WORKSHOP 03: HIRAC 2. RISK ANALYSIS / EVALUATION 1. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION NO. WORK ACTIVITY LIFTING BOXES HAZARD POSSIBLE EFFECTS EXISTING RISK CONTROL(IF ANY) PROBABILITY SEVERITY RISK 3. RISK CONTROL PROPOSED DUE DATE / STATUS CONTROL MEASURES SAFETY HAZARD 1. Tripping hazard 1. Multiple physical injuries 2. Boxes falling 2. Leg/foot injury 1 Likely could happen sometime First Aid Needed Very Likely Medical attention and could happen any time short-term incapacity LOW assign a buddy system when lifting heavy objects ASAP HIGH Give workers proper PPEs ASAP N/A HEALTH HAZARD 1. Bad lifting posture 1. Sprain and strain injury 2. Overexertion 2. Exhaution and stress Very Likely could happen any time Very Likely could happen any time Long-term illness or serious injury Long-term illness or serious injury corrective posture orientations, daily stretching exercises worker rotations, shifts and EXTREME frequent breaks EXTREME ASAP ASAP