EPLUS-TS OPERATORS MANUAL F l o w C o mpu t er T est S ep a ra t o r Versi o n 1 2 60 3 So u th wes t F re e wa y , S u ite 3 2 0 S ta f f o rd , T ex a s 7 7 4 77 U S A ( 2 81 ) 56 5 - 11 18 F a x (2 81 ) 56 5 -11 1 9 Date: 10/13/2014 WARRANTY Dynamic Flow Computers warrants to the owner of the EPLUS Flow Computer that the product delivered will be free from defects in material and workmanship for one (1) year following the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover the product if it is damaged in the process of being installed or damaged by abuse, accident, misuse, neglect, alteration, repair, disaster, or improper testing. If the product is found otherwise defective, Dynamic Flow Computers will replace or repair the product at no charge, provided that you deliver the product along with a return material authorization (RMA) number from Dynamic Flow Computers. Dynamic Flow Computers will not assume any shipping charge or be responsible for product damage due to improper shipping. THE ABOVE WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ANY OTHER WARRANTY EXPRESS IMPLIED OR STATUTORY. BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR ANY WARRANTY ARISING OUT OF ANY PROPOSAL, SPECIFICATION, OR SAMPLE. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: DYNAMIC FLOW COMPUTERS SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY INDIRECT OR SPECULATIVE DAMAGES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL AND SPECIAL DAMAGES) ARISING FROM THE USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT. WHETHER ARISING OUT OF CONTRACT, OR UNDER ANY WARRANTY, IRRESPECTIVE OF WHETHER DFM HAS ADVANCED NOTICE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF ANY SUCH DAMAGE INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF USE, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, AND LOSS OF PROFITS. NOTWITHSTANDING THE FOREGOING, DFM’S TOTAL LIABILITY FOR ALL CLAIMS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT SHALL NOT EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE PRODUCT. THESE LIMITATIONS ON POTENTIAL LIABILITY WERE AN ESSENTIAL ELEMENT IN SETTING THE PRODUCT PRICE. DFM NEITHER ASSUMES NOR AUTHORIZES ANYONE TO ASSUME FOR IT ANY OTHER LIABILITIES Date: 10/13/2014 CHAPTER 1: QUICK START ................................................................................................................ 1-1 Introduction: ............................................................................................................................................ 1-1 Quick Start ............................................................................................................................................... 1-2 Technical Data ......................................................................................................................................... 1-5 Parts List .................................................................................................................................................. 1-6 Starting and installing Dynacom Software: ............................................................................................. 1-7 System Minimum Requirements ......................................................................................................... 1-7 Website- DFC Configuration Software / Firmware ................................................................................. 1-8 DFC Configuration Software(Dynacom) ................................................................................................ 1-9 DFC Firmware(Image) .......................................................................................................................... 1-11 Dyancom Configuration Software - Home Page ................................................................................... 1-12 Configuration Mode .......................................................................................................................... 1-13 Diagnostic Mode ............................................................................................................................... 1-14 Application Selection ........................................................................................................................ 1-15 Common Terms ................................................................................................................................. 1-16 Full Upload/Download Configuration Data ...................................................................................... 1-18 Connect to a Flow Computer by using Auto Detect .............................................................................. 1-19 Connect to a Flow Computer by using Tools | Connect to Device option ............................................. 1-20 What is a configuration file? ................................................................................................................. 1-22 Downloading a configuration file to the flow computer. ....................................................................... 1-22 What is an Image File? .......................................................................................................................... 1-25 How to download an Image File ............................................................................................................ 1-25 How to force a board into download mode............................................................................................ 1-26 Getting acquainted with the flow computer wiring: .............................................................................. 1-27 Terminal wiring: ................................................................................................................................ 1-27 WIRING: ............................................................................................................................................... 1-28 RS-232 Connection ........................................................................................................................... 1-29 RS-485 Connection ........................................................................................................................... 1-30 Additional RS-232 Connection: ........................................................................................................ 1-31 Wiring of Analog Inputs .................................................................................................................... 1-33 Rosemount RTD Connection: ........................................................................................................... 1-34 Wiring of Switch Outputs .................................................................................................................. 1-35 Wiring of Turbine Input .................................................................................................................... 1-36 Calibration via Graphic Diagnostic Screen ........................................................................................... 1-37 Calibrate Multi-Variable Transmitters (Model 205)-DP and Pressure .............................................. 1-37 Multi-Variable Transmitters (Model 205) –Temperature .................................................................. 1-40 Calibrate Multi-Variable Temperature .............................................................................................. 1-41 Calibrate Analog Input ...................................................................................................................... 1-44 Calibrate Analog Output .................................................................................................................... 1-47 Verifying Digital Input and Outputs ...................................................................................................... 1-49 Use Graphic Diagnostic Screen. ........................................................................................................ 1-49 CHAPTER 2: Data Entry ......................................................................................................................... 2-1 Introduction to Dynacom Configuration Software .................................................................................. 2-1 Configuration Mode ............................................................................................................................ 2-1 Diagnostic Mode ................................................................................................................................. 2-2 Dynacom Home Page - Configuration Data Mode .................................................................................. 2-4 Configuration File Menu ......................................................................................................................... 2-4 Open a File .......................................................................................................................................... 2-5 Save ..................................................................................................................................................... 2-5 Save As ................................................................................................................................................ 2-5 Import SFC File ................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Export As Text .................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Exit ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Recent Files ......................................................................................................................................... 2-6 Meter Configuration ................................................................................................................................ 2-7 Date: 10/13/2014 Company Name, Day Start Hour, Well Name/Country/Field/Station ................................................. 2-7 ASSIGN INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 2-8 Gas Meter Settings ............................................................................................................................ 2-18 Water Meter Settings ......................................................................................................................... 2-23 Oil Meter Settings.............................................................................................................................. 2-25 Switch Output Assignment ................................................................................................................ 2-27 Status Input Assignment .................................................................................................................... 2-29 Optional - Configration ..................................................................................................................... 2-29 Additional Options - Display Assignment and FC Comm Settings ................................................... 2-30 Upload and Download Configuration Data ....................................................................................... 2-34 Dynacom Home Page- Diagnostic Mode .............................................................................................. 2-35 Change Date and Time ...................................................................................................................... 2-35 Adjust Display Contrast .................................................................................................................... 2-36 Calibrate Enclosure Temperature ...................................................................................................... 2-36 Gas/Oil/Water Meter Pressure ........................................................................................................... 2-37 Gas Meter DP .................................................................................................................................... 2-38 Gas/Oil/Water Meter Temperature .................................................................................................... 2-39 Meter BS&W ..................................................................................................................................... 2-40 Well Test Request.............................................................................................................................. 2-41 System - Security Codes .................................................................................................................... 2-43 System - Reset Cumulative Totalizer ................................................................................................ 2-45 System - Clear System....................................................................................................................... 2-45 HISTORICAL REPORTS ..................................................................................................................... 2-46 Report Settings .................................................................................................................................. 2-46 Path Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 2-53 Viewing Saved Reports ..................................................................................................................... 2-54 Printing Generated Report ................................................................................................................. 2-54 CHART ................................................................................................................................................. 2-55 SYSTEM SNAPSHOT - Current Data .................................................................................................. 2-57 Current Data - Show Registers .......................................................................................................... 2-58 SYSTEM SNAPSHOT - I/O Raw Data ................................................................................................ 2-59 I/O Raw Data - Show Registers ......................................................................................................... 2-60 Communication Port Settings ................................................................................................................ 2-61 Communication Settings - Dynacom ................................................................................................. 2-61 Communication Settings - Flow Computer Ports .............................................................................. 2-64 TOOLS .................................................................................................................................................. 2-66 Download Firmware .......................................................................................................................... 2-66 Modbus Driver .................................................................................................................................. 2-67 Wirings .............................................................................................................................................. 2-68 Skins ...................................................................................................................................................... 2-69 Set Skin.............................................................................................................................................. 2-69 Create New Skin ................................................................................................................................ 2-70 Edit .................................................................................................................................................... 2-71 Rename .............................................................................................................................................. 2-71 Delete................................................................................................................................................. 2-71 Close .................................................................................................................................................. 2-71 Help ....................................................................................................................................................... 2-72 View Help.......................................................................................................................................... 2-72 Send Log............................................................................................................................................ 2-73 About Flow Computers ..................................................................................................................... 2-73 CHAPTER 3: FLOW EQUATIONS ....................................................................................................... 3-1 Common Terms ....................................................................................................................................... 3-1 Gas Meter – Orifice ................................................................................................................................. 3-2 Gas Meter - Wedge .................................................................................................................................. 3-3 Gas Meter - CONE/SMART CONE........................................................................................................ 3-3 Oil Meter ................................................................................................................................................. 3-5 Date: 10/13/2014 Water Meter ............................................................................................................................................. 3-6 DENSITY EQUATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 3-7 AGA8 Gross Method 1 ........................................................................................................................ 3-7 AGA8 Gross Method 2 ........................................................................................................................ 3-7 AGA8 Detail Method .......................................................................................................................... 