NGUNI SECONDARY SCHOOL SCHEMES OF WORK BIOLOGY FORM 3 TERM ONE 2015 WK LESSON TOPIC DATE 1 1 CLASSIFICATION II 2 2 CLASSIFICATION II 3 CLASSIFICATION II 4&5 CLASSIFICATION II 1 CLASSIFICATION II 2 CLASSIFICATION II 3 CLASSIFICATION II CONTENT OBJECTIVES T/L ACT. RESOURCES Review of binomial nomenclature and general principles of classification The learner should be able to:Briefly state the general principles of classification. -explain binomial nomenclature. The learner should be able to:State and explain the general characteristics of each kingdom. Discussion Sec. Bio KLB pg 1-3 Principles of Biology vol II pg 1-2 Discussion Sec. Bio KLB pg 3-7 Principles of Biology vol II pg 4 The learner should be able to:State the main characteristics of major divisions of plantae Discussion Sec. Bio KLB pg 1-9 Principles of Biology vol II pg 15-18 The learner should be able to:State the main characteristics of phylum spermatophyte and sub phylum gymnospermae and angrospermae. -state differences between class monocotyledonae and dicotyledonae. The learner should be able to:-List the classes of arthropoda. -explain the main characteristics of Arthropoda. Grow fungi on moist bread and observe under microscope. Observe and draw monocot and dicot plant of maize and bean seedlings Sec. Bio KLB pg 9-12 Principles of Biology vol II pg 18-19 Observe and draw various specimens Earthworms., spider, bee, grasshopper etc Sec. Bio KLB pg 13-16 Principles of Biology vol II pg 26 The learner should be able to:State the main characteristics of phyla chordata Discuss Sec. Bio KLB pg 16-20 Principles of Biology vol II pg 32-36 The learner should be able to:State the gemera; characteristics of Avesa d mammals. Discuss Sec. Bio KLB pg 18-21 Principles of Biology vol II pg 35 General characteristics of kingdoms -mollera -oritictusta -fungi -planate -animalia Main characteristics of major divisions of plantae -Bryophyta. -ptenzlophygia -spematophyta Major divisions of plants(up to class level) Main characteristics of the Phyta Arthorpoda dn chordata Arhropoda -Diplopoda -chropoda -insecta crustacia -arachnhida. Main characteristics of phyla chordate -pisces -amphibia -mammalia -Reptilia -aves mammalia General characteristics of the classess of chordate. -Amphibia -Reptiles -Pisces REMARKS 3 4 5 6 4&5 CLASSIFICATION II 1 CLASSIFICATION II Construction and use of simple dichomous keys based on observable features of plants and animals. 2 CLASSIFICATION II Use of simple plant leaves dichotomous key. Simple dichotomous key (animals) 3 CLASSIFICATION II Use of simple animal dichotomous key. 4&5 CLASSIFICATION II Identifying organisms 1 The learner should be able to:(i) state with examples the general characteristics of the named classes. Observe and draw various specimens eg Fish ,frogs, snakes Observe photographs of various classes. Construction and reading of simple dichotomous keys. Sec. Bio KLB pg 17-19 Principles of Biology vol II pg 33-34 Construction and reading of simple dichotomous keys. Sec. Bio KLB pg 23-27 Principles of Biology vol II pg 39-42 Construction and reading of simple dichotomous keys. Sec. Bio KLB pg 28 Principles of Biology vol II pg 42-44 The learner should be able to: Identify given organisms, relate structures of a living organism to their functions by observing either whole organism or parts of photographs. Construction of simple dichotomous keys. Sec. Bio KLB pg 28-31 Principles of Biology vol II pg 45-47 Use of dichotomous key in organisms Identification. The learner should be able to:-identify an organism from a given dichotomous key.) Observation and identification Sec. Bio KLB pg 26 Sec. Bio KLB pg 28-31 Principles of Biology vol II pg 45-47 The learner should be able to:-use external observable features to answer simple dichotomous key for plants. The learner should be able to:Use the already constructed dichotomous/keys to identify given organisms(leaves) The learner should be able to:Use the already constructed archotomous key. 2 CLASSIFICATION II REVISION WORK The learner should be able to:-answer all questions on classification. Questions Discussions 3 CLASSIFICATION II REVISION WORK The learner should be able to:-answer all questions on classification. Questions Discussions 4-5 1 CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT TEST Ecology Basic concepts of ecology Discussion 2 Ecology Factors in an ecosystem . A biotic factor 3 Ecology Factors in an ecosystem . Biotic factors interrelationships 4&5 Ecology 1 Ecology Interrelationship- competition, prediction , appropriation and symbols Nitrogen cycle The learner should be able to:Define the term ecology habitat and ecosystem etc. The learner should be able to:State and explain the abiotic factors in an ecosystem. The learner should be able to:State and