PHY–352 K. Solutions for problem set #6. Problem 3.13: The potential in the infinite slot is explained in the textbook example 3.3 in detail; I have also explained it in class. According to the textbook equations (3.30) and (3.34), the potential inside the slot is V (x, y) = ∞ X n=1 Cn × sin nπy a nπx × exp − , a (3.30) where a is the slot’s width (which I have called D in class), and the coefficient Cn follow from expanding the boundary potential Vb (y) at x = 0 into the Fourier series, Cn 2 = a Za 0 Vb (y) × sin nπy a dy =⇒ Vb (y) = ∞ X n=1 Cn × sin nπy a . (3.34) For the problem at hand, Vb (y) piece-wise constant function with a jump at x = a2 , v0 (y) = ( +V0 for 0 < y < a2 , −V0 for a 2 > y < a. (1) Plugging this boundary potential into eq. (3.34), we obtain Cn 2V0 = + a Za/2 Za nπy nπy 2V0 sin dy − sin dy a a a 0 a/2 nπ 2V0 nπ a a 2V0 1 − cos − cos × × − cos(πn) = + a nπ 2 a nπ 2 2V0 = × 1 + (−1)n − in − (−i)n nπ 4 if n ≡ 2 (mod 4), 2V0 = × nπ 0 otherwise. (2) Thus, in the expansion (3.30) we may restrict n to n = 4m + 2 for m = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .; for all 1 other n the coefficients Cn are zero. Consequently, the series (3.30) becomes ∞ 4V0 X (4m + 2)πy (4m + 2)πy 2 V (x, y) = × exp − . × sin π 4m + 2 a a (3) m=0 Note that this series looks just like the series in the textbook equation (3.36), except for rescaling the coordinates, x → 2x, y → 2y. Consequently, we may sum up the series (3) in exactly the same way as in eq. (3.37), namely 2V0 × arctan V (x, y) = π sin(2πy/a) sinh(2πx/a) . (4) Graphically, it looks like the square wave (1) at small x ≪ a, but for larger X it starts looking more and more like the sine wave sin(2πy/a) with exponentially decreasing amplitudes. Here is the slice-plot of the potential V (y) for few fixed x ranging from 0 to 0.3 a: V x=0 x = 0.05 a x = 0.1 a x = 0.2 a x = 0.3 a y 2 Problem 3.14: The electric charge density σ on a surface of a conductor is related to the electric field immediately outside the conductor, σ = ǫ0 × E⊥ [just outside the conductor]. (5) For the problem at hand, the textbook eqs. (3.36–37) give us the potential inside the slot, 4V0 π nπx nπy 1 × exp − × sin n a a odd n≥1 2V0 sin(πy/a) = , arctan π sinh(πx/a) V (x, y) = X (3.36) (3.37) from which we may obtain the electric field anywhere inside the slot, and in particular just outside the conducting strip at the slot’s left end. Consequently, eq. (5) will gives us the charge density σ(y) on the right side of the vertical conducting strip at x = 0 — the side facing the inside of the slot. Presumably, these is also some other charge density on the left side of the vertical strip facing the outside world, but to find that density we would need to know the electric field outside the slot. That task is beyond the present homework, so I am not going to write the solution here. Going back to the potential (3.37) and taking the ∂/∂x derivative, we have A d arctan(A/B) d(A/B(x)) 1 −AB ′ AB ′ d arctan = × = × = − dx B(x) d(A/B) dx 1 + (A/B)2 B2 A2 + B 2 (6) hence for A = sin(πy/a) and B(x) = sinh(πx/a), ∂ sin(πy/a) × (π/a) cosh(πx/a) sin(πy/a) = − arctan ∂x sinh(πx/a) sin2 (πy/a) + sinh2 (πx/a) (7) and therefore Ex (x, y) = − ∂V 2V0 sin(πy/a) × cosh(πx/a) . = + × ∂x a sin2 (πy/a) + sinh2 (πx/a) 3 (8) For x → 0 this formula simplifies to 2V0 1 × , a