Scripta Materialia 215 (2022) 114706 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Scripta Materialia journal homepage: In-situ observations of static recrystallization and texture formation in a cold-rolled CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy Baoqi Guo a, *, Ranjit K. Ray a, b, Shuhei Yoshida a, Yu Bai a, c, Nobuhiro Tsuji a, d a Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyoto University, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, 711103, India c School of Materials Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China d Elements Strategy Initiative for Structural Materials (ESISM), Kyoto University, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan b A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Keywords: Texture Recrystallization High entropy alloy In situ TEM Static recrystallization and texture development in a CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy cold-rolled to various strains and annealed were studied. Microstructural and crystallographic evolution was recorded by identical area observations using quasi in-situ electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The deformation texture was preserved after recrystallization, but the texture was weakened at this stage. Shear bands served as the preferential nucleation sites for recrystallization. Thin foils of the deformed alloy were in-situ observed during heating in a transmission electron microscope (TEM). It was observed that subgrains formed from deformed microstructures by dislocation rearrangement and annihilation. The subgrains coarsened by boundary migration and coalescence. These enlarged subgrains were the viable nuclei for the recrystallized grains. High entropy alloys (HEAs) are composed of five or more principal elements in equimolar ratios. The HEAs have attracted wide attentions due to their excellent mechanical properties, such as high strength and wear resistance as well as outstanding fracture toughness at cryogenic temperatures [1–5]. Properties of metals and alloys are primarily affected by microstructures and grain orientations [6,7]. Since industrial manufacturing of HEAs will entail, almost invariably, thermomechan­ ical processing, it is of great significance to investigate the evolution of microstructure and texture in HEAs during deformation and recrystallization. Evolution of texture during static recrystallization of a cold-rolled CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy has been described by Bhattacharjee et al. [8]. It was demonstrated that brass-type texture formed after heavy cold rolling by 90%, and annealing twins developed during annealing. Other factors such as grain size and heating rate have been considered in the study of annealing textures in a CoCrFeMnNi alloy [9]. It was shown that heating rate could determine the grain size as well as its distribution during annealing while they rarely affected the texture evolution during annealing [10]. Recently, the work by Haase and Barrales-Mora [11] showed that the microstructure and texture evolution during recrystal­ lization in a CoCrFeMnNi alloy were controlled by nucleation at grain boundaries and annealing twin formation. Recrystallized grains were found to show rolling texture components and annealing twins gave rise to an overall texture randomization, although the mechanisms of texture formation and recrystallization were still unknown at the time. The previous works have focused on textural changes during annealing, but the relationship between recrystallization texture and deformation microstructures, such as the role of shear bands in recrys­ tallization texture formation, has been missed. Moreover, the afore­ mentioned studies with regard to recrystallization and textures were carried out by means of ex-situ methods (i.e. observation of quenched microstructure). Due to the limitation of ex-situ techniques, the precise mechanisms of the recrystallization process in HEAs are still unclear. The objective of the present work is to bridge the gaps by elaborating on the nucleation and growth of recrystallized grains in the CoCrFeMnNi alloy, and the concomitant texture evolution, using in-situ and identicalarea experimental techniques. An as-cast equi-atomic CoCrFeMnNi HEA was forged at 1150◦ C and homogenized at 1100◦ C for 24 h. The materials were subsequently coldrolled to 50% reduction in thickness followed by annealing in vacuum at 1100◦ C for 5 min. The annealed samples were further cold-rolled to 50%, 70% and 90% reductions. Subsequent annealing of the cold-rolled sheets was carried out at 750◦ C for various periods of time, followed by water quenching. Microstructures on