explain the biotic factors in an ecosystem & thie interrelationship. The learner should be able to:Explain the mentioned concepts The learner should be able to:Draw and explain the nitrogen cycle. chart Discussion Discussion Discussion Sec. Bio KLB pg 21-23 Principles of Biology vol II pg 38-39 Sec. Bio KLB pg 33-34 Principles of Biology vol II pg 48-49 Sec. Bio KLB pg 33-34 Sec. Bio KLB pg 37-40 Principles of Biology vol II pg 54-59 Sec. Bio KLB pg 38-40 Principles of Biology vol II pg 54-59 Sec. Bio KLB pg 40-41 Principles of Biology vol II pg 72 7 2 Ecology Company number of not nodules of legumes farm soil of different fertility The learner should be able to:Compare no of nut nodules of legumes form are of different fertility. Soil collection Fertilizer identification Sec. Bio KLB pg -41 3 Ecology Energy flow in an ecosystem The learner should be able to:Explain energy flowin an ecosystem Discussion 4&5 Ecology Food chain and Food web Discussion 1 Ecology Decomposers and pyramid of numbers The learner should be able to:Identify and construct food chains and food webs The learner should be able to:Explain decomposers Draw and explain pyramid of numbers. Sec. Bio KLB pg 42 Principles of Biology vol II pg 69 Sec. Bio KLB pg 42-44 Principles of Biology vol II pg 69-71 Sec. Bio KLB pg 43-45 Principles of Biology vol II pg 70-71 2 Ecology Pyramid of Biomas The learner should be able to:Draw and explain the pyramid of biomas Discussion chart Sec. Bio KLB pg 45-46 3 Ecology Population estimation method Discussion 4&5 Ecology Methods -Quadrial method -lime transect -Belt transect -capture recapture method The learner should be able to:Define population List population estimation methods. The learner should be able to:Explain each method of population estimation. KLB Biology pg. 46-47 Principles of Biology vol II pg 75 KLB Biology pg. 46-49 Principles of Biology vol II pg 81-84 MID TERM EXAMS 1 Ecology Adaptation of plants to various habitats . Discussions 2 Ecology Mesophytes 3 Ecology Hydrophytes and halophytes The learner should be able to:List the adaptations of mesophytes (common terrestrial plants) The learner should be able to:Explain the adaptations of mesophyt4es(common terrestrial plants) The learner should be able to:- 4&5 1 REVISION-CONTINOUS ASSESSMENT TEST Ecology Effects of pollution in human beings and other organisms 8 9 10 2 3 Effect of pollution Ecology Control of pollution The learner should be able to:Explain the effect of pollution. State the categories of pollution The learner should be able to:State and explain the effect of pollution The learner should be able to:- Discussion chart Discussion Practical work Discussions Discussion Discussion KLB Biology pg. 50-51 Principles of Biology vol II pg 60-62 KLB Biology pg. -51 Principles of Biology vol II pg 62-63 KLB Biology pg. -53-56 Principles of Biology vol II pg 100-102 KLB Biology pg. -57-58 Principles of Biology vol II pg 102 KLB Biology pg. -59-60 11 12 13 & 14 Air pollution Water polution Soil pollution Radio active emmissions 4&5 Ecology 1 Ecology Human diseases Bacterial diseases 2 Ecology Protozoa diseases Amoebiosis 3 Ecology Parasitic works Askaris Lambriacarda(round worms) 4&5 Ecology Adaptive characteristics of Askaris lambicordes to its parasitic mode of life. 1&2 Ecology Revision work 3 4&5 Ecology Ecology CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT TEST Practical activities EXAMINATIONS END OF TERM ONE EXAMS. Explain the control of pollution . Explain effect of water pollution. The learner should be able to:State the sources of soil pollutionand exaplain each. Explain the radio active emmissionsand their effects. The learner should be able to:State the bacterial diseases Explain the bacterial diseases Cholra and Typhoid The learner should be able to:Explain the symptoms , prevention and treatment of the named diseases Discussion Principles of Biology vol II pg 103 KLB Biology pg. -63-64 Principles of Biology vol II pg 109 Discussion KLB Biology pg. -64-65 Principles of Biology vol II pg 122 Discussion KLB Biology pg. -66-69 Principles of Biology vol II pg 131 The learner should be able to:State the mode of transmission and effects of the parasite to the host. The learner should be able to:Explain the characteristics -Give prevetion and treatment of diseases associated with the parasites. Discussion KLB Biology pg. -67-68 Principles of Biology vol II pg 124 KLB Biology pg. -68-70 Principles of Biology vol II pg 124-128 The learner should be able to:Answer all questions correctly Questioning Discussion KLB Biology pg. 33-68 Principles of Biology vol II pg 121-138 The learner should be able to:Collect record analyse and interpret data from ecological studies Calculate rates of consumers to producers from data provided. Collection and analysing KLB pg. 44-49 Discussion NGUNI SECONDARY SCHOOL SCHEMES OF WORK BIOLOGY FORM 3 TERM TWO 2015 WK DATE 1 LESSON TOPIC 1 REVISION OF FIRST TERM WORK (REVIEW OF THE PREVIOUS TERM’S WORK REPRO-DUCTION Concept of reproduction IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION Cell division IN PLANTS AND Chromosomes, mitosis ANIMALS and meosis 2 3 2 4&5 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS Practical activity on Onion, bulb roots, beaker acid,microscope. 