sin(πy/a) Ex (0, y) = (9) so according to eq. (5), the charge density on the right side of the vertical strip is σ(y) = 1 2ǫ0 V0 × . a sin(πy/a) (10) Alternative derivation of eq. (9): Suppose we did not have the analytical formula (3.37) for the potential inside the slot but only the un-summed series (3.36). In this case, we may take the x–derivative term-by-term to get a series for the electric field, then simplify that series for x = 0, and finally try to sum it up. Thus, starting with the potential (3,36), we have Ex (x, y) = − ∂ 4V0 ∂x π X odd n≥1 1 × sin n nπy a nπx × exp − a nπy d nπx nπx 4V0 X 1 nπ = − × = − × sin exp exp − × exp − π n a dx a a a odd n≥1 nπy nπx 4v0 X sin × exp − , = + a a a odd n≥1 (11) which for x = 0 simplifies to 4V0 Ex (0, y) = a X sin odd n≥1 nπy a . (12) To sum up this Fourier series we use inξ sin(nξ) = Im e = Im 4 iξ n e for ξ = π(y/a). (13) Consequently, X odd n≥1 sin(nξ) = Im X odd n≥1 = Im ∞ X m=0 = n eiξ 2m+1 eiξ = eiξ 1 − eiξ +1 , 2 sin(ξ) 2 = e−iξ 1 1 = +iξ −2i sin(ξ) −e ! (14) and therefore Ex (0, y) = 2V0 1 × , a sin(πy/a) (15) in perfect agreement with eq. (9). Problem 3.16: First, read through the textbook example 3.5, the rectangular pipe where Vb = 0 on the 4 walls of the pipe. For the problem at hand, we follows the same strategy: Start by looking for the solution of the 3D Laplace equation in the form V (x, y, z) = f (x) × g(y) × h(z) (16) and demand that it vanishes on five sides of the cube without specifying V (x, y) on the top side at z = a. Consequently, we arrive at the equations f ′′ (x) + C1 × F (x) = 0, g ′′ (y) + C2 × g(y) = 0, h′′ (z) + C3 × h(z) = 0, for some constants C1 , C2 , and C3 , (17) C1 + C2 + C3 = 0, (18) f (0) = f (a) = g(0) = g(a) = h(0) = 0. (19) 5 Solving these equations for f (x) and g(y), we find f (x) = sin(nπx/a), g(y) = sin(mπy/a) (20) for some positive integers n and m. As to the g(z), the general solution has form +kz g(z) = E × e −kx + F ×e √ π n2 + m2 for k = a (21) for some constants E and F . In the textbook example of the pipe, the boundary condition was g → 0 for z → +∞, which required E = 0. But for the cube at hand, the boundary condition is g(0) = 0, which requires E = −F , hence g(z) = E × e+kz − E × e−kz = 2E × sinh(kz). (22) Altogether, a separable solution for 5 sides of the cube looks like p V (x, y, z) = const × sin(nπx/a) × sin(mπy/a) × sinh (π/a) n2 + m2 × z (23) for some positive integers n, m, so the general solution is the double series V (x, y, z) = ∞ X ∞ X n=1 m=1 Cn,m × sin(nπx/a) × sin(mπy/a) × sinh (π/a) p n2 + m2 × z . (24) The coefficients Cn,m on this series follow from the expansion of the boundary potential at the top side of the cube into a (double) Fourier series: Vb (x, y) = V (x, y, z = a) = ∞ X ∞ X n=1 m=1 Cn,m × sin(nπx/a) × sin(mπy/a) × sinh π p n2 + m2 . (25) Reversing this Fourier transforms gives us Cn,m 4 1 √ = × 2 a sinh π n2 + m2 Za 0 dx Za 0 dy Vb (x, y) × sin(nπx/a) × sin(mπy/a). (26) For the Vb being a constant but non-zero V0 over the whole top surface, the double integral 6 here evaluates to Za dx 0 Za 0 dy V0 × sin(nπx/a) × sin(mπy/a) = V0 × Za = V0 × 16V0 1 1 √ = × × × 2 π nm sinh π n2 + m2 sin(mπy/a) 0 1 − (−1)n 1 − (−1)m × nπ/a mπ/a 2 4V0 a nmπ 2 = 0 hence Cn,m 0 sin(nπx/a) dx × Za when both n and m are odd, otherwise, (27) 1 when both n and m are odd, 0 otherwise. (28) Finally, plugging these coefficients into the series (24), we arrive at the potential inside the cube, 16V0 × V (x, y, z) = π2 X odd n,m≥1 √ sinh π n2 + m2 × (z/a) 1 √ . × sin(nπx/a) × sin(nπy/a) × nm sinh π n2 + m2 (29) As a second part of this problem, consider the potential at the cube’s center x = y = z = a 2. Using the superposition principle and the symmetry between the six sides of the cube, we expect V (center) = 1X V0 + 5 × 0 V0 V (side) = = . 