компании с краевой и местной администрацией. Договор
с Администрацией Краснодарского края о строительстве
фабрики руководство компании «Нестле» заключило в 2004
году, тогда же на экономическом форуме в Сочи было подписано инвестиционное соглашение.
Глава Администрации Краснодарского края Александр
Ткачев подчеркнул: «Нам очень приятно, что в числе наших
партнеров — один из лидеров мировой экономики— компания «Нестле». Это событие является еще одним доказательством инвестиционной привлекательности и надежности экономического потенциала Краснодарского края».
«Нестле Кубань» — первая фабрика компании, построенная в России с нуля. По данным посольства Швейцарии,
инвестиционный проект «Нестле» по строительству своей
двенадцатой по счету фабрики на территории Российской Федерации является одним из самых крупных проектов, реализованных швейцарскими компаниями в России.
Председатель Совета директоров и Исполнительный директор группы компаний «Нестле» Питер Брабек отметил:
«Россия велика, и компании-инвесторы имеют реальные воз- 70 -
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можности для участия в развитии российской экономики.
Компания «Нестле», выпускающая высококачественные продукты под известными торговыми марками на основе глубокого понимания предпочтений потребителей, рассматривает
Россию как перспективный рынок».
Российский рынок кофе — один из самых динамично
развивающихся. В своем заявлении Генеральный директор
компании «Нестле Россия» Бернар Менье отметил: «Компания «Нестле» занимает лидирующие позиции на рынке кофе,
шоколадных изделий, продуктов детского питания и мороженого, а также наращивает свое присутствие в других сегментах продовольственного рынка. С учетом инвестиций в новую фабрику общий объем наших инвестиционных программ
в России достигает почти полмиллиарда долларов США».
На торжественной церемонии открытия фабрики приняли участие представители высшего руководства компании
«Нестле» во главе с Питером Брабеком, Посол Швейцарии
в России Эрвин Хофер, руководство Краснодарского Края во
главе с Губернатором Александром Ткачевым, а также другие
официальные лица и представители делового сообщества.
Task 3. Consecutive interpreting skills
Translate and explane the following words and word
combinations: to combat the problem; infant mortality; malnutrition; coat of arms; ierce competitors; merger; subsidiary
companies; to meet the needs; cessation of hostilities; economic
slowdown; deteriorating exchange rates; to deepen the gloom;
to streamline operations; surplus; soluble powers; staple beverage; servicemen; total sales; policy of diversifying; acquisition;
preserves; to triple, to quadruple; a shareholder; to offset a slow- 71 -
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down; increased competition; shrinking proit margins; lexibility and determination; twofold; internal adjustments and divestments; improved bottom line; business process architecture.
 Interpret the recorded abstract (task number nine
on the disc).
UNIT 11. Lifestyles
Task 1. Consecutive interpreting skills
 Topics for discussion
Speak on changing roles of women in the modern society.
Translate and explane the following words and word
combinations: social survey programme; ordinary mortals; to
plummet; devising policies; equal working opportunities; gender
roles; to campaign for equality between women and men on pay
and pensions; campaign oficer; motherhood; to carry a penalty; to
be strait-jacketed by gender stereotypes.
 Interpret the recorded abstract (task number ten on
the disc).
Task 2. 
Background reading
Read the text.
All adopted children come from two sources. Those sources
are domestic adoptions and international adoptions. Domestic
adoptions are children from the United States while International
adoptions are children from outside the United States.
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Domestic adoptions consist of newborns, infants up to 3
years old, children 3 years old and up and, children with special
needs. Newborn children are generally received at the hospital
by the adoptive parents from the birthmother and taken directly home. Children with special needs are in several categories.
They may be older, have physical, emotional, or mental disabilities. Any children over 3 years old are included in this category.
These special needs children often are available through the foster care system. Different circumstances with children and their
birthmother offer different adoption situations and varies from
state to state.
International adoptions are adoptions commonly made from
China, Korea, Russia, Eastern Europe, Central and South America, and India. There are strict immigration requirements for
adopting children from other countries. The best aspect of international adoptions are that there are children readily available.
The adoption takes several months to process and involves a trip
to the country which you are adopting. As a prospective parent,
one should always consider the emotional and social implications of adopting a child of a different nationality. It has been
said that you are not only adopting a child, but also a culture.
