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Helping Animals: Lesson Plan for Elementary School

Helping Animals
A Cambridge Global Perspectives® Challenge
Skill focus: Collaboration
Stage: 2
Learning objectives
Age: 6-7
Topic: Helping Animals
Success criteria
Carry out a task in order to contribute to a shared outcome
Work positively with others, contributing to a shared outcome
Learners are actively involved in each task or activity and can explain their thinking when asked.
Learners demonstrate collective decision-making, explaining their decisions and working as a team to
achieve consensus and shared goals.
As part of a team, learners can follow and carry out a simple action plan, taking on different roles within the
Learners share materials and resources together: they read aloud or listen to each other (or to the teacher);
they take turns and discuss the words, images and ideas.
Learners contribute useful ideas, listen to the responses of others and resolve disagreements (with teacher
support and modeling), before agreeing on decisions with their team.
Record findings from internet research on their worksheets and on their final
Challenge summary
By the end of this Challenge, learners will have developed their collaboration
and research skills. They will research local animals and work as a group to
design and implement a project to improve the environment for animals. They
will also research endangered animal species elsewhere in the world,
connecting local action and global consequences.
Learners observe and record their findings on the given worksheets.
Learners display the results of research in their final presentation.
ACTIVITY 1: How do animals help us? How can we help animals?
Teacher asks, “in what ways can animals help us?” and students discuss their answers as a team.
Teacher will show an activity on Padlet so students can put their answers.
Teacher ask the students to put their answers in 3 columns
Teacher asks, “in what ways can we, as humans, help animals?” and students discuss their answers as a
team. They may just put a photo of an animal along with their short answer about ways on how animals are
helping humans.
Teacher will tell the students to have one answer per column and will have a chance to put photos of
animals which are beneficial to us humans. Guide the students.
The team leader might want to elaborate or discuss further. He or she may ask questions related to the
The team leader may now assign 1-2 students to report their work.
After the given time, all students will be at the main session
Time: 30 mins
Picker wheel
Each team will present their work.
If necessary the GP Master may use the picker wheel to choose who will be the first one to present their work.
The team leader asks the reporters to present their work by screen-sharing - showing the chosen seesaw activity of
the team (other teams may compare their work)
ACTIVITY 2: What animals have I seen around Yangon and Myanmar?
Time: 30 mins
Teacher asks, “what animals have you seen around Yangon and Myanmar?”
Tr. can prompt by saying “think about animals you’ve seen around your house, at parks, around the
school, in the streets…”
Using mindmeister, students list all the animals they’ve seen around Yangon/ Myanmar. They can write as
many as they want on a blank sheet of paper or using their notebook. Since they are P1 they can use either
the actual worksheet or the seesaw format of the Activity #1.
After writing on the paper, teacher tells the students that they will type all the animal they have listed on their
papers – they will continue the activity using the mindmeister.
Teacher tells the following:
In the center of the mind map is “ANIMALS IN MYANMAR.”
Students need to separate the animals they wrote by typing the names of the animals in 2 subcategories.
Teacher gives students the link for mindmeister to the students.
Students must separate the names of the animals into two different categories for: “ANIMALS FOUND IN
MYANMAR” and “ANIMALS NOT FOUND IN MYANMAR” (ex: tigers, penguins, elephants, polar bears, etc.)
Students will do brainstorming and will give each answers – elaborate, perform and give additional
information. Lead teacher may throw more questions while doing the activity.
The team leader may now assign 1-2 students to report their work.
● After the given time, all students will be at the main session
● Each team will present their work.
● If necessary the GP Master may use the picker wheel to choose who will be the first one to present their work.
● The team leader asks the reporters to present their work by screen-sharing - showing the chosen seesaw
activity of the team (other teams may compare their work)
ACTIVITY 3: Why is it difficult for some animals to survive?
Tr. asks, “what do all these animals [from the mindmeister] need to survive?” and students discuss.
Tr. can guide them toward “food, shelter, and a healthy habitat”.
Tr. asks, “what do you think would happen if animals didn’t have these things?” and students discuss.
Tr. asks, “why do you think it is difficult for some animals to survive in Myanmar and around the rest of the
world?” and students discuss.
Tr. shows “ENDANGERED ANIMALS” on the big screen. Students share prior knowledge with their group
regarding anything they know about endangered animals and what it means if an animal is endangered.
