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Sociology Reading Reflection: Social Networks & Capital

Who Gets Ahead? Sociology of Social Networks and Social Capital
Weekly Reading Reflection on Required Readings
Teams will be assigned a required reading each week. Please make sure you post your
response on edimension by Wednesday each week.
Step 1: As you read, jot down facts and your immediate response (150 words)
Who is the author?
What is the journal article/book chapter about?
What are some perspectives depicted by the author that captivate you & why?
How does this reading relate to contemporary examples?”
Do you agree or disagree with the argument, methods, and findings?
When taking notes, try to be specific and include detailed citations and page numbers for direct
quotes so you don’t have to chase them later. This will help you in your future assignments.
Step 2: Having read the article or book chapter, reflect on it through a constructive critique lens &
jot down 3 questions, observations, and/or provocations for a class discussion.
Here are some sample questions. You may craft your own.
What is the argument or hypothesis are underlying in this article or book chapter? Are there
any assumptions?
What is the purpose of this research?
Do you agree with the methodology used by the author?
Is the evidence and conclusion provided sufficient or reasonable?
Step 3: Post your entry on Edimension for class discussion.