ABSTRACT COMPLEX ENGINEERING PROBLEM Submitted to: Dr. Taqi Cheema The objective of this study is to analyze different design modifications of cross-flow heat exchangers using COMSOL Multiphysics simulations and determine the best possible design. The paper aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between the original basic cross-flow heat exchanger and all the proposed design modifications. Based on the comparison, it was concluded that a slight increase in the flow area of channels involved in fluid flow is the most practical design modification to achieve an increased rate of heat transfer with a reasonable pressure drop. Adam Surti 2020037 Mudasir Hassan 2020251 Arsalan Khan 2020276 Heat Transfer ME-353 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 4 Literature Review ....................................................................................................................................... 4 Methodology ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Heat Transfer Effect ................................................................................................................................... 6 Effect of channel width on heat transfer ................................................................................................. 6 Effect of increase in number of channels on heat transfer ..................................................................... 7 Effect of spacing between channels on heat transfer .............................................................................. 7 Design variation ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Design Simulation ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Parameters .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Thermophysical properties ..................................................................................................................... 8 Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Original design ....................................................................................................................................... 9 CFD Analysis and Results ...................................................................................................................... 9 Design Enhancements............................................................................................................................... 10 Increasing number of channels ............................................................................................................. 11 Increasing channel depth ...................................................................................................................... 12 Decreasing spacing between channels .................................................................................................. 13 Large number of channels .................................................................................................................... 14 Increasing flow area.............................................................................................................................. 15 Results and Discussion ............................................................................................................................. 16 Design selection ........................................................................................................................................ 17 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................ 17 References ................................................................................................................................................ 18 List of Figures Figure 1:Original model geometry ................................................................................................................................ 9 Figure 2:Surface temperature and isosurface contour plots for original design ........................................................... 9 Figure 3:Velocity and pressure distribution for original design ................................................................................. 10 Figure 4:Outlet temperatures of both outflows for original design ............................................................................ 10 Figure 5:Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for increased number of channels ............................... 11 Figure 6: Surface temperature and isosurface contours for increased number of channels ........................................ 11 Figure 7:Velocity and pressure distribution for increased number of channels ......................................................... 11 Figure 8:Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for increased depth of channels ................................... 12 Figure 9:Surface temperature and isosurface contours for increased depth of channels ............................................ 12 Figure 10:Velocity and pressure distribution for increased depth of channels ........................................................... 12 Figure 11:Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for decreased spacing between channels ................... 13 Figure 12:Surface temperature and isosurface contours for decreased spacing between channels ............................ 13 Figure 13:Velocity and pressure distribution for decreased spacing between of channels ........................................ 13 Figure 14: Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for large number of channels.................................... 14 Figure 15:Surface temperature and isosurface contours for large number of channels .............................................. 14 Figure 16:Velocity and pressure distribution for large number of channels............................................................... 14 Figure 17:Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for increased flow area .............................................. 15 Figure 18:Surface temperature and isosurface contours for increased flow area ....................................................... 15 Figure 19:Velocity and pressure distribution for increased flow area ........................................................................ 15 List of Tables Table 1: Model Parameters ........................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 2: Thermophysical Properties ............................................................................................................................. 8 Table 3:results of design modifications ...................................................................................................................... 