1 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS Meiosis 2 3 CONTENT 3 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS 4&5 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS 1 2 3 4-5 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS First Meiotic division -interphone 1 -prophase 1 -metaphase 1 -anaphase 1 -Telophase II Second meiotic division Interphae II prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase II Asexual reproduction Types of Binary fussion Spores (sporalation Budding in yeaasts Sexual reproduction in plants (parts of a named insect and pollinated flower. Terms used in describing a flower. OBJECTIVES T/L ACT. RESOURCES Discussion The learner should be able to State the importance of reproduction The learner should be able to:Explain chromosomes Explain the general concept of mitosis. The learner should be able to Observe stages of mitosis . Explain why the onion root is ideal for the expt. The learner should be able to Explain the principles underlying meiosis. The learner should be able to Explain the 1st meotic division Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 78 Principles Pg. 141 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 78-80 Principles Pg. 141-143 Perform the experiment Sec. Bio KlB pg. 81-82 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 82 Principles Pg. 144 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 83-84 Principles Pg. 144-145 The learner should be able to Explain the 2nd meiotic division. -explain the difference between meiosis and mitosis. The learner should be able to Explain binary fussion and sporalation and other importance. The learner should be able to Explain budding in yeasts. Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 84-86 Principles Pg. 144-145 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 87-88 Principles Pg. 146 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 89-90 Principles Pg. 146 The learner should be able to Give the structure and functions of a flower observe Sec. Bio KlB pg. 90-92 Principles Pg152-153 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 92 Principles Pg. 153 The learner should be able to State and explain the terms describing a flower CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT TEST REMARKS 4 1 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS Pollination and agents of pollination 3 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS 4&5 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS The learner should be able to Explain hermaphrodites and monoecious plants Explain protanary & protogyny Explain self sterility or incompatibility. The process pf The learner should be able to fertilization in flowering Explain the process and draw plants illustrations. Fruit and seed formation The learner should be able to Describe and explain hoe different fruits and seeds are formed. Classification of fruits & The learner should be able to seeds Observe draw the various fruits and seeds Fruit and seed dispersal The learner should be able to Explain the adaptation of fruit & seed to the agents of dispersal CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT TEST Sexual reproduction in The learner should be able to animals Differentiate between internal and external fertilization in animals. Reproduction of The learner should be able to mammals Draw and explain the male Structure to functions of reproductive system. the male reproductive system Male reproductive system The learner should be able to Explain the male reproductive system in details. Practical activity The learner should be able to Dissecting dish, Tray, Investigate the reproductive pins , wool system of a male animal. Structure and functions of The learner should be able to the female reproductive Draw and describe the female system reproductive system. REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND To investigate the female reproductive system 2 5 1 2 3 6 4&5 1 2 3 4&5 7 1 2 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS Adaptations of flowers to pollination. -insect pollinated flowers -wind pollinated flowers Features & mechanisms that hinder self pollination and self fertilization. The learner should be able to Explain pollinations and give agents of pollination The