SRM UNIVERSITY RAMAPURAM PART- VADAPALANI CAMPUS, CHENNAI – 600 026 Department of Mathematics Sub Title: ADVANCED CALCULUS AND COMPLEX ANALYSIS Sub Code:15 MA102 Unit -IV - ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS Part – A 1. Cauchy-Riemann equations are (a) u x v y and u y v x (b) u x v y and u y v x (c) u x v x and u y v y (d) u x v y and u y v x Ans : (a) 2. If f ( z ) u iv in polar form is analytic then (a) v (b) r v (c) 1 v r (d) v 3. If f ( z ) u iv in polar form is analytic then (a) v r (b) u is r Ans : (c) u is 1 v v v (c) (d) r r r r r Ans : (d) 4. A function u is said to be harmonic if and only if (a) u xx u yy 0 (b) u xy u yx 0 (c) u x u y 0 (d) u x2 u y2 0 Ans : (a) 5. A function f (z ) is analytic function if (a) Real part of f (z ) is analytic (b) Imaginary part of f (z ) is analytic (c) Both real and imaginary part of f (z ) is analytic (d) none of the above Ans : (c) 6. If u and v are harmonic functions then f ( z ) u iv is (a) Analytic function (b) need not be analytic function (c) Analytic function only at z 0 (d) none of the above 7. If f ( z ) x ay i (bx cy ) is analytic then a,b,c equals to Ans : (a) (c) b 1 and a c (d) a b c 1 Ans : (a) 8. A point at which a function ceases to be analytic is called a (a) Singular point (b) Non-Singular point (c) Regular point (d) Non-regular point Ans : (a) 9. The function f ( z ) | z | is a non-constant (a) c 1 and a b (b) a 1 and c b (a) analytic function (b) nowhere analytic function (c) non-analytic function (d) entire function Ans : (b) Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 1 10. A function v is called a conjugate harmonic function for a harmonic function u in whenever (a) f u iv is analytic (b) u is analytic (c) v is analytic (d) f u iv is analytic Ans : (a) 11. The function f ( x iy ) x ax y bxy cy is analytic only if 3 2 2 3 (a) a 3i, b 3 and c i (b) a 3i, b 3 and c i (c) a 3i, b 3 and c i (d) a 3i, b 3 and c i Ans : (c) 12. There exist no analytic functions f such that (a) Re f ( z ) y 2 x (b) Re f ( z ) y 2 2 x (c) Re f ( z ) y 2 x 2 (d) Re f ( z ) y x Ans : (b) ax 13. If e cos y is harmonic, then a is (a) i (b) 0 (c) -1 (d) 2 Ans : (a) 14. The harmonic conjugate of 2 x x 3xy is 3 2 (a) x 3x 2 y y 3 (b) 2 y 3x 2 y y 3 (c) y 3x 2 y y 3 (d) 2 y 3x 2 y y 3 Ans : (b) 15. The harmonic conjugate of u ( x, y ) 2 x(1 y ) is (a) x 2 y 2 2 x C (b) x 2 y 2 2 y C (c) x 2 y 2 2 y C (d) x 2 y 2 2 y C Ans : (d) 16. harmonic conjugate of u ( x, y ) e cos x is y (a) e x cos y C (b) e x sin y C (c) e y sin x C (d) e y sin x C Ans : (d) 17. If the real part of an analytic function f (z ) is x 2 y 2 y, then the imaginary part is (a) 2 xy (b) x 2 2 xy (c) 2 xy y (d) 2 xy x Ans : (d) 18. If the imaginary part of an analytic function f (z ) is 2 xy y, then the real part is (a) x 2 y 2 y (b) x 2 y 2 x (c) x 2 y 2 x (d) x 2 y 2 y Ans : (c) 19. f ( z ) z is differentiable (b) only at z 0 (a) nowhere 20. f ( z ) z 2 21. f ( z ) z (d) only at z 1 Ans : (a) (c) everywhere (d) only at z 1 Ans : (b) is differentiable (b) only at z 0 (a) nowhere 2 (c) everywhere is (a) differentiable and analytic everywhere (b) not differentiable at z 0 but analytic at z 0 (c) differentiable at z 1 and not analytic at z 1 only (d) differentiable at z 0 but not analytic at z 0 Ans : (d) xy , if z 0; 2 2 22. If f ( z ) ( x y ) then f (z ) is 0, if z 0, (a) continuous but not differentiable at z 0 (c) analytic everywhere except at z 0 (b) differentiable at z 0 (d) not differentiable at z 0 Ans : (d) 23. f ( z ) e is analytic z Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 2 (a) only at z 0 (b) only at z i (c) nowhere (d) everywhere Ans : (d) 24. e (cos y i sin y) is x (a) analytic (b) not analytic (c) analytic when z 0 (d) analytic when z i Ans : (b) (c) analytic when z 0 (d) analytic when z 1 Ans : (a) 25. If f (z ) is analytic, then f (z ) is (a) analytic (b) not analytic 26. The points at which f ( z ) (a) 0 and 1 ( z 2 z) is not analytic are ( z 2 3z 2) (b) 1 and -1 27. The points at which f ( z ) (a) 1 and -1 (c) i and 2 1 is not analytic