HOLY FAMILY UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF NURSING AND HEALTH SCIENCES Patient Care Worksheet NURS 431 Patient Initials SD Room # 3003 Age 27 Sex F Allergies : NDKA Weight (kg) 112.3 Medical Diagnosis/History Admitting Medical Diagnosis: Cesarian section Past Medical/Surgical History: Left Femur fracture. Tonsilitis AB+ blood type G/T/P/A/L G3, T2, P0, A0, L2 Significant Family History: Hypertension Breast cancer on the maternal side. Student’s Signature: MS Patient Assessment Treatments/Procedures/Equipment: Safety: moderate risk for fall (score 12) Neuro/Mental Status: AAOx4, with PERRLA within normal limits, moderate hand grip b/l, gait steady. Pulmonary: Clear lung sounds in all lobes, no SOB, no cough, normal respiration speed, no dyspnea, SpO2 is 100% on 4L/min oxygen Cardiac: Regular apical pulse, +1 peripheral edema, capillary refill < 3seconds in upper and lower extremities. Abdominal/G.I.: soft, non-tender, bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants. Fundus: Fundus is at the umbilical level, firm and midline. Lochia: moderate rubra lochia, with pads changes every 2 hours. Skin/Incision: normal color, texture and turgor Incision does not present any redness, swelling, or discharge. Nutrition/Diet: patient is on clear liquid diet. Intravenous Therapy: no IV present. G.U./I&O/Foley: Foley removed at 0830 Patient’s 1st void: 200 mL at 1200 Patient’s 2nd void: 330 mL at 1630 mL Activity: patient was able to ambulate to the bathroom and back to the bed with help. Pain Assessment: Patient reports pain level of 7 on a scale of 0-10, at the incision site. Patient describes pain as tightness and sharp with movement. Significant Social History: Patient has her mother and husband as support. Rev 1/3/23 DM/CT Vital Signs: Temperature 99.1 Pulse 62 Respirations 22 Blood Pressure 110/82 1 Oxygen: 4L/min Mini-Nebs: N/A TEDs/SCDs: N/A Blood Glucose: N/A PT/OT Orders: N/A Psychosocial Spiritual/Cultural Concerns: English speaking with no cultural concerns. African American race. Code Status/Advanced Directives: Full Code What did you learn taking care of this patient? I learned that this patient tripped and fell while pregnant at 38 weeks and 2 days and the doctor performed a Csection due to vaginal bleeding and breached fetus. I was able to apply the assess the patient in postpartum using the BUBBLE HEP technique. Holy Family University School of Nursing and Health Sciences PATHOPHYSIOLOGY WORKSHEET FOR PRIMARY MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS Primary Medical Diagnosis (include source): Secondary Diagnoses: C-section Vaginal Bleeding Etiology of Primary Diagnosis (include source): Pathophysiology of Primary Diagnosis (include source): A cesarian birth is the delivery of a fetus through a transabdominal incision of the uterus to preserve the life and the heath of the patient and her baby when there is evidence of complications. Incisions are made vertically, or horizontally on the abdomen, but the horizontally is the preferred one. Lowdermilk, D. L., Perry, S. E., Cashion, K., Alden, K. R., & Olshansky, E. F. (2020). Maternity & Women's Health Care. Elsevier. Clinical Manifestations of Primary Medical Diagnosis: Textbook Description: Medical Treatment/Regimen (Textbook): -Spinal (block) anesthesia -Epidural (block) anesthesia Cesarean section is a fetal delivery through an open abdominal incision(laparotomy) and an incision in the uterus (hysterotomy). To achieve a cesarean delivery, the surgeon must traverse all the layers that separate him/her from the fetus. Lowdermilk, D. L., Perry, S. E., Cashion, K., Alden, K. R., & Olshansky, E. F. (2020). Maternity & Women's Health Care. Elsevier. S/S Manifested by your Patient: - Decreased fetal Heart rate due to trauma Actual Treatment Ordered: - preservative-free morphine - Tylenol - Incision care -pain medications Rev 1/3/23 DM/CT 2 Diagnostic Data (Lab, etc.) Lab/Test Name Group B Strep screening Date Lab/Test Performed 04/30/2023 Negative Negative Pt is negative for GBS. No Group B strep infection present. There is no risk of infection for the fetus. HIV antibodies screen 04/30/2023 Negative Negative Patient it’s negative for infection with HIV. Very low risk of infection for the fetus. Hep B antibodies screen 04/30/2023 Negative Negative Patient is negative for infection with Hep B virus. Very low risk of infection for the fetus. Hep C antibodies screen 04/30/2023 Negative Negative Patient is negative for infection with Hep C virus. Very low risk of infection for the fetus. Blood Type 04/30/2023 AB+ Pt has AB+ blood, no ABO incompatibility complications RBC 04/30/2023 3.29 - 4.85 X1012/L 3.31 X1012/L Patient is within normal limits, but she can become anemic if she continues losing blood through the vaginal bleeding. WBC 04/30/2023 6.0–16.0 × 109/L 8.2 x 109/L Patient is within normal limits. There are no signs of infection. Hemoglobin 04/30/2023 12.0-16.0 g/dL 12.9 g/dL Patient is within normal limits. This result can be an indication of blood loss due to trauma or C-section surgery. Hematocrit 04/30/2023 36-46 % 38 % Patient is within normal limits. This result can be an indication of blood loss due to trauma or C-section surgery. 