Survey Validity Questionnaire

A Questionnaire to Establish Validity of the Survey Instrument
Name of Validator: ________________________________________ Designation: ___________
Number of years in teaching: __________________
Bachelor’s Degree: ___________________________ Major Field: _______________
Post–Graduate Degree: _______________________ Major Field: _______________
Instruction: Please examine the attached Survey-Questionnaire carefully prior to answering this
evaluation sheet. On a scale of 1 – 5 (5 is the most positive), rate the degree of validity of the instrument
on different criteria by checking the space provided corresponding to your answer. Please use the code
5 – Very Highly Valid
4 – Highly Valid
3 – Moderately Valid
2 – Fairly Valid
1 – Not Valid
A. Organization
1. The structure of the questionnaire is well-planned and organized.
2. The questionnaire has a clear and simple layout.
3. Each of the indicators is clearly structured.
4. There is no overlapping and repetition of indicators.
5. Indicators were systematically arranged.
6. The indicators are objective; the responses to be elicited are neither biased nor reactive.
B. Clarity
1. The questionnaire is framed in a clear, simple manner to avoid the risk of errors.
2. The directions are comprehensive and accurate.
3. The scale used is clear and will provide an adequate measure of the responses.
4. The questionnaire is legible, in terms of font color, size, style, and arrangement.
5. The questionnaire uses uncomplicated and appropriate vocabulary words.
6. There are no grammatical or typographical errors found in the validation tool.
5 4 3 2 1
5 4 3 2 1
C. Relevance
1. All the indicators in the questionnaire are suitable to measure the variables in
2. The questionnaire is adequate and systematic in providing descriptions.
3. The questionnaire is capable of eliciting rich data and interesting insights from
the respondents.
Comments and suggestions:
I certify that this evaluation report is my own and has been made without any undue influence from
Signature: _______________________________