sections perpendicular to the transverse direction (TD) of the cold-rolled sheets were observed by electron backscatter * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (B. Guo). Received 20 February 2022; Received in revised form 18 March 2022; Accepted 22 March 2022 Available online 29 March 2022 1359-6462/© 2022 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. B. Guo et al. Scripta Materialia 215 (2022) 114706 measuring area fractions of texture components using orientation im­ aging microscopy (OIM) software by TSL co. Identical areas in the specimens cold-rolled and annealed for different periods were observed by EBSD, which is called quasi in-situ EBSD observations hereafter. In the quasi in-situ EBSD observations of identical areas, fiducial marks were firstly made on the surfaces of the cold-rolled samples. The samples were diffraction (EBSD) in a field-emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The EBSD specimens were electropolished using electrolyte containing 90 vol.% ethanol and 10 vol.% perchloric acid at room temperature with a voltage of 30 V for 15 s. Texture components were identified using Euler angles determined by the Bunge method. The texture intensities were obtained by Fig. 1. EBSD micrographs containing (a) an inverse pole figure (IPF) map, (b) image quality (IQ) map, and (c) Kernel average misorientation (KAM) map showing deformation microstructures in the 50% cold-rolled CoCrFeMnNi alloy. IPF maps of an identical area in the 50% cold-rolled specimen obtained by the quasi in-situ EBSD observations during annealing at 750 ◦ C for (d) 0 min (as cold-rolled), (e) 8 min, (f) 12 min, (g) 17 min, (h) 27 min, (i) 40 min, respectively. Note that Fig. (d) is the same as Fig (a). Colors in the IPF map indicate crystallographic orientation parallel to transverse direction (TD) according to the key stereographic triangle inserted. ND and RD indicate the normal direction and rolling direction, respectively, in the cold-rolled specimens. 2 B. Guo et al. Scripta Materialia 215 (2022) 114706 wrapped by titanium foils to minimize oxidation and repeated annealing at the same annealing temperature was conducted in a vacuum furnace. Water quenching was employed after each annealing operation. Thin foils for TEM were prepared by twin-jet electro-polishing at a voltage of 15 V and -30◦ C using electrolyte with a composition of 70 vol. % methanol, 20 vol.% glycerin, and 10 vol.% perchloric acid. A TEM (JEM-3200FSK) and a specimen holder equipped with a heating stage were used in the in-situ TEM observations. The experiment was carried out at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. A low heating rate of 0.5◦ C s− 1 was used during annealing to reduce the drift of specimen caused by Fig. 2. Texture components of the identical area (the same area as shown in Fig. 1) in the 50% cold-rolled and 750◦ C annealed specimen. The colors of texture components are consistent with those in the table. The white color denotes random texture. The black color regions from (b) to (f) refer to unrecrystallized parts. The specimen was annealed at 750◦ C for (a) 0 min (as cold-rolled), (b) 8 min, (c) 12 min, (d) 17 min, (e) 27 min and (f) 40 min. 3 B. Guo et al. Scripta Materialia 215 (2022) 114706 heating. The samples were heated from room temperature (20◦ C)–750◦ C and then isothermally held for 30 min. Microstructures of the CoCrFeMnNi HEA after 50% cold-rolling are shown in Fig. 1(a)–(c). In-grain shear bands frequently formed in the cold-rolled specimens, as revealed in IPF map (a) and IQ map (b). The Kernel average misorientation (KAM) map (c) indicated large local misorientations and strains on the shear bands and heterogeneously deformed local areas with large local misorientations. The shear bands were more copious and well-delineated at the higher rolling reduction of 90%, as shown in the TEM image provided in the supplementary file (Fig. S1). Here, it was confirmed that the shear bands penetrated twin­ ned areas (or twin-matrix lamellae) composed of very fine deformation twins and matrices aligned parallel to the rolling direction (RD). Fig. 1(d–i) shows EBSD micrographs of an identical area in the 50% cold-rolled specimen (the same as Fig. 1(a–c)) taken in the quasi in-situ observations during recrystallization annealing at 750◦ C for different times. Sites “A”, “B” and “C” in the as-rolled (0 min. annealed) micro­ structure represent three shear bands and the region “D” surrounded by broken lines indicates a heterogeneously deformed local area with large local misorientations. After annealing for 3 min, there was no apparent change in the microstructure. Then, recrystallization occurred on the shear bands and in the heterogeneously deformed local areas, when the sample was annealed for 8 min. The recrystallization nuclei became more copious after annealing for 12 min. Further nucleation and growth Fig. 3. EBSD maps obtained by the quasi in-situ observations of the specimens 70% cold-rolled and annealed at 750◦ C. IPF maps (a, d, f), texture component maps (b, e, g) and KAM map (c) of the as-70%-rolled state (a-c) and those annealed at 750◦ C for 3 min (d, e) and 6 min (f, g). The colors in the texture components maps (b, e, g) correspond to different texture components summarized in the table. The white color in texture component images denotes random texture. 