#separator:tab #html:true Benifits of Cloud1. Pay on Demand<br>2. Sharing cost with other customers<br>3. Scale up or down<br>4. Launch Recources quickly<br>5. Focus on customers (No Configuration)<br>6. Deploy in multiple regions Fault LevelCollection of Fault Domains Fault DomainsLimiting damages to only its domain and not allowing cascades to other domains Edge Locationson and off ramps to the global aws network AWS Global Networkprivate expressway where things can move very fast between datacenters Point of PresenceEdge Locations and Regional Edge Caches<br>Intermediate location between region and user for content delivery or expediated upload Regional Edge Locationsholder largers caches for less popular files Amazon CloudfrontContent Delivery Network Service that&nbsp;<br><ul><li>routes to the nearest Edge Location cache</li><li>caches the contents of an origin to different edge location</li></ul> Amazon S3 Transfer Accelerationgenerates special URL that can be used by users to upload files to nearby edge location. once uploaded it can move much faster within aws network to reach s3 AWS Global Accelerationcan find optimal path from user to web servers. sends user traffic to edge location AWS Direct Connectprivate/dedicated connection between datacenter, office and AWS<br><ul><li>helps reduce network costs and increase bandwith throughput</li><li>consistent network expreience</li></ul> AWS Wavelength Zonesedge computing on 5G Networks Data Residencyphysical or geographic location where cloud recources reside Compliance Boundariesregulatory compliance by a gov or org that describrs where recources are allowed to reside Data Sovereigntycontrol over data bc of its physical location AWS ConfigPolicy as Code Service<br>create rules to continously check aws recources config AWS Outposts&nbsp;physical rack of servers AWS Ground Stationlerts you control satellite communications AvailabilityEnsure a service remains availible ScalibilityGrow rapidly or impeded Elasticityshrink and grow to meet demand Fault toleranceability to prevent failure Disaster recoveryability to recover&nbsp; Recovery Point Objective RPOmax acceptable amount of time of data loss Recovery Time Objective RTOmax of downtime to tolerate of failure without financial loss Disaster Recovery Options1. Back &amp; Restore<br>2. Pilot Light<br>3. Warm Standby<br>4. MultiSite Active AWS Cloudshellbrowser based shell built into AWS Management Console Infrastracture as Code IaCautomate creating, updating, or destroying cloud infrastructure AWS Cloud Formation CFNDeclarative IaC tool, EXPLICIT configuration AWS Cloud Development kit CDKImperative IaC tool, Implicit Confugration using programming languages AWS Shared Responsibility ModelCustomers<br><ul><li>Configuration</li><li>Security Configuration</li></ul><div>AWS</div><div><ul><li>Software</li><li>Hardware / Global Infrastracture</li></ul></div> Elastic Compute Cloud EC2allows you to launch virtual machines<br>server virtualization allows create copy resize or migrate your server and can run multiple vms on the same physical server and highly configurable Amazon Lightsailmanaged virtual server service. friendly version of ec2 Containersvirtualizing on os to run multiple workloads o a single os instance Elastic Container Service ECScontainer orhestration service and launches a cluster of servers on ec2 instances ECS Fargateserverless orchestration container service, aws manages underlying server Elastic Container Registry ECRrepositoryu for container images, saved copies for version control Elastic Kubernetes Servers EKSfully managed kubernetes service AWS Lambdaserverless functions service for uploading and running code Nitro Systemdedicated hardware and lightweight hypervisor enabnling faster innovatioon and nehanced security Edge Computingpushes computing workload outside of your network close to destination location Hybrid Computingrun workloads on premise and aws virtual private cloud vpc AWS Wavelengthbuild and launch application in a telecom datecenter and pushed over 5g network VMWare Cloud on AWSmanage on premise virtual maching AWS Local Zonesedge datacenter located outside of an aws region AWS Batchplans schedules and executes your batch computing workloads&nbsp; AWS Compute Optimizer&nbsp;suggests how to reduce costs and improbve performance using ML EC2 Autoscaling groups ASGautomatically adds or remove ec2 servers to meet current demand of traffic Elastic Load Balancer ELBdistrubtes traffic to muiltiple instances, and can reroute traffic&nbsp; AWS Elastic Beanstalk EBeasy deploying web applications&nbsp; Storage Services1. Elastic Block Store EBS - BLOCKS<br>2. AWS Elastic File Storage - FILE<br>3. Amazon Simple Storage Service - Object Elastic Block Store EBSData is split evenly into blocks, directly accesed by os, supports single write volume AWS Elastic File Storage EFSFile is stored with data and metadata<br>mutliple connectiions via network share<br>supports multiple reads, writing locks<br>multiple users access same drive Amazon Simple Storage Service S3object stored with data, metadatam anbd id<br>0 to 5tb of object size<br>unlimited storage<br>supports multiple reads and writes Storage Gatewayhybrid cloud storage to extend on premise to cloud AWS Snow Family&nbsp;physically migrate large amounts of data to cloud AWS Backupfully managed backup service to make centralized and automate backup data CloudEndure Disaster Recoveryreplicates machines into low cost staging area AWS FSxfile system DynamoDBNoSQL flagship database service, cost effective, scales, fast DocumentDBNoSQL Document, mongoDB compatible Amazon Keyspacesapache cassandra database Relational