International adoptions can also be expensive when including
trips and expenses to the country where the baby is being adopted. Most adoptive parents say, that the trip is well worth it,
especially in understanding the country and culture of your baby.
All in all, many international adoptions are made each year with
positive results.
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Public adoption agencies and private adoption agencies
are the two types of agency adoptions.
A public adoption agency is organized by various state
and county social services agencies within each state. Generally, public adoption agencies handle mostly special needs
adoptions. Adoptions services through public adoption agencies are usually available for a modest fee, but usually do
not have newborns and offer older children, sibling groups
and children with physical or psychological needs. The children often come from foster care with parents that have drug
or alcohol related problems. It has been said that the disadvantages of public agencies could include the burden of
paperwork, a bureaucratic approach and being bound by the
court system.
Depending on the adoption laws within individual states,
independent adoptions can be arranged without an agency,
but require the legal work to be completed by an attorney.
Independent adoptions are usually based on the open adoption concept. Initial contact is made directly between the
adoptive couple and birthmother or birthparents. The adoptive parents and birthparents meet to become acquainted
with each other and share their ideas of adoption. For birthparents who do not wish to meet, communication can take
place by telephone or letter. An important advantage to an
open independent adoption is that the birth mother usually
feels more comfortable and in control when giving her baby
directly to adoptive parents, who she has chosen, and not to
the control of another entity.
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The biggest dificulty in adopting independently is trying to
igure out how to complete the adoption; the process from beginning to end can become very complex.
Independent adoptions can be pursued by adoptive parents
without outside help. The project can be challenging, but the goal
can be accomplished. The “do it yourself” approach is appealing
to people who have the time and want to adopt on their own. We
congratulate those people. On the other hand, many adoptive parents have said that, if they had to do it all over again, they would
get outside help. Without skill and experience, failure is possible.
Performing an independent adoption without help is considered to
be dificult.
Adoptions that are made with the help of an intermediary often
help in easing the burden of completing the adoption process by
themselves. Please take note that some states do not allow an intermediary in the adoption process. An intermediary can consist of an
attorney, a special interest group like a religious organization or an
adoption facilitator. Intermediaries usually specialize in locating a
birthmother and help complete the adoption by managing the case.
Some intermediaries, however, only locate a suitable birthmother
and offer no adoption management. It is always best to know what
services are being offered.
In any event, an attorney is needed to complete the legal aspect
of any adoption. Specialized attorneys, may in addition, offer the
services of locating a birthmother and completing the entire adoption process as a package.
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It is continually quoted in adoption material that the use of
adoption facilitators has been one of the most signiicant changes in
adoption in recent years. An adoption facilitators, is not a licensed
private or public adoption agency and is a private service. They do
not place children for adoption, but locate birthmothers for adoptive
couples to agree on an adoption. With an adoption facilitator, all
counseling and legal work necessary for an adoption is performed
by outside professionals.
Task 3.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the article
В США внедряются новые стандарты усыновления детей
из других стран
Государственный департамент и министерство внутренней
безопасности США внедряют широкий круг новых процедур
для обеспечения того, чтобы иностранные дети, усыновляемые
в Соединенных Штатах, получали самый высокий уровень защиты.
Новые процедуры применяются после того, как 1 апреля
для Соединенных Штатов вступила в силу Гаагская конвенция
о защите детей и сотрудничестве в отношении международного усыновления. В настоящее время в этой конвенции участвует более 70 стран.
Конвенция “позволит обеспечить больше защиты детям
и семьям, которые хотят их усыновить”, заявил в середине
апреля сенатор из Миннесоты Норм Коулман, сопредседатель
Коалиции конгрессменов по вопросам усыновления.
Бывший помощник государственного секретаря по консульским делам Мора Харти так охарактеризовала прово- 76 -
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димую в США всестороннюю работу по выполнению конвенции: “Теперь у нас впервые есть система национальных
стандартов для организаций, которые занимаются усыновлением”.
Хотя Харти признала, что на разработку и внедрение процедур ушло много времени, ждать, по ее словам, стоило. “Мы
двигались осторожно, но без остановок, поскольку понимали,
что нужно правильно сочетать все элементы: регулирование,
систему аккредитации и механизмы надзора. Они - залог нашего успеха”, — сказала она.