4 B. Guo et al. Scripta Materialia 215 (2022) 114706 of recrystallized grains occurred with increasing the annealing time. The texture components in the 50% cold-rolled and 750◦ C annealed specimen shown in Fig. 1 are displayed in Fig. 2. The areas of which orientations were close to typical texture components in cold-rolled and annealed alloys (e.g., Brass {110}<112> and Goss {110}<001> ori­ entations) were exhibited in different colors, as indicated in the table inserted. Here texture characterization allows for a misorientation of 15 ◦ from the ideal orientation of the typical texture component. It should be noted that the Goss/Brass in olive color refers to {110}<115> orientation that is in the middle between the Brass and Goss orientations. When the orientation of the area did not belong to any of these typical texture components, it was categorized as “Random” orientation and colored in white. It was found that the initial recrys­ tallization nuclei possessed orientation components which were present in the cold-rolled microstructure. The shear bands “A” and “B” in the as cold-rolled state were characterized by Goss (orange) and S (light blue) orientation components. A magnified image of Fig 2(a) that shows detailed texture components is provided in the supplementary file (Fig. S2). As recrystallization progresses, some recrystallized grains appeared on the shear bands “A” and “B” with Goss and S orientations, Fig. 4. Images of an identical area obtained from the in-situ TEM observation of nucleation during annealing. Bulging of the dislocation boundary was detected at 450◦ C in Fig. (d). 5 B. Guo et al. Scripta Materialia 215 (2022) 114706 In order to clarify the nucleation sites for recrystallization at early stages, the quasi in-situ EBSD observations of the 70% cold-rolled ma­ terial were carried out during annealing at 750◦ C for various times. The EBSD maps of an identical area obtained are shown in Fig. 3. The IPF map Fig. 3(a) of the cold-rolled specimen showed a banded structure composed of initial grains elongated to the rolling direction (RD) and deformation bands. Specifically, the region “X” was an elongated initial suggesting that local textures formed by cold rolling were preserved and developed during recrystallization. It should be noted, however, that many recrystallized grains had Copper (blue) and Random (white) ori­ entations. The heterogeneously deformed area “D” contained Brass (red) and Goss as well as S orientations in the cold-rolled state. Apart from these cold rolled textures, other orientations such as Copper were found in some recrystallized grains formed during annealing. Fig. 5. Images of an identical area obtained from the in-situ TEM observation during annealing. Three pre-existing cells with irregular shapes formed by cold rolling are indicated by red arrows in (a). With increasing the temperature, the three sites grew from (a) to (e). 6 B. Guo et al. Scripta Materialia 215 (2022) 114706 grain with small misorientations inside Fig. 3(c), having Brass orienta­ tion (Fig. 3(b)). The regions “Y” and “Z” represented heterogeneously deformed local areas with large local misorientations (Fig. 3(c)), which showed Brass, S, Goss and rotated Goss, along with partly Cu and BrassGoss orientation components (Fig. 3(b)). During annealing, very small recrystallized grains were found to nucleate in the heterogeneously deformed local areas (regions Y and Z). Some of new recrystallized grains nucleated at boundaries of elongated initial grains. The recrys­ tallization nuclei within the heterogeneously deformed local areas formed from or near the regions with similar orientations in the asdeformed state, comparing Fig. 3(b) and (e). As indicated by the black arrows, two small areas “A” and “B” (blue in IPF image, Fig. 3(a)) had Brass orientation (Fig. 3 (b)) in the as-deformed state. These two areas acted as nucleation sites to form new recrystallized grains in annealing for 3 min (d), and most grains nucleated and grown had Brass orienta­ tion (Fig. 3(e)). In a similar manner, heterogeneously deformed areas with Goss and Copper orientation in the “Z” region were formed by 70% cold rolling and these areas developed into recrystallized grains having their original texture components. The major texture components found in the 6 min annealed specimen were similar to those of the cold rolled material. In order to get a deeper insight into the early stages of nucleation of recrystallized grains, in-situ heating experiments were conducted in the heating stage of a TEM. A 90% cold-rolled specimen was heated from room temperature to 750◦ C at a heating rate of 0.5◦ C/s. Fig. 4 (a)–(i) showed a series of micrographs of an identical area, taken at different stages of heating. The cold rolled thin foil showed a typical elongated cell structure. The present observation focused on the area indicated by the dashed red circle. Dislocation movement and interaction started when the temperature reached 192◦ C. Annihilation of dislocations continued during further annealing till 271◦ C. The bulging of the dislocation boundary was activated from 450◦ C to 609◦ C. Finally, after holding for 300s at 750◦ C, annihilation and rearrangement of disloca­ tions almost completed, forming a small recrystallization nucleus. Some distinct movement of cell boundaries could also be observed. Fig. 5(a)–(f) represent initial stages of the formation of recrystalli­ zation nucleus, adjacent to a heavily twinned area in the 90% cold rolled alloy, obtained from the in-situ TEM observations. Fig. 5(a) shows three small areas with nearly free of dislocation contrasts (which could be described as pre-existing cells) close to the twin edges, marked as ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’. When the temperature increased to 298◦ C, the boundaries of the three sites became sharper and clearer due to dislocation rearrangement and annihilation. At this temperature, the small subgrain at ‘X’ joined up with another one below it, possibly by subgrain coalescence. With an increase of temperature to 710◦ C, some growth of these subgrains could be clearly seen, and they invaded adjacent twin-matrix bundles. The subgrains at ‘X’, ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ showed some growth at this stage, and new subgrains formed, typically in the area marked K, where a rather large subgrain formed by dislocation annihilation and grain boundary migration. The misorientation as well as dislocation density tended to become high in the interface between twin bundle and deformed matrix, which could facilitate the occurrence of nucleation of recrystallization. What we have been describing as subgrains could be recrystallized nuclei. When a subgrain enlarged, it built up sufficient misorientation with surrounding areas, becoming a recrystallized grain. The texture development in the current high entropy alloy during annealing of the 70% cold-rolled alloy annealed at 750◦ C for different periods of time is shown in supplementary material (Fig. S3(a)). Even after 5 min of annealing, the texture intensity decreased drastically, and this trend continued till recrystallization took place after annealing for 30 min. It should be noted that the volume fractions of texture com­ ponents of recrystallized grains remained approximately unchanged during annealing (Fig. S3(b)). In Fig. S3(c), the fractions of Brass and Goss components in the unrecrystallized initial grains increased during annealing, which indicated that the grains with Brass and Goss com­ ponents were hard to recrystallize. In contrast, fractions of Copper and Random textures in the unrecrystallized initial grains decreased with increasing the annealing periods, suggesting that these components were preferentially recrystallized and contributed to randomization of the texture. Such a weak recrystallization texture has also been reported previously in CoCrFeMnNi HEA by several researchers [8,11]. Their works demonstrated that the basic characteristics of the textures of the recrystallized grains and the un-recrystallized grains were essentially similar. The texture of the recrystallized grains was the weakest, and that of the un-recrystallized grains was the strongest. The overall texture intensity of the entire sample located between these two extremes. This analysis demonstrated that the deformation texture was preserved after recrystallization, but the overall texture intensity was drastically weakened, which could be further explained by the results obtained from the in-situ TEM observations (Figs. 4 and 5). These experiments have shed much light on the formation and growth of the subgrains from the cold rolled dislocation structures. The