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X100 Intro to Business Admin Syllabus Fall 2022

X100 Intro. to Business Administration Syllabus for Fall 2022
(Subject to Change with notice.)
Class Numbers
Class Time
Room Location
LE 100
LE 100
LE 100
Course Description: Introduction to Business Administration is a survey course that provides an exploration of
business dynamics from the standpoint of a leader of a business firm operating in the contemporary economic,
political, and social environment. This course will help students understand more about business, in general, and
learn about career options in the field of Business.
Required Performance: A MINIMUM grade of “C” must be EARNED in X100 to apply for admission to the
Kelley School of Business. No credit awarded to juniors or seniors in the Kelley School of Business.
Contact Information
Instructor: Dr. Andrews, MBA, Ph.D.
Preferred contact method: Canvas Inbox
Contact info: Please contact Dr. Andrews via Canvas Inbox. Messages sent to Dr. Andrews via iu.edu email
(demetra@iu.edu) will receive a response via Canvas Inbox. Use one of the message templates in this
document to avoid losing points.
Office hours via Zoom: Most Tuesdays, 4:45-5:45 and other days/times, by appointment. Send Dr.
Andrews a message via Canvas Inbox to request an appointment during office hours or on a Monday or
Response time: Please allow 48 business hours for a response to your messages.
Office phone: 317.274.2816
About Dr. Andrews: Dr. Andrews is a native of Texas. She has a PhD in Marketing as well as an MBA in
Marketing and Finance and a BBA in Marketing. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Andrews enjoyed a successful
career in industry for 12 years, developing analysis and strategies for companies such as American Airlines, Mobil
Oil, and United Airlines. Upon leaving industry, she launched an entrepreneurial venture, working with school
districts and colleges to provide college and career planning courses to students. This venture sparked Dr.
Andrews’ interest in education and has led to her 16-year career in higher education teaching Marketing courses
at all matriculation levels. Dr. Andrews’ is a consumer researcher, and her research areas are consumer choice
confidence and willingness-to-act. Another line of research focuses on pedagogical innovation. Dr. Andrews
served on the faculty with Florida State University and IU Northwest before taking over the instruction and
coordination of Introduction to Business Courses at the Kelley School of Business Indianapolis.
Course Assistant: Ms. Lori Byrd (for questions regarding attendance records, locating class materials,
accessing class meetings on Zoom, scheduling exams)
Office phone: 317.278.8435
Teaching Assistants: Logan Clark and Chasya Love
Table of Contents
Course Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................................................... 3
How to Get Started in this Class: ...................................................................................................................... 4
Where to Find Your Class Materials: ............................................................................................................... 4
Graded Items: ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Grading Scale:........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Information on Assignments, Exams, Quizzes, and Missed Assignments ........................................... 6
Class Participation and/or Activities: .................................................................................................. 6
Exams:.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Pre-class / Reading Quizzes and Weekly Quizzes: .......................................................................... 6
What to do if you are disconnected from Canvas or Connect while taking a Quiz. .................... 6
VARK and Assignment Calendar Assignment: ................................................................................. 7
Business Case Study Analysis Assignment: .................................................................................... 7
Team Research Paper Assignment: ..................................................................................................... 7
Research Participation Assignment: ................................................................................................... 7
Other Assignments:...................................................................................................................................... 8
Extra Credit: .................................................................................................................................................... 8
Missed Assignments, Quizzes, and/or Exams and Late Submissions: ...................................... 8
Templates for writing professional and courteous communications: ............................................ 9
What if I miss a class session? ....................................................................................................................... 10
Administrative Withdrawal and Student Engagement Roster ................................................................. 10
Withdrawal Deadlines ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Kelley School of Business Honor Code ........................................................................................................ 11
X100 Course Rules.............................................................................................................................................. 11
Emergency Procedure for Using Zoom for Class Meetings .................................................................... 12
Access to Internet, Canvas, Connect, and Top Hat ................................................................................... 12
Technology Support Instructions and Contact Information ................................................................ 13
Other: Avoid Plagiarism ................................................................................................................................... 13
Mentoring and Course Assistance for Students of X100 ......................................................................... 13
Help Dealing with Life’s Challenges: ............................................................................................................. 14
Indianapolis Undergraduate Business Learning Competencies and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) ........... 15
Required Course Materials
This course employs an eTextbook titled “Understanding Business” by Nickels, McHugh and McHugh and the
corresponding Connect website published by McGraw-Hill. A fee for the eText will be added to the student’s
Bursar account.
The eText and Connect resources are accessible via links in Modules on the Canvas site for the class. Students
can also purchase a print version of the textbook directly from the publisher. The purchase link can be
found on the Connect site.
Course Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Business Administration (x100) course outcomes are associated Kelley School of Business
Student Learning Objectives and with IUPUI Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success (PLUS). These
program and university goals are articulated in the appendix to this syllabus, and the individual goals associated
with an outcome are included in parentheses.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to.