3-7 CHAPTER 4: MODBUS DATA .............................................................................................................. 4-1 MODBUS PROTOCOL .......................................................................................................................... 4-1 TRANSMISSION MODE ................................................................................................................... 4-1 ASCII FRAMING ............................................................................................................................... 4-1 RTU FRAMING .................................................................................................................................. 4-1 FUNCTION CODE ............................................................................................................................. 4-2 ERROR CHECK ................................................................................................................................. 4-2 EXCEPTION RESPONSE .................................................................................................................. 4-2 BROADCAST COMMAND ............................................................................................................... 4-2 MODBUS EXAMPLES ...................................................................................................................... 4-3 FUNCTION CODE 03 (Read Single or Multiple Register Points) ..................................................... 4-3 Modbus Address Table – 16 Bits ............................................................................................................ 4-6 Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer .......................................................................................... 4-10 Last Hourly or Daily Data Area ........................................................................................................ 4-10 Modbus Address Table - Floating Point ................................................................................................ 4-29 Alarms and Status Codes ....................................................................................................................... 4-31 Previous Data Alarm Area ................................................................................................................. 4-31 CURRENT ALARM STATUS ......................................................................................................... 4-32 Latest Well Test CHART Data Packet .................................................................................................. 4-33 CHAPTER 5: Installation Drawings ....................................................................................................... 5-1 Explosion-Proof Installation Drawings ................................................................................................... 5-1 Manifold Installation Drawings ............................................................................................................... 5-4 Appendix A: Radio Board Manual ............................................................................................................. 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Technical Data ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Getting acquainted with the wiring: ........................................................................................................... 4 Wiring Terminal Block ........................................................................................................................... 4 Installation of Socket Modem Module ................................................................................................... 6 Installation of 2.4 Ghz Module ............................................................................................................... 7 Wiring of Power System......................................................................................................................... 8 Wiring of RS-232 Interface ...................................................................................................................10 Wiring of Shutdown Input .....................................................................................................................11 Wiring of RTS/CTS Input .....................................................................................................................12 Wiring of Voltage Output ......................................................................................................................13 Explosion Proof External Antenna Conection ...........................................................................................14 Explosion Proof Antenna Coupler Specifications .................................................................................14 Coupler Drawing ...................................................................................................................................14 Part Numbers .........................................................................................................................................14 Appendix B: Battery and Solar Panel Wiring............................................................................................ 1 Battery Wiring and Connection .................................................................................................................. 1 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-1 CHAPTER 1: QUICK START Introduction: The EPLUS-TS Flow Computer was designed after careful listening to our customers in all sectors of the oil and gas industry. It was built to address the different needs for refineries, chemical plants, gas processing plants, offshore platforms, pipeline and transmission, remote gas wells, and storage caverns. The focus has been to bring the different needs and requirements of these specialized industries into one hardware platform and therefore reducing the spare parts requirements, the training process, calibration, and overall cost of ownership. We believe the EPLUS-TS Flow Computer has delivered and met the design intentions. The EPLUS Flow Computer combines the following features: User Friendly Flexible Easy to understand and configure Rugged Economical to install and maintain Accurate We hope that your experience with the EPLUS-TS Flow Computer will be a simple pleasant experience, not intimidating in any way. The EPLUS-TS Flow computer is using metering systems for wells and specific procedures to determine the percentage of hydrocarbon and associated fluids to attribute to a well, when compared to the total production from the entire affected reservoir, production system or gathering system. One Rosemount multi-variable digital transducers is connected to each EPLUS-TS flow computer for temperature, pressure (up to 3626 PSIG), and DP (up to 830 inches H 2O). The EPLUS-TS flow Computer has a host of inputs and outputs beyond the built in Rosemount Multi Variable transmitter. Two turbine inputs. (Greater than 3 volts). One analog output One RS232/RS485 Optional additional RS232 One status inputs and two digital outputs can be configured. Graphic screen: 128 x 64. Additionally, each EPLUS-TS Flow Computer can store up to and 8 daily data and last Well test Chart or 192 hourly data. Optional expandable memory (Virtual Hard Drive) up to 132 Megs, combined with our customized data storage allows almost any type data logging task to become possible. Note: Flow equations used are continuously upgraded and new equations are added. Call factory for current software library. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-2 Quick Start Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-3 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-4 EPLUS-TS Flow Computer: Dimensions Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Quick Start — 1-5 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Technical Data POWER VOLTAGE RANGE POWER CONSUMPTION 10-28 VDC 0.3 WATT OPERATING CONDITIONS TEMPERATURE HUMIDITY HOUSING DISPLAY - 40 TO 185 °F 100% NEMA 4X CLASS 1 DIV. 1 -20 TO 70 °C WIDE ANGLE FEATURES DISPLAY PROCESSOR FLASH ROM RAM FREQUENCY INPUT MULTIVARIABLE Plasma 8 Lines x 16 Characters and Graphics 64x128 Pixels 32-BIT Motorola® 68332 @ 16.7 MHz 4 MB @ 70 NANO SECONDS 2 MB @ 70 NANO SECONDS 2 CHANNELS Square Wave 0 - 6kHz, Signal > 3 V Sine Wave 0 – 1200Hz, Signal > 70mVp-p Minimum 10uA @ 1KOhm resistance. Built-In Rosemount® Multivariable Transmitter with Direct SPI Digital Connection. Maximum Update Speed Once Every 109 Milliseconds. TEMPERATURE RANGE: - 200 thru 1200 F PRESSURE RANGE: DP RANGE: 0 thru 3626 PSIG 0 thru 250 inches OR 0 thru 1000 inches ANALOG I/O One 16-BITS Optically Isolated Analog Output Three 24-Bit Analog Inputs Built-In Enclosure Temperature and Battery Voltage readings. DIGITAL I/O 1 Digital Outputs. ( Max 200mA Sourcing,300mA Sinking with 8.2 Ohm low load protection,8-28 VDC ) 1 Serial Port RS485/RS232 Selectable 1 Optional RS232 Serial Port SERIAL COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL Modbus™ Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-6 Parts List Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-7 Starting and installing Dynacom Software: System Minimum Requirements In order to install this software product the following requirements must be met: Minimum disk space available: 16 MB. 1 Serial Communication Port Windows Operating System Requirements NET Framework 4.0 Windows XP SP1/SP2 Doesn't Work Windows XP SP3 Yes Windows Vista Yes Windows 7 Yes Links: Net Framework 4 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-8 Website- DFC Configuration Software / Firmware Step 1. Go to our website WWW.DYNAMICFLOWCOMPUTERS.COM Step 2. Click on the Software Download link - [GO TO DOWNLOADS] You will be presented with different product options. Click on the product that you are trying to download Dynacom or Firmware Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-9 DFC Configuration Software(Dynacom) Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-10 Step 1. Applications for the Software will appear. Click on the application that you are trying to download. Once you hit the link it will ask you if you want to run or save the file. Step 2. The file will start to transfer to your computer. The download time depends on your Internet connection speed and the type of application that being downloaded. Step 3. When the download if finish. Run Dynacom.msi to start the setup process Step 4. Follow the steps in the application setup Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-11 DFC Firmware(Image) Step 1. Check the version number of image file. The image file is only done when an application upgrade is needed. Step 2 Click on the application that you are trying to download. Once you hit the link it will ask you if you want to open or save the file. Select SAVE Step 3. Once you hit the link it may ask you the location and file name to be saved or it will be saved to a default location Step 4. The file will start to transfer to your computer. The download time depends on your Internet connection speed and the type of application that being downloaded. Step 5. After the download is finished, then follow the steps in the image downloading setup. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-12 Dyancom Configuration Software - Home Page Click on , select the application, and then click on OK button. The selected application with [Cofiguration] data mode will appear. Two modes are available for this screen - Configuration and Diagnostic. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-13 Configuration Mode Configuration data can be edited and modified online or offline with button checked. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-14 Diagnostic Mode To view diagnostic data, the Dynacom must be connected to the Flow Computer with button checked. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-15 Application Selection Point cursor to the current application, left click on mouse to pop up a below screen, select application, and then click on OK button. Dynacom will detect the application after opening an existing configuration with cfg extension. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-16 Common Terms Connect to a Flow Computer Home Page Main screen to view diagnostic data, or access configuration data To view diagnostic data, the flow computers must be connected and in Diagnostic mode (Orange highlight button) To access configuration data, it must be in Configuration mode (Green highlight button). Configuration - Modbus Shift, Hourly Report and Chart Settings. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-17 Retrieve historical data Display "System Snapshot" Data Display current data Display I/O raw data Press button for unused inputs Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Quick Start — 1-18 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Full Upload/Download Configuration Data To upload or download configuration data, Dynacom Configuration Software must be connected to the Flow Computer with button checked. Upload full configuration data from Flow Computer Download full configuration data to Flow Computer. To avoid corruption, full upload configuration from the Flow Computer is required before doing partial modification and downloading new data to the Flow Computer. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-19 Connect to a Flow Computer by using Auto Detect Go to Communication Settings - Dyancom, verify the PC port number. Make sure PC/Laptop port is properly configured if an USB to RS232 converter is used. Click on "Auto Detect" button, and the Dynacom program will attempt to communicate with a single Flow Computer at different baud rates and formats. Failure to communicate can occur because of a wiring problem, wrong PC port selection, or lack of power to the Flow Computer. To use this feature, the user must insure that only one Flow Computer is connected to the PC. More than one Flow Computer in the loop will cause data collisions and unintelligible responses. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-20 Connect to a Flow Computer by using Tools | Connect to Device option 1. Verify communication settings - PC port selection, Flow Computer ID... Make sure PC/Laptop port is properly configured if an USB to RS232 converter is used. 2. Click on or Go to Tools | Connect to Device option on the main menu. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-21 3. Once you are connected the application it will show a connected status on the lower left corner of the main window and it will stay in configuration mode Failure to communicate can occur because of a wiring problem, wrong PC port selection, communication parameter mismatch between PC and flow computer (Modbus type, parity, baud rate) or lack of power to the Flow Computer. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-22 What is a configuration file? The configuration file is an archive that contains the information used by the flow computer to determine calculation settings (Pipe ID, Flow Equation, Meter ID, etc.) and input/output assignments. Downloading a configuration file to the flow computer. Open the configuration file with *.cfg extension using the Configuration File | Open… option on the main menu. Once the file is open the file name will appear on the upper left corner of the window, so you can verify that the desired file was open. Verify Dynacom (PC or Laptop Communication Port) communication settings. Make sure communication port is properly configured if an USB to RS232 Converter is used. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-23 Connect to the Flow Computer either by using the Tools | Connect to Device option on the main menu, the [Connect] button on the vertical toolbar, or by pressing the [F5] key on the keyboard. Once you are connected to the Flow Computer, it will show "Connected" status on the bottom left corner of the main window. Once you have checked that the configuration is correct, press and button to download full configuration data file to the Flow Computer. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-24 A green bar indicating the progress of the download will appear Press [OK] button after downloading completed successfully. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Quick Start — 1-25 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) What is an Image File? An image file is EPROM code for a certain purpose (liquid, gas etc.) The image file is only done when an application upgrade is needed. When an image file is downloaded to the flow computer, all the information in the computer is lost (configuration and historical data), so make sure to retrieve all the important information before changing the image file. How to download an Image File Download an image file through Main RS-232 port only. To Download an Image File to the Flow Computer select the Tools | Download Program option form the main menu. Warning messages will remind you that this action will erase ALL the information in the flow computer. A small dialog will appear asking for the file name of the image file (Image file have the extension .img). Type it in or use the button to locate it. Once the file name is in place press button The download task will take about 5 minutes to be completed. Once the image file is in place, the flow computer is ready to be configured (enter calculation parameters and I/O assignments). Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-26 How to force a board into download mode First, try to recycle the power and reload the image if the error message is displayed while downloading a new image file. Download an image file only through Main RS-232 port on CPU board. Forcing download mode could be required if a wrong type of application image was loaded or other issues. Call our main office for more information Steps to force the board into download mode. (1) Remove Power (2) Put a jumper on P6 as shown below. (3) Power up the board (4) Board is in download mode (5) Download image (6) Remove power and jumper on P6 after a new image is loaded (7) Board is ready Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-27 Getting acquainted with the flow computer wiring: Terminal wiring: Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-28 WIRING: Wiring to the flow computer is very straightforward and simple. But still it is very important to get familiar with the wiring diagram. The drawings available for this device will be listed. Drawings can be printed by pressing [Print] button. Drawings for other type of Flow Computers can also be viewed by changing [Flow Computer Type] Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-29 RS-232 Connection The main serial port can be configured to RS-232 or RS-485. RS-232 is the default value. WARNING: When the RS-232 terminal is used with a modem, external protection on the phone line is required. Jumper DTR to DSR, RTS to CTS, and disable software handshake Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-30 RS-485 Connection The main serial port can be configured to RS-232 or RS-485. RS-232 is the default value. For RS485/232 converter, Dynamic recommends B&B Electronics. We generally use Model 485D9TB which is a port power converter requiring only a 2-Wire connection. The 485D9TB has a terminal block which makes the wiring more convenient and provides the option of external 12V power for low power serial ports. Model 485SD9R can also be used but it has a DB9 terminal which requires additional cables. With Model 485SD9R the pins that connect to the flow computer are pin 3 on the DB9 to TX on the flow computer and pin 8 on the DB9 goes to RX on the flow computer. For a USB to RS485 converter we recommend Model USTL4 which is also port powered and supports half and full duplex networks Note: RS-485 twisted shielded cable is required. The maximum distance when 18-gauge wire is used is 4000 feet. WARNING: When the RS-485 terminal is used, external transient protection and optical isolation is required, especially for long distance wiring. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-31 Additional RS-232 Connection: Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-32 Wiring of Analog Output Wiring diagram shows typical Analog output wiring. The analog output will regulate 4-20 mA current loop but DOES NOT source the power for it. External power is required. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-33 Wiring of Analog Inputs Inputs can be configured via software to have three Analog Inputs 4-20 mA. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-34 Rosemount RTD Connection: Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-35 Wiring of Switch Outputs Switch one and two can be on /off or pulse type output up to 125 pulse per second. Notice that the switch outputs are transistor type outputs (open collector type with maximum DC rating of 300mA continuous at 24 VDC) connections 1 Switch output 1 Switch – Maximum rating: Max 200mA Sourcing, 300mA Sinking Switch Output Range: 8 -28 VDC 2 Switch output 2 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-36 Wiring of Turbine Input Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-37 Calibration via Graphic Diagnostic Screen Calibration procedure can be accessed either by using Diagnostic Graphic Screen or I /O Raw Data Screen. Dynacom Configuration Software needs to be connected to the Flow Computer with button checked. Calibrate Multi-Variable Transmitters (Model 205)-DP and Pressure To use Diagnostic Graphic Screen, multivariable inputs must be assigned to meter DP, meter Pressure, or any spare inputs. Select input, press button, and then select full, single offset, or reset calibration method. While doing calibration before downloading any of the calibrated values, it is a good practice to verify that the EPLUS-TS close reading to the induced value. The DP reading must be re-calibrated for the zero offset after applying line pressure. R E S E T C A L I B R A T I O N - M U L T I . V A R I A B L E D P/ P R E S S U R E 1. Click on and [Yes] button to use manufacturer default value 2. Now verify the live reading against the flow computer reading Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Quick Start — 1-38 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) F U L L S C A L E C A L I B R A T I O N - M U L T I . V A R I A B L E D P/ P R E S S U R E 1. Click on button, and induce live value for pressure or DP. 2. Induce the low range signal, wait 10 seconds for the reading to stabilize, enter the first point, and then click . 3. Induce the high range signal, wait for 10 seconds for the reading to stabilize, enter the second point, and then click . 4. Now verify the live reading against the flow computer reading. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-39 O F F S E T C A L I B R A T I O N - M U L T I . V A R I A B L E DP / P R E S S U R E 1. Click on button. 2. Induce live value for pressure or DP. 3. Once the live reading is steady, enter offset, and press button. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-40 Multi-Variable Transmitters (Model 205) –Temperature RTD Calibration is a 2-step process. The first step is an one time procedure to verify transducer linearity and is done at the time the meter is being setup. The second step is the routine calibration sequence. Step 1 – Linearity Verification 1. Use a Decade box with 0-150 °F settings. 2. Connect RTD cable to this resistive element for verification of linearity. Verify low and high points. It must be within ½ degree. 3. Connect the actual RTD element and compare with a certified thermometer. 4. If not within ½ degree do a Full Calibration (See Full Calibration below). If problem persists verify other elements such as RTD Probe, connections, shield, conductivity of connectors, etc. The purpose of the above procedure is to verify zero and span and make sure that the two points fall within the expected tolerance. Step 2 – Routine Calibration Once Linearity has been verified through Step 1, the routine calibration procedure is reduced to simply connecting the actual RTD and doing an offset point calibration (see offset calibration below). Calibration after that will be simple verification for the stability of the transmitter. If it drifts abnormally then you need to verify the other parts involved. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-41 Calibrate Multi-Variable Temperature To use Graphic Diagnostic Screen, the multivariable temperature needs to be assigned to Meter Temperature or any spare inputs. Select input, press button, and then select full, single offset or reset calibration method. RESET CALIBRATION - MULTI.VARIABLE TEMPERATURE 1. Click on and [Yes] button to use manufacturer default value. 2. Now verify the live reading against the flow computer reading Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-42 FULL SCALE CAL IBRATIO N - MULT I.VARIABLE T EMPERAT URE 1. Click on button, prepare low range resistive input (i.e., 80 Ohm.) and high range resistive input (i.e., 120. Ohm). 2. Induce the low end (80 Ohm.) resistive signal and then wait 10 seconds, enter the equivalent temperature in degrees, and press button. 3. Induce the High range signal (120 Ohm.) and wait 10 seconds, then enter the temperature degrees equivalent to 120 Ohm and click . 4. Now verify the live reading against the flow computer reading. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-43 OFFSET CAL IBRAT ION - MULT I.VARIABLE TE MPE RAT URE 1. Click on button 2. Induce a live value and wait 10 seconds for the reading to stabilize, enter the live value, then press [OK] button. The value entered must be in Degrees only. 3. Now verify the live reading against the flow computer reading Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-44 Calibrate Analog Input To use Graphic Diagnostic Screen, analog inputs must be assigned to meter DP, meter pressure, meter temperature or any spare inputs. Select input, press button, and then select full, single offset, or reset calibration method. RESET CALIBRATION - ANALOG INPUT 1. Click on and [Yes] button to use manufacturer default value 2. Now verify the live reading against the flow computer reading Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-45 FULL C AL IBRAT ION MET HOD - A NALOG I NPUT To perform full calibration be prepared to induce zero and span type signal. 1. Induce the low-end signal i.e. 4mA in the analog input, wait 10 seconds for the reading to stabilize, enter the analog input value i.e. 4mA, and then press button. 2. Now be ready to enter the full-scale value. Simply induce the analog signal and then enter the second value i.e. 20mA, and then click on 3. Induce live values to verify the calibration. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-46 OFFSET CALIBRATION- ANALOG INPUT 1. Click on button 2. Induce a live value and wait 10 seconds for the reading to stabilize, enter the live value, then press [OK] button. The value entered must be in mA only. 3. Now verify the live reading against the flow computer reading Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-47 Calibrate Analog Output Click on to select analog output calibration menu RESET CALIBRATION - ANALOG OUTPUT 1. Click on to use default calibration 2. Now verify the output against Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-48 FULL CALIBRATION - ANALOG OUTPUT 1. Click on button, the Flow computer outputs the minimum possible signal 4mA. Enter the live output value reading in the end device i.e. 4mA and press button 1. Now the flow computer will output full-scale 20mA. Once the reading is steady, enter the live output in the end device i.e. 20 then press button. 3. Now verify the output against the calibration device. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Quick Start — 1-49 Verifying Digital Input and Outputs Dynacom Configuration Software needs to be connected to the Flow Computer with button checked. To check freqency input, either configure auxiliary meters or configure the meter as a Turbine Meter. Use Graphic Diagnostic Screen. Failure to read turbine input could be a result of a bad preamplifier or the jumper selection for sine and square wave input are not in the correct position. Refer to wiring diagram Help | Wiring Drawing| Frequency Input for proper turbine input wiring. When the status input is on, it shows bright green light. Minimum voltage to activate the status is 6 volts with negative threshold of 2 volts. The switch outputs are open collector and require external voltage. Press button to enter diagnostic mode to control switch outputs manually. Toggle the switch status. Press to verify button again to exit diagnostic digital output mode. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Data Entry — 2-1 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) CHAPTER 2: Data Entry and Configuration Menus Introduction to Dynacom Configuration Software The Dynacom configuration software is constructed around Graphical menudriven organization. Two modes are available for HOME screen - Configuration and Diagnostic. Run Dyancom and a default EPLUS-TS application with [Cofiguration] mode will appeal. Configuration Mode Configuration data can be edited and modified online or offline with button checked. To avoid corruption, full upload configuration from the Flow Computer is required before doing partial modification and downloading new data to the Flow Computer. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-2 Diagnostic Mode To view diagnostic data, the Dynacom configuration program must be connected to the Flow Computer with button checked. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-3 Application Selection Point cursor to the current application, left click on mouse to pop up a below screen, select application, and then click on OK button. Dynacom will detect the application after opening an existing configuration with cfg extension. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-4 Dynacom Home Page - Configuration Data Mode We will begin with the DYNACOM configuration software menu. Create a new configuration file, and save it. 1. The software opens ready for you with a default configuration file. To choose an existing file go to the Configuration File | Open... and provide the configuration file name. If you want to create a new file, select Configuration File | New. 2. Now go back to Configuration File. Point cursor to [Save]. You have just saved the file you just created. Notice that now the file name appears in the left top corner of the screen. This indicates the name of the currently active file; if you change parameters and Save again, the changes will be saved to your file. Configuration File Menu Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-5 Open a New File Create a new file to store all the programmed information for one EPLUS Flow Computer. You are prompted for the new file's name. If you enter the name of a pre-existing file, the software informs you of this and prompts you if you want to overwrite the old file. After a file is opened it becomes the currently active file; its contents can be viewed and its parameters can be edited. Open a File Use this function to open an existing configuration file with extension CFG. After a file is opened it becomes the currently active file; its contents can be viewed and its parameters can be edited. When this function is chosen a list of existing configuration files is displayed. Save When permanent modifications are performed on a file, user must save the new changes before exiting the program, or proceeding to open a different file. The system will ask you for the name you want for this file. Save As Use Save As to save the parameters in the currently active file (that is, the parameter values currently being edited) to a new file. You are prompted for the new file's name. If you enter the name of a pre-existing file, the software asks you if you want to overwrite the old file. The original file will remain in memory. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-6 Import SFC File Configuration files with extension SFC can be imported and converted to CFG format. Export As Text Configuration files with extension .CFG can only be opened by using Dynacom Configuration Software. To print or view in other editors, export configuration file to text format Exit Close the Dynacom Configuration Software to exit the application, if changes were made to the configuration and haven't been saved you will be asked if you want to save them. Recent Files There is a list of the most recently used configuration files so you can select one of them without looking for it in the disk. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-7 Meter Configuration Company Name, Day Start Hour, Well Name/Country/Field/Station Click on COMPANY NAME Up to 20 characters. The company name appears in the reports and on the screen. D A Y S T A R T H O U R ( 0- 23 ) Day start hour is used for daily operation. The day will end at day start hour; all daily totalizers and flow-weighted values are reset. W E L L N A M E /C O U N T R Y / F I E L D Up to 20 characters for each Well. This entry appears in the report and on the screen. WELL STATION Up to 8 characters for each Well. This entry appears in the report and on the screen. DIS ABLE ALARMS Use Disable Alarms to ignore alarms. When the alarm function is disabled alarms are not logged. Alarms are also not logged if the DP is below the cut-off limit. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-8 ASSIGN INPUT/OUTPUT CONFIGURATION G A S / W A T E R /O I L P R E S S U R E A S S I G N M E N T Click on and gas pressure configuration data screen will appear. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Data Entry — 2-9 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Pressure Assignments: None Analog Input #1 Analog Input #2 Analog Input #3 Multivariable- Pressure Pressure Tag ID Up to 8 alphanumeric ID number. The multi-variables are referred to according to the TAG ID. All alarms are labeled according to TAG ID. Pressure Low/High Limit Enter the low and high limits. When live value exceeds high limit or less than low limit, an alarm log will be generated. Pressure Maintenance Value Enter the value to be used when the input fails, or while calibrating. Set fail code to 1 while calibrating. Pressure Fail Code Fail Code 0: always use the live value even if the input failed. Fail Code 1: always use the maintenance value Fail Code 2: use maintenance value if input failed Pressure Value at 4-20mA Enter value at 4mA and at 20mA value for 4 to 20mA transducer input, Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-10 GAS DP ASS IGNMENT Click on and DP configuration screen will appear. DP Assignments: None Analog Input #1 Analog Input #2 Analog Input #3 Multivariable- DP DP Tag ID Up to 8 alphanumeric ID number. The multi-variables are referred to according to the TAG ID. All alarms are labeled according to TAG ID. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-11 DP Low/High Limit Enter the low and high limits. When live value exceeds high limit or less than low limit, an alarm log will be generated. DP Maintenance Value Enter the value to be used when the input fails, or while calibrating. Set fail code to 1 while calibrating. DP Fail Code Fail Code 0: always use the live value even if the input failed. Fail Code 1: always use the maintenance value Fail Code 2: use maintenance value if input failed DP Value at 4-20mA Enter value at 4mA and at 20mA value for 4 to 20mA transducer input. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-12 TEMPERATURE ASSIGNMENT Click on and temperature configuration screen will appear. Temperature Assignments: None Analog Input #1 Analog Input #2 Analog Input #3 Multivariable- Temperature Temperature Tag ID Up to 8 alphanumeric ID number. The multi-variables are referred to according to the TAG ID. All alarms are labeled according to TAG ID. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-13 Temperature Low/High Limit Enter the low and high limits. When live value exceeds high limit or less than low limit, an alarm log will be generated. Temperature Maintenance Value Enter the value to be used when the input fails, or while calibrating. Set fail code to 1 while calibrating. Temperature Fail Code Fail Code 0: always use the live value even if the input failed. Fail Code 1: always use the maintenance value Fail Code 2: use maintenance value if input failed Temperature Value at 4-20mA Enter value at 4mA and at 20mA value for 4 to 20mA transducer input Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-14 BS & W A S S I G N M E N T ( O I L M E T E R ) Click on and BS&W configuration will appear. BS&W Assignments: None Analog Input #1 Analog Input #2 Analog Input #3 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-15 BS&W Tag ID Up to 8 alphanumeric ID number. The multi-variables are referred to according to the TAG ID. All alarms are labeled according to TAG ID. BS&W Low/High Limit Enter the low and high limits. When live value exceeds high limit or less than low limit, an alarm log will be generated. BS&W Maintenance Value Enter the value to be used when the input fails, or while calibrating. Set fail code to 1 while calibrating. BS&W Fail Code Fail Code 0: always use the live value even if the input failed. Fail Code 1: always use the maintenance value Fail Code 2: use maintenance value if input failed BS&W Value at 4-20mA Enter value at 4mA and at 20mA value for 4 to 20mA transducer input. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-16 ANALOG OUTP UT ASS IGNME NT Click on and analog output configuration screen will appear Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-17 Assignments: Description Analog Input #1 Analog Input #2 Analog Input #3 N/A Multi-Variable DP Multi-Variable Pressure Multi-Variable Temperature N/A Gas Meter Net n/a Oil Meter Net Water Meter Net N/A Remote Control Selection 1 2 3 4-10 11 12 13 14-20 21 22 23 24 25-34 35 Analog Output Tag ID Up to 8 alphanumeric ID number. The transmitters are referred to according to the TAG ID. All alarms are labeled according to TAG ID. Analog Output 4mA/20mA 4-20mA selection must be proportional and within the range of the selected parameter. The 4-20mA output signal is 16 bits. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-18 Gas Meter Settings Click on to access gas meter settings. ME TER TYPE Selection Orifice Meter Wedge Meter Smart Cone Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-19 O R I F I C E S E T T I N G S - A P I 1 4. 3 D A T A ( N E W AG A 3 ) Meter I.D. Up to 8 characters. This function will serve as Gas meter tag. Pipe I.D. Orifice ID Pipe ID in inches (us unit), or in millimeter (metric unit) is the measured inside pipe diameter at reference conditions. Orifice ID is the measured diameter of the orifice at reference conditions. DP Cutoff The Flow Computer suspends flow rate calculations whenever the DP, in inches of water column (us unit) or in mbar or in KPA (metric unit), is less than this value. This function is vital for suppressing extraneous data when the DP transmitter drifts around the zero mark under no-flow conditions. Y Factor (0=None,1=Upstream,2=Downstream) Y factor is the expansion factor through the orifice. The user must enter the position of the pressure and temperature sensors. Select y=1 if the sensors are installed upstream of the orifice plate. Select y=2 if the sensors are down stream of the orifice plate. When multi-variable is used, the pressure sensor is always upstream and set Y to 1. Selection None Upstream Downstream Isentropic Exponent (Specific Heat) Ratio of specific heat is a constant associated with each product. Even though it varies slightly with temperature and pressure, in all cases it is assumed as a constant. Viscosity in Centipoise Even though viscosity will shift with temperature and pressure changes, the effect on the calculations is negligent. Therefore using a single value is appropriate in most cases. Enter viscosity in centipoise at typical flowing conditions. Natural gas has a typical viscosity of 0.01. Reference Temperature of Orifice Reference Temperature of Pipe These parameters give temperature at which the bore internal diameter was measured on the orifice and pipe respectively. Commonly 68 °F (us unit) or 20 °C (metric unit) is used. Orifice Thermal Expansion Coefficient E-6 Pipe Thermal Expansion Coefficient E-6 These parameters give the linear expansion coefficients of the orifice and pipe materials respectively. Us Unit Metric Unit Type 304 and 316 Stainless 9.25 E-6 16.7 E-6 Monel 7.95 E-6 14.3 E-6 Carbon Steel 6.20 E-6 11.2 E-6 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-20 WEDGE METER SETT INGS Meter I.D. Up to 8 characters. This function will serve as Gas meter tag. DP Cutoff The Flow Computer suspends flow rate calculations whenever the DP, in inches of water column (us unit) or in mbar or in KPA (metric unit), is less than this value. This function is vital for suppressing extraneous data when the DP transmitter drifts around the zero mark under no-flow conditions. Flow Coefficient KD2 Net Flow Rate(SCFH) = (7727 x FA x Y x KD2) x SQRT(DPxPsia/(SG x (Temperature+460) )) Expansion Factor FA Net Flow Rate(SCFH) = (7727 x FA x Y x KD2) x SQRT(DPxPsia/(SG x (Temperature+460) )) Where DP - differential pressure, inches of water SG - gas specific gravity Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-21 SMARTCONE/CONE DATA ID Number Up to 8 characters. This function will serve as Gas meter tag. Meter Inside Diameter Cone Outside Diameter Meter ID in inches (us unit), or in millimeter (metric unit) is the measured inside pipe diameter at reference conditions. Cone ID is the measured diameter of the orifice at reference conditions. DP Cutoff The EPLUS Flow Computer suspends flow rate calculations whenever the DP, in inches of water column (us unit) or in mbar or in KPA (metric unit), is less than this value. This function is vital for suppressing extraneous data when the DP transmitter drifts around the zero mark under no-flow conditions. Y Factor Selection Non-Compressible Compressible Fluids – Precision Compressible Fluids – Wafer & Cone Flow Coefficient Enter flow coefficient of the meter. Using zero is a command to use the flow coefficient linear factor. Pipe and Cone Thermal Expansion Coefficient E-6 Enter the Pipe and cone material coefficient of thermal expansion. Note: the value is typically between 5.0e-6 and 10.0e-6. Viscosity in Centipoise This value is used to calculate Reynolds number. Enter viscosity in centipoise. Reynolds Number Threshold/Flow Coefficient Linear Factor Enter the different correction factors for the meter at different Reynolds numbers. The EPLUS will perform linear interpolation each second. Notice that even though using this feature enhances the measurement accuracy and range, performing audit trail on a linear flow coefficient factor is very difficult. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-22 Gas Meter Settings BASE PRESSURE Enter the basis reference pressure for all corrections. Used, for example, when seller contracts to sell to buyer at an agreed base pressure. Typical values are 14.73 PSIA for US units, 1.01325 bar in Metric units. BASE TEMPERATURE Enter the basis reference temperature for all corrections. Used, for example, when seller contracts to sell to buyer at an agreed base temperature. Typically value is 60 °F in US units, 15 °C in Metric units. D E N S I T Y O F D R Y A I R ( L B M/ MO L ) Typical value would be 28.9625 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE This pressure is the local pressure or contracted atmospheric pressure to be used. Typical value is 14.696 PSIA for US units. HEATING VALUE Energy flow calculation requires the heating value. RELATIVE DENSITY The real gas relative density is used in the calculations of the compressibility factor, flowing and reference densities (required only when AGA8 is not used). DENSITY CALCULATION TYPE: Specifies the equation used to calculate density. Calculation Type Selection AGA8 Gross Method 1 AGA8 Gross Method 2 AGA8 Detail Method Comments and Limitations Relative Density: 0.554–0.87 US Unit- Heating Value: 477–1150 BTU/SCF Metric Unit- Heating Value: 18.7 – 45.1 MJ/M3 Relative Density: 0.554–0.87 US Unit – Heating Value: 477–1150 BTU/SCF Metric Unit - Heating Value: 18.7 – 45.1 MJ/M3 Relative Density: 0.07–1.52 Heating Value 0–1800 BTU/SCF (US Unit) AGA 8 Detail method can be used for gases other than natural gas, such as methane, carbon dioxide, ethane, and hydrogen sulfide. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-23 Water Meter Settings Click on to access Water meter settings. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-24 Water Meter Settings ID N U M B E R Up to 8 characters. This function will serve as meter tag. K FACTOR K Factor is the number of pulses per unit volume. The meter’s tag would normally indicate the K Factor. FLOW CUTOFF FREQUENCY The EPLUS-TS Flow Computer will quit totalizing when the turbine frequency is below this set limit. This feature is to reduce extraneous noise appearing as volume data when the meter is down for period of time. O IL A ND W AT E R ME T E R U N IT Oil and Water unit can be configured as either barrels or gallons. ME TER FACTOR Enter the turbine meter factor. CHLORIDE It is for the report indication only. SALINITY FACTOR Water salinity factor is controlled by the amount of salt in water. Typical value would be around 1.2. The salinity value influences water correction factor for the net calculations. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-25 Oil Meter Settings Click on to access Oil meter settings. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-26 Oil Meter Settings ID N U M B E R Up to 8 characters. This function will serve as meter tag. K FACTOR K Factor is the number of pulses per unit volume. The meter’s tag would normally indicate the K Factor. FLOW CUTOFF FREQUENCY The EPLUS-TS Flow Computer will quit totalizing when the turbine frequency is below this set limit. This feature is to reduce extraneous noise appearing as volume data when the meter is down for period of time R E T R O A C T I V E B S& W Enter ‘1’ to apply BS&W to the entire batch. O IL A ND W AT E R ME T E R U N IT Oil and Water unit can be configured as either barrels or gallons. F L O W R A T E T H R E S H O L D /L I N E A R F A C T O R Enter the different correction factors for the meter at different flow rates. The EPLUS-TS Flow Computer will perform linear interpolation each second. Notice that even though using this feature enhances the measurement accuracy and range, performing audit trail on a linearized meter factor is very difficult. ME TER FACTOR Enter the turbine meter factor. API GRAVITY Enter the normal API gravity for the well in test. SHRINKAGE FACTOR Shrinkage factor is the amount of gas in trapped in the oil by volumes. The shrinkage factor is not in percent. COLOR Up to 16 characters can be entered for the report indication. BS & W % Enter BS&W value if no live transducer is installed. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-27 Switch Output Assignment Switch Output#1 is not available and is set be used as Water meter frequency OUTPUT AND PULSE OUTPUT WIDTH Pulse Output is used to activate a sampler or external totalizer. The number selected will be pulses per unit volume or per unit mass. If 0.1 pulse is selected, the one pulse will be given every 10 unit volumes has passed through the meter. Pulse Output Width is the duration, in milliseconds, of one complete pulse cycle (where each cycle is the pulse plus a wait period, in a 50/50 ratio). For example: if POW = 500 msec, the EPLUS Flow Computer at most can produce one pulse each second regardless of the pulse per unit volume selected (500 msec pulse + 500 msec wait). If POW = 10 msec the EPLUS Flow Computer can produce up to 50 pulses per second. The EPLUS Flow Computer’s maximum pulse output is 125 pulses/sec. The Pulse Output in combination with the Pulse Output Width should be set appropriately. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-28 SWITCH O UTPUT ASS IGNME NT User can assign an output to each of the Flow Computer’s output switches from this list. The Flow Computer switch outputs are open collector type. Outputs in the top list, “Pulse Outputs”, require a definition of pulse output per unit volume and “Pulse Output Width”. Outputs in the bottom list, “Contact Type Outputs”, are ON/OFF type outputs PULSE ASS IGNME NTS - PULSE O UTPUTS Meter #1 Net Meter #2 Net Meter #3 Net Meter #4 Net 1 2 3 4 ASSIGNMENTS - CONTACT TYPE OUTPUTS Assignment 5 6 7 8 9 10 11-20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Description Analog Input #1 High Analog Input #1 Low Analog Input #2 High Analog Input #2 Low Analog Input #3 High Analog Input #3 Low N/A Gas Meter AGA8 Out of Range n/a Oil Meter Gravity Out of Range Water Meter Out of Range Multi-Variable DP High Multi-Variable DP Low Multi-Variable TF High Multi-Variable TF Low Multi-Variable PF High Multi-Variable PF Low Assignment 31-36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 Description N/A Active Alarm Occurred Alarm Remote Control Well Number Bit 0 Well Number Bit 1 Well Number Bit 2 Test in Progress Test Completed Test Aborted Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-29 Status Input Assignment Status input assignment is not available and is set to be used as Oil Meter Frequency. Optional - Configration MODBUS SHIFT Modbus - 2 or 4 bytes Reassigns Modbus address registers on the EPLUS Flow Computer to predefined Modbus registers for easy polling and convenience. Use Modbus Shift to collect values in scattered Modbus registers into a consecutive order. The EPLUS Flow Computer will repeat the assigned variables into the selected locations. *Note: Modbus shift registers are READ ONLY registers. H O U R L Y R E P O R T /C H A R T S E T T I N G S The Flow Computer can either save up to 192 hours or one latest Well Test CHART. Changing selection will ERASE all the value in the previous database. Chart Settings Enter Chart top range for Gas/Oil/Water meter flow rate and Gas meter temperature/pressure. Flow rate of Chart data will be based on daily basis or hourly. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-30 Additional Options - Display Assignment and FC Comm Settings Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-31 DISPLAY ASSIGNMENT Display text selections are up to 16 screens. The Flow Computer will scroll through them at the assigned delay time. Gas Meter MCF/Day Flow Rate N/A Oil Meter BBL/Day Flow Rate Oil Meter Gallon/Day Flow Rate Water Meter BBL/Day Flow Rate Water Meter Gallon/Day Flow Rate Gas Meter Net Total N/A Oil Meter Net Total in BBL Oil Meter Net Total in Gallon Water Meter Net Total in BBL Water Meter Net Total in Gallon Gas Meter Previous Prove Daily Net Total N/A Oil Meter Prev. Prove Daily Net in BBL Oil Meter Prev. Prove Daily Net in Gallon Water Meter Prev. Prove Daily Net in BBL Water Meter Prev. Prove Daily Net in Gallon Oil Meter Prev. Prove GPM Data Oil Meter Prev. Prove BBLMM Data Water Meter Prev. Prove GPM Data Water Meter Prev. Prove BBLMM Data 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Gas Meter DP Gas Meter Temperature Gas Meter Pressure N/A N/A N/A Oil Meter Temperature Oil Meter Pressure Oil Meter API Water Meter Temperature Water Meter Pressure 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-32 COMMUNICATION SETTINGS - FLOW COMP UTER PORTS This window let you view or set Flow Computer port settings Unit ID Number The Unit ID Number is used strictly for communication purposes; it can take any value from 1 to 247. Note: Do not duplicate the Unit ID number in a single communication loop! This situation will lead to response collisions and inhibit communications to units with duplicate ID numbers. Only one master can exist in each loop. Flow Computer Ports Serial Port RS485/RS232 Selectable (on CPU Board) 2 Optional RS232 Serial Port (on Display Board) Modbus Type Note: this parameter must be set the same for both the PC and the Flow Computer for communication to occur. The Modbus Communication Specification is either Binary RTU or ASCII. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-33 Parity Note: this parameter must be set the same for both the PC and the Flow Computer for communication to occur. RTU - NONE ASCII - EVEN or ODD Baud Rate Note: this parameter must be set the same for both the PC and the EPLUS Flow Computer for communication to occur. Baud rate is defined as number of bits per second. The available selections are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200. RTS Delay This function allows modem delay time before transmission. The Flow Computer will turn the RTS line high before transmission for the entered time delay period. Main Port RS232/RS485 Selection Selection 0 1 Description RS-232 RS-485 The main port can be configured to RS-232 or RS-485. RS-232 is the default value. Use Bluetooth The display board must be equipped with Bluetooth. In order to communicate via Bluetooth™ with a flow computer your PC must be Bluetooth capable or must have a USB-to-Bluetooth adapter. Bluetooth ID Bluetooth ID is used as the device name and any special characters will not work (ex. Space). Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Data Entry — 2-34 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Upload and Download Configuration Data To upload or download configuration data, Dynacom PC configuration software must be connected to the Flow Computer with button checked. Upload full configuration data from Flow Computer. Download full configuration data to Flow Computer. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-35 Dynacom Home Page- Diagnostic Mode To view diagnostic data, do calibration, change date or time, or override input value, Dynacom PC configuration software needs to be connected to the Flow Computer with button checked. Change Date and Time Press to change the date or time for the flow computer. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-36 Adjust Display Contrast Click on and a display contrast screen will appear, move slide bar, and then press button. Calibrate Enclosure Temperature Click on to calibrate Enclosure Temperature. RESET CALIBRATION Press button to reset to factory calibration OFFSET CALIBRATION Press button to enter offset adjustment. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-37 Gas/Oil/Water Meter Pressure Point to the Needle Pointer ( ) to show live pressure value. Needle Pointer can be served as an alarm indicator. The flashing red circle will appear if the live pressure exceeds high limit or drops below low limit. The numeric value (current value) is used in the calculation. The blue color of used for current value, and is to indicate live value is indicates that maintenance value or override value is used. G A S /O I L / W A T E R M E T E R P R E S S U R E C A L I B R A T I O N See details in Chapter 1. G A S /O I L / W A T E R M E T E R P R E S S U R E O V E R R I D E Pressure override can be used when no live pressure transmitter is connected to the Flow Computer. To reset pressure override Click on button or enter 0 from the override pressure data screen Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-38 Gas Meter DP Point to the Needle pointer ( ) to show live DP value. Needle Pointer can be served as an alarm indicator. The flashing red circle will appear if live DP exceeds high limit or drops below low limit. The numeric value (current value) is used in the calculation. ME TER D P CAL IBRAT ION See details in Chapter 1. