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Drug Trafficking Routes & Philippine Drug Act (RA 9165)

First important drug traffic route:
MIDDLE EAST- discovery, plantation, cultivation, harvest. TURKEY
- preparation for distribution.
- manufacture, synthesis, refine U.S
- marketing
It is noted that plants such as the opium poppy, as sources of dangerous drugs are cultivated and
harvested mostly in the areas of middle east while Europe become the center for the drug manufacture
and synthesis. United States become the overall center for drug marketing.
Second major Drug Trafficking route:
1. Golden Triangle
South East Asia- the golden triangle approximately produced 60% of opium in the world, 90% of opium in
the eastern part of Asia. It is also acknowledged source of Southeast Asian Heroin.
Heroin is produced in the golden triangle and pass through nearby countries in relatively small quantities
through air transport while in transit to the United States and Europe countries.
2. Golden Crescent
 Iran
 Afghanistan
 Pakistan
 India
In Southeast Asia- the Golden Crescent is the Major supplier of opium poppy, MJ, heroin products in the
Western part of Asia. It produces at least 85% to 90% of all elicit heroin channeled in the drug
underworld market.
The world’s drug scene:
1. Middle East- the Becka Valley of Lebanon is considered to be the biggest producer of cannabis in
the Middle East. Lebanon also became the transit country for cocaine from south America to
Europe illicit drug markets.
2. Spain- known as the major transshipment point for international drug trafficking in Europe and
became the paradise of drug users in Europe.
3. South America- Columbia, Peru, Uruguay, and Panama are the principal sources of all cocaine
supply in the World due to the robust production of coca plants-sources of the cocaine drug.
4. Mexico- is known in the world to be the number one producer of marijuana (cannabis sativa)
5. Philippines- second to Mexico as to the products of marijuana. It also became the major
transshipment point for the worldwide distribution of illegal drugs particularly shabu and cocaine
from the Taiwan and South America. It is also noted that Philippines today is known as the drug
abusers in Asia.
6. 11. Japan- became the major consumer of cocaine and shabu from the United States and Europe.
Organized Crime Groups behind the Global Drug Scene:
1. Colmbia Medellin Cartel
Founded during the 1980’s by Columbian drug lords in the name of Pablo Escobar Gaviria
and drug bosses Jose Gonzalo Rodrigues Gacha and the top aid cocaine barons Juan David and the
Ochoa Brothers.
The Medellin Cartel is reputedly responsible for organizing world’s drug trafficking network.
2. The Cali Cartel
The downfall of the Medellin Cartel is the rise of the Cali Cartel-the newly emerged cocaine
The cartel produces over 90% of cocaine in the world. Due to this, it was called the best and
the brightest of the modern underworld. “they are professionals of the highest order, intelligent, efficient,
imaginative, and nearly impenetrable”- US Drug Enforcement Agency.
Gilberto Rodriguez Orajuela- better known as Don Chepe “the chest player” heads the syndicated
organization. Under him, the Cali Cartel was considered the most powerful criminal organization in the
3. The Chinese Triad
Also called the Chinese Mafia is the oldest and biggest criminal organization in the world.
It is believed to be the controller of the “Golden triangle” with international connections on drug
1. Binondo-based Chinese Syndicates
Has been identified as the nucleus of the Triad Society, the Bamboo gang based in Taiwan
and the 14K based in Hong Kong. The Bamboo Gang is the influencer of the Green Gang of the
Chinese Triad while 14K is the newest among the Triads families only established in 1947.
2. The Filipino-Chinese drug syndicates
Are groups responsible in smuggling shabu into the country. Most drug couriers use Hong
Kong and Taiwan as their embarkation points of the Philippines. And recently, intelligence
reports reveal that large quintets of shabu are smuggled in the country directly from
mainland China through commercial airlines and ocean-sea vessels.
The most common “modus operandi” by the syndicates-posing as fishermen along the
Philippine sea, particularly, the northern provinces of Luzon such as La Union, Ilocos, and
Pangasinan where they drop their load of shabu to shoreline-based members. The
syndicates are famously in marijuana cultivation and another drug smuggling including
drug manufacture.
Republic Act No. 9165
RA No 9165 otherwise known as the Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2002, which was
passed into law on June 7, 2002, overhauled the 30-year old Dangerous Drug Act of 1972. The
new law increases penalties for drug related offenses while placing more emphasis on the
rebuilding of lives through rehabilitation and treatment.
The law is primarily designed to safeguard the well-being of its citizenry especially the youth from
the harmful effects of dangerous drugs. Its provisions against the use of dangerous drugs show
the intent of the present legislature to pursue an intensive and unrelenting campaign to
eliminate the drug menace and reintegrate its victims into society. Repealing RA 6425, the
dangerous Drug Act of 1972 Approved and signed by the President of June 7, 2002.
