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Business Ethics Op Ed Reflection Assignment

AP/ADMS 3660
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
School of Administrative Studies, Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies
Value: 30% (15% per assignment, 2 different assignments)
Op Ed assignment submission: Participation module, Turnitin
Twp Op Ed subjects will be posted to the "Participation module" during the course. They
will be due during modules 4 and 8. The class will be divided into random groups for
entire term. You should post your reflection and allow some feedback from members of
the group and then rewrite the Op Ed to include any new ideas or insights you may have
learned. Please allow one week for group members to post replies before the due date.
The discussion groups will allow you to critically discuss the learning material by
responding to questions posted by the course director. You are asked to actively
participate in the discussions and reflect on the discussion in a short essay.
Op Ed ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION: Due Modules 4 and 8 (Sunday at midnight of
applicable module)
For each assignment include one word document that indicates you have reflected on
the evolution of your thoughts during the discussion. Submit your work in Microsoft Word
format via the participation module. Each submission needs 3 separate parts.
1. Your initial first post. No more than 300 words
2. Any comments to your post from other students in your group
3. Your final Op Ed reflection. No more than 500 words
For each post, write a brief reflection on the key points of the discussion forum and your
final thoughts on the topic. Synthesize the information that you posted along with that of
your colleagues. What was similar? What was different? How has your thinking evolved?
How have your thought (not) changed based on the discussion (Maximum: 500 words).
Writing Guidelines
Referencing: All sources you use must be cited in APA style.
Original Thinking: Discussion posts encourage you to find what is meaningful to
you and thus add value to your learning. Do not simply outline or summarize the
material covered. Consider what you found interesting, what you learned that
was new, how your learning affected your preconceptions or misconceptions,
and how your learning affects your point of view and your behaviour.
Demonstrates little or
no understanding of
the subject matter.
This reflection needs
Score: 0-2
Demonstrates a basic
understanding of the
applicable module partially
supported by relevant course
readings, experiences and/or
additional pertinent
Score: 3-5
Demonstrates a conscious and
thorough understanding of the
applicable module supported by
relevant course readings,
experiences and/or additional
pertinent information.
Score: 6
Lacks self-reflection.
Does not include
summary of evolution
and is lacking
sufficient detail.
Score: 0-2
Demonstrates a thorough selfreflective analysis including a
summary of how thinking evolved
supported by specific and
illustrative examples from the
Score: 5
and flow
Poorly organized,
difficulty integrating
and communicating
Score: 0
Discussions contain an
attempt to engage in
personal reflection of the
event, and there is usually a
moderate effort to discuss
personal perceptions,
behaviour, thoughts and/or
feelings. Partial
demonstration of “active
listening” to discussion
Score: 3-4
Adequate organization and
logical flow, moderate clarity
in communication of ideas.
Includes introduction,
transitions and conclusion.
Score: 0-1
Presents the reflection in a
compelling manner. Consistently
well-organized, logical, clear
communication of ideas.
Score: 2
Poor grammar,
punctuation, spelling
and neatness. Does
not meet discussion
instructions and goes
over word limit.
Score: 0
Small number of minor
grammatical or other writing
errors. Meets discussion
instructions and is within the
word limit.
Score: 0-1
Consistently uses correct
grammar, spelling, and
punctuation. Meets discussion
instructions and is within the word
Score: 2