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-39 Gas/Oil/Water Meter Temperature Point to the Needle Pointer ( ) to show live temperature value. Needle Pointer can be served as an alarm indicator. The flashing red circle will appear if the live temperature exceeds high limit or drops below low limit. The numeric value (current value) is used in the calculation. The blue color of live value is used for current value, and is to indicate the indicates that maintenance value or override value is used. G A S /O I L / W A T E R M E T E R T E M P E R A T U R E C A L I B R A T I O N See details in Chapter 1. G A S /O I L / W A T E R M E T E R T E M P E R A T U R E O V E R R I D E Temperature override can be used when no live temperature transmitter is connected to the Flow Computer. To reset temperature override Click on button or enter 0 from the override temperature data screen Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Data Entry — 2-40 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Meter BS&W Point to the Needle Pointer ( ) to show live BS&W value. Needle Pointer can be served as an alarm indicator. The flashing red circle will appear if live BS&W exceeds high limit or drops below low limit. The numeric value (current value) is used in the calculation. The blue color of for current value, and is to indicate the live value is used indicates that maintenance value or override value is used. BS & W C A L I B R A T I O N See details in Chapter 1. BS & W O V E R R I D E BS&W override can be used when no live BS&W transmitter is connected to the Flow Computer. To reset BS&W override Click on button or enter 0 from the override BS&W data screen Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-41 Well Test Request Click on to start Well test. WELL NUMBER Select Well number 1 through 8. Well number data are pre-configured in the oil, water, and gas data menu. PURGE T IME IN MINUTE S Time required for the well flow to stabilize. The flow computer will wait purge time period after the test is requested before beginning the test. TEST TIME PE RIOD IN HOURS This is the duration for the test period. After purge time expires, the flow computer will start collecting data for the gas and liquid streams for the pre-set time Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-42 S T A R T T E S T I N G ( 0 = N, 1 = Y E S , 2 =C O N T I N E O U S ) Enter ‘1’ for one single non-continuous test. Enter ‘2’ to use a single test, the flow computer will continuously totalize the gas, oil, and water meters. Eight previous daily and hourly data can be archived in this configuration. The flow computer can either save up to 192 hours data or one latest WELL test chart. Changing Hourly Data/Chart setting will ERASE ALL the value in the previous database. Check and verify Hourly Data/Chart setting before starting test. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-43 System - Security Codes The desktop application provides 4 security areas to prevent users from entering data into certain areas. The four areas are: Configuration: Allow user to modify device configuration settings. Override: Allow user to change values directly on the device. Calibration: Let the user to calibrate the device inputs. Image File Download: Let user download an image file to the device. This procedure will erase all the information and configuration stored in the device. Master Access: Once the master access is granted, the user can access to all four areas. Use the Diagnostic|System|Security Codes option to modify the access code; a form will appear showing the five different security areas and the actual access status (at bottom of the form). Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-44 To put a new access code log in to the desired security area and press button, type in the code and retype it on the confirm space to avoid mistyped codes. Then press button. The system will update the security access every time the application connects to the device and every time data is written to the device it will check for security access before writing. NOTE: In case the access code is forgotten contact our offices for a reset code. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-45 System - Reset Cumulative Totalizer Enter reset code to reset cumulative totalizer. System - Clear System Enter reset system code to reset all data. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-46 HISTORICAL REPORTS To retrieve historical data, go to Historical Reports menu. Report Settings Select the reports to retrieve and click on information, shows it on the . It retrieves the screen and stores in one report. Use the different names to save new reports. The data will be overwritten by the same file name. Check Check box for additional reports in HTML format. box to overwrite existing report file. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-47 The available types of reports are: ALARM REPORT Up to 100 previous alarm data can be retrieved. The data are starting from the most recent to the oldest. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-48 PREVIOUS HOURLY DATA EPLUS-TS can either save up to 192 hours or one latest Well Test CHART. Up to 192 previous hourly data are stored in the Flow Computer only if saving hourly data option is configured. Enter meter number and the computer will go backward from that selected time. Current hour cannot be selected. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-49 P R E VI O U S D A I L Y D A T A Up to 8 previous daily reports can be retrieved. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Data Entry — 2-50 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) LAST WELL TEST DATA Previous well test data are stored. Click on button to enter residual oil, EPLUS-TS will add residual oil to the Oil meter net volume for report only, and it will not change net totalizer stored in the flow computer. Select well number of previous data to be displayed, printed, or captured. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-51 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-52 REPORT NAME The reports generated by “Dynacom Software”are extension DFM. The name can have any combination of letters and numbers. USE METER ID AS REPORT NAME By checking this option, the “Dynacom Software” will use meter ID to name the report. GENERATE ADDITIONAL FILES The report generated by “Dynacom Software” can be only viewed using “Dynacom Software”. Additional report formats are provided to be viewed by other software applications. HTML Reports: This format can be viewed with endless number of software applications, among them are Internet Explorer, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, etc. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-53 Path Settings Templates are HTML files that are used to generate the reports. The user can edit, modify the report template, and save as a new formatted report in the default path or click on to specify the location or directory for the new report, and the location of the reports to be saved in a new path. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-54 Viewing Saved Reports Once a report is saved with DFM extension, the report can be viewed from this option. The browse button can be used to locate the report. Printing Generated Report Click on to print port. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-55 CHART Select charts and click on it on the . It retrieves the information, shows screen. Chart can be saved as PNG image and PDF document. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-56 Last Well Test Chart Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-57 SYSTEM SNAPSHOT - Current Data Click on and then button to show current data screen. Print the current data report Save this report in HTML format. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-58 Current Data - Show Registers Show Modbus register addresses Show current data only. Print Modbus registers address for the current data report Save this report in HTML format. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-59 SYSTEM SNAPSHOT - I/O Raw Data Click on and then to show I/O raw diagnostic data. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-60 I/O Raw Data - Show Registers Click on to show Modbus register addresses Show data only. Print Modbus registers address for the I/O raw data Save this report in HTML format. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-61 Communication Port Settings Communication Settings - Dynacom This window let you set the port settings in order to communicate with the Flow Computer. PROTOCOL Protocol to be used through a Serial or Ethernet connection. The Modbus Communication Specification is either Binary RTU or ASCII. The Dynamic Flow Computers normally use RTU protocol. To use an Ethernet connection, select Modbus TCP or TCP/IP encapsulation. Modbus TCP, also known as Modbus Ethernet consists of a Modbus message without CRC wrapped by a TCP/IP message. This protocol is generally used by industrial Modbus to Ethernet converters. The TCP/IP encapsulation also known as TCP/IP Pass through Mode consists of a regular Modbus message embedded Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-62 in a TCP/IP message. This protocol is generally used by general purpose Ethernet to Serial converters. To use a Serial to Ethernet converter. We recommend GE Fanuc Versamax Adapter or Lantronix DSTni-XPress DP. We have worked with these adapters and they are reliable and easy to configure. SERIAL PARAMETERS Communication Port number Enter the PC or Laptop serial port number used to communicate with the EPLUS Flow Computer. To use USB to RS232 convertor, the device driver needs to be properly installed. USB Serial Port number is listed under Device Manager. Baud Rate Note: this parameter must be set the same for both the PC and the EPLUS Flow Computer for communication to occur. Baud rate is defined as number of bits per second. The available selections are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200. Parity Note: this parameter must be set the same for both the PC and the EPLUS Flow Computer for communication to occur. RTU - NONE ASCII - EVEN or ODD Set the parity to match the Modbus Type. Start Bits Generally used: 1. Data Bits Options available: 5, 6, 7, or 8. Generally used: 8 for RTU mod, 7 for ASCII mode. Stop Bits Options available: 1, 1.5, or 28. Generally used: 1. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-63 ETHE RNET PARAMETERS IP Address IP Address of the target Flow Computer. This address must follow the addressing standard xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. You must provide both IP Address and Port in order to communicate with a flow computer. Port In conjunction with the IP Address, a port number must be specified. The default port number for Modbus/Ethernet bridges is 502 but it can be any number OTHERS Time Out The amount of time in seconds the program will wait for an answer from the flow computer. Retry Times Retry times for the program to communicate with the flow computer in case of time out. Unit ID Number The Unit ID Number is used strictly for communication purposes; it can take any value from 1 to 247. Only one master can exist in each loop. Note: Do not duplicate the Unit ID number in a single communication loop! This situation will lead to response collisions and inhibit communications to units with duplicate ID numbers. AUTO DETECT SETTINGS Click this button and the configuration program will attempt to communicate with a single EPLUS Flow Computer at different baud rates and formats. Failure to communicate can occur because of a wiring problem, wrong PC port selection, communication parameter mismatch between PC and EPLUS flow computer. (Modbus type, parity, baud rate, etc.) or lack of power to the EPLUS Flow Computer. To use this feature, the user must insure that only one EPLUS Flow Computer is connected to the PC. More than one Flow Computer in the loop will cause data collisions and unintelligible responses Time Out The amount of time in milliseconds the program will wait for an answer from the flow computer. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-64 Communication Settings - Flow Computer Ports This window let you view or set Flow Computer port settings M O D B U S ID The Modbus ID is used strictly for communication purposes; it can take any value from 1 to 247. Note: Do not duplicate the Unit ID number in a single communication loop! This situation will lead to response collisions and inhibit communications to units with duplicate ID numbers. Only one master can exist in each loop. FLOW COMPUTER PORTS Serial Port RS485/RS232 Selectable (on CPU Board) 1 Optional RS232 Serial Port (on Display Board) Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-65 MODBUS TYPE Note: this parameter must be set the same for both the PC and the Flow Computer for communication to occur. The Modbus Communication Specification is either Binary RTU or ASCII. PARITY Note: this parameter must be set the same for both the PC and the Flow Computer for communication to occur. RTU - NONE ASCII - EVEN or ODD BAUD RATE Note: this parameter must be set the same for both the PC and the EPLUS Flow Computer for communication to occur. Baud rate is defined as number of bits per second. The available selections are 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, or 19200. RT S D E L A Y This function allows modem delay time before transmission. The Flow Computer will turn the RTS line high before transmission for the entered time delay period. M A I N P O R T R S 2 32 /R S 4 85 S E L E C T I O N Selection 0 1 Description RS-232 RS-485 The main port can be configured to RS-232 or RS-485. RS-232 is the default value. USE BLUETOOTH The display board must be equipped with Bluetooth. In order to communicate via Bluetooth™ with a flow computer your PC must be Bluetooth capable or must have a USB-to-Bluetooth adapter. Meter ID is used as the device name and any special characters will not work (ex. ‘.’,‘ ‘, … ) BLUETOOTH ID Meter ID is used as the device name and any special characters will not work (ex. ‘.’,‘ ‘,etc) Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-66 TOOLS Download Firmware To Download an Image File to the Flow Computer select the Tools option form the menu, and then Download Program. A small dialog will appear asking for the file name of the image file. Type it in or use the Browse option to locate it. Press [Download] once the file name is in place. This task will take about 5 minutes to be completed. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-67 Modbus Driver DFC provides this tool to read and write Modbus registers from and to the flow computers. It will display transmitting and receiving message in HEX format. It should be used for testing purpose only. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-68 Wirings The drawings available for this device will be listed. Drawings can be printed by pressing button. Drawings for other type of Flow Computers can also be viewed by changing [Flow Computer Type] Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-69 Skins This window let you create the color for each component in application. Default skin file can't be edited, renamed or deleted. Set Skin Select a file from the list, the press to set predefined settings. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-70 Create New Skin Click on to open a new file to set new settings. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-71 Edit Select a file from the list, press , and then adjust settings. Rename Select a file, click on button, Enter new name, then press [OK] Delete Select a file from the list and press Close Press or close "Skin Window" to exit Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Data Entry — 2-72 Help Information on a variety of tools, communication settings, configuration data entries, and other topics. View Help Customers can add and edit notes to each help page through [Edit Custom Notes] panel and any custom help pages in htm or html format can be imported via [Tools] button. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Data Entry — 2-73 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Send Log To contact us or customer support regarding Dynacom software, type your email address, describe the problem and then click on . About Flow Computers This menu shows Flow Computer Application, Dynacom configuration software version and firmware version. Check www.dynamicflowcomputers.com for version updates. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data — 3-1 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) CHAPTER 3: FLOW EQUATIONS Common Terms The following terms are used throughout this chapter. The following terms are used throughout this chapter. Term Definition Flow rate: volume or mass displaced per q unit time T Temperature Differential Pressure across measuring DP device d Orifice Diameter D Pipe Diameter Density (usually of the fluid) Viscosity Heating Value Expansion factor HN Y Metric Unit See equations See equations F unless noted C unless noted Inches H2O m.Bar Inches Millimeter Millimeter Inches Examples r O (letter o) 1. P qmass , qenergy d , dr , dm D , Dr , Dm d Orifice diameter D Pipe diameter Subscripts: Conventions Used This Subscript Means flowing cal m US Units , r Lb/ft3 centipoise BTU/ ft3 flowing , m Kg/M3 Centipoise MJ/ M3 Examples At reference conditions Refers to the orifice Refers to the pipe Tr,p = reference temperature of the pipe Tr,O = reference temperature of the orifice At flow conditions Calibration conditions At measured conditions flowing = density at flow conditions Tcal , Pcal Dm = pipe diameter at measured temp. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data — 3-2 Gas Meter – Orifice Please see Common Terms at the beginning of this chapter. For more information, please see Orifice Metering of Natural Gas, 3rd edition. M ass Flowrate N c C d E v d 2Y 2 DP 4 q mass (M Lb/Hr) Net Flowrate q mass reference M CF/Hr Where : N c 323.279 units conversion constant C d Orifice Plate Coefficien t of Discharge Ev 1 1 4 Velocity of Approach Factor Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data — 3-3 Gas Meter - Wedge Net Flowrate 7.727 Y Fa K d FPVx 2 DPxPSIA SGxDEGR M CF/Hr Where DP Differenti al Pressure, inches of water SG Specific Gravity DEGR Temperature Deg.F 460 PSIA Pressure PSIG 14.7 Y 1 - (0.015 DP / PSIA) Fa Flow Expansion Factor (Data Entry) K d Flow Coefficien t (Data Entry) 2 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data — 3-4 Gas Meter - CONE/SMART CONE M ass Flowrate 4 2gc D2 2 1 4 Cf Y Psf Fa q mass/second ( LB US , KG Metric ) Net Flowrate Gross Flowrate q mass reference q mass flowing Energy Flowrate Net Flowrate HeatingVal ue / 1000 Where: = Dimensional Conversion Constant = Flow Coefficient of the Meter = Density (LB/FT3-US, KG/M3-Metric) D = Meter Inside Diameter (Feet-US, Meters-Metric) = D.Pressure (Pounds force per square foot-US, Pascal-Metric) Y = Adiabatic Expansion Factor for Contoured Elements d = Cone Diameter, D=Meter Inside Diameter (Inches-US, Millimeters-Metric) Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data — 3-5 Oil Meter Net Flowrate Pulse Linear Meter Factor CTL CPL ShrinkFactor (1 - BSW)% x 3600 Nominal K Factor (UM /Hr) Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data — 3-6 Water Meter CTLW=1 - (0.00010312 + 0.0000071568 x Salinity Factor) x Delta - (0.0000012701-0.000000044641 x Net Flowrate Pulse Meter Factor CTLW x 3600 Nominal K Factor (UM /Hr) Salinity Factor) x Delta2 + (0.0000000012333 - 0.000000000022436) x Delta x Delta2 Delta = Temperature – Base Temperature Delta2 = Delta * Delta Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data — 3-7 DENSITY EQUATIONS AGA8 Gross Method 1 Refer to Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. 8 AGA8 Gross Method 2 Refer to Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. 8 AGA8 Detail Method Refer to Transmission Measurement Committee Report No. 8 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data — 4-1 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) CHAPTER 4: MODBUS DATA MODBUS PROTOCOL TRANSMISSION MODE DATA BITS START BITS PARITY STOP BITS ERROR CHECKING BAUD RATE ASCII 7 RTU 8 1 EVEN, ODD 1 LRC 1200-9600 1 NONE 1 CRC 1200-9600 ASCII FRAMING Framing is accomplished by using colon (:) character indicating the beginning of frame and carriage (CR), line feed (LF) for the end of frame ASCII MESSAGE FORMAT : 8 BITS ADDRESS 2 CHAR 16 BITS FUNCTION 2 CHAR 16 BITS DATA Nx2 CHAR Nx16 BITS ERR\CHECK 2 CHAR 16 BITS CR 8 BITS LF 8 BITS RTU FRAMING Frame synchronization is done by time basis only. The Smart Flow Computer allows 3.5 characters time without new characters coming in before proceeding to process the message and resetting the buffer. RTU MESSAGE FORMAT ADDRESS 8 BITS FUNCTION 8 BITS DATA Nx8 BITS CRC 16 BITS Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data — 4-2 FUNCTION CODE To inform the slave device of what function to perform FUNCTION CODE ACTION 01 03 Read Strings or Multiple 16 Bits 16 Write Strings or Multiple 16 Bits ERROR CHECK LRC MO DE The LRC check is transmitted as two ASCII hexadecimal characters. First, the message has to be stripped of the: LF, CR, and then converted the HEX ASCII to Binary. Add the Binary bits and then two's complement the result. CR C MO D E The entire message is considered in the CRC mode. Most significant bit is transmitted first. The message is pre-multiplied by 16. The integer quotient digits are ignored and the 16-bit remainder is appended to the message as the two CRC check bytes. The resulting message including the CRC, when divided by the same polynomial (X16+X15+X2+1) at the receiver, which will give zero remainder if no error, has occurred. EXCEPTION RESPONSE Exception response comes from the slave if it finds errors in communication. The slave responds to the master echoing the slave address, function code (with high bit set), exception code and error check. To indicate that the response is notification of an error, the high order bit of the function code is set to 1. EXCEPTION CODE DESCRIPTION 01 Illegal Function 02 Illegal Data Address 03 Illegal Data Value BROADCAST COMMAND All units listen to Unit ID Zero, and no one will respond when the write function is broadcasted. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data — 4-3 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) MODBUS EXAMPLES FUNCTION CODE 03 (Read Single or Multiple Register Points) Each Modbus System has a different Modbus address range. For example, 40000 or 90000 is the high level message generated through the host Modbus system. The set up and offset are different for each host Modbus system. READ A SHORT (SINGLE ) WORD NUMERIC VARIABLE The short word numeric variable is a 16-bit integer Data: 16 bits (short word: two 8-bit bytes- high byte, low byte), Short Integer Variable Modbus Address: from 2534 to 3030 RTU MODE Read Address 3001 STARTING POINT FUNC CODE ADDR 01 03 # OF POINTS HI LO HI LO 0B B9 00 01 CRC CHECK 57 CB Response - Data - 02 63 (Hex), 611 (Decimal) DATA ADDR FUNC CODE BYTE COUNTS HI LO CRC CHECK 01 03 02 02 63 F9 0D ASCII MODE Read Address 3076 FUNC CODE ADDR : 30 31 30 33 STARTING POINT HI 30 # OF POINTS LO 43 30 HI 43 30 LRC CHECK LO 30 30 31 45 42 CR LF CR LF Response FUNC CODE ADDR : 30 31 30 33 DATA BYTE COUNT 30 32 HI 30 LRC CHECK LO 30 30 31 46 39 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data — 4-4 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) READ A LONG WORD NUMERIC VARIABLE The long word numeric variable is a two 16-bit integers with decimal places inferred Data: two 16-bit (32 bits, two words: high word, low word). Sign bit - first bit of high word (0: Positive, 1: Negative) Long Integer Variable Modbus Address: from 3131 to 9665 Read Address 3131 ADDR FUNC CODE 01 03 STARTING Address # OF Registers HI LO HI LO 0C 3B 00 02 CRC CHECK B6 96 Response - Data - 4 Bytes - 00 05 6A 29 (Hex), 611 (Decimal) ADDR FUNC CODE BYTE COUNTS 01 03 04 DATA HI Word LO Word CRC CHECK 00 05 05 6A 29 4C Data Bytes - 00 05 6A 29 (Hex) = 354857 (decimal) Data with 2 decimal places inferred = 3548.57 For Example: Honeywell Modbus system - read address 93131 Delta-V Modbus system - read address 43131 Data Calculation Value = High Word x 65536 + Low Word High Word = 00 05 (Hex), 5 (Decimal) Low Word = 6A 29 (Hex), 27177 (Decimal) = 5 x 65536 + 27177 = 354857 Two decimal places inferred = 3548.57 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data — 4-5 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) READ A FLOATING POINT VARIABLE The floating point variable is a single precision floating point value. The format can be configured as One Register – 4 Bytes Data Bytes Order – HI, HI, LO, LO IEEE Floating Point Format Sign 1 bit Exponent 8 bits Byte 3 SEEEEEEE Mantissa 23 bits Byte 2 EMMMMMMM Byte 1 MMMMMMMM Byte 0 MMMMMMMM Modbus Address: From 7001 to 7999 Example: Read one register with 4 data bytes (High and Low words) Read Register 7047 ADDR FUNC CODE 01 03 STARTING Address # OF Registers HI LO HI LO 1B 87 00 01 CRC CHECK 32 C7 Response - Four Data Bytes - 47 6C 4A 00 (HEX) = 60490.0 ADDR FUNC CODE BYTE COUNTS 01 03 04 DATA HI Word LO Word CRC CHECK 47 19 6C 4A 00 FA Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data — 4-6 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 16 Bits 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 Flow Computer Display Delay Flow Computer Assignment #1 Flow Computer Assignment #2 Flow Computer Assignment #3 Flow Computer Assignment #4 Flow Computer Assignment #5 Flow Computer Assignment #6 Flow Computer Assignment #7 Flow Computer Assignment #8 Flow Computer Assignment #9 Flow Computer Assignment #10 Flow Computer Assignment #11 Flow Computer Assignment #12 Flow Computer Assignment #13 Flow Computer Assignment #14 Flow Computer Assignment #15 Flow Computer Assignment #16 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558-2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569-2872 2873 2574-2592 Flow Copmputer ID or Unit ID Reserved Port 1 Modbus Type (0=RTU,1=ASCII) Port 1 Parity(0=None,1=Odd,2=Even) Port 1 Baud Rate(0=1200,1=2400,3=4800,4=9600) reserved Port 1 RTS Delay in Milliseconds reserved Port 2 Select 0=RTS,1=Printer Port 2 Modbus Type (0=RTU,1=ASCII) Port 2 Parity(0=None,1=Odd,2=Even) Port 2 Baud Rate(0=1200,1=2400,3=4800,4=9600) Reserved Port 2 RTS Delay in Milliseconds Printer- Number of Nulls Reserved Main Port Interface Type 0=RS232, 1=RS485 Bluetooth ID Enable Bluetooth Spare 0 Inferred Read/Write 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write 0 Inferred Read/Write 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write 0 Inferred 8 Chars 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-7 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 16 Bits ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DECIMAL READ/WRITE 2593 2594 2595 2596-2605 2606 2607 2608 2609-2617 2618 2619-2621 2622-2644 2645 2646-2648 2649-2651 2652-2680 Oil and Water Meter Unit (0=BBL,1=Gallon) Flow Rate Averaged Second Reserved Company Name Disable Alarms ? (0=No, 1=Yes) Pulse Width Day Start Hour Reserved Digital Output #2 Status Reserved Spare Re-Calculate AGA8 Flag Spare Reserved Spare 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 20 Chars 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 0 Inferred Read/Write 0 Inferred Read/Write 2681 2682 2683 2684-2686 2687 2688 2689 2690-2692 2693-2700 Analog Input #1 Fail Code Analog Input #2 Fail Code Analog Input #3 Fail Code Reserved Multi-Variable DP Fail Code Multi-Variable Temperature Fail Code Multi-Variable Pressure Fail Code Reserved Spare 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 2701-2704 2705 2706 2707 2708 2709 2710-2720 Gas Meter #1 ID Gas Meter #1 Y Factor Select Gas Meter #1 Density Calculation Type Gas Meter #1 DP Assignment Gas Meter #1 Temperataure Assignment Gas Meter #1 Pressure Assignment Spare 8 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 2721-2724 2725 2726 2727 2728 2729 2730-2740 Gas Meter #2 ID Gas Meter #2 Y Factor Select Gas Meter #2 Density Calculation Type Gas Meter #2 DP Assignment Gas Meter #2 Temperataure Assignment Gas Meter #2 Pressure Assignment Spare 8 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-8 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 16 Bits ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DECIMAL READ/WRITE 2741-2744 2745 2746 2747 2748 2749 2750-2760 Oil Meter ID Oil Meter Flow Cut Off Oil Meter Retroactive BS&W Oil Meter BS&W Assignment Oil Meter Temperataure Assignment Oil Meter Pressure Assignment Spare 8 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 2761-2764 2765 2766 2767 2768-2825 Oil Meter ID Oil Meter Flow Cut Off Oil Meter Temperataure Assignment Oil Meter Pressure Assignment Spare 8 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 2826 2827 2828 2829 2830 2831-2840 Reserved Switch Output #2 Assignment Reserved Analog Output Assignment Reserved Spare 0 Inferred Read/Write 0 Inferred Read/Write 2841-2844 2845-2849 2851-2854 2855-2864 2865-2868 2869-2876 Analog Input #1 Tag Analog Input #2 Tag Analog Input #3 Tag Reserved Analog Output Tag Reserved 8 Chars. 8 Chars. 8 Chars. Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 8 Chars. Read/Write 2877-2879 2880 2881 2882 2883-2885 2886-2887 2888 2889-2932 2933-2941 2942-2960 Spare Multi-Variable DP Calibration Index Multi-Variable Pressure Calibration Index Multi-Variable Temperature Calibration Index Reserved Spare Reserved Spare Reserved Spare 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 2961-2964 2965-2968 2969-2972 2973-2984 Multi-Variable DP Tag Multi-Variable Pressure Tag Multi-Variable Temperature Tag Reserved 8 Chars. 8 Chars. 8 Chars. Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-9 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 16 Bits ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 3001 3002 3003 3004-3009 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3015 3016-3017 3018 3019 3020-3022 3023 3024-3025 3026-3029 3030 3031 3032-3081 3082-3121 3122-3123 3124 3125 3126 Version Number Prove in Progress Status Reserved Spare Reserved Purge Time in Minutes Test Time Period in Hours Prove Well Number Prove Request (1=Yes,2=Continuous) Stop Prove Test Command Spare Unit ID Disable Alarms Spare Application TAG Reserved Spare Last Alarm Report Request (1=Latest,100=Oldest) Reserved Spare Modbus Shift – 2 Bytes Reserved Area Spare Reserved Analog Output (0-4095) Reserved DECIMAL READ/WRITE 2 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write 0 Inferred Read/Write 0 Inferred Write 0 Inferred Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-10 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 3131-3191 3193 3195 3197 3199 Spare Last Hourly Report Request (1-192) Last Daily Report Request (1-8) Last Prove Report Request Last Prove Report Well Number 1-8 DECIMAL READ/WRITE 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Write Write Write Write Last Hourly or Daily Data Area Set Last Hourly Report Request (3193) to 1=Latest,192=Oldtest Daily Data Area in Location 3201-3351 Set Last Daily Report Request (3195) to 1=Latest,8=Oldtest Daily Data Area in Location 3201-3351 Set Last Prove Report Well Number (3199) to 1=Well#1, 8=Well#8 Set Last Prove Report Request to 1 (3197) Last Prove Report Data Area in Location 3201-3351 3201-3209 3211-3219 3221-3229 3231-3239 3241-3243 Company Name Field Name Well Name County Name Station Name 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. Read Read Read Read Read 3245 3247 3249 3251 3253 3255-3269 3271-3273 3275 3277 3279 3281 3283 3285 3287 3289 3291 3293 3295 3297 3299 3301 3303 3305 3307 3309 Start Date Start Time Stop Date Stop Time Units Spare Gas Meter#1 ID Gas Meter#1 Net Flow Rate MCF/Hour Gas Meter#1 Net Total MCF Gas Meter#1 Orifice ID Gas Meter#1 Pipe ID Gas Meter#1 SG Gas Meter#1 Temperature Gas Meter#1 Pressure Gas Meter#1 DP Reserved Gas Meter#1 FWA Temperature Gas Meter#1 FWA Pressure Gas Meter#1 FWA DP Reserved Gas Meter#1 Methane Gas Meter#1 N2 Gas Meter#1 CO2 Gas Meter#1 Ethane Gas Meter#1 Propane 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read 8 Chars. 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 5 Inferred 5 Inferred 6 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-11 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 3311 DECIMAL READ/WRITE 3313 3315 3317 3319 3321 3323 3325 3327 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Water H2S H2 CO Oxygen i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 3329 Gas Meter#1 n-Hexane 4 Inferred Read 3331 3333 3335 3337 3339 3341 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read 3343 3345 3347 3349 3351 3353 3355 3357 3359 3361-3385 3387 3389 3391-3393 3395-3409 Gas Meter#1 Heating Value Gas Meter#1 Net Flow Rate MCF/Day Spare Gas Meter#1 Density Gas Meter#1 Base Density Gas Meter#1 CD/KD2 Gas Meter#1 Y Factor Gas Meter#1 Wedge Meter – Expansion Factor Gas Meter#1 Wedge Meter – FPV Spare Analog Output Percentage Reserved Spare Reserved 3 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read 2 Inferred Read 3411-3413 3415 3417 3419 3421 3423 3425 3427 3429 3431 3433 3435 3437 3439 3441 3443 3445 3447 3449 3451 Gas Meter#2 ID Gas Meter#2 Net Flow Rate MCF/Hour Gas Meter#2 Net Total MCF Gas Meter#2 Orifice ID Gas Meter#2 Pipe ID Gas Meter#2 SG Gas Meter#2 Temperature Gas Meter#2 Pressure Gas Meter#2 DP Reserved Gas Meter#2 FWA Temperature Gas Meter#2 FWA Pressure Gas Meter#2 FWA DP Reserved Gas Meter#2 Methane Gas Meter#2 N2 Gas Meter#2 CO2 Gas Meter#2 Ethane Gas Meter#2 Propane Gas Meter#2 Water 8 Chars. 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 5 Inferred 5 Inferred 6 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read n-Heptane n-Octane n-Nonane n-Decane Helium Argon Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-12 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 3453 3455 3457 3459 3461 3463 3465 3467 3469 3471 3473 3475 3477 3479 3481 3483 3485 3487 3489 3491 3493 3495 3497 3499 Gas Meter#2 H2S Gas Meter#2 H2 Gas Meter#2 CO Gas Meter#2 Oxygen Gas Meter#2 i-Butane Gas Meter#2 n-Butane Gas Meter#2 i-Pentane Gas Meter#2 n-Pentane Gas Meter#2 n-Hexane Gas Meter#2 n-Heptane Gas Meter#2 n-Octane Gas Meter#2 n-Nonane Gas Meter#2 n-Decane Gas Meter#2 Helium Gas Meter#2 Argon Gas Meter#2 Heating Value Gas Meter#2 Net Flow Rate MCF/Day Spare Gas Meter#2 Density Gas Meter#2 Base Density Gas Meter#1 CD/KD2 Gas Meter#1 Y Factor Gas Meter#1 Wedge Meter – Expansion Factor Gas Meter#1 Wedge Meter – FPV DECIMAL READ/WRITE 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 3 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read 3501-3503 3505-3511 3513 3515 3517 3519 3521 3523 3525 3527 3529 3531 3533 3535 3537 3539 3541 3543 3545 3547 3549 3551 3553 3555 3557 3559 3561 3563 3565-3569 Oil Meter ID Oil Meter Color Oil Meter API Oil Meter Temperature Oil Meter Pressure Oil Meter LMF Oil Meter CTL Oil Meter CPL Oil Meter Shrink Factor Oil Meter BS&W Oil Meter FWA Temperature Oil Meter FWA Pressure Oil Meter FWA LMF Oil Meter FWA CTL Oil Meter FWA CPL Oil Meter FWA Shrink Factor Oil Meter FWA BS&W Oil Meter Net Flow Rate BBL/Hour Oil Meter Net Total Oil Meter Frequency Oil Meter K Factor Oil Meter Net Flow Rate BBL/Day Oil Meter Net Flow Rate Gal/Hour Oil Meter Net Flow Rate Gal/Day Oil Meter GPM Oil Meter BBLMM Oil Meter Total BBL Day Oil Meter Total GAL Day Spare 8 Chars. 16 Chars. 1 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 1 Inferred 0 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 3 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 1 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-13 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 3571-3573 3575 3577-3583 Water Meter ID Water Meter Chloride Spare DECIMAL READ/WRITE 8 Chars. 