04/30/2023 150-400 305 Patient is within normal limits. A low platelet result is an indication of abnormal bleeding. Platelets Rev 1/3/23 DM/CT Normal Range Result 3 What Do Results Indicate for this Client? Signs and Symptoms Medical Dx/ Reason for Admission/history/Age Age 27 y Past Medical History Left femur fracture. Tonsilitis Reason for Admission C-section Objective Temp: 99.1 Respiration rate:22 Pulse: 62 Pulse Ox: 100% on 4L/min oxygen BP: 108/82 RBC: 3.31 Hemoglobin: 12.9 Hematocrit: 38% WBC: 8.2 PLT: 305 Subjective Abdominal pain of 9 on a scale from 0-10. Patient describes the pain excruciating in the abdominal area. Nursing Diagnosis Risk for deficient fluid volume r/t trauma induced hemorrhage AEB excessive vaginal bleeding. Outcomes Short Term Goal Patient will display normal vital signs by the end of the shift. Long Term Goal Patient will remain hemodynamic stable by discharge. Evaluation Was short-term goal met? Yes, patient maintained vital signs within normal limits. Was long-term goal met? Still in progress. Nursing Interventions/ Rationales Nursing Interventions Assess: Assess RR, BP, and pulse before, during, and after surgery. Assess Oxygen saturation level. Assess Fetal Heart Rate Rationales for Nursing Interventions Assess: A minimal but continued change in vital signs is a sign of impeding hemorrhage. Oxygen deficits are manifested first by changes in mental status, later by cyanosis. A decrease in fetal heart rate shows a distress of the fetus. Do: Place a towel or wedge under the client’s hip Place an IV Administer supplemental oxygen via a mask, as indicated. Do: Placing a towel wedge shifts the uterus off the inferior vena cava and increases venous return. IV access is very important to be able to administer medications and blood products. Oxygen administration increases the oxygen available for maternal and fetal uptake. Teach: Teach the patient that she will have an incision. Teach the patient to not lift anything heavy Teach the patient to not drive until cleared by the doctor Teach: Teach the patient how to take care of the incision to avoid infections. Teach the patient that she should not lift anything heavier than her baby. patient should be helped by her support system until she’s cleared by the physician. References: Subasinghe, K. R. L. (2022, September 9). 10 cesarean birth (C-section) nursing care plans. Nurseslabs. Retrieved April 29, 2023, from https://nurseslabs.com/cesarean-birth-nursing-careplans/. Rev 1/3/23 DM/CT 4 Holy Family University School of Nursing and Allied Health Professions Medication List Side Effects Nursing Considerations Generic & Brand Name Classification Acetaminophen (Tylenol) NSAIDs Dose/Route/Frequency Action 650mg, PO, Q6H (PRN) Inhibits Cox activity, blocking pain, impulses, peripherally, through prostaglandin synthesis, inhibition Constipation Dizziness Diarrhea Headache Itchiness Fatigue Nausea Preservative free morphine 0.2-1 mg as a continuous Intrathecally administration Binds with and activates opioid receptors in the brain and spinal cord to produce analgesia and euphoria. Agitation Confusion Dizziness Increased ICP Seizures Lower blood pressure Bradycardia Leukopenia Thrombocytopenia Apnea Rev 1/3/23 DM/CT 5 Patient Education Reason your client is taking this medication Caution used in hepatic or renal impaired patients. Do not exceed maximum dose daily Treatment for mild to moderate pain postpartum. Know the chronic maternal use of morphine during pregnancy Teach the patient to change the position slowly due to orthostatic hypotension induced by morphine. Severe pain during Csection. Use extreme caution when administering morphine to patients with hypoxia or decrease respiratory reserve. Each the patient that she will have a PCA after C-section and how to use it. NURSES NOTES Patient was admitted for emergency cesarean section at 37.5 weeks. The patient is 27 years old, Temp: 99.1, Respiration rate:22, Pulse: 62, Pulse Ox: 100% on 4L/min oxygen, BP: 108/82 and the fetal heart rate was steady 150. Patient has a history of tonsillitis and left femur fracture. Skin is dry and warm to the touch. Patient states her pain is 9 out of 10 describing it as excruciating abdominal pain. Presently the patient has a Foley inserted with no signs of infection. An IV was placed at 2210 with good return. Rev 1/3/23 DM/CT 6