6 6 6 (30) sides At the same time, evaluating the potential (29) for the center, we have sin(nπx/a) → sin(nπ/2) = (−1)(n−1)/2 sin(mπy/a) → sin(mπ/2) = (−1)(m−1)/2 sinh(A/2) 1 sinh(Az/a) → = sinh(A) sinh(A) 2 cosh(A/2) 7 hh for an odd n ii, hh for an odd m ii, for A = π p n2 + m2 , (31) hence V (center) = 8V0 × π2 1 (−1)(n+m−2)/2 √ × . nm cosh π n2 + m2 /2 odd n,m≥1 X (32) This series is too painful to evaluate analytically, but thanks to the cosh in the denominator it converges very rapidly. Indeed, the terms with n or m greater than about 21 are smaller than 1 ∼ 4 · 10−16 21 cosh(21π/2) so one may sum the series numerically with 15 digits accuracy by summing over odd n, m ≤ 21 only. I did this using Mathematica, and got 1 V (center = ± 2 · 10−17 . V0 6 (33) This agrees with eq. (30) so well that there is no doubt that exact answer is indeed 61 . Problem 3.17: The Rodrigues for the Legendre polynomials is Pℓ (x) = 1 dℓ (x2 − 1)ℓ . ℓ ℓ 2 ℓ! dx (34) For ℓ = 3 it evaluates to 1 d3 2 1 3 6 4 2 3 P3 (x) = (x −1) = x −3x +3x −1 = × 120x − 3×24x = 8 × 6 dx3 48 5 3 2x − 32 x. (35) Let’s check that this polynomial obeys the Legendre equation for ℓ = 3: (1 − x2 ) × P3′′ (x) − 2x × P3′ (x) + 3(3 + 1) × P3 (x) = 15x2 − 3 5x3 − 3x + 12 × 2 2 3 3 3 = 15x − 15x − 15x + 3x + 30x − 18x = (1 − x2 ) × 15x − 2x × = 0. 8 (36) Or in terms of g(θ) = P3 (cos θ), g(θ) = 5 2 cos3 θ − 3 2 cos θ, d 2 3 g(θ) = − 15 2 cos θ sin θ + 2 sin θ, dθ d2 3 g(θ) = = +15 cos θ sin2 θ − 15 2 cos θ + dθ2 (37) 3 2 cos θ, hence d2 g cos θ dg + × + 3(3 + 1) × g = dθ2 sin θ dθ = 15 cos θ sin2 θ − − 15 2 cos3 θ + 15 2 3 2 cos3 θ + 3 2 cos θ cos θ + 12 × 52 cos3 θ − 12 × 23 cos θ (38) = 15 cos θ sin2 θ + 15 cos3 θ − 15 cos θ = 15 cos θ × sin2 θ + cos2 θ − 1 = 0. Finally, let’s check the orthogonality of the Legendre polynomials P3 (x) and P1 (x) = x: Z+1 4 Z+1 Z+1 3 5x − 3x2 5x − 3x × x dx = dx P3 (x) × P1 (x) dx = 2 2 −1 = −1 Z+1 −1 −1 5 x5 − x3 x − x3 d = 2 2 x=+1 (39) x=−1 = 0 − 0 = 0. Problem 3.19: The problem gives us the potential on the sphere as Vb (θ) = k × cos(3θ) (40) for some constant k. Let’s re-express this potential in terms of the Legendre polynomials of 9 cos θ. First, a bit of trigonometry: cos(3θ) = cos3 θ − 3 cos θ sin2 θ = 4 cos3 θ − 3 cos θ. (41) This is a cubic polynomial in x = cos θ, so it’s linear combination of Pℓ (x) for ℓ ≤ 3 only. Moreover, since the polynomial (41) is odd in x = cos θ, only the odd ℓ’s are involved in its expansion. This lives us with just the P3 (x) = 25 x3 − 32 x and the P1 (x) = x, and the right combination is 8 5 P3 (x) − 3 5 P1 (x) = 4x3 − 12 5x + 3 5x = 4x3 − 3x. (42) Thus, the boundary potential on the sphere amounts to Vb (θ) = 8k 3k × P3 (cos θ) − × P1 (cos θ). 