Соединенные Штаты подписали конвенцию в 1994 году,
а в 2000 году был подготовлен документ о ее реализации внутри страны — Закон о международном усыновлении. Согласно этому закону, главным органом в Соединенных Штатах,
который контролирует исполнение положений конвенции, является Государственный департамент США. Он, среди прочего, отвечает за принятие большинства федеральных норм по
реализации Закона о международном усыновлении.
Госдепартамент назначил два ведомства для аккредитации поставщиков услуг по усыновлению в рамках конвенции.
Такими органами стали Совет по аккредитации и Департамент
социальных служб штата Колорадо. Отныне усыновлением
детей между Соединенными Штатами и другими странами,
участвующими в Гаагской конвенции, в обычном порядке будет заниматься основной поставщик услуг по усыновлению,
аккредитованный при одной из этих двух организаций.
В рамках процесса аккредитации поставщики услуг
по усыновлению представляют документы, отражающие этическую сторону их практики, профессиональную квалификацию и обучение сотрудников, механизмы рассмотрения жалоб
и другие вопросы.
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Конгресс также поручил Государственному департаменту
ежегодно представлять доклады о международном усыновлении с основными статистическими показателями по различным аспектам процесса усыновления.
В рамках обязанностей по надзору и для поддержки выполнения надзорных функций ведомствами, которые занимаются аккредитацией, Государственный департамент определил процедуры рассмотрения жалоб на аккредитованных или
утвержденных поставщиков услуг по усыновлению, а также
создал реестр жалоб для получения и отслеживания претензий по поводу соблюдения конвенции, Закона о международном усыновлении или подзаконных актов.
Если орган, который занимается аккредитацией, не сможет или откажется принять надлежащие меры в отношении
агентства по усыновлению, которое серьезно нарушает соответствующие стандарты, Государственный департамент может приостановить, отменить аккредитацию или утверждение поставщика услуг по усыновлению.
Адам Пертман, исполнительный директор “Института усыновления имени Эвана Доналдсона”, некоммерческой
группы по вопросам усыновления, заявил, что конвенция
станет важной основой для усыновления. “Мы регулируем и
отслеживаем гораздо менее важные вещи, поэтому создание
основы для решения столь деликатных вопросов должно обеспечить более эффективную работу и более человечное обращение”, — сказал он.
С ним согласен председатель Объединенного совета по
международным услугам для детей Том ДеФилипо. “Предусмотренный конвенцией процесс аккредитации помогает
агентствам стать более профессиональными и оказывать
более качественные услуги, что в равной мере помогает
родителям и детям”, — заявил он.
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По мнению ДеФилипо, даже в некоторых не участвующих в конвенции странах, где есть представительства совета, власти часто обращаются с просьбами об аккредитации
американских агентств по усыновлению.
Конвенция, Закон о международном усыновлении
и подзаконные акты относятся только к случаям усыновления между странами, которые участвуют в конвенции. Хотя
в их число входят такие популярные источники усыновления, как Китай и Индия, многие другие страны, из которых
американцы усыновляют детей, в том числе Эфиопия, Южная Корея и Вьетнам, еще не присоединились к конвенции.
Такие страны как Россия, которые подписали конвенцию,
не присоединившись к ней, не связаны положениями этой
конвенцией и не берутся выполнять соответствующие обязательства.
По словам Харти, исходный тезис конвенции заключается в том, что “прозрачность и этические нормы должны
распространяться на всех детей, причастных к международному усыновлению, независимо от страны происхождения и принимающей страны. Конвенция может и должна
действовать по всему миру”.
Task 4. Consecutive interpreting skills
Answer the questions:
What is an adoption?
What types of adoption do you know?
Translate and explane the following words and word
domestic adoption; international adoption; closed adoption; open adoption; birthfamily; adoptive family; inalization;
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adoptees; intermediary; agency adoption; private adoption; independent adoptions; private agency adoptions; foster adoption;
foster child; foster parents; foster care system; period of fostering; second-parent adoption; step-parent adoption; transcultural
adoption; a family of Mexican American heritage; transracial
adoption; kinship adoption.
 Interpret the recorded abstract (task number eleven
on the disc).