State the important roles and responsibilities of business leaders to the primary stakeholders of an
organization (e.g., owners, lenders, vendors, employees, customers, government, community, etc.)
including the legal and ethical obligations of the business leadership (SLO 1a.3, 2.1, 6.2).
List the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of businesses (e.g., sole proprietorships,
partnerships, corporations, and limited liability companies) and characteristics that lead to business and
entrepreneurial success (SLO 2.1).
Write a case study analysis of an international business to identify global, economic, competitive,
and/or organizational factors that influence business decisions and/or outcomes. (SLO 1a.1, 1c.1, 2.2).
Work in a team to experience what helps or hinders group interaction and effectiveness while
researching and analyzing a business using inquiry, critical thinking, teamwork, decision making,
advocacy, and communication skills (SLO 1a.3, 1b, 1c.1, 2).
Calculate eight financial ratios that provide insight into a businesses’ profitability, financial leverage,
liquidity, and asset turnover using financial statements found in the 10K and prepare a written report (SLO
1b.2, 1b.3, 2.2).
Make informed decisions about businesses and business contexts using credible information from
multiple sources and supported by analyses, logic, and self-awareness of biases (SLO 1a.3, 2, 6.2).
Write analyses of a real-world business to include recommendations to, more effectively, employ
one or more elements of the “marketing mix” (product, price, place, promotion, people, processes, and
physical evidence) to grow the top-line of a business, satisfy customer needs, increase brand loyalty, or
increase market share (SLO 1a.3, 1c.1, 2).
Decide on majoring in business at the Kelley School of Business Indianapolis while exploring
personal interests, work rewards, and skills employed in the functions of management, human resources
management, operations management, marketing, accounting and finance (SLO 1a.3, 2, 6.2).
Recognize opportunities to apply the four functions of management to effectively plan, organize, lead
/ motivate, and control a chosen academic course of study (SLO 2).
How to Get Started in this Class:
Begin with the “START HERE!” Module at the top of the webpage: Click on the "Modules" tab in our Canvas
Site. Download and activate Zoom and Register on Connect by following the instructions provided in the module.
Set up Canvas Notifications:
Set up your Canvas Notifications so that you will be notified of due dates, Announcements, and other important
class notices.
1. Click on your image in the sidebar on the far left of the screen in Canvas.
2. Click on "Settings"
3. Add at least one email address for Canvas to use to notify you
a. You can also add a cell number for Canvas to notify you via text message
4. Make sure your time zone is correctly set for your geographical region
a. If not, click “Edit Settings” and reset the time zone
5. Take a look at “Web Services”
a. If you want to submit directly from Google Drive, “register” that service
6. Click on the "Notifications" link on the left side of the screen
a. View the icon legend at the top of the screen
b. Go through the Course Activities, Discussions, etc. and select when you want to be notified. At a
minimum indicate that you want to be notified right away for
i. Due Date
ii. Announcement
iii. All Submissions
iv. Submission Comment
Where to Find Your Class Materials:
Syllabus and Syllabus
Top Hat
Everything Else
Go to our class Canvas site and click Syllabus in the navigation pane.
Go to our class Canvas site and click Announcements in the navigation pane.
Top Hat link in the Navigation Panel on Canvas
RegisterBlast in the Navigation Panel on Canvas
For simplicity and efficiency, ALL reading and video materials, assignment
information*, and Links to quizzes and exams are located in the Weekly
modules. Information is NOT spread out under “assignment”, “quiz”, and “files”
tabs. Those tabs are not accessible in this class.
All* of your material for a week will located in the weekly module in the following
order: Focus this week (things that are due or being discussed this week);
Upcoming deadlines; Supplemental information.
To access assigned readings, eText, Quizzes, Exams, Assignments go to the
Weekly Module.
*Information pertaining to the Team Project will be placed in the Weekly Module
(of the week when the information is introduced to the class) and also in the
Team Project Module.
Graded Items:
Total Points Possible: 1000
Pre-class/Readings Quizzes
Weekly Quizzes
Individual Written Assignments
Individual Simulations
Attendance / Participation /
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
Comprehensive Final Exam
Professionalism and Professional
Research Participation
Team Research and Analysis Project
highest 13 scores count
toward grade @ 6 points
(max) each
highest 10 scores count @
20 points each (max)
2 @ 20 points each
3 @ 15 points each
(+10 to -100)
of Grade
Max Points
Team Charter + Gantt Chart-20, Company
Overview-20, Final Research Paper-50,
Grading Scale:
Your letter grade for the course will be determined using the table below. Your grade will reflect your OWN effort,
achievement, and knowledge acquisition. Please note that requests to have earned percentages or points
“rounded”, artificially inflated, or “bumped up” in any way will not be entertained.
