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My ring of time

My Ring of Time
Loud and swift knocking on the door, and when I went to check on it, I found an
envelope; I took it back to the laboratory and opened and found a ring with a message:
wear me, and you will get what you most desire and more, given to you on a golden
plate and spoon as if you were the son of an emperor or a king or both -Distant-relative.
“What nonsense that only exists in fiction and stories.” Thought to myself. I wore
it as if to show that it is not real. Once I wore it, nothing had happened. I remembered
my work on general relativity; only then did the ring activate and got me back in time to
when that had happened just outside of my laboratory, but I felt a weird current going
through my body; only then I realized that my body had been transformed by nature into
anti-matter and that my probable death was inevitable.
“How does this relate to the message? Hmmm, I got it; time-traveling contradicts
general-relativity and makes the theory of everything plausible.” Saying to myself. Then I
started using my newly acquired powers to prove my hypothesis, but I could not prove
one part without touching my past self and dying in the process one, which is that time
traveling bodies gets converted into anti-matter and back.
After long mental tormenting of opposing-forces, between survival-instinct and the
love for science, I decided not to touch him but give him a copy of my research to get a
Nobel prize. After that long journey, I attempted to go back to the present, but got there
late by a few hours and found my assistant, Martha, which I despite, is searching for me
with a red face like the nectar of red roses and grow fond of her after knowing she cares
about me and I started getting out of my social anxiety. A few weeks later, after I
confessed to her my love, we made the ring again with the help of the Nobel prize
money and research, and we sent it back in time to where it all has started. What an
irony it appears to be scientific after all.