16 Table 4: Final dimensions of selected design ............................................................................................................. 17 Heat Transfer in Cross Flow Heat Exchanger Introduction A cross-flow heat exchanger exchanges thermal energy from one airstream to another in an air handling unit (AHU). Unlike a rotary heat exchanger, a cross-flow heat exchanger does not exchange humidity and there is no risk of short-circuiting the airstreams. A cross-flow heat exchanger is used in a cooling and ventilation system that requires heat to be transferred from one airstream to another. A cross-flow heat exchanger is made of thin metal panels, normally aluminum. The thermal energy is exchanged via the panels. A traditional cross-flow heat exchanger has a square cross-section. It has a thermal efficiency of 40-65 %.[1] The heat exchanger design can be divided into two main categories, thermal and hydraulic design and mechanical design. In thermal and hydraulic design, the focus is on calculating an adequate surface area transfer a certain amount of heat, pressure dope, pumping power work, etc. The goal of the mechanical design is to design the mechanical integrity of the exchanger, as well as designing various pressure and non-pressure components.[2] Common appliances containing a heat exchanger include air conditioners, refrigerators, and space heaters. These devices are also used in chemical processing and power production. Perhaps the most commonly known heat exchanger is a car radiator, which cools the hot radiator fluid by taking advantage of airflow over the surface of the radiator.[3] In this study, such a heat exchanger is simulated on COMSOL Multiphysics, and analyzed for the variation of different properties across the device. By inputting an average velocity, the inlet temperatures of the fluids, and some customized material properties, we produced plots of temperature, isothermal contours, velocity, and pressure. Then, a number of design modifications are suggested, and their simulations are iterated in an effort to improve heat transmission through the crossflow heat exchanger. The outcomes of the simulations are then compared to find the most practical design modification that can be brought into the original heat exchanger, for a better heat transfer rate and a more manageable pressure drop. Literature Review Cross flow heat exchangers are commonly used in various industries for efficient heat transfer between fluids. The recent advancements in materials, design, and technologies have significantly improved the performance and efficiency of cross flow heat exchangers. This literature review provides an overview of the recent research efforts in the field of cross flow heat exchangers. A review paper by M. A. Al-Sanea and A. M. Al-Rashed (2019) discusses the different types of cross flow heat exchangers and highlights the recent advancements in materials and design for improved performance and efficiency. The authors also discuss the various factors that affect the performance of cross flow heat exchangers, such as fluid velocity, heat transfer area, and geometric parameters. The review provides insights into the key challenges in the design and optimization of these heat exchangers and presents potential solutions for these challenges.[4] In another review paper, M. H. Al-Rashed et al. (2020) provide a comprehensive analysis of experimental and numerical studies on cross flow heat exchanger performance. The authors investigate the effects of various parameters, such as flow rate, heat transfer coefficient, and pressure drop, on the performance of cross flow heat exchangers. They also discuss the recent advancements in numerical simulation techniques for the design and optimization of these heat exchangers. The review highlights the importance of accurate modeling of the flow and heat transfer in cross flow heat exchangers for improved performance and efficiency.[5] S. S. Bhagat et al. (2021) discuss the various heat transfer enhancement techniques in cross flow heat exchangers, including passive and active techniques such as turbulators, inserts, and surface modifications. The authors provide a comprehensive overview of the recent advancements in these techniques and their potential applications in various industries. The review highlights the need for further research to optimize the use of these techniques for improved performance and efficiency of cross flow heat exchangers.[6] A study by A. A. Al-Sanea et al. (2020) investigates the design and optimization of cross flow heat exchangers for energy efficiency. The authors used numerical simulations and optimization techniques to optimize the geometry of the heat exchangers for improved energy efficiency. The study highlights the potential of numerical simulation and optimization techniques for the design and optimization of cross flow heat exchangers and their potential applications in various industries.[7] Finally, M. A. Al-Sanea et al. (2021) present a multi-objective optimization of compact cross flow heat exchangers. The authors used numerical simulations and genetic algorithm optimization to optimize the design of the heat exchangers for improved heat transfer and pressure drop performance. The study highlights the importance of considering multiple objectives in the design and optimization of cross flow heat exchangers and presents a promising avenue for the improvement of these heat exchangers.[8] Methodology Research & Review CAD Modelling & Calculations Comparative Analysis Results & Discussion Figure 1: Methodology schematic Heat Transfer Effect An efficient cross-flow heat exchanger is necessary in many technical devices (e.g air conditioners, air preheaters, car coolers, and boiler economizers), because Such heat exchangers can reduce size and cost. Cross-flow heat transfer rate can be improved by a number of techniques involving conversion changing tube shape and tube placement. It is known that the rate of heat transfer and the pressure drop in the crossflow heat exchanger depends on the piping arrangement and tube shape. It was evident from the previously described studies that the rate of heat transfer and the pressure loss of cross-flow heat exchangers is determined by three main factors: 1. Geometry of channels 2. Channel arrangement 3. Number of channels Effect of channel width on heat transfer The increase of rectangular channel width can effectively increase the heat transfer rate per unit volume and reduce the pressure drop at the same mass flux. However, the changes of heat transfer rate per unit volume and pressure drop tend to be gentle with the width increase.