are z 1 (b) i and -i x x y2 (b) 2 Ans : (d) 2 (c) 1 and i 28. The harmonic conjugate of u log (a) (d) 1 and 2 y x y2 2 (d) -1 and -i Ans : (b) x 2 y 2 is x y (c) tan 1 (d) tan 1 x y Ans : (d) 29. If f ( z ) z (2 z ), then f (1 i ) (a) 0 (b) i (c) -i (d) 2 Ans : (b) 30. If f ( z ) z then f (3 4i ) (a) 0 (b) 5 (c) -5 (d) 12 Ans : (b) 31. Critical points of the bilinear transformation w (a) a,c (b) a bz are c dz c c , (c) , (d) None of these d d Ans : (c) 32. The points coincide with their transformations are known as (a) fixed points (b) critical points (c) singular points (d) None of these a bz is a bilinear transformation when c dz (a) ad bc 0 (b) ad bc 0 (c) ab cd 0 1 34. w is known as z Ans : (a) 33. w (d) None of these Ans : (b) (a) inversion (b) translation (c) rotation (d) None of these Ans : (a) 35. w z is known as (a) inversion (b) translation (c) rotation (d) None of these Ans : (b) 36. A translation of the type w z where and are complex constants, is known as a (a) translation (b) magnification (c) linear transformation (d) bilinear transformation Ans : (c) 37. A mapping that preserves angles between oriented curves both in magnitude and in sense is called a/an ..... mapping. (a) informal (b) isogonal (c) conformal (d) formal Ans : (c) 38. The mapping defined by an analytic function f (z ) is conformal at all points z except at points where (a) f ' ( z ) 0 (b) f ' ( z ) 0 (c) f ' ( z ) 0 (d) f ' ( z ) 0 Ans : (a) Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 3 39. The fixed points of the transformation w z 2 are (a) 0,1 (b) 0,-1 (c) -1,1 (d) –i,i 40. The invariant points of the mapping w (a) 1,-1 (b) 0,-1 (c) 0,1 41. The fixed points of w (b) i (a) 1 (a) confocal ellipses z are 2 z (d) -1,-1 Ans : (c) z 1 are z 1 (c) 0,-1 42. The mapping w z Ans : (a) (d) 0,1 Ans : (b) 1 transforms circles of constant radius into z (b) hyperbolas (c) circles (d) parabolas Ans : (a) 1 1 , the image of the line y in z-plane is z 4 2 2 2 2 (a) circle u v 4v 0 (b) circle u v 4 (c) circle u 2 v 2 2 (d) none of these 43. Under the transformations w Ans : (a) 44. The bilinear transformation that maps the points 0, i, respectively into 0,1, is w (a) 1 z (b) –z (c) –iz (d) iz Ans : (c) 45. The bilinear transformation which maps the points z 1, z 0, z 1 of z - plane into w i, w 0, w 1 of w plane respectively is (a) w iz (b) w z (c) w i ( z 1) (d) none of these Ans : (a) Part – B 1. Show that the function f (z) = is no where differentiable. Solution: Given u+iv = x-iy u=x v=-y ux =1 vx =-1 uy =0 vy =-1 u x vy C-R equations are not satisfied. f (z) = is no where differentiable. 2. Show that f (z) = is differentiable at z=0 but not analytic at z=0. Solution: Let =z = v=0 ux =2x vx =0 uy =2y vy = 0 ux = vy and uy = - vx are not satisfied everywhere except at z=0 Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 4 So f (z) may be differentiable only at z=0. Now ux,vx,uy,vy are continuous everywhere and in particular at (0,0). 3. Test the analyticity of the function w=sin z. Solution: w=f (z) =sin z u+iv = sin(x+iy) =sin x cosiy+ cos x siniy = sin x coshy+i cos x sinhy u= sin x cushy v= cos x sinhy ux = cosx cushy vx = -sinx sinhy uy = sinx sinhy vy = cosx cushy ux = vy and uy = - vx C-R equations are satisfied. The function is analytic. 4. Verify the function 2xy+i( ) is analytic or not . Solution: u=2xy v= ux = 2y uy = 2x ux vy and uy v x = 2x v y = -2y - vx C-R equations are not satisfied. The function is not analytic. 5. Test the analyticity of the function f (z) = . Solution: f (z) = u+iv = u= ux = uy = = cosy cosy siny = (cosy+isiny) v= siny vx = siny vy = cosy ux = vy and uy = - vx The function is analytic. 6. If u+iv = is analytic, show that v-iu and –v+iu are also analytic. Solution: Given u+iv is analytic. C-R equations are satisfied. i.e. ux = vy ------------------- (1) and uy = - vx------------------------------(2) To prove v-iu and –v+iu are also analytic For this, we have to show that (i) ux = vy and -uy = vx (ii) ux = vy and uy = - vx Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 5 These results follow directly from (1) & (2) by replacing u by v and –v and v –u and u respectively. v-iu and –v+iu are analytic. 