% of Available Points That Were Earned
100% – 96.5%
< 96.5 – 92.5
< 92.5 – 89.5
< 89.5 – 86.5
< 86.5 – 82.5
< 82.5 – 79.5
< 79.5 – 76.5
< 76.5 – 72.5
< 72.5 – 69.5
< 69.5 – 66.5
< 66.5 – 62.5
< 62.5 – 59.5
< 59.5 – 0.0
Information on Assignments, Exams, Quizzes, and Missed Assignments
1. Class Participation and/or Activities:
Your instructor will provide additional information in class.
2. Exams:
Four exams will be administered during the semester. Exams will be administered online via Canvas at the
dates/times indicated in the Course Schedule. Exams are closed book/notes and are taken at the Testing
Center on IUPUI campus. ALL EXAMS COUNT toward the final grade.
Exams 1-3 are noncumulative, unit exams and will be made available during a single window of
time for students.
The Final Exam is cumulative or comprehensive
NO MAKEUP EXAMS ARE OFFERED for any exam. If a student is severely ill or hospitalized and
can provide appropriate documentation an accommodation may be considered.
Students are advised NOT to miss an exam.
3. Pre-class / Reading Quizzes and Weekly Quizzes:
A number of Pre-class / Reading quizzes will be assigned. ONLY the highest 13 scores will count toward your
final score. Pre-class/Reading quizzes are not timed and may be accessed multiple times before a deadline.
Twelve Weekly quizzes will be assigned. Only the highest 10 scores will count toward your final score. These
quizzes ARE TIMED and may only be accessed once for points. DO NOT click a Weekly Quiz link until you are
ready to start the quiz. Once started, the timer on Weekly quizzes does not stop, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT
*Quiz questions may NOT be copied, photographed, saved, written down, or recorded.
*Quiz questions, answers, hints, and/or tips may NOT be bought, sold, or shared. Doing so will result in a
grade of “F” in the class and a report to the appropriate University council.
*Students may use their eTexts, printed text, and notes for Quizzes, but STUDENTS MAY NOT WORK
/ Reading
points for
from this
type of
Where to access the
allowed to
When to
submit the
When will quiz
Number of times
a student can
access the quiz
to earn points
A link in the Canvas
module for the
upcoming week that
will take you to the
SmartBook on
Not limited
11:59PM ET on
the Monday of the
relevant week
Only once
access is for
study purposes
Canvas module for
that week
No later
11:59PM ET
on the
Monday of
the relevant
No later
11:59PM ET
on the
after the
quiz opens
60-75 minutes after
the quiz link is
clicked, OR by
11:59PM ET on the
Sunday after the
quiz opens,
whichever comes
Only once
access for study
purposes only)
What to do if you are disconnected from Canvas or Connect while taking a Quiz.
The first Weekly quiz is on Canvas. All others are on McGraw-Hill’s Connect platform.
A. If you still have time remaining to complete the quiz, immediately sign-in to Canvas, or into Connect,
again and attempt to complete the quiz.
a. If you cannot get back into the quiz, you MUST CALL UITS immediately (if the quiz is on CANVAS)
or CALL the CONNECT SUPPORT TEAM if the quiz is on the McGraw-Hill Connect site.
b. Seek help from the support person who answers to get back into the quiz.
c. If the UITS or CONNECT team member cannot fully resolve your issue, THEN, record the case number
you are given AND ask the support team member to email you the report from your case.
B. After you receive the report from UITS or CONNECT, send a Canvas Inbox message to Dr. Andrews
regarding the issue to determine if any accommodation is warranted. The UITS case number and
investigation report, or the CONNECT case number and investigation report (whichever is relevant)
MUST be included in the Inbox message to Dr. Andrews.
4. VARK and Assignment Calendar Assignment:
The VARK is one tool a student can use to begin to understand how he/she learns. Students will be asked to
complete the VARK questionnaire and provide information on how the information they receive can be applied to
learning some material. Additionally, students will create an assignment calendar for the fall semester. This tool
will increase awareness of periods of high and low demand.
5. Business Case Study Analysis Assignment:
The case study analysis is a research assignment in which students learn to access business databases to gather
data on a company and use the data to answer questions about the company. To receive credit, ALL sources of
information that are used in any way must be cited using the citation format indicated by the instructor,
whether or not material is directly quoted. Failure to do so, forfeits ALL points for the assignment.
6. Team Research Paper Assignment:
Each student should form a team with which to complete assignments associated with the Team Research Paper.
Students may team up with students who are also enrolled in the same section. The team will analyze a
company and its industry employing knowledge, techniques, frameworks, and databases presented in X100. The
deliverables include a Team Charter, Gantt Chart, Company Overview, Peer Evaluation, and final Research
Paper. The research paper will culminate in a recommendation to change the company’s Marketing Mix that is
well-supported by analysis of the company, the company’s competitors, and factors in the external business
environment. Only the fully-contributing team members will receive the full teams' grade. The instructor will
provide additional information. Zero points will be awarded for a Company Overview or Research Paper that does
not include both in-text citations and a list of References in the proper format.