[9] This modification was implemented on our original model to check its effect on the heat transfer rate. Effect of increase in number of channels on heat transfer In a cross-flow heat exchanger, increasing the number of channels can have both positive and negative effects on heat transfer. On the one hand, increasing the number of channels can increase the heat transfer surface area, which can enhance heat transfer performance. However, this can also result in a decrease in the flow rate through each channel, which can reduce the heat transfer coefficient. Additionally, an increase in the number of channels may increase the pressure drop across the heat exchanger, which can increase the pumping power required to maintain the flow rate. Furthermore, increasing the number of channels can promote the mixing of fluid streams, which can enhance the heat transfer coefficient. However, this effect may be offset by the reduction in flow rate and the increased pressure drop. Finally, an increase in the number of channels can increase the difficulty of cleaning and maintaining the heat exchanger, which can result in fouling and reduced heat transfer performance over time. Therefore, the effect of increasing the number of channels on heat transfer in a cross-flow heat exchanger depends on a variety of factors, and careful consideration should be given to the specific operating conditions and design parameters of the system.[10] Effect of spacing between channels on heat transfer The spacing between channels in a cross-flow heat exchanger can significantly affect heat transfer performance. Increasing the spacing between channels can decrease the heat transfer coefficient because it reduces the surface area available for heat transfer. This is because the larger spacing reduces the amount of time the fluid spends in contact with the heat transfer surface, resulting in lower heat transfer rates. On the other hand, decreasing the spacing between channels can increase the heat transfer coefficient because it increases the surface area available for heat transfer. However, this can also increase the pressure drop across the heat exchanger and lead to a higher pumping power requirement. Therefore, a balance must be struck between maximizing the heat transfer coefficient and minimizing the pressure drop. The optimal spacing between channels depends on the specific operating conditions and design parameters of the heat exchanger, and should be carefully evaluated to optimize heat transfer performance.[11] Design variation This report outlines a study where eight design modifications were proposed and simulated for a rectangular channel flow. The aim was to determine the most efficient and practical design among these variations. To ensure a fair and reliable comparison between the designs, solid and fluid thermophysical properties, inlet temperatures, and average velocities were kept constant across all iterations. The report presents the results of relevant comparisons made between the design modifications to identify the optimal design. The design variations are as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Increase in channel depth Increase in flow area (increasing channel width and decreasing number of channels) Increasing number of channels Decreasing spacing between channels Large number of channels Design Simulation The study focused on testing and analyzing multiple design configurations of a cross flow heat exchanger to determine the best balance between heat transfer rate and pressure drop. To achieve this, the study kept the inlet and outlet boundary conditions constant while exploring changes in the geometry of the channels, such as its dimensions and spacing. The goal was to identify the optimal design configuration that provides the highest heat transfer rate while minimizing pressure drop. Parameters Name Expression Value Description T_cold 300[K] 300K Temperature, cold stream T_hot 330[K] 330K Temperature, hot stream u_avg 50[mm/s] 0.05m/s Average inlet velocity Table 1: Model Parameters Thermophysical properties Property Variable Unit Property group Thermal k_iso ; kii = k_iso, 15 conductivity kij = 0 W/(m·K) Basic Density 7800 kg/m³ Basic 420 J/(kg·K) Basic rho Heat Cp capacity at constant pressure Value Table 2: Thermophysical Properties Assumptions • • • • Steady state condition Laminar flow Uniform properties at inlet of each heat exchanger No heat transfer occurs between heat exchanger and surroundings Original design The model used in the study consisted of two layers with a square cross section measuring 800μm by 800μm and both layers having the same thickness of 60μm. Straight rectangular channels with a crosssectional dimension of 100μm by 40μm and a length of 800μm were employed to allow fluid flow. The channels were initially positioned with a distance offset of 200μm from the origin, and the spacing between channels was 20μm. Figure 2:Original model geometry CFD Analysis and Results According to the analysis, the heat exchanger was found to be not very effective in terms of the temperature difference that was cooled. The fluid with the higher inlet temperature (330 K) released its heat to the fluid that initially had a lower temperature (300 K), which caused the heat exchanger system to stabilize until it reached a state of thermal equilibrium, with the temperature gradients between the fluids being balanced out. The temperature graphs have been displayed in Figure 2. Figure 3:Surface temperature and isosurface contour plots for original design The velocity profile and pressure distribution along the channels are shown in Figure 3. Figure 4:Velocity and pressure distribution for original design The outlet temperatures of the two outflows can be observed in Figure 4. Figure 5:Outlet temperatures of both outflows for original design The hot fluid's temperature decreases from 330 K to a minimum of 310 K, while the cold fluid's temperature increases from 300 K to a maximum of 315 K. The coefficient of heat transfer resulting from the temperature difference between the fluids is 3144.3 W/m2 K, and the maximum pressure drop across the heat exchanger is 92.022 Pa. To improve the heat exchanger's efficiency, the heat transfer rate should be increased while minimizing pressure drop, requiring minimal fluid flow. This can be accomplished by modifying the heat exchanger's geometry and analyzing its impact. Design Enhancements CFD analysis has been conducted to examine several design modifications, with a focus on the outlet temperatures of the fluid flow, net heat transfer