0 Inferred Read Read 3585 3587 3589 3591 3593 3595 3597 3599 3601 3603 3605 3607 3609 3611 Water Meter Temperature Water Meter Pressure Water Meter MF Water Meter CTL Spare Water Meter Salinity Spare Water Meter FWA Temperature Water Meter FWA Pressure Water Meter FWA MF Water Meter FWA CTL Spare Water Meter Salinity Spare 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read 4 Inferred Read 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read 4 Inferred Read 3613 3615 3617 3619 3621 3623 3625 3627 3629 3631 3633 3635-3767 Water Meter Net Flow Rate BBL/Hour Water Meter Net Total Frequency Water Meter K Factor Water Meter BBL Day Flow Water Meter Gal Hour Flow Water Meter Gal Day Flow Water Meter GPM Water Meter BBL_MM Water Meter Total BBL Day Water Meter Total GAL Day Spare 1 Inferred 1 Inferred 0 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 3 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 1 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Last Hourly/Daily/Prove Data Area Ends Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-14 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DECIMAL READ/WRITE 3769 3771 3773 3775 3777 3779 3781 3783 3785 3787 3789-3999 4001-4149 4151-4153 4155-4159 4161-4191 4193-4199 BS&W Override Meter#1 Temperature Override Meter#2 Temperature Override Meter#3 Temperature Override Meter#4 Temperature Override Spare Meter#1 Pressure Override Meter#2 Pressure Override Meter#3 Pressure Override Meter#4 Pressure Override Spare Reserved Spare Reserved Spare Reserved 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read 1 Inferred 1 Inferred 1 Inferred 1 Inferred Read Read Read Read 4201 4203 4205-4209 4211-4219 4221-4229 4231-4239 4241-4243 4245-4251 4253 4255 4257-4259 4261-4269 4271-4279 4281-4289 4291-4293 4295-4301 4303 4305 4307-4309 4311-4319 4321-4329 4331-4339 4341-4343 4345-4351 4353 4355 4357-4359 4361-4369 4371-4379 4381-4389 4391-4393 4395-4401 4403 4405 4407-4409 System Date (MMDDYY) System Time (HHMMSS) Spare Well#1 Name Well#1 County Well#1 Field Well#1 Station Well#1 Color Well#1 Density Calculation Type Well#1 Gas Meter Type (0=Orifice,1=Wedge) Spare Well#2 Name Well#2 County Well#2 Field Well#2 Station Well#2 Color Well#2 Density Calculation Type Well#2 Gas Meter Type (0=Orifice,1=Wedge) Spare Well#3 Name Well#3 County Well#3 Field Well#3 Station Well#3 Color Well#3 Density Calculation Type Well#3 Gas Meter Type (0=Orifice,1=Wedge) Spare Well#4 Name Well#4 County Well#4 Field Well#4 Station Well#4 Color Well#4 Density Calculation Type Well#4 Gas Meter Type (0=Orifice,1=Wedge) Spare 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 16 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 16 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 16 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 16 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-15 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 4411-4419 4421-4429 4431-4439 4441-4443 4445-4451 4453 4455 4457-4459 4461-4469 4471-4479 4481-4489 4491-4493 4495-4501 4503 4505 4507-4509 Well#5 Name Well#5 County Well#5 Field Well#5 Station Well#5 Color Well#5 Density Calculation Type Well#5 Gas Meter Type (0=Orifice,1=Wedge) Spare Well#6 Name Well#6 County Well#6 Field Well#6 Station Well#6 Color Well#6 Density Calculation Type Well#6 Gas Meter Type (0=Orifice,1=Wedge) Spare DECIMAL READ/WRITE 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 16 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 16 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 4511-4519 4521-4529 4531-4539 4541-4543 4545-4551 4553 4555 4557-4559 4561-4569 4571-4579 4581-4589 4591-4593 4595-4601 4603 4605 4607-4615 Well#7 Name Well#7 County Well#7 Field Well#7 Station Well#7 Color Well#7 Density Calculation Type Well#7 Gas Meter Type (0=Orifice,1=Wedge) Spare Well#8 Name Well#8 County Well#8 Field Well#8 Station Well#8 Color Well#8 Density Calculation Type Well#8 Gas Meter Type (0=Orifice,1=Wedge) Spare 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 16 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 16 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 4617-4655 4657-4817 Reserved Spare 4819 4821 4823-4825 4827 Base Temperature Base Pressure Spare Atmospheric Pressure PSIA 3 Inferred 3 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write 3 Inferred Read/Write 4829 4831 Pulse Output #1 Volume Pulse Output #2 Volume 3 Inferred 3 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write 4833 4835 4837 4839 4841-5049 Analog Output#1 at 4mA Analog Output#1 at 20mA Analog Output#2 at 4mA Analog Output#2 at 20mA Reserved Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-16 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 6101 6103 6105 6107 6109 6111 6113 6115 6117 6119 6121 6123 6125 6127 6129 6131 6133 6135 6137 6139 6141 6143 6145 6147 6149 6151 6153 6155 6157 6159 6161-6165 6167 6169 6171 6173 6175 6177 6179 6181 6183 6185 6187 6189 6191 6193-6199 Well#1 Gas Meter Methane Well#1 Gas Meter N2 Well#1 Gas Meter CO2 Well#1 Gas Meter Ethane Well#1 Gas Meter Propane Well#1 Gas Meter Water Well#1 Gas Meter H2S Well#1 Gas Meter H2 Well#1 Gas Meter CO Well#1 Gas Meter Oxygen Well#1 Gas Meter i-Butane Well#1 Gas Meter n-Butane Well#1 Gas Meter i-Pentane Well#1 Gas Meter n-Pentane Well#1 Gas Meter n-Hexane Well#1 Gas Meter n-Heptane Well#1 Gas Meter n-Octane Well#1 Gas Meter n-Nonane Well#1 Gas Meter n-Decane Well#1 Gas Meter Helium Well#1 Gas Meter Argon Well#1 Gas Meter Btu Override Well#1 Gas Meter SG Override Well#1 Water Meter Salinity Well#1 Water Meter Factor Well#1 Water Chloride Well#1 Oil API Gravity Override Well#1 Oil Meter Factor Well#1 Oil Shrinkage Well#1 Oil BS&W Override Spare Gas Meter#1 Wedge Meter - KD2 Gas Meter#1 Wedge Meter – FA Gas Meter#1 Pipe ID Gas Meter#1 Orifice ID Gas Meter#1 DP Cut Off Gas Meter#1 Heat Ratio Gas Meter#1 Viscosity Gas Meter#1 Orifice Reference Temperautare Gas Meter#1 Orifice Thermal Exp. Coeff. Gas Meter#1 Pipe Reference Temperautare Gas Meter#1 Pipe Thermal Exp. Coeff. Gas Meter#1 Density of Dry Air Gas Meter#1 Base SG Spare DECIMAL READ/WRITE 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 6 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 5 Inferred 5 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 6 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 5 Inferred 6 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-17 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 6201 6203 6205 6207 6209 6211 6213 6215 6217 6219 6221 6223 6225 6227 6229 6231 6233 6235 6237 6239 6241 6243 6245 6247 6249 6251 6253 6255 6257 6259 6261-6265 6267 6269 6271 6273 6275 6277 6279 6281 6283 6285 6287 6289 6291 6293-6299 Well#2 Gas Meter Methane Well#2 Gas Meter N2 Well#2 Gas Meter CO2 Well#2 Gas Meter Ethane Well#2 Gas Meter Propane Well#2 Gas Meter Water Well#2 Gas Meter H2S Well#2 Gas Meter H2 Well#2 Gas Meter CO Well#2 Gas Meter Oxygen Well#2 Gas Meter i-Butane Well#2 Gas Meter n-Butane Well#2 Gas Meter i-Pentane Well#2 Gas Meter n-Pentane Well#2 Gas Meter n-Hexane Well#2 Gas Meter n-Heptane Well#2 Gas Meter n-Octane Well#2 Gas Meter n-Nonane Well#2 Gas Meter n-Decane Well#2 Gas Meter Helium Well#2 Gas Meter Argon Well#2 Gas Meter Btu Override Well#2 Gas Meter SG Override Well#2 Water Meter Salinity Well#2 Water Meter Factor Well#2 Water Chloride Well#2 Oil API Gravity Override Well#2 Oil Meter Factor Well#2 Oil Shrinkage Well#2 Oil BS&W Override Spare Gas Meter#1 Wedge Meter - KD2 Gas Meter#1 Wedge Meter – FA Gas Meter#2 Pipe ID Gas Meter#2 Orifice ID Gas Meter#2 DP Cut Off Gas Meter#2 Heat Ratio Gas Meter#2 Viscosity Gas Meter#2 Orifice Reference Temperautare Gas Meter#2 Orifice Thermal Exp. Coeff. Gas Meter#2 Pipe Reference Temperautare Gas Meter#2 Pipe Thermal Exp. Coeff. Gas Meter#2 Density of Dry Air Gas Meter#2 Base SG Spare DECIMAL READ/WRITE 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 6 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 5 Inferred 5 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 6 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 5 Inferred 6 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-18 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 6301 6303 6305 6307 6309 6311 6313 6315 6317 6319 6321 6323 6325 6327 6329 6331 6333 6335 6337 6339 6341 6343 6345 6347 6349 6351 6353 6355 6357 6359 6361-6369 6371 6373 6375 6377 6379 6381 6383 6385 6387 6389-6399 Well#3 Gas Meter Methane Well#3 Gas Meter N2 Well#3 Gas Meter CO2 Well#3 Gas Meter Ethane Well#3 Gas Meter Propane Well#3 Gas Meter Water Well#3 Gas Meter H2S Well#3 Gas Meter H2 Well#3 Gas Meter CO Well#3 Gas Meter Oxygen Well#3 Gas Meter i-Butane Well#3 Gas Meter n-Butane Well#3 Gas Meter i-Pentane Well#3 Gas Meter n-Pentane Well#3 Gas Meter n-Hexane Well#3 Gas Meter n-Heptane Well#3 Gas Meter n-Octane Well#3 Gas Meter n-Nonane Well#3 Gas Meter n-Decane Well#3 Gas Meter Helium Well#3 Gas Meter Argon Well#3 Gas Meter Btu Override Well#3 Gas Meter SG Override Well#3 Water Meter Salinity Well#3 Water Meter Factor Well#3 Water Chloride Well#3 Oil API Gravity Override Well#3 Oil Meter Factor Well#3 Oil Shrinkage Well#3 Oil BS&W Override Spare Oil Meter K Factor Oil Meter Threshold #1 Oil Meter Threshold #2 Oil Meter Threshold #3 Oil Meter Threshold #4 Oil Meter Factor #1 Oil Meter Factor #2 Oil Meter Factor #3 Oil Meter Factor #4 Spare DECIMAL READ/WRITE 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 6 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-19 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 6401 6403 6405 6407 6409 6411 6413 6415 6417 6419 6421 6423 6425 6427 6429 6431 6433 6435 6437 6439 6441 6443 6445 6447 6449 6451 6453 6455 6457 6459 6461-6469 6471 6473-6499 Well#4 Gas Meter Methane Well#4 Gas Meter N2 Well#4 Gas Meter CO2 Well#4 Gas Meter Ethane Well#4 Gas Meter Propane Well#4 Gas Meter Water Well#4 Gas Meter H2S Well#4 Gas Meter H2 Well#4 Gas Meter CO Well#4 Gas Meter Oxygen Well#4 Gas Meter i-Butane Well#4 Gas Meter n-Butane Well#4 Gas Meter i-Pentane Well#4 Gas Meter n-Pentane Well#4 Gas Meter n-Hexane Well#4 Gas Meter n-Heptane Well#4 Gas Meter n-Octane Well#4 Gas Meter n-Nonane Well#4 Gas Meter n-Decane Well#4 Gas Meter Helium Well#4 Gas Meter Argon Well#4 Gas Meter Btu Override Well#4 Gas Meter SG Override Well#4 Water Meter Salinity Well#4 Water Meter Factor Well#4 Water Chloride Well#4 Oil API Gravity Override Well#4 Oil Meter Factor Well#4 Oil Shrinkage Well#4 Oil BS&W Override Spare Water Meter K Factor Spare DECIMAL READ/WRITE 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 6 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 2 Inferred Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-20 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DECIMAL READ/WRITE 6501 6503 6505 6507 6509 6511 6513 6515 6517 6519 6521 6523 6525 6527 6529 6531 6533 6535 6537 6539 6541 6543 6545 6547 6549 6551 6553 6555 6557 6559 6561-6569 Well#5 Gas Meter Methane Well#5 Gas Meter N2 Well#5 Gas Meter CO2 Well#5 Gas Meter Ethane Well#5 Gas Meter Propane Well#5 Gas Meter Water Well#5 Gas Meter H2S Well#5 Gas Meter H2 Well#5 Gas Meter CO Well#5 Gas Meter Oxygen Well#5 Gas Meter i-Butane Well#5 Gas Meter n-Butane Well#5 Gas Meter i-Pentane Well#5 Gas Meter n-Pentane Well#5 Gas Meter n-Hexane Well#5 Gas Meter n-Heptane Well#5 Gas Meter n-Octane Well#5 Gas Meter n-Nonane Well#5 Gas Meter n-Decane Well#5 Gas Meter Helium Well#5 Gas Meter Argon Well#5 Gas Meter Btu Override Well#5 Gas Meter SG Override Well#5 Water Meter Salinity Well#5 Water Meter Factor Well#5 Water Chloride Well#5 Oil API Gravity Override Well#5 Oil Meter Factor Well#5 Oil Shrinkage Well#5 Oil BS&W Override Spare 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 6 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 6571 6573 6575 6577 6579 6581 6583 6585 6587 6589 6591 6593 6595 6597-6599 Gas Meter#1 Flow Coefficient Gas Meter#1 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #1 Gas Meter#1 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #2 Gas Meter#1 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #3 Gas Meter#1 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #4 Gas Meter#1 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #5 Gas Meter#1 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #6 Gas Meter#1 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #1 Gas Meter#1 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #2 Gas Meter#1 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #3 Gas Meter#1 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #4 Gas Meter#1 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #5 Gas Meter#1 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #6 Spare 6 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-21 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DECIMAL READ/WRITE 6601 6603 6605 6607 6609 6611 6613 6615 6617 6619 6621 6623 6625 6627 6629 6631 6633 6635 6637 6639 6641 6643 6645 6647 6649 6651 6653 6655 6657 6659 6661-6669 Well#6 Gas Meter Methane Well#6 Gas Meter N2 Well#6 Gas Meter CO2 Well#6 Gas Meter Ethane Well#6 Gas Meter Propane Well#6 Gas Meter Water Well#6 Gas Meter H2S Well#6 Gas Meter H2 Well#6 Gas Meter CO Well#6 Gas Meter Oxygen Well#6 Gas Meter i-Butane Well#6 Gas Meter n-Butane Well#6 Gas Meter i-Pentane Well#6 Gas Meter n-Pentane Well#6 Gas Meter n-Hexane Well#6 Gas Meter n-Heptane Well#6 Gas Meter n-Octane Well#6 Gas Meter n-Nonane Well#6 Gas Meter n-Decane Well#6 Gas Meter Helium Well#6 Gas Meter Argon Well#6 Gas Meter Btu Override Well#6 Gas Meter SG Override Well#6 Water Meter Salinity Well#6 Water Meter Factor Well#6 Water Chloride Well#6 Oil API Gravity Override Well#6 Oil Meter Factor Well#6 Oil Shrinkage Well#6 Oil BS&W Override Spare 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 6 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 6671 6673 6675 6677 6679 6681 6683 6685 6687 6689 6691 6693 6695 6697-6699 Gas Meter#2 Flow Coefficient Gas Meter#2 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #1 Gas Meter#2 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #2 Gas Meter#2 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #3 Gas Meter#2 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #4 Gas Meter#2 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #5 Gas Meter#2 Mass Flow Rate Threshold #6 Gas Meter#2 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #1 Gas Meter#2 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #2 Gas Meter#2 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #3 Gas Meter#2 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #4 Gas Meter#2 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #5 Gas Meter#2 Flow Coeff. Linear Factor #6 Spare 6 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-22 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 6701 6703 6705 6707 6709 6711 6713 6715 6717 6719 6721 6723 6725 6727 6729 6731 6733 6735 6737 6739 6741 6743 6745 6747 6749 6751 6753 6755 6757 6759 6761-6769 6771-6799 Well#7 Gas Meter Methane Well#7 Gas Meter N2 Well#7 Gas Meter CO2 Well#7 Gas Meter Ethane Well#7 Gas Meter Propane Well#7 Gas Meter Water Well#7 Gas Meter H2S Well#7 Gas Meter H2 Well#7 Gas Meter CO Well#7 Gas Meter Oxygen Well#7 Gas Meter i-Butane Well#7 Gas Meter n-Butane Well#7 Gas Meter i-Pentane Well#7 Gas Meter n-Pentane Well#7 Gas Meter n-Hexane Well#7 Gas Meter n-Heptane Well#7 Gas Meter n-Octane Well#7 Gas Meter n-Nonane Well#7 Gas Meter n-Decane Well#7 Gas Meter Helium Well#7 Gas Meter Argon Well#7 Gas Meter Btu Override Well#7 Gas Meter SG Override Well#7 Water Meter Salinity Well#7 Water Meter Factor Well#7 Water Chloride Well#7 Oil API Gravity Override Well#7 Oil Meter Factor Well#7 Oil Shrinkage Well#7 Oil BS&W Override Spare Spare DECIMAL READ/WRITE 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 6 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-23 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 6801 6803 6805 6807 6809 6811 6813 6815 6817 6819 6821 6823 6825 6827 6829 6831 6833 6835 6837 6839 6841 6843 6845 6847 6849 6851 6853 6855 6857 6859 6861-6869 6871-6899 Well#8 Gas Meter Methane Well#8 Gas Meter N2 Well#8 Gas Meter CO2 Well#8 Gas Meter Ethane Well#8 Gas Meter Propane Well#8 Gas Meter Water Well#8 Gas Meter H2S Well#8 Gas Meter H2 Well#8 Gas Meter CO Well#8 Gas Meter Oxygen Well#8 Gas Meter i-Butane Well#8 Gas Meter n-Butane Well#8 Gas Meter i-Pentane Well#8 Gas Meter n-Pentane Well#8 Gas Meter n-Hexane Well#8 Gas Meter n-Heptane Well#8 Gas Meter n-Octane Well#8 Gas Meter n-Nonane Well#8 Gas Meter n-Decane Well#8 Gas Meter Helium Well#8 Gas Meter Argon Well#8 Gas Meter Btu Override Well#8 Gas Meter SG Override Well#8 Water Meter Salinity Well#8 Water Meter Factor Well#8 Water Chloride Well#8 Oil API Gravity Override Well#8 Oil Meter Factor Well#8 Oil Shrinkage Well#8 Oil BS&W Override Spare Spare DECIMAL READ/WRITE 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 6 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-24 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DECIMAL READ/WRITE CURRENT DATA AREA 9001-9009 9011-9019 9021-9029 9031-9039 9041-9043 9045 9047 9049 9051 9053 Company Name Field Name Well Name County Name Station Name Start Date Start Time Stop Date Stop Time Units 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 20 Chars. 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 9055 9057 9059 9061 9063 9065 9067 9069 9071-9099 Prove in Progress Status Purge Timer Left Prove Time Left Prove Start Date Prove Start Time Prove End Date Prove End Time Prove Request Status (1=Requested,3=Stopped) Spare 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 9101-9103 9105 9107 9109 9111 9113 9115 9117 9119 9121 9123 9125 9127 9129 9131 9133 9135 9137 9139 9141 9143 9145 9147 9149 9151 9153 9155 9157 Gas Meter#1 ID Gas Meter#1 Net Flow Rate Gas Meter#1 Net Total Gas Meter#1 Orifice ID Gas Meter#1 Pipe ID Gas Meter#1 SG Gas Meter#1 Temperature Gas Meter#1 Pressure Gas Meter#1 DP Reserved Gas Meter#1 FWA Temperature Gas Meter#1 FWA Pressure Gas Meter#1 FWA DP Reserved Gas Meter#1 Methane Gas Meter#1 N2 Gas Meter#1 CO2 Gas Meter#1 Ethane Gas Meter#1 Propane Gas Meter#1 Water Gas Meter#1 H2S Gas Meter#1 H2 Gas Meter#1 CO Gas Meter#1 Oxygen Gas Meter#1 i-Butane Gas Meter#1 n-Butane Gas Meter#1 i-Pentane Gas Meter#1 n-Pentane 8 Chars. 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 5 Inferred 5 Inferred 6 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-25 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 9159 9161 9163 9165 9167 9169 9171 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 n-Hexane n-Heptane n-Octane n-Nonane n-Decane Helium Argon DECIMAL READ/WRITE 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 9173 9175 9177 9179 9181 9183 9185 9187 9189 9191 9193-9199 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Reserved Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Gas Meter#1 Spare Heating Value MCF/Day Flow Rate 3 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read Density Density@60 Density Calibration Type CD/KD2 Y Factor Wedge Meter - FA FPV 3 Inferred 3 Inferred 0 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 9201-9203 9205 9207 9209 9211 9213 9215 9217 9219 9221 9223 9225 9227 9229 9231 9233 9235 9237 9239 9241 9243 9245 9247 9249 9251 9253 9255 9257 9259 9261 9263 9265 9267 Gas Meter#2 ID Gas Meter#2 Net Flow Rate Gas Meter#2 Net Total Gas Meter#2 Orifice ID Gas Meter#2 Pipe ID Gas Meter#2 SG Gas Meter#2 Temperature Gas Meter#2 Pressure Gas Meter#2 DP Reserved Gas Meter#2 FWA Temperature Gas Meter#2 FWA Pressure Gas Meter#2 FWA DP Reserved Gas Meter#2 Methane Gas Meter#2 N2 Gas Meter#2 CO2 Gas Meter#2 Ethane Gas Meter#2 Propane Gas Meter#2 Water Gas Meter#2 H2S Gas Meter#2 H2 Gas Meter#2 CO Gas Meter#2 Oxygen Gas Meter#2 i-Butane Gas Meter#2 n-Butane Gas Meter#2 i-Pentane Gas Meter#2 n-Pentane Gas Meter#2 n-Hexane Gas Meter#2 n-Heptane Gas Meter#2 n-Octane Gas Meter#2 n-Nonane Gas Meter#2 n-Decane 8 Chars. 