7. Research Participation Assignment:
This class participates in the Kelley Research Pool (KRP). Students are required to earn 1.5 research credits
by participating in research studies run by Kelley professors, or by completing written analyses of business
research articles. Credit for your research participation will be allocated in 15-minute intervals, worth 0.25
research credit hours for each 15-minute interval. For example, suppose you see an online study posted, and that
study is estimated to take 30 minutes to complete. You would receive 0.5 research credit hours for completing that
survey. Most studies will either take 15 or 30 minutes to complete, although some studies may take longer. Each
0.25 research credit is worth appx. 3.34 points. Each 0.5 research credit is worth appx. 6.67 points. Students are
free to combine short and long studies to attain the required 1.5 research credits by the deadline. CHECK your
IU.edu email regularly for notices of new studies.
For detailed instructions and explanatory videos click the link below: https://indiana-
ZHohJ . If you have any questions about this requirement, or cannot recall your password, contact KRP
Coordinator, Professor Sasha Fedorikhin at sfedorik@iupui.edu.
Near the end of the term, Dr. Fedorikhin will provide instructors with a report of the research credits you earned.
8. Other Assignments:
Simulations will be assigned to provide additional opportunities to apply concepts presented in class and
strengthen business decision-making ability.
Top Hat will be employed for some in-class activities and Q&A. Students will need to register to use Top Hat.
More information will be provided by your instructor.
Other assignments may be assigned.
9. Extra Credit:
If offered, Extra Credit will be limited to a maximum of 30 points of extra credit (3%) that can be applied to any
student’s point totals.
10. Missed Assignments, Quizzes, and/or Exams and Late Submissions:
Missed Quizzes cannot be made up because lowest scores are dropped automatically. Missed exams may be
accommodated under limited extenuating circumstances. Contact Dr. Andrews to inquire.
Missing assignments, quizzes, and exams are initially recorded in Canvas as a “-“. These will be converted to
zeroes after a time period. If you see a “-“, or a “0” in your Grades, there is no record of submission.
Late submissions will be accepted for the VARK & Assignment Calendar, Business Case Study Analysis, and
Team Project Assignments. These assignments may be submitted up to 24 hours late, with a 50% late penalty
applied. No assignments are accepted more than 24 hours late. On team assignments, late penalties apply
to all team members equally.
Missed extra credit assignments, in-class activities, and other assignments not listed above CANNOT be made up
or submitted late.
We will follow IU’s Covid protocols to determine eligibility for excused absence due to Covid.
10. Course Rules, Integrity, Professionalism, and Professional Courtesy:
Points range from a MAX of 10 points to a MIN of -100 (negative 100) points.
Per Indiana University, students may not “violate course rules” (Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, &
Conduct, section G.5). Violations of course rules may result in loss of points and other sanctions deemed
appropriate by the university. See the Course Rules in this document.
To be successful in business it is necessary to maintain the expected standard of professionalism and
professional courtesy in communications and conduct. One of the following templates should be used in all
written communications. A penalty of 5 (or more) points will automatically be assessed for each failure
to meet these expectations in, and out, of class.
Templates for writing professional and courteous communications:
Hello Professor ________,
[state your concern or question]
Best regards,
[type your first name and last name]
Dear Professor ______,
[state your question or concern]
Your student,
[type your first and last name]
NOTE: Refrain from employing “Hey”, slang, or profanity. A different farewell may be employed if you prefer.
Once you have established the communication, subsequent messages that are part of this conversation do
not require a formal greeting. This is because the conversation has been already established.
If you stop this conversation and, later, start another, begin with a new greeting using one of the templates
What if I miss a class session?
A student may miss up to 4 class meetings without his/her grade being affected.
Missing more than 20 minutes of any class forfeits participation and/or attendance points for that class.
If a student must miss more classes than that, and circumstances warrant, a student may request that an absence
be excused. See the Syllabus Addendum for more information on excused absences and discuss your situation
with Dr. Andrews.
We will follow the current IU Covid policies regarding quarantining or isolation for unvaccinated persons.
Administrative Withdrawal and Student Engagement Roster
Per University policy, if a student misses more than half of the required activities and/or class meetings
within the first four weeks of the course without approval from the instructor, the student may be
administratively withdrawn from the course.
Administrative withdrawal may have academic, financial, and financial aid implications. Administrative withdrawal
will take place after the full refund period, and if you are administratively withdrawn from the course you will not be
eligible for a tuition refund.
SER (student engagement report) will be employed to notify the student and his/her advisor of any issues
observed by the Instructor early in the semester so that the student has time to correct any issues.
The Student Engagement Roster (SER) is employed in this class to provide feedback to students and to
their advisors on their performance and status in the course. If / when feedback is added for a student, that
student will receive a notification via IU email. In some cases, the feedback is also sent to the student’s
academic advisor. Students are strongly encouraged to review all feedback and act on the recommendations
as soon as feasible.
Withdrawal Deadlines
October 23, 2022
Late Drop
Automatic W deadline —
Last day to drop a course with an automatic W grade. Learn more
about late drop/add or withdrawing from IUPUI.