learner should be able to Explain the defferences between the two. The learner should be able to Investigate the female Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 93-94 Principles Pg. 157-159 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 94-95 Principles Pg. 159 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 95-96 Principles Pg. 153 chart Sec. Bio KlB pg. 96-97 Principles Pg. 159 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 97-98 Principles Pg. 161-162 Observe & draw Sec. Bio KlB pg. 94-100 Principles Pg. 163 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 102 Principles Pg. 164-165 Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 104-105 Principles Pg. 165-167 chart Sec. Bio KlB pg. 105-106 chart Sec. Bio KlB pg. 105-106 Drawing and observation KLB pg 107 Discussion and explanation chart. Sec. Bio KlB pg. 106 Principles Pg. 166 Charts Observation and Drawing Sec. Bio KlB pg. 108 Principles Pg. 167 ANIMALS 3 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS 4&5 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS 8 MID TERM EXAM 9 1 REPRO--DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS 2 3 4&5 10 1 2 3 REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRO-DUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS P kit, pins cotton wool, board. Abuse /rabbit(female) Fertilization The learner should be able to Explain the general principles of fertilization Describe the human sperm and ova formation. The learner should be able to Explain the fertilization process. Define implantation -explain formatting placenta Discussion charts Sec. Bio KlB pg. 108 Principles Pg. 167 Discusssion charts Sec. Bio KlB pg. 111-112 Principles Pg. 168 The role of the placenta. The learner should be able to Explain the role of the placenta Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 113-115 Principles Pg. 171 Gestation period and parturition The learner should be able to Describe gestation period Describe the birth parturition The learner should be able to Explain caesarean delivery Explain abortion and child labour. Caesarean delivery Abortion Parental care Child labour CONTINUOUS ASSEMENT TEST. Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 119-120 Principles Pg. 174 Role of hormones in the human reproduction Discussion Sec. Bio KlB pg. 120-121 Principles Pg. 175 charts Discussion Bio KlB pg. 121-122 Discussion Bio KlB pg. 123 Questioning and answering Entire topic The process of fertilization Implantation and formation of placenta. Menstrual cycle Sanitary health 4&5 Revision questions on the topic 11-12 reproductive system EXAMINATIONS (MOCKS AND REVISION. The learner should be able to Explain secondary sexual characteristics in both males and females. The learner should be able to Explain the menstrual cycle Illustrate the mentrial cycle. The learner should be able to Explain sanitary health. Menopause describe NGUNI SECONDARY SCHOOL SCHEMES OF WORK BIOLOGY FORM 3 TERM THREE 2015 WK DATE 1 LESSON TOPIC CONTENT OBJECTIVES 1 2 OPENER EXAMS REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS Sexual transmitted infections(S.T.Ds) Gonorrhea 3 REPRODUCTION PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRODUCTION PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRODUCTION PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRODUCTION PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRODUCTION PLANTS AND ANIMALS The learner should be able to Explain the mode of transmission Incubation period. Give control and treatment The learner should be able to Give the details of the named diseases. The learner should be able to Give the description ofr the named diseases. The learner should be able to Give the mode of transmission prevention and cure. The learner should be able to Explain the social economic effects of HIV/AIDS The learner should be able to Explain the advantages and disadvantage of asexual reproduction. The learner should be able to Explain the advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction Answer questions The learner should be able to Examine stages of mitosis using squared young The learner should be able to Examine stages of meiosis using anthers of flower The learner should be able to Dissect a small mammal to show organs associated with reproduction 4 &5 2 1 2 3 4&5 3 1 2 3 4 IN Syphilis & trachomoniasis IN Candidrosis , hepatitis & Herpes IN HIV AND AIDS IN Social economic effects of HIV/AIDS IN Advantages of asexual reproduction Disadvantages of asexual reproduction. Advantages and disadvantages of sexual reproduction Revision questions REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS REPRODUCTION IN PLANTS AND ANIMALS Practical activity Top/charts/Electron micrographs Examine stages of meiosis using anthers