5 5 (43) For each Legendre polynomial Pℓ (cos θ), the potential behaves like r ℓ inside the sphere and r −ℓ−1 outside the sphere, cf. equations (55–57) of my notes on separation of variables (pages 9–10). Thus, inside the sphere V (r, θ) = outside the sphere V (r, θ) = r3 3k r 8k × P3 (cos θ) × 3 − × P1 (cos θ) × , 5 R 5 R (44) R4 3k R2 8k × P3 (cos θ) × 4 = × P1 (cos θ) × 2 . (45) 5 r 5 r Problem 3.26: This problem calls for separation of variables in cylindrical coordinates. It is not one of the textbook examples, but it is discussed in detail in my notes on separation of variables (pages 1–6). According to eqs. (17) and (29–31) of my notes, inside the cylinder V (s, φ) = +∞ X m=−∞ imφ Cm × e × r |m| R , (46) +∞ X |m| R imφ outside the cylinder V (s, φ) = Cm × e × , r m=−∞ where the coefficients Cm follow from expanding the boundary potential Vb (φ) on the cylin10 der’s surface into a Fourier series: Vb (φ) = +∞ X m=−∞ Cm × eimφ , Cm 1 = 2π Z2π Vb (φ) × e−imφ dφ. (47) 0 The potential (46) is continuous across the cylinder’s surface, but the radial electric field has a discontinuity: Inside the cylinder Es (s, φ) = +∞ X m=−∞ −−→ s→R imφ Cm × e |m| r |m|−1 × R|m| +∞ +1 X |m| × Cm × eimφ , R m=−∞ (48) Outside the cylinder Es (s, φ) = +∞ X m=−∞ Cm × eimφ × −|m| R|m| r |m|+1 +∞ −1 X −−→ |m| × Cm × eimφ , s→R R m=−∞ (49) Hence the discontinuity at s = R is disc(Es ) = − +∞ 2 X |m| × Cm × eimφ . R m=−∞ (50) Physically, this discontinuity stems from the electric charge density on the surface of the cylinder, σ , ǫ0 disc(Es ) = (51) hence the φ-dependence of this charge density is related to the coefficients Cm according to +∞ X 2ǫ0 |m| × Cm × eimφ , × σ(φ) = − R m=−∞ Cm 1 R = − × × |m| 4πǫ0 11 Z2π σ(φ) × e−imφ dφ. 0 (52) (53) For the problem at hand, the surface charge density has angular dependence a a × e+5iφ + × e−5iφ 2 2 σ(φ) = a × cos(5φ) = (54) for some constant a. Comparing this charge density to eq. (52), we immediately identify C+5 = C−5 = − aR , 20ǫ0 all other Cm = 0. (55) Consequently, plugging these coefficients into the potential (46) gives us Inside the cylinder r5 aR +imφ −5imφ × e +e × 5 V (s, φ) = − 20ǫ0 R 5 aR r = − × cos(5φ) × 5 , 10ǫ0 R (56) Outside the cylinder R5 aR × e+imφ + e−5imφ × 5 20ǫ0 r 5 R aR × cos(5φ) × 5 . = − 10ǫ0 r V (s, φ) = − (57) Problem 3.43: (a) Separating variables in spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ) and assuming φ–independent potentials and charges, we get a solution of the form V (r, θ) = Pℓ (cos θ) × A × r ℓ + B r ℓ+1 (58) for some constant coefficients A and B which depend on the boundary conditions. Thus in general, Outside the outer shell (r > b) V (r, θ) = ∞ X ℓ=0 12 Bℓ Pℓ (cos θ) × Aℓ × r + ℓ+1 r ℓ , (59) Between the inner ball and the outer shell (a < r < b) ∞ X Dℓ ℓ V (r, θ) = Pℓ (cos θ) × Cℓ × r + ℓ+1 , r (60) ℓ=0 and all we need to do is to determine the coefficients Aℓ , Bℓ , Cℓ , and Dℓ from the boundary conditions: • Far away from the outer shell, the potential must vanish as we go to infinity. To satisfy this boundary condition, we must have all Aℓ = 0. • At the surface of the inner ball, the potential is a given constant V0 . In terms of the expansion (60), this means @r = a, V (θ) = V0 × P0 (cos θ) + 0 (61) and therefore D Cℓ + ℓ = a V0 for ℓ = 0, 0 for all other ℓ. (62) • The potential must be continuous across the outer shell at r = b, hence Aℓ × bℓ + Bℓ Dℓ ℓ = C × b + . ℓ bℓ+1 bℓ+1 (63) • Finally, the discontinuity of the radial electric