Took effect of July 4, 2002.
Consolidation of House Bill No. 4433, and Senate Bill No. 1858.
RA 6425
Prohibited Drugs
Regulated Drugs
Volatile Substance
RA 9165
Dangerous Drugs
Controlled Precursors
Essential Chemicals
Dangerous Drugs and
Precursors and
Essential Chemicals.
Important or bring into the -life imprisonment to death.
Philippines any Dangerous Drugs -fine ranging from 500K to 10M
regardless of the quantity and pesos.
purity involved including any and
all species of opium poppy or any
part thereof or substances
derived therefrom even for floral
decorative and culinary purposes.
Use of Diplomatic passport, -Maximum penalty of death
diplomatic facilities or any other
Unless authorized by law, import
and essential chemical.
Delivery, Distribution
and Transportation of
Precursors and
Essential Chemicals.
12 years and 1 day to 20
Organizes, manages or act as
Maximum penalty of death.
12 years and 1 day to 20 years.
Unless authorized by law Sell, Life imprisonment to death and a
Trade, Administer, Dispense, fine of 500K to 10M pesos.
Deliver, Give away to another,
Distribute, Dispatch in transit or
Transport any Dangerous Drugs
including any species of opium
poppy regardless of quantity and
purity involved.
- act as broker in any such
Unless authorized by law, shall - 12 years and 1 day to 20 years and
sell, Trade, Administer, Dispense, fine ranging from 100K to 500K
Deliver, give away to another, pesos.
Distribute, Dispatch in transit or
- Any Controlled Precursor.
If STADD or T within 100m from Maximum penalty of death.
the school.
Pusher who used minor or Maximum penalty of death.
mentally incapacitated individuals
messengers or in any capacity
directly connected to the
essential chemical trade.
If the victim of the offense is Maximum penalty of death.
minor or a mentally incapacitated
individual or should a dangerous
drug and/or controlled precursor
and essential chemical involved in
any offense herein provided be
the proximate cause of death of a
Organizes, manages or acts as
Maximum penalty of death.
12 years and 1 day to 20 years.
Maintenance of a den, Maintain a den, dive or resort Life imprisonment to death and a
dive or resort.
where any dangerous drugs are fine ranging from 500K to 10M
used or sold in any form.
Maintain a den, dive or resort 12 years and 1 day to 20 years and a
where any controlled precursor fine ranging from 100K to 500K
and essential chemicals is used or pesos.
sold in any form.
Where any dangerous drugs are
administered, delivered or sold to
a minor who is allowed to use the
same in such a place.
Maximum penalty of death.
Should any dangerous drugs be Maximum penalty of death and a
the proximate cause of death of a fine ranging from 1M to 15M pesos.
person using the same in such
den, dive or resort, (the
If such den, dive or resort is Confiscated and escheated in favor
owned by a third person, of the government.
Specifically allege in the
criminal complaint that
intentionally used in the
furtherance of the
Prove such intent on the
part of the owner to use
such property for such
Owner shall be included in
the criminal complaint.
Organizes, manages a act as a Maximum penalty of death.
financer of any of the illegal
and visitors of
a den, dive or resort.
12 years and 1 day to 20 years and a
fine of 100K to 500K.
Any employee of a den, dive or
resort who is aware of the nature
of the place.
12 years an one day to 20 years and
a fine from 100T to 500T
-Is aware of the nature of the
place as such and shall knowingly
visit the same.
of Any person, unless authorized by Life imprisonment to death and a
Dangerous Drugs and
the law shall engage in
fine of 500T to 10M pesos
controlled manufacture of dangerous drugs
precursors and
Any person unless authorized by 12 yrs and 1 day to 20 years and a
Essentials Chemicals
law shall manufacture any fine of 100T to 500T pesos
controlled precursor and
essential chemical
The presence of any controlled precursor and essential chemical or
laboratory equipment in the clandestine laboratory is a prima facie proof
of manufacture of any dangerous drug It shall be considered an
aggravating circumstance if the clandestine laboratory is undertaken r
established under the following circumstances
a. Any phase of the manufacturing process was conducted in the
presence or with the help of minor(s);
b. Any phase or manufacturing process was established or
undertaken within one hundred (100) meters of a residential,
business, church, or school premises;
c. Any clandestine laboratory was secured or protected with booby
d. Any clandestine laboratory was concealed with legitimated
business operations; or
e. Any employment of a practitioner, chemical engineer, public
official or foreigner
- Any person who organizes manages, or acts as financier
“Maximum penalty of Death”
- Protector/ Coddler * 12 yrs & 1 day to 20 yrs fine of 100T to 500T