of flowers Dissection 4&5 1 CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT TEST GROWTH & Concept of growth & DEVELOPMENT development 2 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Measurements of growth T/L ACT. RESOURCES DISCUSSION Sec. Bio KlB pg. 123-124 Principles Pg. 179 DISCUSSION Sec. Bio KlB pg. 124-125 Principles Pg. 179 DISCUSSION Sec. Bio KlB pg. 124-125 Principles Pg. 179 DISCUSSION Sec. Bio KlB pg. 125-126 Principles Pg. 179-180 DISCUSSION Sec. Bio KlB pg. 127 Sec. Bio KlB pg. 128 DISCUSSION Sec. Bio KlB pg. 128-131 DISCUSSION EXPLANATION Examine specimen Diagraphs Demonstration The learner should be able to Explain the concept of growth and development. Discussion KLB pg 132-133 Principles 186 The learner should be able to Explain measurement of growth Draw a sigmoid curve to represent growth and explain. chart KLB pg 133-134 Principles 186-187 REMARKS 5 3 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 4&5 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 1 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 2 3 6 4&5 1 2 7 -ways of breaking dormancy Conditions necessary for germination -H20,0,temp, enzymes, hormones, viability GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT CONTINUOUS ASSESSEMENT TEST GROWTH & Types of germination DEVELOPMENT GROWTH & Primary growth DEVELOPMENT 3 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Secondary growth 4&5 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Revision on the general work. Role of growth hormones in plants. Apical dominance GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Practical Activity Tomato seedling growing in bin 1 2 3 8 9 Growth and development in plants Investigates bean may be soaked over night Scalpel, petridish etc Seed structure and dormancy in seeds The learner should be able to Investigate structural differences between monocots and dicots seeds Demonstration KLB pg 135-136 The learner should be able to Illustrate the seeds structure . Explain dominancy in seeds Explain factors that cause dominancy. The learner should be able to Illustration(charts) Discussion. KLB pg. 136-138 Principles 190 Discussion. The learner should be able to Explain the conditions necessary for germination Discussion. KLB pg. 137-138 Principles 191 KLB pg. 138-139 Principles 192 The learner should be able to Explain apigeal germination Illustration(charts) Discussion. KLB pg. 139-140 Principles 193 The learner should be able to Explain Hypogeal germination The learner should be able to Explain primary growth Explain region of growth in a root. The learner should be able to Explain secondary growth in details with illustrations The learner should be able to Answer everything correctly. The learner should be able to Illustration Discussion. Discussion. KLB pg.141-142 Discussion KLB pg.143-146 Questioning explanation Discussion Entire topic The learner should be able to Explain apical dominance in plants. The learner should be able to Investigate apical dominance in plants Demonstration KLB pg. 142-143 Principles 196 KLB pg.147-148 Demonstration KLB pg. 148 The learner should be able to Explain growth and development in animals' The learner should be able to Explain growth &a development in insects, The learner should be able to Discussion KLB pg. 148 Principles 199 Discussion KLB pg. 148-149 Discussion KLB pg. 148-149 KLB pg. 142-143 Principles 196 MID TERM EXAMS 1 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Growth and development in animals 2 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 3 GROWTH & Growth & development in insects Development in housefly Complete metamorphosis 4&5 10 11. 12 & 13 DEVELOPMENT GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Incomplete metamorphosis (cockroach) practical activity Fresh meat conical flask Lens & cotton wool Practical work 1 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 2 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Of seeds 3 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT 4&5 GROWTH & DEVELOPMENT Germination Condition necessary for germination. Role of Hormones in insect metamorphosis (Role of growth hormones in insects REVISION WORK & PROJECTS END OF YEAR EXAMINATIONS The learner should be able to Explain incomplete metamorphosis Investigate the changes that take place during growth of a housefly The learner should be able to Investigate the development of a cockroach The learner should be able to Examine , draw and difference seeds The learner should be able to Investigate types of germination Demonstration KLB pg. 149-150 Principles 200 illustration KLB pg 150 illustration KLB pg 136 Demonstration experiment Principles The learner should be able to Explain the rule of hormones in insects Discussion KLB pg 150