Withdraw with W or F —
Drops will be approved only in serious, extenuating circumstances.
See https://studentcentral.iupui.edu/calendars/officialcalendar.html?term=Fall%202021&calendar_session=Full%20term&category= for more information.
10 | P a g e
Kelley School of Business Honor Code
Students must adhere to all Kelley School of Business (KSB) Student Policies and Guidelines, including the KSB
Honor Code.
Students are required to read the University policy on dishonesty and cheating. Dishonesty and cheating will
result in involved students receiving an “F", or a reduced grade in the course. A student assessed this
penalty will not be allowed to withdraw from the course
Note that the Kelley and IUPUI Honor Codes also apply to any online or recorded assignments. Faculty have
access to a broad range of Canvas analytics which can provide detail about student activity, attempts, and
submissions; any instances of student dishonesty about these may be considered an Honor Code violation
X100 Course Rules
The Kelley School of Business requires that all members of its community—students, faculty, and staff—treat
others with an attitude of mutual respect both in the classroom and during all academic activities outside the
classroom. A student is expected to show respect through behavior that promotes conditions in which all students
can learn without interruption or distraction. Failure to follow course and university rules can lead to a loss of
points and/or other sanctions deemed appropriate by the university. Students MUST:
FULLY ADHERE to ALL Course and University Policies
Arrive to class sessions on time and stay for the entire class meeting.
Obtain authorization from the Dr. Andrews BEFORE CLASS MEETINGS BEGIN to arrive to class late or
leave class early without incurring a penalty.
Refrain from disrupting the class or creating distractions with sound or behavior.
Obtain lecture notes from another student in class if a class meeting is missed.
Conduct themselves in a professional and courteous fashion at all times.
Identify themselves if asked. (Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, & Conduct, section H.8).
Fully follow the information on structuring professional communications.
Refrain from posting images, videos, statements, or any material that is vulgar, explicit, or profane.
Show respect for persons of diverse nationalities, religions, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and
physical abilities.
Maintain at least two (2) ways to access the Internet, Canvas, and the Connect website.
Check class Announcements on Canvas at least twice per week.
Avoid all forms of plagiarism. Plagiarism results in zero points for the affected assignment and may prompt
other penalties or academic disciplinary actions. See (Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, & Conduct,
section G.3).
Accept that failure to include both in-text citations AND a reference list in written assignments is considered a
form of plagiarism and will result in zero (0) points for any affected assignments.
REFRAIN from copying, photographing, writing down, recording, buying, selling, or sharing quiz, or exam, or
homework questions. Engaging in these activities results in zero (0) points on the affected assignment and
charges of academic dishonesty.
Refrain from collaborating on individual assignments.
Refrain from sleeping, doing work for other classes, being argumentative, packing up early, sitting in areas of
the physical classroom that are not allowed (for in-person classes only), visiting websites that are not classrelated during classes, engaging in non-class activities during class.
Advise a non-contributing team member (via Canvas Inbox) that he/she is at risk of being listed as noncontributing a minimum of 4 business days (M-F) before the team’s submission is made AND allow the team
member to make a fair and substantial contribution that will eliminate the risk. Dr. Andrews MUST be copied
on the notice of risk of non-contribution.
Accept that only students who make fair and substantial contributions to team projects will receive full credit
for the team’s deliverables.
11 | P a g e
Emergency Procedure for Using Zoom for Class Meetings
This course employs an in-person format. This means that the class will meet in person at the time and in the
location indicated. There is NO option to Zoom into an in-person class. In the event that the class is required
to meet online instead of in-person, the class will be provided with a Link to a Zoom videoconference and the
class will take place in that format for the required period of time.
To join an X100 Zoom class meeting, students MUST FIRST log into their IU Zoom account that is
provided by Indiana University, then join the meeting. This step cannot be skipped.
Logging into your Zoom account “authenticates” you as a member of the IU community. It also allows us
to trace and report unauthorized attendees in class meetings.
Once you are logged into your IU Zoom account, you will be able to join our online class meeting by
clicking the appropriate link on our Canvas class site or by copying and pasting the following link into your
browser https://iu.zoom.us/j/84403352299
If we must use Zoom for a class meeting, you will need to have access to a camera and be visible on
camera to be marked as “participating” or present.
Please be advised that the class meetings may be recorded.
Make sure that any image in your Zoom profile employs a professional picture and that you are appropriately
attired for class and not engaging in other activities.
Here is a link to the IU Knowledge Base article on Zoom where you can find useful instructions to get you started.
Here is a link to a short video on how to join a Zoom meeting. https://support.zoom.us/hc/enus/articles/201362193-How-Do-I-Join-A-MeetingOnce Dr. Andrews begins a class on Zoom, she will not be able to help you get into the Zoom session and
will not be able to stop class to answer email/inbox. Contact UITS for assistance with Zoom log in.