7.Give an example such that u and v are harmonic but u+iv is not analytic. Solution: Consider the function w= = x-iy u=x ux v=-y vy , The function f(z) is not analytic. But and gives u and v are harmonic. 8.If f (z) = u(x,y) +v(x,y) is an analytic function. Then the curves u(x,y) = c1and v(x,y) =c2 where c1and c2 are constants are orthogonal to each other. Solution: If u(x,y) = c1 , then du = 0 But by total differential operator we have du = (Say) Similarly, for the curve v(x,y) =c2 we have (Say) For any curve gives the slope, Now the product of the slopes is u(x,y) = c1and v(x,y) =c2 intersect at right angles (i.e) they are orthogonal to each other. 9.Find the analytic region of f (z) = Solution: Given f (z) = u= v= Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 6 Now ux = vy and uy = - vx 2 =2 -2 x-y=1 = -2 x-y=1 Analytic region of f (z) is x-y=1 10.Find a function w such that w=u+iv is analytic, if u= . Solution: Given u= = 0-i f (z) = -i 11. Prove that u= satisfies Laplace’s equation. Solution: Given u= u satisfies Laplace’s equation. 12. If u=log ( ) find v and f (z) such that f (z) = u+iv is analytic. Solution: Given u=log ( ) = Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 7 f (z) = 2log z +c To find the conjugate harmonic v We know that dv = =- [by C – R equations] dv = dx Integrating V=2 +c 13. Find the critical points for the transformation Solution: Given 2w w Critical points occur at Also The critical points occur at =0 z= and z = The critical points occur at z = 14. Find the image of the circle , and . under the transformation w=3z. Solution: w=3z u+iv = 3(x+iy) u=3x v=3y x= y= Given Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 8 . maps to a circle in w- plane with centre at the origin and radius 6. 15. Find the fixed points for the following transformation w Solution: Fixed points are obtained from f (z) = z z= Z= are the fixed points. Part – C 1. If f(z) is an analytic function of z, prove that (i) =0 (ii) (iii) Proof: If z = x+iy then Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 9 = = (i). = =2 =2 =2 =2 =0 (ii) = = = = =2f’ (z) (iii). = = = =4 = 2. Prove that the function u = satisfies laplace’s equation and find the corresponding analytic function f (z) = u+iv. Solution: Given u = + Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 10 + = u satisfies Laplace equation. To find f (z): u is given Step 1: + Step 2: Step3: Integrating f (z) = = 3. Prove that the function v = is harmonic and determine the corresponding analytic function of f(z) Solution: Given v = Step 1: +y Step 2: Step3: Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 11 Integrating f (z) = -z To prove v is harmonic +y = 4. Prove that the function u = +1 satisfies laplace’s equation and find the corresponding analytic function f (z) = u+iv. Solution: Given u = +1 = -6x-6 u satisfies Laplace equation. To find f (z): u is given Step 1: Step 2: Step3: Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 12 Integrating f (z) = 5. If u= find the corresponding analytic function f(z) u+iv. Solution: Given u= To find f (z): u is given Step 1: Step 2: = Step3: Integrating f (z) = tan z 6. Determine the analytic function f(z)=u+iv such that v= Solution: f (z) =u+iv ----------------------------- (1) i f(z) = iu-v ------------------------------(2) Adding (1) and (2) F (z) = U+iV Where F (z) = Given , U= V= v= Step 1: Step 2: Step3: Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 13 Integrating F (z) = (1+i) f (z) = 7. Find the analytic function f(z) = u+iv given that Solution: 3f (z) = 3u+3iv ---------------------- (1) 2if (2) = 2iu-2v ----------------------- (2) Adding (1) and (2) (3+2i) f (z) = (3u-2v) +i (2u+3v) F (z) = U+iV Where F (z) = (3+2i) f (z) , U= V= Given i.e., V = Step 1: Step 2: Step3: Integrating F (z) = i cot z (3+2i) f (z) = i cot z f (z) f (z) 8. Find the bilinear transformation that maps the points z = 1, i, -1 into the points w=i, 0, -i respectively. Hence find the image of Solution: The bilinear transformations is given by Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 14 w= w= is the required bilinear transformation. To find the image of Now w= Since Put w=u+iv we get 1-2u+ + 1+2u+ The interior of the unit circle + (ie) maps into the half plane a>0 of the w- plane. 