field at the outer shell is related to the charge density σ at that shell, disc(Er ) = σ/ǫ0 . For the problem at hand σ(θ) = k cos θ for some constant k, hence disc(Er ) = k k × cos θ = × P1 (cos θ). ǫ0 ǫ0 (64) At the same time, for the potentials (59) and (60), for r > b, Er (r, θ) = ∞ X ℓ=0 (ℓ + 1)Bℓ ℓ−1 , (65) Pℓ (cos θ) × −ℓAℓ × r + r ℓ+2 13 for a < r < b, Er (r, θ) = ∞ X ℓ=0 (ℓ + 1)Dℓ ℓ−1 , (66) Pℓ (cos θ) × −ℓCℓ × r + r ℓ+2 hence the discontinuity at r = b is disc(Er ) = ∞ X ℓ=0 Pℓ (cos θ) × ℓ × (Cℓ − Aℓ ) × bℓ−1 + (ℓ + 1) × (Bℓ − Dℓ ) × b−ℓ−2 . (67) Comparing this discontinuity to eq. (64), we obtain ℓ−1 ℓ × (Cℓ − Aℓ ) × b −ℓ−2 + (ℓ + 1) × (Bℓ − Dℓ ) × b = (k/ǫ0 ) for ℓ = 1, 0 for all other ℓ. (68) Now, let’s solve all these boundary conditions for the coefficients Aℓ , Bℓ , Cℓ and Dℓ . For ℓ > 1, all the coefficients turn out to be zero. Indeed, combining eqs. (68) and (63) for ℓ 6= 1 gives us ℓ Bℓ − Dℓ = −(Cℓ − Aℓ ) × (Cℓ − Aℓ ) = ℓ+1 b2ℓ+1 =⇒ Bℓ = Dℓ and Cℓ = Aℓ . (69) But Aℓ = 0 by the asymptotic condition at r → ∞, so we must also have Cℓ = 0. Finally, at the inner ball, eq. (62) gives Dℓ = −a2ℓ+1 Cℓ = 0 and hence Bℓ = 0 as well. For ℓ = 0 we also have D0 = B0 and C0 = A0 = 0, but then eq. (62) becomes D0 = V0 , a (70) hence B0 = D0 = a × V0 . Finally, for ℓ = 1 the relevant equations are A1 = 0, a3 C1 + D1 = 0, b3 (C1 − A1 ) + (D1 − B1 ) = 0, −b3 (C1 − A1 ) + 2(D1 − B1 ) = b3 × (k/ǫ0 ), 14 (71) and solving these linear equations yields A1 = 0, B1 = + k × (b3 − a3 ), 3ǫ0 C1 = + k k , D1 = − × a3 . 3ǫ0 3ǫ0 (72) It remains to plug all these coefficients into eqs. (59) and (60): Outside the outer shell (r > b) V (r, θ) = aV0 k b3 − a3 + × × cos θ, r 3ǫ0 r2 Between the inner ball and the outer shell (a < r < b) aV0 k a3 V (r, θ) = + × r − 2 × cos θ. r 3ǫ0 r (73) (74) This completes part (a) of the problem. (b) The density of the induced charge on the surface of the conducting inner ball obtains from the radial electric field immediately outside this surface, σ(θ) = ǫ0 × Er (a, θ) = −ǫ0 × ∂V ∂r . (75) r=a Taking the derivative of the potential (74) (for a < r < b) yields k 2a3 aV0 × −1 − 3 × cos θ. Er (r, θ) = 2 + r 3ǫ0 r (76) Hence, taking the limit r → a and multiplying by the ǫ0 yields the charge density on the conducting ball, σ(θ) = ǫ0 V0 k − × 3 × cos θ . a 3 (77) Physically, the first term here stems from the net electric charge on the ball while the second terms is induced by the charges on the outer shell. 15 (c) There are two ways two find the net electric charge of the system. One way is to look at the leading 1/r term in the potential at large distances from the system, Qnet = lim r × v(r) . r→∞ 4πǫ0 (78) A quick glance on the solution (73) for the potential outside the outer shell shows that lim r × v(r) = aV0 (79) Qnet = 4πǫ0 × a × V0 . (80) r→∞ and therefore The other way to get the net charge is to simply integrate the given σ = k cos θ over the outer shell and the solution to part (b) over the surface of the inner ball. Thus Qouter shell = Zπ 0 k cos θ × 2πb2 sin θ dθ = 0, (81) while inner ball Q = Zπ 0 ǫ0 V0 ǫ0 V0 − k cos θ × 2πa2 sin θ dθ = × 4πa2 + 0 = 4πǫ0 aV0 , (82) a a hence Qnet = Qouter shell + Qinner ball = 4πǫ0 aV0 . (83) We see that both methods yield the same net charge, and this gives us a useful consistency check for our calculations. 16