UNIT 12. Health care
Task 1. 
Background reading
Read the text and give Russian equivalents to the
underlined expressions
The National Health Service (NHS) is the name commonly
used to refer to the four publicly funded healthcare systems of
the United Kingdom, collectively or individually, although only
the health service in England uses the name ‘National Health
Service’ without further qualiication. The publicly-funded
healthcare organisation in Northern Ireland does not use the term
‘National Health Service’, but is still commonly referred to as
the ‘NHS’.
England — National Health Service
Scotland — NHS Scotland
Wales — NHS Wales
Northern Ireland — Health and Social Care in Northern
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Forming the basis of healthcare in the United Kingdom,
each system operates independently, and is politically accountable to the relevant devolved government of Scotland (Scottish Government), Wales (Welsh Assembly Government) and
Northern Ireland (Northern Ireland Executive), and to the UK
government for England.
Originally, three services (for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) were established by separate pieces
of legislation and began operating on 5 July 1948. The Department of Health had responsibility for the NHS in England and
Wales, the Scottish Ofice had responsibility for the NHS in
Scotland and the Government of Northern Ireland had responsibility for public health in Northern Ireland. Following the creation of a Welsh Ofice in 1964, responsibility for public health
services in Wales was transferred to it from the Department of
Health in 1969. In turn, responsibility for NHS Wales and NHS
Scotland transferred from the Welsh Ofice and Scottish Ofice
to the Welsh Department of Health and Social Services and the
Scottish Government Health Department, respectively, under
devolution in 1999.
There is no discrimination when a patient resident in one
country of the United Kingdom requires treatment in another.
The consequent inancial matters and paperwork of such interworking are dealt with between the organisations involved and
there is generally no personal involvement by the patient comparable to that which might occur when a resident of one European Union member country receives treatment in another.
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Task 2.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the text
60 лет NHS: глазами очевидцев
Национальной системе здравоохранения (NHS) 5 июля
исполнилось 60 лет. Мы попросили жителей Лондона рассказать об их опыте лечения в этой бесплатной системе. Многие
из них приехали в Британию из других стран и могут сравнить британскую систему здравоохранения с другим мировым опытом.
Марк-Андре Френетт, канадец, сотрудник банка:
В конце мая 2007 года я попал в Лондонскую королевскую больницу в районе Вайтчапел. Здание больницы старое,
некоторые корпуса были на ремонте. Кстати, именно в эту
больницу везли больше всего людей после взрывов в Лондоне
7 июля 2005 года.
Большинство врачей и медсестер, с кем я имел дело, были
очень молодые. Я там встретил несколько более опытных специалистов и даже профессоров. Я попал в больницу в воскресенье, а понедельник был выходной, так что специалиста
увидел только утром во вторник. Два дня меня продержали
в приемном отделении.
Приемный покой был разбит на три “комнаты” — дверей
там не было, только занавески, а лежало там человек 40—50.
Со мной в одной комнате лежало 11-13 пациентов, старые
и молодые, женщины и мужчины.
Одну ночь я лежал рядом с пожилым мужчиной, с которым случился удар, и он не мог говорить. Когда ему чтото было нужно — каждые 20-30 минут — он стонал. Тогда
я звонил в звонок, чтобы позвать сестру. Я проделывал это раз
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десять, пока на конец он не испачкал кровать. Тогда я решил
пойти прогуляться, пока они мыли его и меняли простыни.
С другой стороны от меня лежал бездомный бывший военнослужащий, его мучили головные боли и эпилепсия.
А напротив меня с болью в животе лежал разносчик бутербродов, работавший недалеко от моего офиса. В палате царила атмосфера товарищества, все друг другу помогали. Если я был
на анализах и пропускал обед или чай, мои товарищи по палате
звали медсестру и требовали, чтобы меня потом покормили. Друзья, навещавшие меня в больнице, были несколько шокированы
условиями, в которых находились пациенты.
Я провел в государственной больнице всего три дня
и в целом остался благодарен ее сотрудникам за уход и теплую атмосферу. Конечно, условия были спартанские, никакого личного пространства, но все было бесплатно и доступно
для людей независимо от их доходов.