coefficient, and maximum pressure drops. Increasing number of channels Due to the need to maintain a compact structure and constant cross-section of the heat exchanger, there is a limit to the number of channels that can be increased. To address this, one additional channel has been added to each side of the original design, and the resulting data has been depicted in Figures below. Figure 6:Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for increased number of channels Figure 7: Surface temperature and isosurface contours for increased number of channels Figure 8:Velocity and pressure distribution for increased number of channels Increasing channel depth The height or depth of the channel tubes has been altered from 40μm to 50μm while maintaining the rest of the design identical, resulting in the changes depicted in following Figures. Figure 9:Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for increased depth of channels Figure 10:Surface temperature and isosurface contours for increased depth of channels Figure 11:Velocity and pressure distribution for increased depth of channels Decreasing spacing between channels For this design iteration study, the spacing between the channels have been altered. Previously, it was set to 20 𝜇𝑚 while for this study it has been decreased to 5𝜇𝑚 for increased contact and lesser solid material between the channels. The rest of design geometry have been kept constant. The plots are shown in figures below: Figure 12:Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for decreased spacing between channels Figure 13:Surface temperature and isosurface contours for decreased spacing between channels Figure 14:Velocity and pressure distribution for decreased spacing between of channels Large number of channels In this design combination, the solid surface has been increased to act as fins or extended surfaces in path of fluid flow. This can be implemented by increasing the number of tubes and decreasing their width. Dimensions of tubes have been set to be 20 𝜇𝑚 × 40 𝜇𝑚 with no spacing between them. There are 30 channels in this design configuration. The observed results have been mentioned as in following figures. Figure 15: Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for large number of channels Figure 16:Surface temperature and isosurface contours for large number of channels Figure 17:Velocity and pressure distribution for large number of channels Increasing flow area The area of fluid flow has been increased by incorporating four channels on each side with wider length. The channels have been made each of width 190 𝜇𝑚 with 10𝜇𝑚 spacing and same height of 40 𝜇𝑚 as compared to original design. The results generated are as shown below. Figure 18:Geometry and outlet temperatures (both outflows) for increased flow area Figure 19:Surface temperature and isosurface contours for increased flow area Figure 20:Velocity and pressure distribution for increased flow area Results and Discussion The focus of this report was to improve and optimize the heat transfer rate from a hot fluid to a cold fluid in a crossflow heat exchanger through geometrical modifications. Various approaches were used to optimize the design and were simulated, and their results were compared to the original design in terms of heat transfer rate and maximum pressure drop. The results of all the designs, were recorded in Table 3. Geometry Coefficient of Heat Transfer (W/m2K) Maximum Pressure Drop (Pa) Original 3144.3 92.022 Increased number of channels 3277.3 92.069 Increased channel depth 927.58 64.335 Decreased spacing between channels 3088.5 92.238 Large number of channels 1354.4 889.72 Increased flow area of channels 4118.3 64.730 Table 3:results of design modifications The table clearly indicates that out of the 5 design geometries, only 2 have yielded the heat transfer coefficient greater than the original one. Thus, we have selected these 2 approaches. 1. Increased number of channels 2. Increased flow area of channels By increasing the number of channels in the crossflow heat exchanger, the contact surface area between the fluid and the walls through which it flows is increased. This results in an increase in the value of heat transfer coefficient which in return increases the rate of heat transfer, as both Fourier's law and Newton's Law of cooling are directly proportional to the contact area. This approach has shown to provide an increase of about 4% from the original model. Another approach to increase the rate of heat transfer is to increase the width of our rectangular crosssection tube, which also increases the contact surface area between the fluid and the surrounding walls. Surprisingly, the increase in heat transfer rate through this approach is significantly high compared to the previous approach, with increase of about 30% from the original model. Design selection To ensure a fair and unbiased comparison, all design variations were subjected to the same predetermined parameters such as cold temperature, hot temperature, and average velocity. Additionally, the thermophysical properties of both the solid material and liquid water, including density, thermal conductivity, heat capacity at constant pressure, and dynamic viscosity, were kept constant across all design variations. Based on the results and discussion presented, we can finalize one of the two potential designs. The first option involves increasing the number of channels in the heat exchanger, while the second option involves widening the cross-section of the channels. After considering all the available design modifications, we have selected the approach of increasing the flow area of channels in the heat exchanger. This approach provides a reasonable increase in the rate of heat transfer while maintaining a reasonable value of associated pressure drop across the channels. Dimensions Value (μm) Length 800 Width 800 Height 120 Channel length 800 Channel width 190 Channel height 40 Total number of channels 8 Table 4: Final dimensions of selected design Conclusion This study thoroughly discusses and analyzes the importance of cross-flow heat exchangers and the need for design modifications to enhance heat transfer. To achieve this, a comparison was made using COMSOL Multiphysics between a basic cross-flow heat exchanger and various proposed design changes that could potentially improve heat transfer. These design modifications included changes in the number of channels, dimensions of channels, and spaces between channels. All design variations were simulated with constant initial conditions and material properties. 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