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Internship Certificate Request Letter

[Mustafa Qamar]
[Head of Department of physical therapy]
[Sargodha medical college]
[University of Sargodha]
Subject: Urgent Request for Internship Certificate as a Physiotherapist Student
Dear Sir Mustafa Qamar,
I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to urgently request an internship certificate as a
physiotherapist student from Sargodha Medical College, UOS. This certificate is a crucial
credentialing requirement for the Canadian license exam, and there is a pressing deadline to submit
this document to the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (CAPR).
As a committed student of physiotherapy, I have successfully completed the prescribed academic
program at Sargodha Medical College. Additionally, I submitted an application for CAPR (Canadian
Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators) through the institute last December. However, I
encountered an issue regarding the internship certificate, which must be provided by the parent
university rather than another institution.
I received a notification from CAPR stating that the internship certificate I provided is not
acceptable, as they require an internship certificate directly from the university, not from my
placement or work experience. If I possess a copy of the university's internship certificate, CAPR
requests a notarized copy of the document. If I do not have a copy of this document, CAPR
requires the certificate to be obtained directly from my university, attested with a wet stamp and
wet signature from the university.
To fulfil the requirement, I need to obtain this internship certificate directly from my university.
Given the upcoming deadline imposed by CAPR, I kindly request Sargodha Medical College to
expedite the process of issuing the internship certificate. Time is of the essence, and obtaining this
certificate promptly is essential to meet the requirements set by the regulatory body.
I understand that administrative procedures, paperwork, or verification processes may be involved
in issuing the certificate. I am prepared to promptly provide any necessary information or complete
any required documentation to facilitate this process. If specific forms or guidelines need to be
followed, please let me know at your earliest convenience so I can fulfil them promptly.
I am sincerely grateful for the education and guidance I have received from Sargodha Medical
College. The knowledge and skills the esteemed faculty members imparted to me have been
instrumental in shaping my career as a physiotherapist. I greatly appreciate your support in helping
me obtain the necessary documents to fulfil the licensing requirements.
I kindly request your understanding and cooperation in prioritizing my application for the
internship certificate. Your prompt response and assistance in this matter would be greatly
Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I am eagerly looking forward to receiving the
internship certificate as soon as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further
information or clarification is required.
Yours Sincerely,
[Salsabeel Arshad]
[Batch 2015 to 2020]
[Tue 23 May 2023]