9. Find the mobius transformation that maps the points z = 0, 1, into the points w=-5, -1, 3 respectively. What are the invariant points of the transformation? Solution: The bilinear transformations is given by Since the above relation becomes. Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 15 w+5=3z-5 w= is the required bilinear transformation. To get the invariant points, put w=z z= Solving for z, Z = =1 The invariant points are z = 1 10. Find the image of under the transformation. Solution: Given w = 1/z z = x+iy and w = u+iv And =2 --------------------------- (1) Substituting x and y values in equation (1), we get This is the straight line equation in the w-plane. Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 16 11.Show that the transformation w = 1/z transforms circles and straight line in the circles or straight lines in the w-plane. Solution: w = 1/z z-plane into z = x+iy and w = u+iv Consider the equation, If a ----------------------- (1) equation (1) represents a circle and if a=0, it represents a straight line, substituting the valus of x and y in (1) ------------------------------------ (2) If d 0, equation (2) represents a circle and if d=0, it represents a straight line. The various cases are discussed in detail. Case (i): When a d 0 Equation (1) and (2) represents circles in the z-plane and w-plane not passing through the origin. The transformation w =1/z transforms circles not passing through the origin into circles not passing through the origin. Case (ii): When a d=0 The equation (1) is circle through the origin in z-plane and (2) is a straight line; not passing through the origin in the w-plane. Circles passing through the origin in the z-planes maps into the straight lines, not passing through the origin in the w-plane. Case (iii): When a = d 0 Equation (1) represents a straight line not passing through the origin and (2) represents a circle in the w-plane passing through the origin. Thus lines in the z-plane not passing through the origin map into circles through the origin in the w-plane. Case (iv): When a = d= 0 Equation (1) and (2) represents straight lines passing through the origin. Thus the lines through the origin in the z- plane map into the lines through the origin in the w- plane. Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 17 12. If u= , v= prove that u and v are harmonic functions but u+iv is not an analytic function. Solution: Given u= and v= To prove u and v are harmonic Now u is harmonic. Now v= is harmonic. Now we show that u+iv is not analytic. Now and It is true from the above relation. u+iv is not an analytic function. 13. Prove that u = is harmonic and find its conjugate harmonic. Solution: Given u = To prove Consider u = Differentiating this x and y partially, we get Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 18 u is harmonic. To find the harmonic conjugate Let v (x,y) be the conjugate harmonic. Then w = u+iv is analytic. By C-R equations, and = We have dv = dv = dv = Integrating, we get V= 14. . Find the bilinear transformation that maps the points z = -1, 0, 1 into w=0, i, 3i respectively. Solution: The bilinear transformations is given by 2w (z-1) = (w-3i) (z+1) w [2z-2-z-1] = (z+1)(-3i) w= is the required bilinear transformation. 15. Find the bilinear transformation that maps the points z = 0, 1, into the points w=-1,-2-i, i respectively. Solution: The bilinear transformations is given by Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 19 Since the above relation becomes. 2w+2=-zw+iz W (z+2) = iz-2 w= is the required bilinear transformation. Prepared by Mr R.Manimaran,Assistant Professor,Department Of Mathematics,SRM UNIVERSITY, City Campus,Vadapalani,Chennai-26 Page 20