Access to Internet, Canvas, Connect, and Top Hat
McGRAW-HILL CONNECT throughout the semester.
This course makes extensive use of the Internet, Canvas, and Connect. Access to a computer, laptop, or tablet
that has a camera is needed. A cell phone will not be sufficient to take quizzes or exams.
STUDENTS are required to establish at least two (2) ways to access the Internet, Canvas, Connect
(McGraw-Hill site) in the event that one access path fails. For example, Access Path 1 may be via wi-fi and
laptop and Access Path 2 may be via the Canvas app on smartphone or via wi-fi at a coffee shop close to the
student’s home, or via a computer in the library at IUPUI.
Outages of personal, or dorm, wi-fi, crashes of personal laptops/tablets, loss of a DUO token or cell phone,
delayed flights, forgetting, or other issues that affect individual access to Canvas or Connect will not generate an
excused “miss”, or a reopened quiz or assignment, or an extension of the deadline.
12 | P a g e
IMPORTANT: Students are required to contact UITS or Connect Support, and not the Instructor, to get
assistance with technical and technological issues.
Technology Support Instructions and Contact Information
 Technology support is provided for you, free of additional charge, in the form of the UITS Support
Center and the Connect Support Team.
https://uits.iu.edu/support) for assistance BEFORE the submission deadline passes or before the
quiz timer ends. UITS: 317-274-4357. UITS is available 24/7.
BEFORE the submission deadline passes or before the quiz timer ends. CONNECT SUPPORT:
1-800-331-5094 or via chat at mhhe.com/support.
Reporting an Unresolved Issue: If you contact UITS or CONNECT SUPPORT, you will be provided a
case number when your issue is investigated. If the issue is due to personal factors (e.g., confusion
about time zones, crashed laptop, lost cell phone, forgetting), it will not be resolvable. If the issue
is due to a problem with Canvas or Connect but the corresponding support team cannot resolve the
problem, send Dr. Andrews a Canvas Inbox message containing a detailed description of the issue, the
case number, and the report from the UITS or Connect investigator.
If you are not proficient with Canvas, he/she should take advantage of the training offered at IUPUI.
“Canvas: Basics for Students: - https://ittraining.iu.edu/explore-topics/titles/cvbas/index.html.
Students will access Connect THROUGH CANVAS. There is NO CODE USED for this type of
registration. Students will click on the indicated links in Canvas, access Connect, and register the X100
class. To register to use Connect, students should follow the instructions in the Canvas Module in
our course site that is titled “Getting Started”. Chrome and Firefox are the recommended browsers,
as they work best with Connect. Safari may work for Mac computers.
Top Hat will be employed in X100/5. It will require that students register to use Top Hat. There is
no charge for using Top Hat. Your instructor will provide more information on this in class.
Other: Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a type of cheating or academic dishonesty. Plagiarism occurs when someone else’s work or ideas
are used without giving credit to the author or originator of the work. Plagiarism can occur even if direct quotations
are not employed. Using other’s graphics, statistics, tables, charts, images, etc. without proper citation is
considered plagiarism. See Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, & Conduct, section G.3 for details. Follow
the instructions for citations carefully and fully for all impacted assignments to avoid receiving zero (0) points on
an assignment due to plagiarism and the possibility of other penalties.
Mentoring and Course Assistance for Students of X100
Bepko student mentoring: Bepko student mentor(s) will schedule weekly study sessions and exam review
sessions throughout the semester to improve student comprehension and retention of course content.
Students unable to meet Kelley standards may be required to attend mandatory sessions including visits to the
IUPUI writing center and / or with the Instructor.
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Teaching Assistants: Dr. Andrews’ Teaching Assistants will be available to help students get acclimated to
the class, understand assignments, and provide feedback on most assignments.
Help Dealing with Life’s Challenges:
Students that find life stressors are interfering with academic or personal success, should consider contacting the
IUPUI Office of Student Advocacy and Support (OSAS) or IUPUI’s Counseling and Psychological Services
(CAPS). The Office of Student Advocacy and Support (OSAS) can assist students with notifying all of their
instructors when there is an issue that keeps the student from attending class for a long period (such as the death
of an immediate family member (parent, grandparent, sibling, child, spouse) or a severe illness.
The Office of Student Advocacy can help the student to identify resources and options to navigate life’s
challenges such as finding emergency funding for rent, obtaining emergency housing or food, or finding resources
to help students live safely. For more information, see the OSA website at:
https://studentaffairs.iupui.edu/advocacy-resources/index.html .
IUPUI students are eligible to receive individual counseling services at minimal fees. Group counseling services
are available, free of charge. CAPS also performs evaluations for learning disorders and ADHD; fees are charged
for testing. CAPS is located in Walker Plaza, Room 220 (719 Indiana Avenue) and can be contacted by phone
(317-274-2548). For more information, see the CAPS website at: http://life.iupui.edu/caps/.