Time: 30 mins
KWL chart at SEESAW
“Endangered Animals!” video
Also found at
Students fill out the “K (know)” on a KWL chart with the information they discussed above.
Students fill out the “W (want to know)” on a KWL chart, writing down things they want to know about
endangered animals, what it might mean if an animal is endangered, how an animal becomes
endangered, etc.
Students watch “Endangered Animals!” video (4:18 mins), then at the end of the video, fill out the “L
(learned)” part of the KWL chart.
After the given time, all students will be at the main session
Team Leader will choose 1 presenter to show his or her KWL Chart
If necessary the GP Master may use the picker wheel to choose who will be the first one to present their work.
The team leader asks the reporters to present their work by screen-sharing - showing the chosen seesaw
activity of the team (other teams may compare their work)
ACTIVITY 4: Zoo excursion (Online Experience)
Time: 45 Mins
Tr. will show on the big screen the video of a person who visited the Yangon Zoo. Tell the students that they
should pretend that they are in Yangon Zoo.
Tr. will let the students to watch, he or she may want to ask questions “what can you see?” and so on –
“Zoo Excusion Video”
Tr. asks, “do you think that this animal has everything needs to survive?” (think about food, proper shelter, a
healthy habitat, enough space, etc.) and students discuss.
Tr. asks, “is there anything that can be improved?” (ex: more trees, more space) and students discuss.
Students are given a “Zoo Animal” worksheet via seesaw to complete.
Students answer the questions and draw a picture of what would make the animal exhibit better (ex:
drawing trees inside the tiger exhibit, adding more space for the hippos to walk around, etc.)
● After the given time, all students will be at the main session
● Team Leader will choose 1 presenter to show his or her KWL Chart
● If necessary the GP Master may use the picker wheel to choose who will be the first one to present their work.
The team leader asks the reporters to present their work by screen-sharing - showing the chosen seesaw
activity of the team (other teams may compare their work)
“Zoo Worksheet”
Once back at the main session, Tr. gives students an “Endangered Animals” Special Task Worksheet
Students will do research and answer the following questions on the worksheet:
Is the animal you observed at the zoo an endangered species? Why/why not?
What are three other endangered species around the world? Where are they from?
Why are they endangered?
Time: 30 minutes
“Endangered Animals” Special
Task worksheet
What might we be able to do to help them?
After the given time, all students will be at the main session
Team Leader will choose 1 presenter to show his or her research.
If necessary the GP Master may use the picker wheel to choose who will be the first one to present their work.
The team leader asks the reporters to present their work by screen-sharing - showing the chosen seesaw
activity of the team (other teams may compare their work)
ACTIVITY 6: What animals are endangered around the world?
Time: 30 mins
Use talking stones and talking stone worksheet in SEESAW (First page) to share the information they found
out from their research (allow at least one student each to share one answer/stone). Allow the remote
control to let the students move the stone and share their idea.
“Endangered Animals”
homework worksheet
On the second page, students see if there are any endangered animals from their research that are all from
the same country or same part of the world (continent). Students will draw or paste the photo of an
endangered animal and will answer the question “Why these 3 animals are endangered?”
Seesaw Application
Students pick three animals from the same country/part of the world to do further research on.
Team Leader asks some question while students are doing the activity.
Time: 60 mins
Students do further research on the three endangered animals they picked in Activity 6.
Students make a poster via CANVA for
a) each of the three endangered animals they did research on OR
b) one poster for all three endangered animals.
Students will use their own research from the homework activity and further research at school to make
their informational posters. The posters will act as their FINAL OUTPUT.
Students will then present about their posters and animals with their team members
After the given time, all students will be at the main session
Team Leader will choose 1 presenter to show his or her research.
If necessary the GP Master may use the picker wheel to choose who will be the first one to present their work.
The team leader asks the reporters to present their work by screen-sharing - showing the chosen seesaw
activity of the team (other teams may compare their work)
Students then need to comment on another group’s poster, sharing one thing they learned from others poster.
ACTIVITY 8: Personal reflection and team report
Tr. allows students to work together on the Team Report.
Tr. allows students to complete their personal reflection sheets.
Time: 30 mins
** ensure that students are taking their time, and giving thought and effort to these reports **
Personal reflection sheet
Team report