SET serveroutput ON; spool spool.lst; DECLARE l_file_name VARCHAR2(1000); l_utl_dir VARCHAR2(4000); l_db_name VARCHAR2(60); l_sys_date TIMESTAMP; l_script VARCHAR2(30) := '3-32728060351'; l_item_key VARCHAR2(30); l_lin_id := 3804880; BEGIN l_item_key := To_Char(l_lin_id); -- Setup debugging oe_debug_pub.debug_on; oe_debug_pub.initialize; oe_debug_pub.setdebuglevel(5); l_file_name := oe_debug_pub.set_debug_mode('FILE'); Dbms_Output.put_line('Debug log is located at: ' || Oe_debug_pub.g_dir || '/' ||Oe_debug_pub.g_file); oe_debug_pub.ADD('Running script: ' || l_script); SELECT name INTO l_db_name FROM V$DATABASE; oe_debug_pub.ADD('Running for databse: ' || l_db_name); SELECT SYSDATE INTO l_sys_date FROM dual; oe_debug_pub.ADD('Execution time is: ' || l_sys_date); select number_value into l_user_id from wf_item_attribute_values where item_type = 'OEOL' and item_key = l_item_key and name = 'USER_ID'; select number_value into l_resp_id from wf_item_attribute_values where item_type = 'OEOL' and item_key = l_item_key and name = 'RESPONSIBILITY_ID'; select number_value into l_resp_appl_id from wf_item_attribute_values where item_type = 'OEOL' and item_key = l_item_key and name = 'APPLICATION_ID'; update oe_order_lines_all set flow_status_code = 'CANCELLED' , cancelled_flag = 'Y' , ordered_quantity = 0 , ordered_quantity2 = decode(ordered_quantity2,NULL,NULL,0) , schedule_ship_date = NULL , schedule_arrival_date = NULL , schedule_status_code = NULL , shipping_quantity = NULL , shipping_quantity2 = decode(shipping_quantity2,NULL,NULL,0) , shipped_quantity = NULL --This has been added as part of Bug#24511667 , shipped_quantity2 = decode(shipped_quantity2,NULL,NULL,0) , actual_shipment_date = NULL , fulfilled_flag = NULL , fulfilled_quantity = NULL , fulfilled_quantity2 = decode(fulfilled_quantity2,NULL,NULL,0) , actual_fulfillment_date = NULL , cancelled_quantity = ordered_quantity + nvl(cancelled_quantity,0) , cancelled_quantity2 = Decode(ordered_quantity2, NULL, NULL, ordered_quantity2 + nvl(cancelled_quantity2, 0)) , visible_demand_flag = NULL , last_updated_by = -6156992 , last_update_date = sysdate where line_id = l_lin_id AND open_flag = 'N'; Dbms_Output.Put_Line('Successfully updated line'); oe_debug_pub.ADD('closing workflow : '||l_lin_id); oe_debug_pub.ADD('Processing for line_id: ' || l_item_key ); fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_resp_appl_id); wf_engine.handleerror( OE_Globals.G_WFI_LIN , l_item_key , 'CLOSE_LINE' , 'RETRY' , 'CANCEL' ); -- Finishing script with success oe_debug_pub.ADD('Script succesfully executed.'); oe_debug_pub.debug_off; EXCEPTION WHEN Others THEN Dbms_Output.Put_Line('Error : '|| sqlerrm); oe_debug_pub.add('Error : '||sqlerrm); ROLLBACK; END; /