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Digital Libraries of Kerala: An Overview

"I have always imagined that
Paradise will be a kind of a Library."
• A digital library, also called an online library, an internet library, a
digital repository, or a digital collection is an online database of
digital objects that can include text, still images, audio, video, digital
documents or other digital media formats or a library accessible
through the internet. Objects can consist of digitized content like
print or photographs, as well as originally produced digital content
like word processor files or social media posts. In addition to storing
content, digital libraries provide means for organizing, searching,
and retrieving the content contained in the collection. Digital
libraries can vary immensely in size and scope, and can be
maintained by individuals or organizations.[1] The digital content
may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks.
These information retrieval systems are able to exchange
information with each other through interoperability and
MCET library block
Saintgits Library
Kerala University Library
Nalanda Digital Library
IISER Central Library
All Saints Library
IIMK Library and Information block
Central Library NITC
Devan Memorial library
Ernakulam Library
FISAT Library
KAU Central Library
IMG Digital Library
• IMG is in the process of developing its Digital
Library. IMG Digital Library is envisage to host
digital resources like e-Books, e-Journals, Reports,
Course Materials, etc in thrust areas of IMG like
Gender, e-Governance, Poverty Alleviation, RTI,
Office Management etc. Digitization of the
resources are in process.
• e-journals
• Elite provides full text coverage of scholarly business,
management and economics journals.
This rich collection also includes publications covering
topics such as accounting, banking, finance,
international business, marketing, sales, etc.
Business Source Elite offers full text for over 1,000
business publications and contains expanded PDF back
files for 150 titles (back to 1985 or the first issue
published for that journal). More than 10,100
substantial company profiles from Datamonitor are
also included.
Eldis Provide more than 26,000 full text documents in development, policy, practice and research.
It maintains an ever-growing collection of editorially selected and abstracted full-text, online
documents from more than 7,500 different publishers. All documents are available free of charge
Archives on Indian Labour
Archives on Indian Labour: Archives on Indian Labour contains resources on Labour, Labour Policy
etc. The archives was instituted in order to address the need for preservation of rapidly decaying
documents and material on labour and to provide for greater public access to the same
Open Index Initiative
Open Index Initiative is an online and searchable bibliographic database for most of the Indian
Social Science literature and resources available in Indian libraries. OII is developed by IGDIR
Library, Mumbai. It indexes selected Indian social science Journals and working papers/discussion
papers/occasional papers, and thesis/dissertations emanating from Indian social science institutes
and departments.
Library and Information Center
The Central Library has a stock of 34800 volumes of various subjects and up to 27 International and
59 National journals along with E-journals, subscribed under the VTU Consortium. Along with the
course curriculum books Library also has Aptitude, GATE, Placement sample papers, past question
papers, NPTEL videos etc which acts as a supporting tools for the students academics. The Central
Library has a total area of 1628 sqmtr with ambience reading environment. The library provides
ample space for students and teachers with comfortable seating arrangements along with digital
library & reprographics section.
The Library is computerized with NewGenLib open source software with RFID Technology and also
equipped with KIOSK wherein the user/student can issue the books, return/renew or search for a
particular book.
Books Lending
After becoming the member, each student will be issued a Smart Card. Each student can borrow 3
books at a time & can retain the books for a period of 15 days; the books have to be returned
/renewed before the due date. Teaching fraternity can borrow 08 books at a time.
Digital Library
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) established VTU Consortium in the year 2014. The
motto of the consortium being to facilitate access to online journals/e-books for the students,
faculties and research scholars of VTU Affiliated Engineering Colleges in Karnataka. Subscription of
online journals databases is very expensive and colleges can’t afford the cost individually. VTU
negotiates with the publishers to supply the online contents to the colleges in a subsidized price.
Library Timings
Monday –Friday : 8:30 am to 8 pm
Saturdays : 8:30 am to 6 pm
Sundays, Govt. Holidays & Institution Holidays : Not Functioning
Each student can borrow 3 books at a time & can retain the books for a period of 15 days; the
books have to be returned/renewed before the due date. Teaching faculty can borrow 08 books at a
The library is equipped with the following multimedia facilities.
1) LCD projector
2) Slide and Pre-Recorded CD’s cassettes
3) Slide Projector Scanner.
4) CD writer (Combo)
5) Color Printer
The College library has a Canon Xerox Photocopying Machine to cater the need of the students &
staff at Nominal rate
Library Rules
1. Library Hours
The Library hours will be fixed by the University Syndicate from time to time. As at present fixed, the library hours will be as follows.