Database Service RDSrelation database supports multiple sql engines Auroradatabase of MySQL or PSQL Redshiftdatawarehouse, keeps large amounts of data hot and get it back very fast ElastiCachedatabase of the in memory and chaching of open source databases Database Migration Service DMSmigrate from on premise to aws, two databases, or sql to nosql NeptuneGraph database Amazon Timestreamstime series database Amazon Quantum Ledger Databaserecord history of inancial activities that can be trusted, cryptographically variable transatcion logs Virtual Private Cloud VPCisolated section of AWS Network wher you launch AWS Recources Subnetspartition ip network into smaller segments&nbsp; Public subnetpartition of ip network that can reach the internet Private subnetpartition of ip network that cant reach the internet Network Access Control Lists NACLsvirual firewall at subnet level, create allow and deny rules Security Groupsfirewall at instance level, implicitly denies all trafic, you create only allow rules Dedicated Hostssingle tenant instance of ec2 instances allows your to have machine characteristsics, such as sockets cores, hostid and phyiscal server isoltation EC2 PricingOn Demand, Spot, Reserved, Dedicated IAM Policiesgrant permisions for a specific user, group or roless IAM Usersusers who interact with AWS IAM Groupsgroup of IAM users IAM Rolesroles grant recources permissions to specific api actions Principle of Least Priviledge PoLPgive only what is needed Application Integegrationtwo independent applciations communicating and work with each other<br><ul><li>queueing</li><li>streaming</li><li>pubsub</li><li>api gateways</li><li>state machine</li></ul> Queueing Systemdelete messages once consumed. not real time Simple Queueing Service SQSqueueing service&nbsp; Streamingmultiple consumers react to events. realtime Amazon Kinesiscollecting processing and analyzing streaming data in the cloud PubSubpublishers send messages to subscribers that is managed through an event bus Simple Notification Service SNSpub sub messaging service API Gatewaysits between entry point and backends, manges request and response Amazon API Gatewaycreating secure apis State Machinesdecides how one state moves to another based on conditions like a flow chart AWS Step Functionsstate machine , coordinate multiple aws services into serverless workflow Event Busrecieves events from a source and routes events to target Event Bridgeserverless event bus&nbsp; Kubernetes&nbsp;container orchestration system for automating deployment scaling and management of containers AWS Organizationscreates new aws account, centralizing billing, control access, compliance, security, and shared recources AWS Control Towerhelps enterprises setup multi account&nbsp; AWS QuickStartsprebuilt templates Amazon Connectvirtual call center service Workspacesvirutal remove desktop service WorkDocsshared collaboration service Chimevideo conference service WorkMailmaange email contaacts calenders Simple Email Service SEStransactional email service QuickSight&nbsp;Business intelligence service AWS OpsWorksconfiguration management service Cloud Formationinfrastructure modeling and provision service, automate provisining of aws services&nbsp; AWS Amplifymobile and web applciation framework AWS CloudTraillogs api calls between aws services CloudWatchlogs, metrics, events, alarms, dashboard, colelction of services AWS X-Raydistibuted tracing system, pinpoint issues with microservices Amazon Sagemakerbuild train deploy ML models at scale Amazon CodeGuruML code analysis service Amazon Lexconversion interface service, voice and text chatbots Amazon Personalizereal time recommendation service Amazo Pollytext to speech Amazon Rekognitionimage and video recognition Amazon transcribe&nbsp;speech to text amazon tetractextract text from scanned documents Amazon translateml translation amazon comprehend&nbsp;natural language processor Amazon Athenaserverless intereactive querry service, csv or json to s3 Amazon CloudSearch&nbsp;text search service Amazon Elasticsearch serivce ESmanaged elastisearch cluster, full text search engine Amazon Elastic Map Reduce EMRdata processing and analysis&nbsp; Kinesis Data Streamsreal time streaming data service AWS Well Architcted Framworkoperational excellent- run and monitor systems<br>security - protect data<br>reliability- mitage and recovber<br>performance efficiency - use computing recources effectively<br>cost optimization AWS Pricing Calculatorfree cost estimation tool AWS Migration Evaluatorestimate costof cloud migration AWS Data Migration Service DMSallows you to quickyl migrate one database to anaother AWS Support Plansbasic, developer, business, enterprise Technical Account Manager TAMguidance and reactrive support&nbsp; AWS Trusted Advisorrecomendation tool to automtically and monitor ads account for recomendations AWS Budgetsgive you alerts on defined budget AWS Cost Explorervisalize and manage aws cost over time Layers of Security1. Data<br>2. Application<br>3. Compuite<br>4. Network<br>5 Permiter<br>6 Identity and access<br>7 phyiscal Confidetiality integrity availibility CIAc - protect data from unauthorized users<br>i - maintaining<br>a - availible when needed AWS Artifacton demand access to compliance reports AWS Inspectorruns security benchmark against ec2 sintances , network and host assessments AWS Shieldmanages DDos Amazon Gaurd Dutythreat detection service Amazon Virtual Private Network VPNsecure private tunnel from network to aws global network AWS Web Application Firewall WAFpreotection web pplications from web exploits Cloud HSM&nbsp;automatate hardware probvisioning software patching backups