Потом меня перевели в частную больницу. Я как будто оказался в другом мире — с комфортными комнатами на одного
и отличным медперсоналом. Там была прекрасная еда, даже винную карту приносили, и огромный телевизор со всеми спортивными каналами. Друзьям, навещавшим меня, частная больница
пришлась больше по душе — там и обстановка была приятнее,
и уход лучше. Мне в частной больнице было гораздо спокойнее,
но надо сказать, что там я немного страдал от одиночества.
В Канаде система здравоохранения работает довольно быстро, но условия тоже спартанские. Однако, насколько я припоминаю, можно платить несколько долларов в день и жить за это
в номере на одного или двоих с телевизором. Во многих канадских больницах отличный уход (несколько лучше, чем в британских государственных больницах), и там больше опытного персонала. Хотя мне трудно говорить о Канаде в целом, потому что я из
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Квебека, а там больше докторов на душу населения, чем в любом
другом канадском городе.
В Канаде людям часто приходится долго ожидать операции,
хотя я лично с этой проблемой не сталкивался. Насколько я знаю,
в Британии тоже есть эта проблема. Канадцы ездят делать срочные операции в США так же, как британцы и ирландцы ездят
в Европу.
Татьяна , россиянка, журналист:
Я живу в Лондоне уже более 20 лет. На мой взгляд, Национальная система здравоохранения (NHS) не работает по двум
основным причинам. 60 лет назад, когда она была основана, было
невозможно себе представить, что возрастающая продолжительность жизни людей и эффективность медицины в целом создадут
такое огромное количество людей с хроническими болезнями.
NHS не в состоянии справиться, она на это рассчитана не была.
Она рассчитана или на быстрое выздоровление, или на скорую
сама всю жизнь работала логопедом в системе NHS в одной из центральных больниц Лондона. Она заболела раком, который многие
специалисты в ее же больнице поначалу диагностировали неправильно. Она два года пробыла жертвой системы незнающих врачей
и бюрократии. Через два года мук диагноз был наконец поставлен
и выяснилось, что ей осталось жить несколько месяцев. Это был
звездный час NHS, с ее же слов, действительно, все сразу отлично
заработало — потому что боролись уже не за жизнь, а за облегченную смерть.
Вторая причина, на мой взгляд, врачей здесь не учат видеть
в пациенте человека, которого нужно спасти. Врачи видят в пациенте раздражителя, загружающего и так перегруженную систему. В государственной системе пациент должен быть уверен,
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что предлагаемое ему лечение, действительно, продумано с целью того, чтобы вылечить его, а не сэкономить на нем средства.
На моем личном опыте лечения в NHS я убедилась в том, что
экономят на всем, в том числе и на здоровье.
Я уже несколько лет жду разрешения на лекарство, которое может мне помочь в лечении диабета, но пока мне его не
дают. По мнению врачей, это слишком дорого. Дали дешевую
замену, которая, как знают врачи, да и я сама, не работает. Я не
могу заплатить за это лекарство сама, потому что здесь по закону невозможно смешивать государственную и частную системы.
Я не могу купить его без рецепта. В то же время, с диабетом
я не могу получить частную страховку. В результате я езжу лечиться в Москву. Конфликт пациента с системой постоянно возрастает с каждым годом, и обе стороны начинают осознавать,
что система просто не работает.
Бенжамин Хобсон, англичанин, креативный директор:
Я верю в британскую Национальную систему здравоохранения. Государственное здравоохранение существует для всех,
а не только для тех, кто может себе позволить медицинский
Согласен, это громоздкая, неповоротливая система, и, возможно, некоторым людям ее медлительность стоила здоровья.
Но все равно я уверен, что есть гораздо больше людей, которым
государственная медицина помогла. А еще не надо забывать
о том, что большинство врачей, работающих в частном секторе,
часть своего времени отдают работе на государственное здравоохранение.
Государственное здравоохранение недофинансируют и недолюбливают. Чем больше в него будет вкладываться, тем лучше
оно заработает.
Допустим, вы достаточно получаете и готовы оплатить частную страховку. Кстати, при этом вам все равно
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придется отчислять налоги на государственную медицину. И вообще, я считаю, что это несправедливо, когда люди
с более высокими доходами получают право на более качественный медицинский уход. Говорят, что никто в мире не должен голодать. То же самое и с медициной. Я родился в государственной
больнице, лечусь в государственном секторе и никогда не куплю
частную страховку.