8 AM to 8 PM on all working days.
2 PM to 8 PM on Sundays
The library is kept open on some of the public holidays also. The holidays on which the library is closed will be notified on the library notice board
The loan counter will be closed half an hour before the closing of the library and there will be no transactions of loan thereafter.
2. Membership and admission to the library
i) Admission to the library is restricted to members, but others who are desirous of consulting books in the library may do so with the permission of
the Librarian or in his absence, of the senior most members of the staff of the library present. Permission can be refused without assigning any
reasons therefor.
ii) Before entering the Library the Gate Register is to be signed and the Membership Card shown at the counter. Private books and personal
belongings are to be deposited at the Property Counter and a token obtained for them.
iii) The membership of the library is open to the following categories:(a) Students and teachers of the University and affiliated colleges,
(b) Heads of the non-teaching Departments of the university,
(c) Members of the Senate,
(d) Members of the Syndicate,
(e) Members of the Faculties, Boards of Studies,
(f) Non-teaching staff of the University and its Departments,
(g) Graduates of recognised Universities and Oriental title holders residing in Kerala, but
(a) to (f) above,
(h) Recognized Institutions
(i) Others at the discretion of the Vice-Chancellor.
not belonging to any of the categories mentioned in
• Central Library provides access to thousands of e-books published by
various publishers. These include e-text books, lecture note series,
encyclopedias, audio books etc. Lecture Notes in Mathematics and Physics
are made available from its first volume.
• McGraw Hill Education E-Text Books
• Springer E-Books
• American Society for Microbiology e-Books
• Cambridge University Press E-Books
• Lecture Notes in Physics (Vol 1- Present)
• Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Vol 1- Present)
Free e-books by Project Gutenberg
• Oxford University Press e-Books
• eMRW – Encyclopedia of Life Science
• Hindi e-Books
• Hindi Vocabulary
Library Rules & Regulations
Users must leave their bags and other belongings outside the Library. Only notebooks and papers are allowed inside the library. Library staff will not
be held responsible for the loss of any personal belongings of users.
Strict silence to be maintained in the library.
Use of mobile phones, consumption of food and drinks are strictly prohibited inside the library.
Users are encouraged to use the computers kept inside the library for accessing the library catalog, e-journals, e-books, and academic databases.
Laptop can only be used in the designated place in the library.
Mutilation of books in any form (e.g., underlining, writing on pages, tearing off pages, damaging the binding, etc.) will lead to a hefty fine or even
replacement of the book. Before borrowing a book, users should ensure the condition of the book and bring to the notice of the library staff, if any
mutilation is found.
Users who lose/mutilate library books are liable to replace it with its latest edition along with a penalty of 20% of the total cost of the book. If the
book is part of a set or series, they may be called upon to replace the whole set or series. In case the lost book is untraceable in the market or out of
print, the Institute reserves the right to decide appropriate penalty.
Users should create a user ID and password in the library portal to reserve, renew, and to check details of books borrowed by them. Up to three
books can be reserved (hold) at a time, and once the reserved book is available in the library, users will be notified by an auto-generated email.
Users should obey copyright regulations while accessing online resources (e-books, e-journals, databases, etc.). Details of the e-resources subscribed
by the institute are available on the library , which can be accessed from any computer, laptop, smartphone, etc., connected to the IISER TVM
Students who go for project/internship in other institutes may request for a OpenAthens login for off campus access to the IISER TVM subscribed
online resources for a fixed period of their internship.
Resources like the library portal, Grammarly, SciFinder, Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, and OpenAthens require passwords. Users may
contact the library staff for obtaining their login IDs.
Users must obtain the no dues clearance certificate from the library before they leave the institute due to the course completion, discontinuation,
resignation, migration, etc. Users should submit their no dues clearance form well in advance to avoid unexpected delay in obtaining the clearance.
Final year students should send a PDF copy of their thesis to library [AT] iisertvm.ac.in, before obtaining no due clearance from the library.
Users should obey the library rules and regulations. Violation of rules and any act of misbehavior will be brought to the notice of the institute
authority and will lead to intense disciplinary action.
• Center for the Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL)
• Digital Libraries and personnel training in IT are among the top
priority areas in the national agenda for the coming couple of years.
Also, owing to the developments in IT/Internet and the recent
upsurge of digital information resources/services, there is heavy
demand from the users for digital library services nation wide.
• With a view to address the above and to offer help to our
institutions in developing vibrant Digital Libraries, IIMK has
launched a Center for the Development of Digital Libraries (CDDL).
The CDDL shall take up assignments and projects for the promotion
and creation of Digital Libraries, on a case to case basis. The Center
shall offer counseling, consultancy, advise, guidance and also
assistance for the development of robust digital library systems to
those approaching IIMK on the subject.