Other IUPUI Policies
See the Syllabus Statement under the “Syllabus” tab in the course Navigation panel on Canvas.
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Indianapolis Undergraduate Business Learning Competencies and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
The Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Business Learning Competencies (UBLCs) and Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) map to the
campus wide IUPUI Profiles of Learning as noted below.
1a. Business Language (Maps to IUPUI Profile – Communicator 4: Conveys Ideas Effectively)
Students will prepare and deliver written and oral messages that effectively express ideas and facts to
others. Students will prepare and deliver effective oral and written persuasive arguments.
SLO 1a.1: Prepare and deliver both planned and impromptu oral presentations on selected business topics.
SLO 1a.2: Critique, revise, and improve written and oral communication for both self and others.
SLO 1a.3: Express business ideas in writing, taking message structure, audience, and content into consideration.
1b. Business Quantitative Skills (Maps to IUPUI Profile - Problem Solver 3: Analyses, Synthesizes, and
Students will perform quantitative analysis and use the results to make business decisions.
SLO 1b.1: Identify the appropriate technique, tool, or concept needed to analyze and solve a business problem or make
a business decision.
SLO 1b.2: Apply a technique, tool, or concept to solve a business problem or make a business decision.
SLO 1b.3: Interpret or evaluate the results of quantitative analysis to solve a business problem or make a business
1c. Information & Business Resource Skills (Maps to IUPUI Profile – Innovator 2: Designs & Creates)
Students will analyze business problems, situations and opportunities by identifying and applying
appropriate and relevant information.
SLO 1c.1: Identify and use current technologies to transform raw information into usable formats that enable decisionmaking.
SLO 1c.2: Use technological concepts and relevant computer programs to solve business problems.
SLO1 c.3: Apply technological concepts to organize, streamline, or improve contemporary business events.
2. Critical Thinking in Business (Maps to IUPUI Profile – Problem Solver 1: Thinks Critically)
Students will arrive at reasoned conclusions and make informed decisions in assessing current and
predicted business situations by applying course concepts learned across the curriculum.
SLO 2.1: Identify and describe the problem, issue, or dilemma in a given business situation.
SLO 2.2: Gather, analyze, and evaluate information relevant to solving the business problem, issue, or dilemma.
SLO 2.3: Articulate possible solutions to the problem, dilemma, or issue, supporting each with data or analysis.
SLO 2.4: Select and defend the best solution to the business problem, issue, or dilemma.
SLO 2.5: Analyze business situations, problems, or issues from an international perspective
3. Professional Skills & Competencies (Maps to IUPUI Profile – Innovator 1: Investigates)
Students will apply substantial knowledge and understanding in their chosen major in the study of
SLO 3.1: Explain how decisions in one business functional area affect other functional areas of business.
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SLO 3.2: Meet professional standards and demonstrate competence in important skills and knowledge in a chosen field
of study.
4. Integrative Business Reasoning (Maps to IUPUI Profile – Community Contributor 4: Anticipates
Student will assimilate data from different sources and use more than one business discipline to develop
a model to solve a business problem.
SLO 4.1: Define and analyze unstructured problems and ambiguous situations.
SLO 4.2: Solve business problems requiring analysis and deductive reasoning.
SLO 4.3: Explain the cross-functional implications of problems and situations.
SLO 4.4: Propose solutions to problems and situations that include-cross-functional perspectives.
SLO 4.5: Explain the impact of the global economy on business strategies and operations
5. Diversity & Collaboration in Business (Maps to IUPUI Profile – Community Contributor 1: Builds
Students will use their understanding of the importance of diverse worldviews and practices, cultural
competencies, and sociocultural and socioeconomic factors to foster cooperation and teamwork.
SLO 5.1: Identify the strengths and weaknesses of multiple viewpoints and incorporate multiple values in business
SLO 5.2: Explain the dynamics of culture in work groups, teams, and organizations.
SLO 5.3: Apply intercultural communication skills to communicate, solve problems, make decisions, and resolve
SLO 5.4: Explain the dynamics of motivation in the business context.
SLO 5.5: Identify and apply effective responses to different social norms and cultural practices in a global economy
6. Business & Management Ethics (Maps to IUPUI Profile – Community Contributor 3: Behaves
Students will make business decisions that seek to align their personal values and beliefs (integrity) and
respond to the expectations of others, the organization, and society.
SLO 6.1: Articulate the link between one's personal value system and those of others in business or society.
SLO 6.2: Identify possible ethical problems or issues in a given business situation.
SLO 6.3: Select and apply appropriate analytical frameworks of ethical thought and reasoning to a given ethical
SLO 6.4: Identify potential resolutions to ethical dilemmas and assess the impact on stakeholders
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Monday - Sunday.
Class week runs
The Marketing Mix: Part 1
4Ps Sim Review; Q&A on Exam 3
Exam 3 Available W-Sa (Class will not meet on Thursday.)
Thanksgiving Break (Class will not meet on Thursday, Nov 24.)
Team Project Workday (Class will not meet on Tuesday.)