Софи Маретт, француженка, преподаватель французского
Лично я давно разочаровалась в британской государственной медицине. Я живу в Лондоне уже 11 лет. Когда
я прихожу в свою районную поликлинику, терапевт смотрит не на меня — пациентку, а на экран своего компьютера. Несколько раз мне говорили, что моя болезнь — ерунда,
и прописывали парацетамол. А потом выяснялось, что это была
совсем не ерунда, что нужно было лечиться более основательно, чтобы не допустить последовавших осложнений. Но это мне
объяснил уже врач, к которому я впоследствии пришла во Франции.
Только однажды мне попался адекватный терапевт,
и я была в диком восторге, хотя вообще-то это был просто нормальный врач, но на фоне непрофессионализма остальных он
выглядел просто гением.
Несколько месяцев назад я попросила одного терапевта у себя
в поликлинике дать мне направление к дерматологу. У меня много
родинок, и я хотела удостовериться, что все нормально (как это делают во Франции). Терапевт мне отказала, заявив, что даст направление только в том случае, если я обнаружу родинку, которая выглядит подозрительно. Но в том то и дело, что я не профессионал,
именно поэтому я и хотела попасть к специалисту.
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Еще меня поразило то, что женщины в Британии никогда не ходят на профилактический осмотр к гинекологу. Короче, я езжу во Францию к гинекологу, стоматологу
и ортопеду и плачу там за их услуги. Хотя я плачу в Британии налог
на государственную медицину, я не получаю ничего взамен.
Теперь, что касается дантистов. Три года назад я решила обратиться к дантисту в системе NHS. Меня поставили на лист ожидания. Через год мне позвонили и назначили осмотр, сказав, что
если я не приду, меня удалят из списков NHS без права восстановления. Я ответила, что никогда не пропускала приема у врача, этого
не случится и на этот раз. К сожалению, в день, когда я должна
была попасть к своему новому дантисту, у меня сломалась машина,
и я не успевала на прием. Я позвонила в поликлинику, извинилась,
но из-за того, что я не пришла, меня вычеркнули из списков NHS.
Теперь я езжу лечить зубы во Францию... Я только надеюсь, что
со мной не случится ничего серьезного, и мне не нужна будет срочная помощь...
Answer the questions:
What do you know about the healthcare system in the US?
Are health services in the US free? Who can get them?
What is Medicare? Medicaid?
Task 3. Consecutive interpreting skills
Interpret the recorded abstract (task number twelve on the disc).
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Task 4.  Sight translation skills
Give a sight translation of the text
Кто помогает американцам без медстраховки?
Главным изъяном здравоохранения США принято считать то обстоятельство, что миллионы американцев не охвачены ни частным, ни государственным медицинским страхованием.
Сколько американцев не имеют медицинской страховки,
точно не знает никто. Самую большую цифру назвало в 2003
году бюджетное управление конгресса США, по данным которого страхованием не были охвачены 59 миллионов американцев. Самую маленькую цифру объявило два года спустя
одно из подразделений бюро переписи США — 19 миллионов человек. Но обычно приводят другую оценку бюро переписи — 45 миллионов. Ею оперируют сторонники коренной
перестройки американского здравоохранения, целью которой
является введение медицинского страхования для всех американцев.
Скептики оспаривают эту оценку, отмечая, например,
что, по сведениям того же бюро переписи, 45 миллионов незастрахованных включают 9 миллионов проживающих в США
Согласно исследованию минздрава США, 9 миллионов
американцев из оставшихся 36 миллионов имеют право на государственную медицинскую страховку Medicare, предназначенную для престарелых, но не обязательно ею пользуются.
Страховка то есть, то нет.
Остается 27 миллионов. Но членство в этой группе не
носит перманентного характера: сегодня у вас есть страховка, а завтра вы ушли с работы, которая ее вам давала, и ее у
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вас нет. Послезавтра вы трудоустроились, и она снова у вас
Кроме того, 18 миллионов членов этой группы принадлежат
к возрастной когорте от 18 до 34 лет. Большинство людей
этого возраста вполне здоровы, многие считают, что они бессмертны и предпочитают купить себе не медицинскую страховку, а ящик пива.