subgrains formed were the precursors to the new strain-free recrystallization nuclei. The current investigations showed that dislocation rearrangement and annihilation gave rise to the formation of nearly dislocation-free subgrains, which coarsened by the classical processes like sub-boundary movement. The reduced texture intensity during annealing is related to the recrystalli­ zation in shear bands. As shown in Figs. 1 and 2, cold rolling produced numerous shear bands that acted as the preferential sites for recrystal­ lization. With few Goss and S orientations, the recrystallization textures in shear bands appeared to be weak during annealing. Annealing twins in FCC crystals contributes to weak textures during annealing as well [12]. According to a recent work [13], annealing twins in CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy generated new orientations such as Cube orientation that weakened the textures during recrystallization. In addition, the similarity in the nature of the texture from the deformed, as well as from the recrystallized materials [8,11], indicated that the process was oriented nucleation. That is, the nuclei of recrys­ tallized grains of particular orientations form at or near the deformed regions of same or similar orientations. The oriented nucleation was further illustrated during the recrystallization via evolution of pre-existing cells indicated in Figs. 3 and Fig. 5. In-situ TEM has shown that the processes of subgrain formation and their growth are rather slow. It has been claimed that diffusion is sluggish in high entropy alloys [2]. For example, Tsai et al. [14] concluded that the diffusion co­ efficients of the individual elements in the CoCrFeMnNi alloy were indeed lower than those in conventional FCC metals. Although clarifi­ cation of diffusion mechanisms in HEAs requires further study, sluggish diffusion could be closely related to the slow growth of recrystallized grains in these alloys. Since the grain boundary migration involves jumps of atoms (diffusion) across grain boundaries, elements with a slow diffusion rate can dominate the recrystallization process. In fact, Liu et al. [15] and Tsai et al. [14] reported that the activation energy of grain growth in the same HEA was found to be comparable to that of the lattice diffusion of Ni with the slowest diffusion rate among all the constituent elements. The solute drag effect due to the interaction be­ tween elements and grain boundaries can also be another important factor. As different elements occupy various lattice sites in the HEA, some specific elements with very low potential energy can be trapped and dragged by grain boundaries, leading to deceleration of grain boundary migration kinetics. In conventional alloys, this solute drag effect is evident in low-angle boundaries, but it is possible that the effect in HEA can inhibit boundary migration even in high-angle boundaries. The slow growth rate of the recrystallized grains will not allow grains of any particular orientation or grains of several orientations to grow preferentially at the expense of grains of other orientations. This will result in the formation of a fine grain size and random texture in the recrystallized material, as has been found to be the case. In summary, in-situ TEM and quasi in-situ EBSD observations of identical areas were conducted for clarifying static recrystallization and texture formation during annealing of a CoCrFeMnNi equi-atomic high entropy alloy subjected to various amounts of cold rolling. The general 7 B. Guo et al. Scripta Materialia 215 (2022) 114706 characteristics of the cold rolling texture was preserved even after recrystallization, but with a drastically decreased intensity. The initial micro-scale mechanisms of the formation of dislocation-free subgrains (which were the precursors of the viable recrystallization nuclei) were rearrangement and annihilation of dislocations, sub-boundary migra­ tion and subgrain coalescence. Shear bands acted as the preferential sites for recrystallization and randomized the recrystallization textures. The mechanism of recrystallization in this alloy could be understood as “oriented nucleation” followed by limited growth of recrystallized grains, probably due to slow diffusion in the alloy. was also financially supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up (No. JP21K20487), and the Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellow (No. JP18J20766). All the supports are greatly appreciated. Supplementary materials Supplementary material associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.scriptamat.2022.114706. 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