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Ethics Reflection: Moral vs. Non-Moral Standards

Ethics is the practice of leading a moral life, of understanding and having the fortitude to
act justly and morally, no matter the consequences. Every stage of life, from childhood to old age,
can be improved via the application of ethics. We can use ethics as a set of guidelines to assist us
make decisions that are completely morally sound. We all pick up moral principles from our
families, friends, religions, and the community in which we are raised. The foundation of a person's
ethical beliefs and a major determinant of their way of life is their culture. The way we interact
with one another, behave appropriately or inappropriately, and communicate is influenced by
When I think about ethics, I realize that all people have some awareness of the moral
concepts that serve as their compass. They have a feeling of good and wrong and are aware that
they try to act morally, but that this is not always the case. Our emotions, other people, and life
situations can all get in the way. The majority of the individuals in my life, since most of them are
members of the El Shaddai family are aware that they cannot accomplish anything without God's
assistance. For some things to work out, God must be willing or at the very least shielding from
The philosophical study of morality is called ethics. The advancement of technology has
caused our society to change today, making the study of ethics more crucial than it was in earlier
times. The philosophical study of morality is called ethics. The advancement of technology has
caused our society to change today, making the study of ethics more crucial than it was in earlier
Moral standards are standards based on values and norms while non-moral standards are
standards based on tastes or preferences, which is how they differ from non-moral standards. To
explain more, moral standards are those that are ethical generally speaking. Morality is not
predetermined by power and deals with issues that may help or hurt people. It is fair and just.
People shouldn't kill, we shouldn't hurt others, we shouldn't lie, cheat, or steal are some examples
of moral norms.
The morality of non-moral standards, on the other hand, is subjective to the individual. It
might be determined by a person's culture or religion. For instance, some individuals find it
offensive or impolite to chew their meal loudly, whereas in other cultures, doing so is encouraged
as a sign of appreciation for the cuisine. Non-moral standards have no set duration.