Другие откладывают деньги на дом или собираются открыть собственное дело и экономят на страховке, которая не
кажется им нужной.
Как явствует из доклада бюро переписи за август 2006
года, 37% незастрахованных, то есть 17 миллионов человек,
зарабатывают в год более 50 тысяч долларов, то есть могут
позволить себе страховку, но предпочитают тратить деньги на
другое. 19% — 8,7 миллиона человек - зарабатывают более
75 тысяч в год. Если человек такого достатка ломает ногу, он
вполне может заплатить за лечение из собственного кармана.
Бесплатное лечение.
Как бы там ни было, у миллионов американцев страховки нет. Но ее отсутствие не означает, что вас не будут лечить.
В США существует сеть бесплатных клиник, а платные,
по закону, не имеют права отказать вам в медицинской помощи, если вы в ней срочно нуждаетесь. Это относится и к иностранцам, и к миллионам нелегальных эмигрантов, лечение
которых ложится на частные больницы тяжелым бременем и
уже привело к банкротству нескольких.
От частнопрактикующих врачей закон альтруизма не
требует, но многие готовы войти в ваше положение и помочь вам либо безвозмездно, либо взять с вас за визит намного меньше, чем с обладателя страховки. Точно так
же часто можно договориться, чтобы лаборатория взяла
с вас меньше за анализы.
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Фармацевтические компании в рекламных целях заваливают врачей бесплатными лекарствами, которые те сплошь и
рядом раздают малообеспеченным пациентам.
Бывший житель Баку, пожелавший остаться неназванным,
рассказывает, что берет в аптеке анкеты известных фармацевтических компаний типа Merck или Pizer, которые бесплатно
предоставляют дорогие лекарства неимущим. Экс-бакинец к
этой категории не относится, но не указывает в анкете дом,
который записан на его дочь, — и получает лекарства даром.
Два года назад сеть гипермаркетов Wal-Mart начала продавать все незапатентованные лекарства по 4 доллара за месячную дозу. Они включают средства от широкого диапазона
заболеваний: от гипертонии до диабета.
Счета из больницы.
Предположим, вас привозят в нью-йоркскую больницу с
аппендицитом или сердечным приступом.
Если вы в сознании, то сразу по поступлении сотрудник финансового отдела больницы ненавязчиво, но детально
опросит вас на предмет вашего финансового положения.
Если у вас нет страховки и вы бедны, вам тут же оформляют Medicaid, бесплатную страховку для малоимущих, и
проблема решена. Если вы не очень бедны, и Medicaid вам не
полагается, то после выписки к вам начнут поступать счета на
тысячи и десятки тысяч долларов.
В случае нежелания или неспособности платить больница попытается взыскать с вас недоимки через суд. Обычно
она не хочет судиться, и с нею можно договорится о выплате
в рассрочку.
Для иностранцев есть и другой вариант: знакомая украинка провела в майамской больнице три дня, получила счет
на 10 тысяч долларов и сочла за благо вернуться на родину.
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У другой был аппендицит. Получив счет на 15 тысяч долларов, она договорилась с больницей, что будет выплачивать
их постепенно.
Иногда гора счетов погребает под собою американца, и
он лишается сбережений и дома, а то и становится банкротом.
Но медицинскую помощь ему оказали, а впредь будут оказывать тем более, поскольку он теперь неимущий.
Дешево хорошо не бывает. Бориса Тросмана, приехавшего в США из Средней Азии и порвавшего на стройке сухожилие, бесплатно вылечили в казенной клинике
в Чикаго, но он вспоминает, что ему приходилось часами ждать
в очереди. В дорогой частной клинике сервис был бы куда
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А. В. Суртаева
Английский язык.
Устный последовательный перевод.
Учебно-методическое пособие.
Подписано в печать 10.08.09 г. Формат 60х90 1/16.
Гарнитура Times New Roman. Бумага офсетная.
Печать офсетная. Печ. л. 5,75.
Тираж 100 экз.
Верстка: Прокопьева Екатерина
Отпечатано в типографии ООО “ТУРУСЕЛ”,
Санкт-Петербург, Миллионная ул., д. 1.
(812) 571-54-74. Лицензия ПД № 2-69-571.