0 Inferred 1 Inferred 5 Inferred 5 Inferred 6 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-26 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DECIMAL READ/WRITE 9269 9271 Gas Meter#2 Helium Gas Meter#2 Argon 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read 9273 9275 9277 9279 9281 9283 9285 9285 9287 9289 9291-9299 Gas Meter#2 Gas Meter#2 Reserved Gas Meter#2 Gas Meter#2 Gas Meter#2 Gas Meter#2 Gas Meter#2 Gas Meter#2 Gas Meter#2 Spare Heating Value MCF/Day Flow Rate 3 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read Density Density@60 Density Calibration Type CD/KD2 Y Factor Wedge Meter - FA FPV 3 Inferred 3 Inferred 0 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred 6 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-27 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION DECIMAL READ/WRITE 9301-9303 9305-9311 9313 9315 9317 9319 9321 9323 9325 9327 9329 9331 9333 9393 9337 9339 9341 Oil Meter ID Oil Meter Color Oil Meter API Oil Meter Temperature Oil Meter Pressure Oil Meter LMF Oil Meter CTL Oil Meter CPL Oil Meter Shrink Factor Oil Meter BS&W Oil Meter FWA Temperature Oil Meter FWA Pressure Oil Meter FWA LMF Oil Meter FWA CTL Oil Meter FWA CPL Oil Meter FWA Shrink Factor Oil Meter FWA BS&W 8 Chars. 16 Chars. 1 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred 2 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read 9343 9345 9347 9349 9351 9353 Oil Meter Net Flow Rate BBL/Hour Oil Meter Net Total Oil Meter Frequency Oil Meter K Factor Oil Meter BBL Flow Rate/Day Oil Meter Gal Hour 1 Inferred 1 Inferred 0 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-28 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Address Table – 2x16 Bits Integer ADDRESS DESCRIPTION 9355 Oil Meter Gal Day 9357-9363 9365-9399 Reserved Spare 9401-9403 9405 9407-9413 DECIMAL READ/WRITE 0 Inferred Read Water Meter ID Water Meter Chloride Spare 8 Chars. 0 Inferred Read Read 9415 9417 9419 9421 9423 9425 9427 9429 Water Meter Temperature Water Meter Pressure Water Meter MF Water Meter CTL Spare Water Meter Salinity Spare Water Meter FWA Temperature 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read Read 4 Inferred Read 2 Inferred Read 9431 9433 9435 9437 9439 9441 Water Meter FWA Pressure Water Meter FWA MF Water Meter FWA CTL Spare Reserved Spare 1 Inferred 4 Inferred 4 Inferred Read Read Read 9443 9445 9447 9449 9451 9453 9455 9457-9467 Water Meter Net Flow Rate Water Meter Net Total Frequency Water Meter K Factor Water Meter BBL Day Flow Water Meter Gal Hour Flow Water Meter Gal Day Flow 1 Inferred 1 Inferred 0 Inferred 2 Inferred 1 Inferred 0 Inferred 0 Inferred Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data – 4-29 Modbus Address Table - Floating Point 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 Analog Input #1 at 4mA Analog Input #1 at 20mA Analog Input #1 Low Limit Analog Input #1 High Limit Analog Input #1 Maintenance Value Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 7006 7007 7008 7009 7010 Analog Input #2 at 4mA Analog Input #2 at 20mA Analog Input #2 Low Limit Analog Input #2 High Limit Analog Input #2 Maintenance Value Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 7011 7012 7013 7014 7015 7016-7032 Analog Input #3 at 4mA Analog Input #3 at 20mA Analog Input #3 Low Limit Analog Input #3 High Limit Analog Input #3 Maintenance Value Reserved Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write 7033 7034 7035 7036-7037 7038 7039 7040 7041-7042 7043 7044 7045 7046-7047 7048-7061 Multi-Variable DP Low Limit Multi-Variable DP High Limit Multi-Variable DP Maintenance Spare Multi-Variable Temperature Low Limit Multi-Variable Temperature High Limit Multi-Variable Temperature Maintenance Spare Multi-Variable Pressure Low Limit Multi-Variable Pressure High Limit Multi-Variable Pressure Maintenance Spare Reserved Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data – 4-30 FLOATING POINTS 7901 7902 7903 7904-7906 7907 7908 7909 7910-7912 7913 7914 7915 7916-7921 7922 7923 7924 7925 7926 7927 7928-7940 Analog Input #1 Live Value Analog Input #2 Live Value Analog Input #3 Live Value Reserved Analog Input #1 Numerical Value Analog Input #2 Numerical Value Analog Input #3 Numerical Value Reserved Analog Input #1 mA Value Analog Input #2 mA Value Analog Input #3 mA Value Reserved Analog Output#1 Value Reserved Spare Enclosure Temperature Spare Battery Voltage Reserved Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Read Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data – 4-31 Alarms and Status Codes Previous Data Alarm Area Set last alarm status request (3030) to 1. (3030, 16 bits Integer, Write only) 4001-4005 (2x16bits Integer, Read only) 4001 last alarm date mmddyy 4003 last alarm time hhmmss 4005 last alarm flag - IDx1000000 + CODE x10000 +ACODEx100 +STATUS LAST ALARM FLAG ID CODE ACODE STATUS ID 0 1 2 10 11 12 Analog Input #1 Analog Input #2 Analog Input #3 16 17 18 19 Gas Meter #1 Gas Meter #2 Oil Meter Water Meter Multi.Var. DP Multi.Var. Pressurer Multi.Var. Temperature CODE (Only For ID=Meter) 1 2 3 Calculation Temperature Out of Range Gravity Out of Range AGA8 Out of Range ACODE N/A STATUS STATUS 0 1 2 DESCRIPTION OK HIGH LOW Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Modbus Data – 4-32 CURRENT ALARM STATUS 4 Bytes in Hex - FF FF FF FF M E T E R M O D B U S A D D R E S S 94 99 The Current Alarm Status is a 4-byte string that resides at Modbus address 9499. 1st byte 01 00 00 00 2nd byte 00 01 00 00 3rd byte 00 00 01 02 4th byte 00 00 00 00 Gas Meter#1 AGA8 Out of Range Gas Meter#2 AGA8 Out of Range Oil Meter Calc. Temperature Out of Range Oil Meter Gravity Out of Range O T H E R A L A R M S ( M O D B U S A D D R E S S 9 49 7 4 Bytes in Hex - FF FF FF FF 01 02 04 08 10 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 04 08 10 20 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Analog Input #1 High Analog Input #1 Low Analog Input #2 High Analog Input #2 Low Analog Input #3 High Analog Input #3 Low Multi.Var.DP High Multi.Var.DP Low Multi.Var.Pressure High Multi.Var.Pressure Low Multi.Var.Temperature High Multi.Var.Temperature Low Analog Output Overrange Current Alarms Status Section Ends Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-33 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Latest Well Test CHART Data Packet Data Packets 426-495 are for Chart archive flow data. The data field is used to address up to 125 points (250 bytes) on selected Chart data .(426= Well DataStarting Point). 10 seconds sample period snapshot data of Gas Net Flow, Gas Temperature, Gas Pressure , Oil Net Flow, and Water Net Flow are logged during Well Test. RTU MODE ADDR STARTING POINT FUNC CODE # OF POINTS HI LO HI LO 03 01 AA 00 7F ADDR FUNC CODE BYTE COUNTS 01 03 FA 01 Response DATA …(Repeat n Times) HI LO 00 CRC CHECK 25 F6 CRC CHECK 01.. Set <3029> to select Chart data to retrieve 1:Gas Flow Rate 2:Oil Flow Rate 3:Water Flow Rate 4:Gas Pressure 5: Gas Temperature Response (ex. 426 Data Packet- the first 127 points, 427 Data Packet- the second 127 points) DESCRIPTION (16 Bits Integer) Selected Chart Data Selected Chart Data Selected Chart Data Selected Chart Data … … … … … Selected Chart Data Selected Chart Data Bytes 2 2 2 2 2 2 Data First Sample Interval Data (First Point) Second Sample Interval Data (Second Point) Third Sample Interval Data (Third Point) Forth Sample Interval Data (Forth Point) … … … … … 124th Sample Interval Data 125th Sample Interval Data Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers Modbus Data – 4-34 EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Chart Data Packet Up to 125 points per poll Ex.Read <3046> Latest Well Test Hours = 10 Hours (Total 3600 Points) Set number of registers to 0 or 125 points and EPLUS-TS will send 250 data bytes back. Well Test Hour Total Points 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 360 720 1080 1440 1800 2160 2520 2880 3240 3600 3960 4320 4680 5040 5400 5760 6120 6480 6840 7200 7560 7920 8280 8640 3041 3042 3043 3044 3045 Data Packet (Total Points) 426-427(250) 426-430(625) 426-433(1000) 426-436(1375) 426-439(1750) 426-442(2125) 426-445(2500) 426-448(2875) 426-450(3125) 426-453(3500) 426-456(3875) 426-459(4250) 426-462(4625) 426-465(5000) 426-468(5375) 426-471(5750) 426-473(6096) 426-476(6375) 426-479(6750) 426-482(7125) 426-485(7500) 426-488(7875) 426-491(8250) 426-494(8625) Data Packet (Remaining Points) 428 (110) 431 (95) 434 (80) 437 (65) 440 (50) 443 (35) 446 (20) 449 (5) 451 (115) 454 (100) 457 (85) 460 (70) 463 (55) 466 (40) 469 (25) 472 (10) 474 (24) 477 (105) 480 (90) 483 (75) 486 (60) 489 (45) 492 (30) 495 (15) Gas Meter Flow Rate Chart Top Range Oil Meter Flow Rate Chart Top Range Water Meter Flow Rate Chart Top Range Gas Meter Pressure Chart Top Range Gas Meter Temperature Chart Top Range Read Read Read Read Read Lastest Well Chart Data 16 bits 3046 Hours of Last Well Test (0:No Data, 1-24 Hours) Read 32 bits 3131 3133 3135 3137 3139-3147 Well Test Strat Date (mm/dd/yy) Well Test Start Time (hh/mm/ss) Well Test End Date (mm/dd/yy) Well Test End Time (hh/mm/ss) Well Name (20 Chars) Read Read Read Read Read Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Drawings –5-1 CHAPTER 5: Installation Drawings Explosion-Proof Installation Drawings Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Drawings –5-2 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Drawings –5-3 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Drawings –5-4 Manifold Installation Drawings Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Drawings –5-5 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Drawings –5-6 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS-TS Manual (Dynacom) Drawings –5-7 Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 1 Appendix A: Radio Board Manual Introduction Our Radio Interface board with battery charger was designed after careful listening to our customers in all sectors of the oil and gas industry. It was built to address the different wireless connection needs for refineries, chemical plants, gas processing plants, offshore platforms, pipeline and transmission, remote gas wells, and storage caverns. The focus has been to bring the different needs and requirements of these specialized industries into one hardware platform and therefore reducing the spare parts requirements, the training process, calibration, and overall cost of ownership. We believe this interface board, with all its multiple wireless modules has delivered and met the design intentions. The product combines the following features: Simple and Reliable Flexible and able to use either 900Mhz, 2.4Ghz, GSM, CDMA and WiFi Modules Easy to understand and configure Rugged and designed to industrial specifications Economical to install and maintain We hope that your experience with our products will be a simple pleasant experience, not intimidating in any way. The Radio interface board can handle three different socket modules. A 900 MHz radio module for long distance radio links. A 2.4 GHz radio module ideal for short range radio links. A socket modem that can be either GSM or CDMA. Ideal to access remote locations using existing cellular network infrastructure. The modem can be also WiFi which can take advantage of existing wireless networks. In addition the board provides power to external devices which allow the user to connect other radios. It also has a shutdown input to turn the radio On/Off to improve power management on top of the smart battery charger included on the board to extend the life of the battery pack and take advantage of the power coming from external supplies. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 2 Overview Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 3 Technical Data CHARGER VOLTAGE INPUT DROPOUT VOLTAGE PROTECTION OUTPUT TARGET CHARGE GSM/CDMA MODULE POWER SUPPLY MAX. CURRENT CONSUMPTION SERIAL INTERFACE 7-28 VDC 0.5 VOLTS Automatic Disconnect below -20°C Up to 4A 12.6V 5 VDC 770 mA TTL 900 MHZ RADIO MODULE POWER SUPPLY MAX. CURRENT COMSUMPTION SERIAL INTERFACE 3 VDC to 5.25 VDC 900 mA TTL 2.4GHZ RADIO MODULE POWER SUPPLY MAX. CURRENT COMSUMPTION SERIAL INTERFACE 3.3 VDC 215 mA TTL OTHER I/O SERIAL INTEFACE POWER OUTPUT SHUT DOWN (POWER SAVE) RS-232 INTERFACE 3.3V, 5V or POWER SUPPLY OPEN COLLECTOR RADIO SHUT DOWN INPUT AND RTS/CTS SHUT DOWN INPUT. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 4 Getting acquainted with the wiring: Wiring Terminal Block Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 5 Installation of 900 Mhz Module Remove power from the interface board Mount stand-offs for radio module Mount 900 MHz Radio on the top side of the board on socket U8B Fasten module to stand-offs using 440 nuts. Place Link on jumper JP1 to provide 5V to the module. Connect MMCX coaxial cable for antenna. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 6 Installation of Socket Modem Module Remove power from the interface board Mount stand-offs for radio module Mount GSM/CDMA Modem on the top side of the board on socket U8A Fasten module to stand-offs using 440 nuts. Place Link on jumper JP1 to provide 5V to the module. Connect MMCX coaxial cable for antenna. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 7 Installation of 2.4 Ghz Module Remove power from the interface board Mount 2.4GHz Radio on the top side of the board on socket U8C Remove Link on jumper JP1 to provide 3.3V to the module. Connect U.FL coaxial cable for antenna. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 8 Wiring of Power System Power to the unit can be wired either through the 10-pin terminal block or the power and battery plugs located on the back of the board. Warning Verify Voltage and current ratings before powering the unit. Follow all Hazardous Environment guidelines before connecting a live power supply. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 9 Warning Verify Voltage and current ratings before powering the unit. Follow all Hazardous Environment guidelines before connecting a live power supply. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 10 Wiring of RS-232 Interface Wire TX Terminal in the flow computer to RX terminal on Radio board (Pin 5). Wire RX terminal in the flow computer to TX terminal on Radio board (Pin 4). Wire RS-232 Common or Return from flow computer to radio board (Pin 7). You can user the RX/TD LEDs to monitor port activity. The picture below shows an EChart flow computer pin location as example. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 11 Wiring of Shutdown Input If the shutdown pin is not wired the radio is always ON. Because the Radio board and the flow computer share the same electrical ground only one wire is needed. In the event each device uses different power supplies then the ground of both devices must be tied together. The picture below shows an EChart flow computer using Switch Output 1 for shutdown but any switch output can be used. Remember to configure the switch output to manage the power on the radio board. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 12 Wiring of RTS/CTS Input The CTS pin allows us to optimize power consumption of the radio module using the RS-232 RTS Hardware handshake line. For optimal power saving use the Shutdown pin shown above, for power radio power saving only use the CTS option. If the CTS pin (Pin 6) is not wired the radio is always ON. Because the Radio board and the flow computer share the same electrical ground only one wire is needed. In the event each device uses different power supplies then the ground of both devices must be tied together. The picture below shows an EChart flow computer as an example but any model can be used. Remember to configure the RTS line output to manage the power on the radio board. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 13 Wiring of Voltage Output Remove power from the interface board In the event none of the three radio modules fits the application, the interface board can still be used to power an external radio and turn it ON/OFF via the shutdown pin. Wire terminal 10 to the positive terminal on the external device. Wire terminal 2 to the negative terminal on the external device. Configure the jumper for the desired voltage output: Jumper JP2 with Link on pins 1 & 2 JP2 with Link on pins 2 & 3 Output Supply voltage (whatever is applied to terminals 1 & 2) With Jumper JP1 OFF 3.3 VDC With Jumper JP1 ON 5 VDC Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 14 Explosion Proof External Antenna Conection Since the radio in enclosed by an explosion proof metal housing using an internal antenna would yield a very short range thus an external antenna is required. In order to fit an external antenna to an internal radio an approved explosion proof connection must be made and that is the purpose of the explosion proof coaxial coupler. Explosion Proof Antenna Coupler Specifications General Approximate weight Housing material Ambient Temperature Range Certification CUR; USR (UL) Recognized Component Maximum Fault Voltage Maximum Antenna Power Output Electrical Maximum Capacitance Frequency Range Impedance Approximate Signal Attenuation @ 425 MHz @ 915 MHz @ 2.4 GHz 0.5 lb (0.23 kg) 300 Series Stainless Steel -40°C to +85°C (subject to end product evaluation) Rating: Class I, Div. 1, Group A, B, C, D File #: E219089 250 VDC, 250 VAC 50-60 Hz 2 Watts or 33 dB (subject to end product evaluation) 5.64 nF 260 to 2483 MHz 50 Ohms 0.6 dB 2.2 dB 2.6 dB Coupler Drawing Part Numbers There are two models to fir our radio options: Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix A: Radio Board Manual – 15 Model AXF3S1510: Has a MMCX male radio connection to be used with our Socket Modem and our 900 MHz radio option. Model AXF3S1510 Model AXF3S2410: Has a U.FL female radio connection to be used with our 2.4GHz radio option. Model AXF3S2410 NOTE: Both models have a female RP-SMA connector for an external antenna. Model AXF3S1510: Has a MMCX male radio connection to be used with our Socket Modem and our 900 MHz radio option. Date: 10/13/2014 Dynamic Flow Computers EPLUS -TS Manual Appendix B: Battery and Solar Panel Wiring – 1 Appendix B: Battery and Solar Panel Wiring Battery Wiring and Connection There is no need for an external diode. The Solar Panel connects directly to the terminal 1 & 2 on the terminal block like a regular power supply. Date: 10/13/2014