Kelley Research Pool Closes
Comprehensive Final Exam available Dec 13-16
Final Exam Preparation (Class will not meet on Thursday.)
Nov 29/Dec 1
Nov 23-25
T & TH
Final Exam Q&A (Last Class Meeting)
Securities Markets to Finance Bus.
15 Financial Management
Nov 15/17
Nov 1/3
Nov 9-12
T & TH
T & TH
Oct 25/27
T & TH
Oct 12-15
Aug 30/Sept 1
Sept 14-17
Team Signup CLOSES
*NOTE: Oct 23rd is Automatic W Deadline
T & TH
13 Disc. Exam 3; Using Accounting and Financial Information
Chapter 13: Key Concepts in Marketing
Fall Break (Classes will not meet Oct 17-18)
Q&A for Exam 2: Team Signup continues
Exam 2 Available W-Sa (Class will not meet on Thursday.)
Ops Sim Overview & Team Project Overview
Team Signup Opens
Production and Operations Management
Tuckman's Stages of Group Development
SER and Admin Withdrawal reports likely this week
Business Leadership and Human Resource Management
Disc. Exam 1; Business Forms and Org. Structure
Class will not meet on Sept 22 - Work on Business Case Study Analysis
Exam 1 Available W-Sa (Class will not meet on Thursday.)
Procedures for, and questions about, Exam 1
Entrepreneurship, Sm. Bus., Global Business, & Ethics
Business Basics and Influences of Economics; TopHat; RegisterBlast
Exam Scheduling
11 The Marketing Mix; Part 2
Succeeding in college; VARK & Assignment Calendar
T & TH
T & TH
This schedule is SUBJECT TO MULTIPLE CHANGES. Stay flexible!
1 Syllabus & Course Schedule. Class policies. Identify Notebuddies.
Business Basics
Business & Operations Mgmt.
Accounting & Finance
17 | P a g e
What to read or prepare before class
2 Pre-class/Reading Quizzes on CHS 18 & 19
1 Pre-class/Reading Quiz on CH 17
2 Pre-class/Reading Quizzes on CHS 15 & 16
1 Pre-class/Reading Quiz on CH 14
1 Pre-class/Reading Quiz on CH 13
1 Pre-class/Reading Quiz on CH 9
3 Pre-class/Reading Quizzes on CHS 7, 10 & 11
2 Pre-class/Reading Quizzes on CHS 5 & 8
3 Pre-class/Reading Quizzes - CHS 3, 4, & 6
2 Pre-class/Reading Quizzes on Chs. 1 & 2
Comprehensive Final Exam in the SL070 Testing Center
CHS 18 & 19
CH 17
Exam 3 Topics to Study
EXAM 3 in SL 070 Testing Center
CHS 15, 16, & Addl Readings in Module
CH 14 & Addl. Readings in the Wk 10 Module
You MUST be on a team by 11:59PM on this
date to complete the team project.
CH 13 & Addl Readings in the Wk 9 Module
Exam 2 Topics to Study
EXAM 2 in SL070 Testing Center
Team Project Instructions
Reading on Tuckman's & Ch 9
CHS 7, 10 & 11
CHS 5 & 8 & Tuckman's Reading
EXAM 1 in SL070 Testing Center
Topics to Study for Exam 1
CHS 3, 4, & 6
CHS 1 & 2 & Top Hat Instructions
Register on Connect by accessing and reading the
Prologue Reading Assignment in the eText.
Syllabus and Course Schedule
Highest 10 scores count toward final
Highest 13 scores count toward final grade.
Weekly Quizzes 11 & 12 on Chs 18 & 19
Weekly Quiz 10 on Ch 17
Weekly Quiz 9 on Chs 15 & 16
Weekly Quiz 8 on Ch 14
Weekly Quiz 7 on Ch 13
Weekly Quiz 6 on Ch. 9, & Ops. Sim.
Weekly Quiz 5 on Chs. 7, 10 & 11
Weekly Quiz 4 on Chs. 5 & 8 & Tuckman's
Weekly Quiz 3 on Chs. 3, 4, & 6
Weekly Quiz 2 on Chs. 1 & 2
Weekly Quiz 1 on Week 1 Topics
Click on the Pre-class / Reading Quiz assignment in
Access via Weekly Module in Canvas.
the Canvas Module for the indicated WEEK. READ
Once you click the "begin" link, the quiz
the text. Answer the "Practice" questions no later
timer does not stop.
than the deadline.
Weekly Quizzes on
readings, lectures, & assignments
in the eText
Team Final Paper & Peer Evals Due
Accounting & Finance Simulation
Kelley Research Pool Closes
4Ps Simulation
Team SWOT Analysis Due
Team Charter + Gantt Chart
Operations Simulation
Business Case Study Analysis
VARK + Assignment Calendar
Other Assignments to Submit
Due BY 11:59 PM ET on the Date indicated.
Pre-class / Readings Quizzes